Karim Abuzaid – Let`s Pray, The Prophet`s Way #1
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AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the importance of praying for Islam, including the use of the word "nab" in Arabic language, the importance of practicing missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed missed
AI: Summary ©
In Alhamdulilah Nakamoto who want to stay in
one when Allah He initially fusina one in sejati Amina
Manya De La Villa Villa woman for her the Allah
will shadow Allah La la la sharika
Well, she had one Selena one avianna Mohammedan Abdullah he was all
about finance. Howdy.
Howdy howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you're here to learn right? We're here to learn. Supposed to face me.
No no no this way this will
put some effort in learning
about fitness. doccle Howdy.
Howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shall
be de la vida. Allah Allah. Allah Allah Allah when
we begin, be malaita Allah today
filhos Allah kita masala
and normally keytab masala the book of the Salah comes in the books of fifth right after kita appa hora y
Linda taharah Shelton Minnesota Sala
for you to pray you must have what
can you pray without Bahar
therefore, you must learn first what
the * and then you come to the Salah.
Like we said the Salah has
has our CAD
has duties
things that you must do
and also it has
recommended things that you should do.
So Pamela sometimes you will find two brothers
over something in the salon like you see your Muslim brother did something that is not right in the salon.
Let's say he did not do Hayato Rafa method.
He did not raise his hand
he did not pray like the Prophet prayed,
but his Salah still valid.
Missing that does not invalidate his Salah.
So you will find some brothers going and arguing sometimes.
And they may actually end up fighting over the issue.
But if the brother would know that this is a recommended act, for example, in the salon, that gives you more more reward.
I don't think he would do that.
Because there's a lot of this person is still valid
for the beauty about this particular class, it will teach you some of the things that you must know or you must do in the Salah. And some of the things that are recommended, but yet if you miss on it, it does not make your Salah invalid your Salah is valid, it just decreases your reward.
Once it comes to following the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam without further delay because we we want to cover this maybe in four or five lectures inshallah.
What is the definition of a Salah?
What is Salah?
What is the ruling regarding the Salah.
Who has to pray
what is the ruling for someone who does not pray
tarika Sala
and how many Salah we must pray
and the virtues of the Salah inshallah
What is the Salah
the once you asked this question in Islam
any word in Arabic
you define it two ways.
You define it linguistically.
And you define it is the law.
They tell you this is a technical word, technical term
and linguistic term.
What is linguistic? What is the word Salah means if an Arab speaks it and I'm not talking about an Arab now, an Arab who speaks what
are the real army not Egyptian Arabic or Moroccan Arabic, Arabic Arabic, Pura Lovato Quran the language of the Quran
and what is the technical term for the Salah?
Look at this, the solid linguistically means four things
it means that
the word Salah means
Allah subhanaw taala said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Quran hood min m wyrley him sada cotton tota hero whom what was a key him beha was Ali Ali.
Take from them oh Mohamed sadaqa there is a cat or sadhaka that sadaqa will purify them
and here is a command to the profit or loss Allah was suddenly lie him about that means Allah Allah prey on them
that's the literal
if you're gonna use the technical definition of the word Salah it means what you pray what
on them
that's what a solidly was Holly This is in the Quran was suddenly Allah him.
Now, you have to define this word linguistically not technically.
Because if you define it technically, you mean that the regular Salah that will try you know what is meant here is make dua for them.
So Salah means what to me what to make dua.
Like yesterday, we asked the brothers to give me what
you make when somebody gives you sadaqa Mika
and those who collect the sort of anecdotal half of the person can fly
solo lorrison
it means also our rahima
we said four things I'm going to quiz you.
So solo linguistically means what
do I do to a rock now what is Rama means?
mercy. Salah means nurse
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he made dua for
le Abby alpha. A family of Le Abby alpha. And he said what Allahumma salli ala le Abby,
Oh Allah. Suddenly.
If you're going to use the technical definition of the word Salah, sadly you're going to say, Oh Allah pray on Allah Allah, the alpha.
Can you say that? So Allah humma Abraham
Salah also means what?
when Allah subhanaw taala spoke in the Quran about those who are patient.
Well, the sheriff's are very glad tidings to those who are patient and levena either a sorbet Tomasi Eva Carlo
those when they are infected with a calamity with a masiva they say in LA LA he was in LA he. What is the next verse? Ola aka la him
millrock be him warra ma.
That means a lot preys on them. la sala work here means the third one which is first no center
that Allah with breeze those people.
When you hear the verse in Allah hair why mela ekata who uses Luna Island Navy?
A lot preys on the Prophet. Is that how we understand it? No. The third definition linguistically is what braising somebody.
Alive is breathing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
and Allah praise the Prophet Solomon the Quran,
Allah Masha Allah kasandra
Enoch Allah Allah.
Hello, Navin. So into a Muslim in Salalah Navy.
Meaning what brings him to in Allah wa mela ekata who you saw Luna r&b. So
do I
Susannah breezing
number four is
when the angels make dua for the believers, when they prey on the believers that means they ask Allah to forgive them. And you don't have to worry much about this. But this will help you understand some of the verses in the Quran. So when you hear somebody saying Allah plays on the Prophet, and some people translate this wrong, actually translating it this way is wrong.
You will find people in Allah, Allah ekata who you saw Luna and Abby, how do you translate this how do you give this a meaning in English? You say Allah and His angels prey on the Prophet
no breeze the Prophet
hallelujah Salah
when the Salah comes to us, a slave a servant of Allah like me and you means mercy
for this is the linguistic meaning of the word Salah
for you, what is the technical definition of Salah
What do you mean by technical first
the Arabic word for technical means is the law
What is this the
law is the law
derives from full
company compromising
making an agreement
okay instead of you defining salah and me defining Salah to be something and me defining Salah something meaning defining Salah Why don't we get together and we agree to a
one definition
one definition
the technical term Sala that means the scholars of the oma agreed to a certain definition for the Salah. somebody tells you what is the Salah Eva, to acquire in waterfire in MK Susa bitec v what enter hibbett teslin philos
hodja Sala RF Sala Jani Sala
Yan is what is the meaning of the salah and I'm talking about the Salah that that will pray Can you define Salah for me?
connection define the Salah for me
define the Salah for me, everybody is going to come with what
is not good for the students knowledge for a student who is studying Islam is not good because you want what one definition only so what is the definition of the Salah in the technical terms that a bad
what I that one word
a bad
an act of worship
that we're either there to acquire in what a file
this about that this act of worship has
speech to you speak with a silently or loud and you act acquire
a file
special to the Salah. mosuo
musataha bigtech be It begins with
a technique what is a technique
and it ends with what Assalamualaikum
Define the Salah
I bother
that begins with that could be
okay what's in the a bad a bad that has actions and sayings
yeah an act of worship that has actions and sayings begins with what
that Be and it ends with what? thusly
that the word edad
the word the bad
that removes from the picture two things number one that you're not praying as a habit
fee muslimeen as a man and there are Muslims now who pray as a habit
and it's happened
the Phoenix visual assault of Jamal and he and he
they they come to power Friday as what some level or something they had is they are used to that every Friday at this time there used to be weird
and the most why why why do you see more Muslims in the masjid than the Friday than the other days?
The animus Allah
generalize this overall Why do you see more Muslims in the masjid on that weighed more than the other the other days? The it is not a bad he's not coming as a bad
boy. A movie star he takes a bath in the morning but then go to the masjid to shake hands with the people and and he probably has a music party afterwards at home
in Morocco Louie the whole thing is what
led Salah Abed an active force
and inshallah as we go through the Salah we're gonna talk about attack we're we're at asleep
by mahak masala
what is the ruling regarding the Salah
if I ask you this question what I'm looking for what do you mean Hawk masala
you are
when when I asked you this what is the ruling what is the ruling
behind praying
It is recommended
it is permissible
it is disliked to pray it is haram to pray or you have to pray
once you asked this question you the answer is in five areas
Or for mandatory to
read recommended three
MOBA permissible you have to memorize those five you have to
you have to disliked hora
have to do
it's recommended to do
it is okay if you do it.
It is dislike to do it.
Don't do it.
Ideal armor armor any command in your deen falls in one of these areas?
What is the difference between worship and recommended?
Now let's see
what worship you have to do with what is the difference between it and recommended?
No, let's hear him huh?
You choose to do it. It's up to you. But do you get punished if you do not do it?
Answer me know.
If you've remembered of the three rockets
we know that there is a sooner after how many rockets
to rockets. It's what
I recommend. Do you get punished if you do not pray those two hours. But you get rewarded if you do it. And you should keep up with the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam we don't want to downplay the son of the Prophet Saracen.
But why?
If you do not do it, you're in trouble. You're sinful. You're subject to the punishment of Allah.
Mr. Hart if you do it you get rewarded.
If you don't, you're not punished.
permissible it's okay to do it.
It is permissible to drink water.
But it's nice to know how to drink according to the Sunnah.
123 and then
it is permissible to eat. Is it haram to eat?
It's permissible to eat. But it's good to know how to eat according to the sun.
Divide your belly into
three thirds. One for your food, one for your water and one for the air to be able to breathe
it with your right hand.
Say that you're supposed to sit in front of the teacher.
I'm a teacher right? All right. Say that Why? What is it? Why before you eat?
Huh Allahumma barik Lennar female was Aptana, joaquina Dabba na
and you make the day after you eat right?
macro it's disliked
it is disliked to hang around people who smoke
it is disliked to be around people who backbite and gossip what is not haram disliked
and then comes in haram meaning if you do with your work you're sinful now what is the ruling once it comes to the Salah?
It's what
for why
show me state
always you must if you're gonna say something Why did you have you must have what?
the lien
once we talk about deleting Islam
what we'll do on the Delete to come from for our
sound let's use the term sound sooner sound Hadeeth not sooner sound Hadeeth
sound you cannot use a weak Hadith to initiate an act of worship. You can
dial in
via malware, malware, malware malware,
but you cannot use a weak Hadith to initiate an act of worship.
So, for our Sunnah and comes anybody knows the third one? Ah Ma,
what is the
consensus of the scholars of the
so we understand now if you want to tell me this thing is why you must provide what Delhi delille first
delille comes from the Quran from the Sunnah and the view of the oma is not alone.
The Quran once it came to the Salah
there is plenty half
Allah salam
wa Salatu was
a people saw that zeca accident in salata.
Gianni, this is the piece that they always use, because it's, it's a killer.
It leaves no space
as the body will look at Highfield half a million and a half Oh God.
You could play with the terror but this one in Tokyo, in the heart of a lover in Harvey, Tokyo.
Tokyo in a Solitaire cannot Allah Allah Mina kita
it has to be performed in a fixed time.
But the sooner had if you use it with the five pillars of Islam and memorize this hadith and all of you know it, or they mean Allah will Hadith
has ever said it gives you a good spice mandra una this hadith maroof Abdullah Abdullah Omar robiola, Juan will have a locario was what they were like it gave me evidence that the Salah is mandatory from the Sunnah
alcohol to Muslim, live normal booni al Islam Allah hums
Islam is built on five
pillars Shahada to Allah Allah Allah Allah OSHA hair that he Allah Allah Allah ma e commerce Salah eater zakka sowmya Rama Wa Wa * use this hadith with the five pillars of Islam
aged man men knuckle his male
model his mother muscavado fulfill fulfilled in
Loma Nina college man, meaning the girl is mellow man who said
love with the entity in
our head shall carry one of the eminent scholars of the oma who compiled in his book The consensus of the
you cannot say kariba was he
said that there is a man whose carry magazine Have you heard of kanimozhi fireman foolish oh can you lift the heavy lift the heavy pulley with him?
In the book so fuck. Then you know what, there is ah man
who has to pray
Allah men taggi boo Sala
della de Vaca Wilma, Yamato urban yes upon Allah
de sala
de la de la Muslim
The only pillar
that you have to do
even if you're fighting physalis masala tea
What is the name of the salada tea break so lateral house house where either couldn't defeat him for de la masala if a two minute mark the version sort of in this app that talks about the Salah of fish lattice with marine sick he has to pray
even if he cannot move
let us both anchor Salah our Salah is mandatory upon every Muslim
the Sisters
of taharah mineral highly one Fs
what happens if a non Muslim prays
somebody who's not a Muslim and he prays
it's okay but he does not get what reward there is no reward law to
pass a law personalizing Sally Sally. And if a non Muslim comes to the messenger I wanna pray with you go ahead pray we don't have a problem but math In fact, it's not going to benefit you but pray for Muslims pray pray
no problem. Give him It's okay. But let him know that this salary is not gonna. He's not going to be rewarded for it. There is no reward.
What is the evidence that for that? levy sossalamander math modern algebra Liliana.
Hadith maruf for sahale had effeminate bass. When the Prophet sent Maya to Yemen Kala Omar, he said Omar in Makati, Coleman lakita you're gonna come to the people of the book, The Yemenis at the time they used to be Christians
Lita Quran Allah method Oh whom la
what the first thing that you explain that you invite them to to do is what? The first pillar of Islam which is what? That you pay witness that there is no one worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger. That's the first thing that you must do in Islam, that takes you from this belief to believe
that you believe in one Allah and you believe that Allah and Mohammed Salah Los Alamos and essentially the profit sector was in whom Elijah who
said in whom,
if they accept it, if they take it from you then do what I tell them about what I
tell them about the salon.
aloka will balance we have a very famous Hadith, highly valued Nadia toilets, he shouldn't be the
raffia Alcala mo anttila
multimedial column here, column.
That leaf na, Rafi l column the pin is less
Did from three individuals live at least they are not what they are not responsible. They are not held accountable those three
asabi ohata yeah tell him
the young boy until he reaches the age of puberty
But there is another ruling for this
that goes with this once it comes to the solar in particular anybody knows what's it what's the ruling
ah Saba sun has Howdy, I'm Rob Nash, ye and Abby and JD will
add it has an Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says Moodle Allah The combust sodality either Bella Saba Maru here is what a command from Allah, that you must commend your children to pray once they reach how many years, seven years, seven years old. What happened if they do not pray? What three, boom Allah, Allah wa SRA Suki, commanding your children to pray for three years from seven to 10. And then at the age of 10. If they do not pray
the work
boom, spanking them.
Like they love their children, they love it. If you if you spanking your child for not praying, he's gonna love it for life.
I wasn't back in what I come from the countryside.
It's a village we know one another and all of that.
For when the event is called, that I'm going to demonstrate and the children are playing in the street, I take a stick and I run behind them.
And sometimes I catch someone I beat them up their family sometimes. And I beat normally the family who are around the age of 10. And they get people and they look at me as smiling like, you know like, I mean they like it because it's like they love it. They love Don't think don't look at it as a man this is cruel, you're beating the children you know why they love it because etc.
The child knows that you're telling him to do something good.
Something good for
something goes in hand in hand with this here like if you're a father, and at the age of seven, until the age of 10 he did not even show your child has how to pray is not even remind them how to pray? Can you beat him at the age of 10?
No, you should not because
I mean you're given three what three years of training until you punish.
So you should give what the training first before what you actually punish them. So the survey
but with the survey, you must understand this one that you must teach your child boys or girls at the age of seven how to pray and then you spanking them up at the age of 10. And maybe Salah Sallam said something else that is important for us to do as parents. We're for real Kobe in our home film Avaya.
Don't have your children sleep next to one another once they reach the age of 10.
Divide them
because they have reached puberty and you want to separate them from one another.
Hola, Rafi Alcala montilla.
tellem, voila calheta
efe well maknoon had tire feet and the person who's insane,
someone who's insane
what we know by crazy, he does not have to pray because he does not have what
the tool luck
applies to this also what the person who works who fails somebody who faints, loses consciousness.
Even if he loses consciousness by the way for three four days
after he comes back by the way, does he have to make the Salah? No, he does not.
He does not have to pray that Salah because he lost what
is often
as we said we for the sisters they must be free of their monthly cycle and also their post delivery. Bleeding
Mauer net malloc
in let us put on whoa Sala
the brother is asking about the person was asleep
and navy Salalah but you see the
The person who faints he does not have to pray, but the person who sleeps he has to make up the Salah nikolina visa Salah manana on selectin nesea ha ha. Felicia Leah
if you sleep
and you did not pray a certain Salah as soon as you wake up you must make up what? That Salah different to the person who loses
the mind. Yeah
Raphael column on Salah Nam Yana novel Hadeeth. Now that can Landrieu from Pomona, like in waffle Hadid now.
But here is the million dollar questions. And if you really want to expand and explore this more, I'm not going to take a lot of time explaining it. But if I'm going to make it as simple as possible for you, and I'm not going to dig into a lot of details, but if you want to just join us, as we explained to Tableau just every Wednesday and we're going to get to this, which is the ruling for someone who does not pray
what is the ruling?
Jose the Salah is what
Salah is mandatory upon every Muslim seine reached the age of puberty for the sisters they are in a state of war taharah fight what is the ruling regarding someone who does not pray?
hope Metallica sobre
Allahu Akbar for you
now know fossen inshallah I'll make it simple
masala comfy sofa
granted this verse does not provide because a Muslim could go to the Hellfire to
now through through
a faster could go to the Hellfire so he does not have to be a catfish. That's what I mean.
Are you ready?
lithological Salah highlighted.
There are two conditions for a person who does not pray.
condition number one gehouden li D the Yeti Herrmann. Kira Luba
Jani Hello Caleb.
He does not believe that I should pray
Why should I pray?
Why should I pray? the AMA Salim
erupts. 15 or 1400 years ago they had a lot of time in their hands. They had nothing to do this to be Shepherd now I'm busy. I have the internet I have the computer.
I have to go to work. I have no time to pray.
salat wa salam
you don't have
a benefit of Allah Salam Salam
ala oma
but with some restrictions.
three restrictions.
memorize those please.
He may be ignorant.
He may not he may not know the consequences of that statement that he's saying he's ignorant of what he's saying.
So you must do what
Heather so May Allah for all gently bill
to motor will
Yamato Dasha
he read the text but understood it this way. Now philosopher Karl polanyi. The Quran takes them
In their understanding is what is a little bit
Yeah, wholly of my friend rhodiola masala Femina.
darphin Phil Phil Hutch, you know and Hutch when you're in Mina.
I am a tertiary, but solid solid a shortened
season of man came the first year he showed him the Salah, but after that he completed the Salah.
the Bedouins used to come to do hard with him
and they used to think that the Salah
is the shortened version and they go back and they pray the over to Raka Raka
that we
met him he did not understand.
So you have to
help this person understand and this is the most difficult
this is the most difficult
in this method and
that is aka bad Milton levy.
We know that there are some Muslims after the death of the Prophet they said you know what, we're not going to pay this anymore Leon will hide
why the local cronulla holdeman am Wally him sadhaka
the metal mahavihara la
rasuwa masala
Marfan Baraka family supanova them there the moment and Rob Lala mean take from their wealth or sadaqa who's being commanded here in this verb, the profit but they said what the profit is what died so I don't have to give it to anybody else.
Femina Sue's
understanding that the text is a gift from Allah subhanaw taala.
By the same
man, we know the stories right?
The case would be presented to Satan that they would he withdrew
and then say no Solomon would give a different ruling. Allah Subhana
was ill. Understanding the text is a gift from Allah. Then the truth trouville coverage in the harsh Allah said nalli
sala hoonah Fifi the first sect in Islam called the average meaning how our doula grew who went away from Satan and started fighting him
what what was their problem?
They will like How can
a human being in the religion
llama really attacking
he accepted human being to judge in issues of the
the What is wrong with that?
Hello. Best when to debate with them say Allah accepted a human being to judge over Arabic.
Yeah, you're Latina, Amazonas up to recite our anthem for a woman patella woman como el mismo mapa mata lemina naniko movie
there are
many add me on a human be if you are in a state of alarm in Mecca, and you kill an animal or a bird you're supposed to give what?
but who rules who judges? A human being?
Who has I'm 35 what is the other one?
He given up being? ameerul momineen he used to be amirul mumineen fatahna salon annual movie and lm jaquan Amira limo means our amuro lil carefree chef Elsa.
Now, when the the Battle of between him and why are we
need a condition that okay give up? Give up segnale Hmm. So he given up being I mean, what? So they said that if he gives up that his amirul momineen then his immediate caffeine.
If Napa sees
the profit in the day for the baby,
we know the story for the baby
at the end
and they were riding the throughs
for now we saw Salama Ali say nanny, this w was writing by the way, is the one who's writing
by ina Mohammedan Bismillah al Qaeda. I don't wanna buy ina Mohammed
Rasulullah rasulillah this 3d is between Muhammad Rasulullah was what the child say.
If we believe that you are assuming Allah would not be fighting you
know do right Rasulullah
What did the Prophet do? Em
erase who's was writing by the way?
Yeah, and if you were to handle it, but
refused to erase, Satan Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah. Allah will not arrange for the rest of the show to me show you what it is I'm gonna do with my show to me.
And he raised himself fear why there is a word of this howdy Jani Hasson Jani via hacer la one day you will be asked to do the same thing and you will except
for supercars you will never be social antennas and in
that you must remove misinterpretation from the person before you call him Catherine
the texture Myskina Chabad don't don't go that path. fee for call and Phyllis takfiri a few muslimeen will Attica Careful Careful Careful Careful Careful
Hata takfiri Maja novena and Janita film iron
Jehovah Tara was the taboola Mr. muscular that you say you say you say you say what whoever does not pray while he know he has to pray
then he's a cat. And I may be talking to you
don't don't point because you never know
number one lifting the ignorance number two lifting the misinterpretation
the misunderstanding of the text number three, this person could be forced
to believe that
could be forced you could be forced that Matthew Salas IML Russians, ex Soviet Union Mackenzie Sala fill fill in the blank there is no Salah right? They used to hide out in order to pray, Father and son who was forced not to pray. So you must not so
gently when when when will
you remove ignorance you remove misinterpretation,
you remove his forced being forced.
If you did this, and the person still insists
what should you do? use data
use data lab and stuff like that. It is not easy. But who does this by the way?
the leader of the machine machine machine does not mean the amount
of the room but Qaeda
in South
further away.
The second case is
he does not pray out of laziness.
The Rika Mata Hallinan, let me ask you, let's go back to the first one first.
Someone who prays but yet he believes that we should not be praying
and suddenly he prays but he comes around says man is solid
and he shows up for every salah and he was ahead before beta solubility and solid solid solid, solid, solid he trades
that person belongs to the first category category. Is that careful? Even if he prays?
Little Jehovah Allah. Amen.
Amen. Welcome
to too is Derek O'Hara Mata mata casilla this person is he is leaving the Salah out of laziness. You ask him, why don't you pray? Good luck on what you're up to.
I praise from and then I leave some. Well, I am Europe, Europe. hilmi prayer, Lucha de la casa
bass Allah knows best inside
my mouth
Whoa, whoa, whoa dominantly
we'll call this the act of the heart. What do we have was a kind of
unfortunate Jehovah Witness
that that you denied us allies is the act of the heart. Then whenever
Maulana wamena nassima, yaku, Ivan nebulae obioma Koroma, whom he will believe in allies and data and the hereafter and he was not a moment. In his heart he was he hates Islam. He would love Islam to collapse.
And he plots against Islam, Google Akasha Dalai Lama shadow no Muhammad Rasulullah nafsa Yaki
luckily does not like the religion
The other one is out of laziness.
But what is the ruling regarding this person?
They there is no difference amongst the scholars of the oma that this person is committing the greatest major sin in Islam Yamaha d'amato
was talking about somebody who does not pray without
having that feeling that we should not be praying he's just lazy. He's He's just that they agreed that this person is committing the greatest sin in the deen of America. They're a tougher quality.
But they differ regarding his ruling.
Some of them said yocto
is still a capital because he does not have excuse not to pray. Who schiffman
Look who said this
From inside
the students who
live NAB s say why Ibrahim?
Allah Mohammed
Abdullah Abdullah Mubarak is half of Nara Hawaii.
Listen to this carefully wahaca who know has an Omar Hassan Omar
has spoke
and has said that this is the view for Omar one more either
now whatever you hoorah
Yeah, and he the same ruling about the other person who is denying the Salah.
But again after you follow the steps lifting what ignorance misinterpretation and being forced. As for the others, woman woman a man or bar
accept one word in for a man. They said who affairs for Saku
he's a disobedient melfest
first coonass in more techie the niqab era mean al Qaeda. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Sophia.
Well, Imam Abu hanifa Allah Allah was horrible and all his students were Malika Shafi and one word in for asthma. Asthma has another view has two views. One working for
can we carry on are you getting tired? We still have two more to finish up.
Carry on. Okay. And then you know, we call the other
wha wha wha
how many Salah Do we have to pray a Shiva
how many
five prayers but we could pray more right
either the Salah to demand the Tour de sola
five tobon with a winner forget Elena Abu hanifa added work
and with
but that goes with what
with the man Abu hanifa differentiating between alpha Waluigi
I'm confusing you enough.
We know that the word worship
is the word that is used always for what is mandatory
in the tongues of all of the Imams. Why did you why'd you why'd you accept Abu hanifa Rahim Allah
He said there is
and there is what what?
And fourth is higher than the
the watch. He considers a lot in which way
but he did not add to the Salawat because the worship is different to the others you understand in worship is does not take you out of Islam.
If you do not do the algebra does not take you out of Islam. But if you do not do the fall that takes you out of Islam, you understand? So don't get confused with that. I should not have said that.
Yeah, I should not have said that. It's confusing. But what is the evidence for this hadith that is agreed upon by Lima, Ohio Muslim people have no way the law and Arabi and a bit when came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala rasulillah he said O Messenger of Allah, Masha, Allah Allahu Allah Yamuna Salah
What did Allah subhana wa Taala prescribed upon me to do a bit when sakala Hamza Salah five daily prayers for Khalil Arabi de bedwin said the Hallelujah
do I have to do more? Colella? Should you do not you do not have to ill and tap on one unless you voluntary pray but the five daily prayers
the mandatory ones
can somebody named them for me
Allahu Akbar Masha Allah, Masha Allah
can can there is another word for SOPA
he knows it. l Fagor. Masha Allah l fecha. So but it is a good technical question. If I asked you to name the Salawat which Salah should you begin with and why
and why
the day
The day changes at Maverick yeah okay.
So that was why
you got the you got the the Y correct but salata ever
Yeah. Because when the first letter of the Prophet Ray, when he sent the bill to him, he taught him how to breathe. And we're going to come to this inshallah Whoa, whoa, awesome. So Russell and the first Salah he prayed was from the five day grace, we know that Salah before it used to be a fetcher and Fatima salata Baraka in
but the five daily prayers were prescribed later so Salah began praying voters. So when you count that the salvati should begin with law
and so forth.
You're gonna have to answer these questions.
I want to count 10 virtues of the Salah.
Name 10 good things about Cray.
Raise your hand and go ahead
you will mooncup
it stops you from committing fracture and mooncup but that brings up a very important issue
if you're Bray, but you still doing fashion and monka
Well, there is a hadith out there that is circulating it's weak weak weak weak la para la Mancha mal Lambton who Salatu Who? And in fascia it will not confer Allah subhanaw taala yeah another Hadith there is no such a thing. If your Salah does not stop you from committing Sasha and Moncure then your Salah is not valid.
This Hadith is weak the afolayan
in our budget is Allah
what Salah.
That's a very good, that's a very good point. He used the verse in Surah Lanka booth in NA salata, indeed de Sala, and this is what the ground in which he made the point regarding the virtue of the Salah, in a salata, the Salah will cause you to stop committing fracture and monka But here is the question which Salah
so luckily, let which Salah let's not go there.
Now Bahasa Mauer Nando Marina we were commanded to do what
Lalalalala at the beginning of the verse Loma Ohio la communal kita here it is, what a mess Allah
is Allah Javi Allahu Akbar
the stock market is does not have anything.
Oh, he wants me to pay these bills.
Allahu Akbar
I'm getting tired man.
Howdy. Howdy Latin handshake mon Akina Salah.
I tell you something, if you establish the salon, with its pillars with its conditions, and the presence
this Salah will stop you from fashion.
Now can feel for sure if you have a new Salah
will have su Elana v
ismailia Hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and an article Hadith It's been a while since I but I'm not sure if he was stealing or committing something Zina or something haram that this person is committed
and I'm not sure so don't Don't hold me accountable. But he prays the head to that night
the Prophet made a statement and he said certain who Salah to who that I mean and in fact his Salah, that Salah because the heck do daddy some some quality about the head good.
The concept of showing off is is far what
is distance
and it would be that because of that did you pray were solid enough that you will be to believe in your house at night when the people are asleep.
For the concert that you're showing off with that Salah is not Jani is not there.
For that kind of Salah it will have for sure and it will have to show in it and it will help that person one day to stop that sin.
Kenya shall become an
Jani DeCosta Kala Abdullah Lowell, habla rasulillah
Yana metalia Sarika Xena, Masako imagina.
De Sala that will stop you from doing the fracture and monka is the Salah. Because of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that a person would pray and he comes out of his Salah was what
you get 10 out of your salon. You know a 10th is one 10th ninth eighth
Seventh fifth of the Sala fourth quarter of the Salah, third of the Salah
in a radula usually we pray all of us we pray, but we get all the reverse from the Salah.
10 nine, eight, okay.
But the Salah that will help you stop the fascia and Moncure will help you override your desire and overcome that craving for doing Haram is when you stand and
when you feel the presence of Allah subhana wa Taala in the Salah, Silla connection by wahida.
We said when I mentioned 10 virtues of the Salah to
young Allah, Allah Subhana Allah
Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam methylated Elena Harada comma filbur a Muslim and Khalid Abu hurayrah he said this imagine
in front of your house,
you have a river
that you go and bave in that river five times a day.
And then he asked the companions Do you think any dirt will be left on the body of that person?
Have you ever gotten in Durrani shape?
If you take about five times a day, I'm asking you will you have more dirt in your body? No way. Target a solid five times feliciana Santa de que la la tarea una tarea.
A person would burn himself because of the sins
and then he comes to burrito
and ally erases distance
and then he goes back and what
burns again
and he comes back to us races.
Then he goes back
comes back
until he sleeps at night
But see there is a restriction for this either my story about al Qaeda al Qaeda. Muslim Khalid Abu hurayrah Salatu hums
well Juma al al Juma on ramadan ramadan McAfee Ratan Lima in hoonah illa mesh universal cover for you the letter
the letter Yes, for the
for the
right if Eonni
Nicola who calculon
la de la
la la
la frischmann Amelia Hadassah limo de la cara insurance number four who said 233 number three
Na Na How do you ever had trouble
like he can he'll give you the challah masala unit.
Now I'm sila Illallah. sent
up Accra boo Maria Kunal Abdullah, he
said we had an older the closest position that a person can be to Allah is when when you prostrating we had an older man no other salah and this is a position of the salon owner visa Salam ala
Allah Allah Allah the broth, they inherited a person to salata, Bellini avena Abbe de nos fine. When you actually seal Fatiha, you're speaking to Allah.
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen Allah Subhana Allah says well hamadani Abdi so you actually speaking with Allah subhanaw taala
Yeah, Annie
She has further
accent mosqueda had an overachiever this is a problem. Listen to this. Our Luma use labdoo yo malkia
The first thing that you will be asked about in a different direction is Salah.
And if you first if you give the care
all the other good deeds
are what captive to up to the Salah
Masekela if you don't pray also add the first test the first question in the test in the diff was rock solid.
So you're going to be asked about the solo
then you're going to be asked two questions about the Salah what they are
lemon to Sally waka to Sally
lemons are late okay for so late.
Did you pray for Allah sincerely or you prayed for the people?
And how did you pray?
That brings the two conditions for any better which is what
if lost sincerity and whatever adherence for you that was 5445 number six
is de Masha Allah Masha Allah femen aka aka Medina.
Sufi Muslim, a Muslim who said there are five pillars right?
Five Pillars of Islam
you say it once in a lifetime Alice you're a Muslim
and everyone says this one
let's leave the Salah desert care
some people do not pay this okay you know that right? Because they don't have what
they don't have that they are poor they are actually entitled to receive what
some what is next fasting
some people do not have to fast because they are
sick or traveling.
What about height? It's conditional to begin with Lima is Tata
mushroom will will be listed to begin with some people will love to watch because they are unable financially
so had just done no Hodge zeca is gone.
Fasting is gone. She has one word that you say once in a lifetime. So I'm asking you what is left for you
to be a Muslim?
What is left slub sala
de la de Valle Amala Delica Hadith in Turkey sala de la uncouth little kurama fish What is it name tag Muslim by name
my info for Salah here I met de
What was that? Number seven six. Okay number seven
nom How do you mean Jimmy is
number seven Yeah, it was it.
Was he a Navy
Imagine this the prophets Allah Salam was dying,
leaving this dunya
and he was repeating this statement of Salah
one America you a man
or Sala woman I look at a man.
Imagine this a solid, solid, solid, solid solid.
You know when when somebody is dying, he normally leaves behind him what
we'll see a will.
If you love that person, so much. You want to execute what
the hotter some people now the execute the will work if it is against the Sharia.
The other day we had some brothers coming here and they want to take the body buried buried in back in what country yamen those 10,000 instead of transferring all this body all the way to
to this country.
I asked how much yarn is when I was 18,000 18,000 give it at the sada for disperse. While I asked if he'd be an actor, he will benefit from that. Then they can his buddy all the way back to the country
wassa he left the wheel
Fiorina in a decade it was Leah Mohali Felicia nanpa Pelosi, if there was a a is not matching to the Sharia, we do not execute diversity. We don't
they will burn my body after I die
and smash me into ashes. Should you do that? How the FileZilla FileZilla.
If a diseased leaves a will and that will is not in accordance to our Sharia to our shirt, I do not execute it.
Do not execute it.
Whenever I'm just bringing this up that some Muslims now they execute wills that are against the Sharia. In order to fulfill the will here is the will of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam do you ask Allah? Allah? Allah
was here to Nevis. Awesome. So that was number seven number eight.
Allahu Akbar Allah she, this is a beautiful, beautiful thing. Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will will recognize you in the Day of Resurrection because of the traces of fudo
Jani had a Muslim, Avi hurayrah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, one day he visited the graveyards filled with his companions and he made that statement and he said I cannot wait till I need my brothers.
Then the companion said your Rasul Allah we thought we are your brother's
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said no, you are my companions. My brothers are people who will come after us, meaning me and you
and all the generations that came about in the day after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam then the companions asked how will you recognize them almost a year of Allah they said what
the earth he said what they will do because of the traces of
ashes 630 Okay. By
number nine.
You again, Okay, go ahead.
Buy in a lab. You're a baby said that. Excellent. Excellent. That's true. Yes.
Nah, nah.
I was actually hoping that you bring this up with the Salah would bring you with the oma with the congregation.
Beautiful. Howdy, howdy, Surat. We know that the straight path on the top of the hill fire
you see hellfire. And then on top of it there is a bridge
this bridge camera cool episode, he was a man who found it lacking and he had a hobby. fossa he will look thinner
than that the piece of hair
and sharper than the edge of a soul.
And you have to walk on it. To make it to work.
To Jenna to paradise.
Imagine this
and it's dark. My feeling
is that we like feminine
that they hear the word the word. Let's go back to the word. The word is what zone.
It's one word by the way the word is. But it's together. zoo, zoo,
zoo, you know the
Whoever makes it. It's not easy.
For many jobs, the honey nary or the female gender affairs. For a congregation like ourselves, we ask Allah subhanaw taala first that makes us all of those who get to gender without tracking and punishment.
Let's not talk about us another congregation. You go to the masjid you pray with a congregation.
And you know the names of one another. I know Omar
Mora and it's the
Beauty of knowing the names of one another I assure you that we don't know the names of one another yet we're sitting here and we don't even know one another
for some of us would be making it to gender and then we'll look around
oh so and so did not make it
so on So did not make it so what happened to them
they fall away
and the five
this is serious stuff. Then the whole group the whole congregation they go before Allah
Rob Danna, the
Aqua Luna, our brothers Can you saloon Anna Anna?
These two observe Salatu Gemma with us.
Can we assume una Nana they used to break fast with us.
we do not see them.
Allah Subhana Allah Allah will say go and take them out of the Hellfire Latisha at the moment and woman Yes, faliraki Yama pm I believe and will intercede for another believer in a different direction but get to know one another.
Here is the piece that are rather mentioned that they will go look for them in the Hellfire
they will recognize them
with the spots where they used to prostrate on
was supposed to prostrate and how many spots a lot of people would think it's only the face seven these seven spots. How Ramallah Alana and toquilla Allah subhanho wa Taala made the Torah on the fire to touch it so they will recognize them with the traces of photo of Salah to know salatu salam is live in the day for resurrection just to replay Usher
and Salah
would lease you under the protection of Allah subhana wa napolean evisa la Selim, mon Sol La SOTA de Mattila. Insha Allah, this is just an introduction Bismillah Allah if you really want to learn how to pray, do not miss next Sunday, we're gonna talk about and we're gonna make it practical by the way we're going to demonstrate in front of you. But here is something that you should be after learning what are the pillars of the Salah, the things that you must do, what are the duties of the Salah? And what are the recommended things that you should do? And what are the prerequisites the things you should do the Salah the things that you must do before you pray. So that's next week in
sha Allah Subhana Allah Mohammed Ambika shadow Laila Helen Africa