Zia Sheikh – Yusuf AS in the prison & his interpretation of Dreams Day 11

Zia Sheikh
AI: Summary ©
The Surah message provides insight into the meaning behind stories and the importance of interpreting dreams. The speakers emphasize the need for the person to "just know" and avoiding the "way of the people" in one's behavior. They stress the importance of worshipping the Lord and not giving up on dreams, emphasizing the need to trust Allah's plan and not give up on difficult situations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Last night we started Surah Yusuf and the

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story of Yusuf A.S. has been described

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by Allah SWT himself as Ahsanul Qasas, which

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means the best of stories.

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And not just a story in the sense

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that it's an interesting or a beautiful story,

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rather it's a story which has many, many

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lessons in it.

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That's why Allah SWT describes it as Ahsanul

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Qasas, what we call in Arabic, keeping one's

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self and one's own character pure from engaging

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in relationships which are outside the boundaries of

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Islam in terms of, and this is something

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that Yusuf A.S. protected himself through, and

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even because of that he had to end

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up in prison, he was willing to deal

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with that and put up with that rather

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than fall into the haram relationship, so this

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is a very key element of this Surah.

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I'm not going to go into that, I'm

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going to talk about the event that took

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place while Yusuf A.S. was in the

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prison itself.

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Allah SWT says, Two young men, they entered

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the prison with Yusuf A.S. and they

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had got the news from people that Yusuf

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A.S. knows how to interpret dreams, and

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according to one opinion, they decided to just

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test him out.

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They didn't see any dream, but they decided

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to just test him, so they said, okay,

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we've had these dreams, so interpret them for

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us, and according to other opinions, they actually

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did see the dreams and they asked him

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to interpret the dreams.

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What were the dreams?

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One of them said that I am seeing

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in my dream that I am squeezing wine,

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squeezing wine means squeezing grapes so that they

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become wine, and the other said, and the

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other said that I see in my dream

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that I am carrying bread on top of

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my head and birds are pecking at that

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Give us the interpretation of these dreams, indeed

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we regard you as somebody who is a

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Mohsin, as a well-wisher and one who

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wants good for us, so interpret these dreams

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for us.

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So Yusuf A.S., he didn't give the

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answer immediately.

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What did he say?

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He said that when your dinner comes, when

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your food comes, that's when I'll be able

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to interpret the dream for you, and this

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is what Allah SWT has taught me.

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So there's a couple of meanings that the

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scholars have said this means.

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One that Yusuf A.S., by looking into

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the food itself, he could interpret the dream.

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And there's something which maybe people are familiar

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with, looking into tea leaves is something what

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so-called fortune tellers do.

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They look at, they take a cup of

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tea and the tea leaves, and nowadays you

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have tea bags, but traditionally when you make

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tea, it's used with the loose tea.

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So people, fortune tellers, what they do is

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they look inside the tea itself and they

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look at the shape of the tea and

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everything and they tell the fortune from that.

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Now telling fortunes is haram and this is

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not something that we encourage.

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But some scholars say that Yusuf A.S.

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mentioning that, that when the food comes, I'll

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tell you the interpretation, maybe it's something along

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those lines.

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And another interpretation is that Yusuf A.S.

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was simply saying that at the time when

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your food comes, Jibreel A.S. is going

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to tell me what the interpretation of the

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dream is and this, basically it will be

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ilmul ghayb, directly from Allah SWT, and I'm

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going to wait for that to come.

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And also from this we learn that if

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a person doesn't know something immediately, and this

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is especially for those people in leadership positions

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or in responsible positions, and especially when it

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comes to religious knowledge, the person doesn't know

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the answer to the question, he should research

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it rather than giving a guess to save

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It's easy to just blurt out an answer

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that a person doesn't know.

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Imam Abu Hanifa, he used to say, to

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say I don't know, it is actually half

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of knowledge.

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Because if a person doesn't know, then he

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is going to try to make an effort

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to learn what he doesn't know.

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But if a person doesn't even admit that

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he doesn't know, then obviously he's not going

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to make an effort.

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So, to ask for time and to say,

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well I'll tell you later, there's nothing wrong

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with doing that, as Yusuf A.S. did.

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The Ayah goes on to say, The wording

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is this, I have left the way of

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a people that have no Iman with Allah

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SWT, and they are denying the Akhirah, they

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deny the Hereafter.

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So the wording suggests that Yusuf A.S.,

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he was on the path of disbelief or

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Shirk, and he left that path and he

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came onto the path of Tawheed.

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But this never happened.

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He was born in the house of a

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Prophet, he was the son of a Prophet,

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he's a Prophet himself, so he was never

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on the path of Shirk or the path

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of Kufr.

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So what does it mean?

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Why does he use this wording?

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This is the way of giving Tawheed to

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Many people, what they tend to do when

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they are advising, even with good intention, they

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put the person on the spot and tell

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him, you are doing this, and you should

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do this, and you should not do this,

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and you are doing this wrong, and you

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are doing this right.

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So basically the person feels like he is

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being put into a corner, and he is

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the only person who is doing anything wrong.

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Whereas, if a person, and you'll see this,

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most scholars they will use this kind of

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terminology when they are giving lectures.

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They will say, we, we should make sure

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that we don't engage in any type of

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Shirk, and we should make sure that we

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should never engage in any type of Bid

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You know, everybody is included in that, including

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the person who is engaged in those wrong

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things, and yet he doesn't feel that he

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is being addressed in that way.

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And this was something that the Prophet ﷺ

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used to do.

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He used to never name people in his

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lectures or his Khutbahs when he used to

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want to address a weakness amongst the people.

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He used to say, You know, what's wrong

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with some people that do such and such

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He didn't even use to name them, but

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in general he used to mention the weaknesses

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of the people or the wrong that they

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were engaging in without directly putting them down

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or making them look inferior in any way.

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So the fact that Yusuf A.S. is

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saying, I left the way of the people,

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it means that you also, if you are

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engaging in Shirk and you are doing something

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wrong and engaged in Kufr and you don't

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have belief in the Hereafter, you, along with

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me, you should also adopt that belief and

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leave Shirk, leave Kufr and follow the way

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that I am following.

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So this was why Yusuf A.S. did

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And I followed the way of my forefathers,

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Ibrahim, Ishaq and Yaqub.

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Now, his father was Yaqub and his father

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was Ishaq and his father was Ibrahim.

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So he should have gone in that order,

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But instead, he mentioned Ibrahim A.S. first.

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Ibrahim A.S., his great grandfather was mentioned.

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Tawheed emanated from him.

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Anbiya A.S. came from him.

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He was Abu'l Anbiya, the patriarch of

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the Prophets and that's why Ibrahim A.S.

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was mentioned and then after that Ishaq and

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And he says, It was not appropriate for

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us that we should commit Shirk with Allah

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SWT in the least.

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This is the Fadl of Allah SWT, the

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blessing of Allah SWT upon us and upon

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the people but most people, they are not

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And then he gives, Yusuf A.S. gives

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the two people that came to him Dawah.

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He says, Oh my partners of the prison.

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See how he gets them close.

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Oh my partners of the prison.

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Oh my companions of the prison.

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Again, not demeaning them, rather bringing them close.

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He says, Different Gods or different Lords.

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Are they better or one all-powerful God?

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Is that better?

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What you have been worshipping other than Allah

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are simple names that you have invented.

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That Allah SWT has not revealed any proof

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Indeed, the judgement is for Allah SWT only.

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And he has ordered that you should worship

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only him.

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That is the straight path or the right

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religion or the straight forward path.

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But most people are unaware.

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And then he tells them the interpretation of

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the dream.

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So, first he gives them the importance of

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Importance in belief in Allah SWT.

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Importance of getting away from shirk.

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And then he tells them what they came

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Oh my companions of the prison.

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One of you is going to be giving

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wine to his Lord.

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Meaning his master.

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Meaning he is going to be set free

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from the prison.

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And he is going to go back to

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the king.

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And then he is going to serve wine

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to him.

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Meaning he is going to be one of

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the servants that are going to be serving

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And the other is going to be hanged

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and birds are going to be eating from

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his head.

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Meaning the rotting body, the carcass is going

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to be hanging up there.

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And birds are going to be eating from

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his head.

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So, he didn't say which one is which.

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It was very clear who is going to

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be who.

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The order or the issue of a matter

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about which you have been seeking the fatwa

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has been ordained.

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Meaning the dream has been interpreted.

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And this is something that is mentioned in

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the hadith.

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That when you see a dream, you should

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not tell it to people who will just

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make up an interpretation.

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According to this hadith of the Prophet, he

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said that when a person tells a person

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a dream, and that person, he makes that

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interpretation of the dream, then sometimes whatever that

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interpretation is done, this is something that is

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mentioned in a hadith.

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So, when a person sees dreams, he should

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try to keep them to himself, or go

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to only a knowledgeable person who can tell

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him what the dream is.

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Many people come to me with scary dreams

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and things that they have been seeing for

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a long time.

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I simply tell them, you know, just give

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sadaqah, inshallah everything will be fine.

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And this is what probably a knowledgeable person

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will tell you.

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That this is how you are supposed to

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deal with these kinds of dreams.

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If you feel that those dreams are going

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to come true, give sadaqah, and the dreams

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do not need to be interpreted every single

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And then he said, Yusuf A.S. said

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to the one who he thought is going

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to be free, Remember me with your master.

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When you go to the master and you

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are giving him wine, remember me.

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So, this was a plan of Allah SWT,

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that these two young men are entered into

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the prison with Yusuf A.S. They ask

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him the interpretation of the dream, and then

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he gives them the interpretation of the dream,

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and one of them is going to go

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back to the king and he is going

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to work in the king's castle, or wherever

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the king was living.

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And Yusuf A.S. told him that when

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you go to the king, remember me.

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Remember me, meaning mention me.

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But then, when the person got free, he

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forgot all about it and stayed in prison

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for a few more years.

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Until the king had a dream.

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And then the king asked for the interpretation

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of the dream.

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Nobody knew the interpretation of the dreams.

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And that person then remembered Yusuf A.S.

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after so many years, went back to the

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prison, got him out.

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He didn't get him out.

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While he is still in the prison, he

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asked him the interpretation of that dream.

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Yusuf A.S. gave the interpretation, and then

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because of the giving of that interpretation, ultimately

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he was released and he became the treasurer,

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or the minister of agriculture.

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He became responsible for all of that.

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So from going from a prison, he was

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put into charge of a government position.

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He got this huge position that nobody could

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have dreamt that a person in his position

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could have attained.

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So this is what ultimately happened.

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But the point is that two men entered

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into the prison with Yusuf A.S. And

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one of them, many years later, became the

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means of his release.

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So, the plan happened in many, many strange

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You meet somebody and that person can help

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you many, many years later.

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Only Allah SWT knows how those relationships work

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and how those things work out.

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So, we should always keep a trust in

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You know, whenever we are going through difficulties,

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Allah SWT has a plan sometimes.

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We don't see it immediately.

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Yusuf A.S. saw the benefit of being

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with those two people many years later, eight

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or nine years later, after he was in

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the prison, but he did see it.

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So, similarly, we should keep in mind that

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Allah SWT sometimes has plans.

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We go through difficulties in our life, hardships

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in our life, and bring us ease.

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It may take us many years to see

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that ease, but Allah SWT does have a

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plan and we should always keep our trust

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in Allah SWT.

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