Zia Sheikh – Tafseer Of Surah Bani Israel Session 17
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The importance of praying for the Prophet units during the night and morning is discussed, as well as the meaning of "na" in Arabic. The holy grail is expected to result in a bonus for the Prophet A.S. and an additional reward for praying. The importance of recognizing individuals and differentiation between them is emphasized, along with the importance of being recognized in the wake of the Day of Judgement.
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Which is not found in any other Salat,
and this is what Allah SWT is saying
here Inna Qur'ana Al-Fajri Kaana Mashhooda.
The Prophet SAW said in a hadith, the
person who prays the Salat, Man Salla Sobh
Fahuwa Fi Dhimmatillah, the person who prays the
Salat, he is in the responsibility of Allah
SWT So what does that mean?
Allah SWT takes care of him.
Allah SWT protects him.
He gets this peace within him He gets
this tranquility within him, and he starts his
day in a beautiful way Because he started
the day in the remembrance of Allah SWT,
in the obedience of Allah SWT The person
who misses his Fajr, he doesn't pray his
Fajr, then his whole day is going to
be Done with difficulty, and internally he's going
to feel bad, internally he feels something is
off So this is the benefit of Fajr.
The Prophet SAW mentioned in a hadith It's
a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, he says
Wa Qur'ana Al-Fajr, Inna Qur'ana
Al-Fajri Kaana Mashhooda, referring to this ayah,
the Prophet SAW said Tashhaduhu Malaikatu Al-Layl
Wa Malaikatu Al-Nahar This is the time
of Fajr in which the Angels of the
night and the angels of the day both
gather and they come and listen to the
Qur'an at that time So this is
Something specific to Salatul Fajr, and in another
hadith, Abu Hurairah RA, it's a hadith of
Sahih Bukhari and Muslim The Prophet SAW said
Yata'aqabuna Feekum Malaikatu Bil-Layl Wa Malaikatu
Bil-Nahar The angels, they basically take turns
with you, they come and go They are
the angels of the night and the angels
of the day Wa Yajtami'una Fee Salatul
Sobh, and they all gather at the time
of Salatul Sobh, meaning at the time of
Fajr and also at the time of Asr
Fa Ya'ruju Alladhina Ba'tu Feekum Fa Yas
'aluhum Rabbuhum The ones that stayed the night
with you, meaning the angels of the night
They ascend to Allah SWT and Allah SWT
asks them, despite the fact that he knows
everything Wa Huwa A'alabu Feekum, Kaifa Taraktum
How did you leave my slaves?
So they say, Fa Yaqulun Ateynahum Wahum Yusallun
We came to them while they were praying,
Wa Taraknahum Wahum Yusallun, and we left them
while they were praying so this is again
the Benefit of praying Salatul Fajr, especially with
the Jama'a, we should try to do
that And then after that Allah SWT says
Wa Minal Layli First of all, Inna Qur
'ana Al-Fajri Kana Mashhooda, indeed the recitation
of the Fajr is attended And then after
that, Wa Minal Layli Fa Tahajjud Bihi Naafilatan
Lak Asa'in Yaba'athaka Rabbuka Maqaman Mahmooda
And at night, make Tahajjud Make Tahajjud, and
Tahajjud, there's a difference of opinion about what
that actually means The actual meaning, if you
look at the root word of Tahajjud, it
means to go to sleep And this is
one of those words, and there are some
words in Arabic like that, that have exactly
the opposite meaning So Tahajjud can mean to
go to sleep, and Tahajjud can also mean
to actually wake up So, opposing meanings Based
upon this understanding, some scholars actually say That
a person, if he wants to pray Tahajjud,
he should go to sleep And then wake
up in the morning, the last third of
the night And then pray Salatul Tahajjud And
then that would be regarded as Salatul Tahajjud
However, Hassan Al-Basri, he says That any
Salat which is prayed after Isha, that is
regarded as Tahajjud Okay, so basically you've done
your Isha prayer You think that you're not
going to be able to wake up in
actual Tahajjud time, the last third of the
night So, it's recommended that you pray a
few Rakat of Nawafil before going to sleep
And that will suffice for you, that will
be sufficient as Tahajjud And you will get
the reward for Tahajjud for doing that But
the best part of the night is the
last third of the night About which the
Prophet SAW has mentioned many specific Hadith Which
say that Allah SWT, He descends to the
sky of the earth in the last third
of the night And He asks His slaves
Is there anyone who is seeking forgiveness that
I should forgive him?
Is there any person who is asking so
I should give?
So Allah SWT's special mercy descends in the
last third of the night But having said
that, according to the opinion of Hassan Al
-Basri at least A person who prays his
Tahajjud even before going to sleep It is
sufficient for him and this will be regarded
also as Tahajjud After that, Nawafilatallak, addressing the
Prophet SAW This is a Nawafilah for you,
a Prophet of Allah Now, this has two
meanings We know what Nawafilah means, right?
It means something which is non-obligatory But
Nawafilatallak, one opinion the scholars say is That
this Nawafilah is specifically for you Which means
that this order for the Prophet SAW to
pray Tahajjud Was specific to him and it
was obligatory upon him to pray Tahajjud It
was something which was specific for him And
it was an obligation for him to pray
the Tahajjud So, this is one meaning And
the other meaning is, Nawafilatallak means It is
a non-obligatory worship for you, meaning it's
a bonus for you Why is it a
Because all of the sins of the Prophet
SAW All of the sins, future, past, present,
any sin that he committed Obviously, he didn't
commit any sins because he was Masoom, he
was protected by Allah SWT But he didn't
commit any sins So, therefore, the praying of
Tahajjud was simply a bonus for him So,
this is the second meaning One meaning, Nawafilatallak
means That this Nawafilah is specifically an obligation
for you And the second meaning is That
this is a bonus for you This is
an extra reward for you, for you to
pray it Because obviously you don't need to
do anything Because all of your sins have
been forgiven So, therefore, this is a bonus
for you, O Prophet of Allah And then
after that It's very close that your Lord
is going to resurrect you and raise you
in Maqam Mahmood In this praiseworthy station, in
this praiseworthy position What is Maqam Mahmood?
This is the subject of a lengthy discussion
which I'm going to talk about right now
There's a few Riwayat that I'm going to
mention, a few Hadith Which will give us
an idea of what this is referring to
Ibn Jalil At-Tabari, he says That the
majority of the scholars, they say That what
does Maqam Mahmood mean?
It is that position, that place, that specific
place In which the Prophet A.S. is
going to stand And he's going to intercede
on the behalf of his Ummah That is
known as Maqam Mahmood All
of the people are going to be gathered
in one place And there's going to be
a person who's going to call And people
are going to be able to see Towards
the end of the horizon, everybody's going to
be seen In this specific place where everybody's
going to be gathered Everybody's going to be
They're going to be naked head and naked
body Just like they were created And then,
nobody's going to be able to talk Just
imagine billions and billions or trillions of people
Just standing, and it's deadly silent Deadly silent,
nobody can speak And there's a Quran in
which Allah A.S. says That you're going
to only be able to hear the shuffling
of the feet This is when the people's
feet are going to be moving That's the
only thing you're going to be able to
hear So, this is what's going to happen
And then, somebody's going to call out The
Prophet A.S. is going to say The
Prophet A.S. is going to respond by
saying Oh Allah, I'm present, all goodness is
in your hands Evil is not referred back
to you And the guided one is the
one that you guide Your slave is standing
in front of you Right in front of
you There's no place for refuge There's no
place to run, except to you You are
high and you are blessed And how pure
you are, the Lord of the house So,
the Mufasireen say that this calling and this
response of the Prophet A.S. This is
Maqamul Mahmood Ibn Abbas A.S. says Maqamul
Mahmood is the place of Shafa'ah Or
the position of Shafa'ah Or the ability
to give Shafa'ah or intercession on behalf
of the Ummah Ibn Kathir A.S. who
is the author of the Tafsir He says,
the Prophet A.S. is going to be
given Very specific and special things and blessings
That nobody else has been given Nobody else
will be given Nobody will be equal He
will be the first one whose grave will
open on the Day of Judgment The Prophet
A.S.'s grave will open the first and
he will be resurrected the first on the
Day of Judgment And then he will come
to the Mahshar riding on something And then
he will be carrying a flag in which
will be followed by Adam A.S. and
everyone else behind him He will be in
front carrying a flag Everybody, all of humanity
will be behind the Prophet A.S. Then
he is going to get Al Hawd The
Hawd which is the spring This spring which
is known as Al Kawthar This will be
something which will be visited by the most
people And then he is going to be
given the ability to intercede on the behalf
of people And this will take place after
people are going to go to Adam A
.S. Musa A.S. Isa A.S. And
they are all going to raise their hands
and say We cannot do anything for you
today And then ultimately they are going to
come to the Prophet A.S. And he
is going to intercede on behalf of people
that have been destined to go to the
Hellfire But the Prophet A.S. is going
to intercede on their behalf And then his
Shafa'a is going to be accepted His
Ummah is going to be judged the first
Our judgement is going to take place the
first And also they will be the first
to go on to the bridge which is
across the Hellfire Which is known as the
Asirat And basically cross over into Paradise first
He is going to be the first one
to enter Paradise And his Ummah is going
to enter the Paradise before anybody So all
of these things combined What Maqamul Mahmud means
according to Ibn Kathir A.S. It is
mentioned in a riwayat of Bukhari Ibn Umar
A.S. says Every
person, every human is going to be resurrected
And they are going to be Juthaa Juthaa
basically means they are going to be bent
over With the pressure of what is going
on around them And each one is going
to go to their Prophet And going to
ask their Prophet Intercede for me, intercede for
me And nobody is going to be able
to intercede Until they come to the Prophet
A.S. And he will intercede on behalf
of people In another riwayat In
this riwayat, the sun is going to be
above the people's heads And people are going
to be sweating And they are going to
be drowning in their own sweats Until the
sweat is going to reach their ears And
while they are in this situation People are
going to be making Istighafa Meaning seeking help
from Adam A.S. And he will say
I am not worthy of doing that And
then Musa A.S. is going to say
the same thing And then to Muhammad A
.S. And he is going to intercede between
the people And he is going to walk
until he is going to hold on to
the ring Of the door of Jannah And
that is Al Maqamul Mahmood That has been
promised to the Prophet A.S. The next
hadith is something that we should all pay
attention to It is something that is easy
to do Yet many people neglect it And
do not take advantage of it What is
that hadith?
Jabir Ibn Abdullah A.S. narrates The
person who hears the Nidaa Meaning the Adhan
And basically he says this Dua After the
Adhan has finished Which is The
Prophet A.S. said Whoever reads this Dua
My Shafa'ah, my intercession Will be obligatory
for him on the Day of Judgement Very
easy thing to do And yet such a
reward That the Prophet A.S. is going
to intercede On our behalf if we do
this Dua This is asking the Prophet A
.S. To give the Prophet A.S. Al
Maqamul Mahmood So when a person does that
He makes Dua for the Prophet A.S.
To get this special status On the Day
of Judgement He himself will be benefiting from
that special status Which will be the intercession
Of the Prophet A.S. On behalf of
him Ubaid Ibn Ka'bar A.S. From
the Prophet A.S. When the Day of
Judgement takes place I will be the Imam
of all the Anbiya A.S. I will
be their Khateeb And I will be the
person Whose intercession will be accepted And I'm
not saying this out of arrogance The Prophet
A.S. said It's not that I'm arrogant
about it But this is a reality This
is going to happen And there are many
many Hadiths Which talk about this whole concept
of intercession And people going to the Anbiya
A.S. And being upset and worried And
running around Not knowing what to do Until
they come to the Prophet A.S. The
Prophet A.S. does a Sajda And makes
Duas that Allah S.W.T. Is going
to put into his heart And then after
that Allah S.W.T. is going to
tell him Raise your head Ask Allah will
give you And intercede Allah will accept your
intercession Beautiful long Riwayat We don't have time
to go into them right now But basically
the summary is That the Prophet A.S.
is going to be given This special status
on the Day of Judgement Just finish off
with a couple more Hadith Inshallah The Prophet
A.S. said that People are going to
be resurrected on the Day of Judgement And
me and my Ummah Will be on a
hill Meaning This Ummah is going to be
specifically Put on a special place Which is
elevated And the people are going to be
around them Allah S.W.T. is going
to make me wear The green clothes of
Jannah The green clothes of Jannah Are going
to be put on me And then I'm
going to be permitted And I will say
what Allah S.W.T. wants me to
say This is what Al Maqamul Mahmood refers
to He says that the Prophet A.S.
said I'm going to be the first person
Who is going to be given permission To
make Sajdah on the Day of Judgement And
I will be the first person Who is
going to be permitted To raise his head
from the Sajdah also I'm going to look
at whatever is in front of me And
I'm going to recognize my Ummah From between
all of the nations This is And I
will look behind me The same thing I'll
recognize my Ummah On my right I'm going
to recognize my Ummah Also on my left
I'm going to be recognizing my Ummah A
person said to the Prophet S.A.W.
How are you going to recognize your Ummah
From between all of the nations There's going
to be so many people From Nuh A
.S. All the way up to your Ummah
So how are you going to recognize them
So the Prophet S.A.W. said They're
going to be Because of the effect of
Wudu Refers to those horses Which have white
patches On their forearms and their feet That's
what Means So the Ummah Their body parts
are going to be shining Just like those
White patches on horses Very very clear That
you cannot differentiate That you can easily differentiate
Between a horse which has those marks And
a horse which does not have those marks
The Prophet S.A.W. said Their body
parts are going to be shining Because of
the effect of Wudu And I will recognize
them So how misfortunate is that person Who
doesn't make Wudu Who doesn't pray the Salat
The Prophet S.A.W. is not going
to be able to recognize them This is
One of the pillars of our Deen is
the Salat It is one of the foundations
To make Wudu and go for Salat This
is something that we should be proud of
And something which will make us be different
From the other people on the Day of
Judgement So we should take advantage of it
As much as possible There is nobody like
that Other than them that are going to
have that The Prophet S.A.W. said
They are going to be given their Book
of Deeds In the right hand And I
am going to recognize them That their progeny
is going to be In front of them
Meaning Allah S.W.T is going to
reunite All of their progeny and children On
the Day of Judgement And this is another
one of the indications Of my Ummah that
their Progeny, their children are going to be
In front of them In Sahih Muslim The
Prophet S.A.W. I
will be the leader of the children of
Adam On the Day of Judgement And the
first person whose grave will be opened up
On the Day of Judgement And I will
be the first intercessor And the first whose
intercession Will be accepted And also the Prophet
S.A.W. mentioned about this Ayah That
This is the place in which I will
intercede On behalf of my Ummah And the
final Hadith Allah S.W.T is going
to stretch out the earth On the Day
of Judgement People are going to be standing
there But there is not going to be
any other space Except for a person's feet
That are going to be there All of
humanity are going to be gathered And the
place is only going to be for the
feet I will be the first one who
is going to be called Jibreel S.A
.W. Jibreel S.A.W. Is going to
be on the right of Allah S.W
.T I
will say to my Lord O my Lord
This meaning Jibreel S.A.W. He informed
me that You sent him to me And
Allah S.W.T will say that yes
He told the truth and then I will
intercede on behalf of my Ummah And I
am going to say O my Lord Your
slaves, your servants They worshipped you in all
the corners of the earth They worshipped you
In all the corners of the earth This
is Al Maqamul Mahmood The fact that I
will be standing in front of Allah S
.W.T And asking him this And conversing
with him This will be Al Maqamul Mahmood
So basically the summary is That Allah S
.W.T is telling the Prophet S.A
.W. That O Prophet of Allah You are
going to get a special status On the
Day of Judgement This status is known as
Al Maqamul Mahmood And when we hear the
Adhan We actually make Dua for the Prophet
S.A.W. O Allah give him this
special status That you promised him And because
of that Allah S.W.T is going
to Allow the intercession That the Prophet S
.A.W. does for people That will be
obligatory On our behalf Allah S.W.T
is going to accept that intercession And we
will be blessed with that intercession And Allah
S.W.T will accept it So this
is the specific Thing and special status Of
the Prophet S.A.W. Which will be
different to all of the Anbiya' Alim S
.A.W. on the Day of Judgement So
we are in that Ummah Of the Prophet
S.A.W. We should be proud of
that And we should be happy That Allah
S.W.T chose us In this Ummah
Allah S.W.T says Allah S.W
.T actually chose you And he didn't make
any Haraj Any difficulty in your Deen So
the fact that we are chosen And we
are in the Ummah of the Prophet S
.A.W. This is something that we should
Be proud of And we should thank Allah
S.W.T For as much as possible
And we will see The true benefits of
that Insha'Allah On the Day of Judgement
I pray that Allah S.W.T gives
us tawfiq to understand and practice What is
being said and heard In
the name of Allah In the name of
Allah I seek refuge with Allah from the