Zohra Sarwari – Those who believe & perform righteous deeds Upon them shall come no fear, nor shall they grieve.

Zohra Sarwari
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 discusses the Quran number 48 of the title and how it references the belief in performing father's father's father's father's actions. They encourage believers to take the path of praising father's actions as a means of doing good deeds. Speaker 1 also emphasizes the importance of taking action and being patient in one's pursuit of father's actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah I wanted to share with you guys and I have the Quran which inspired me today. It's in chapter number six of the Quran is number 48. And it goes up from an ammonite or Aslam fella how often I lay him without him yes and

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and the meaning goes as those who believe, perform righteous good deeds upon them there should be no fear, nor shall they grieve. So those who believe and perform righteous good deeds upon them there should be no fear, nor shall they grieve Allah azza wa jal was promising us that if we are believers and perform righteous good deeds and inshallah we have nothing to fear and nothing to grieve is a promise from Allah is very inspiring to me because so long as we're doing the right things, we're trying our best and we're trying to take the path of Allah and inshallah we have nothing to worry about. So yeah, Robbie me You make us of those believers who do righteous good deeds so that we are

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aren't afraid of anything except you and that we have no grief in this film. And that we take everything with, with patience. I mean, Eminem does deserve to live in a salon Malloch Brown.

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