Zia Sheikh – Tafseer Of SURAH ALHadeedSession 4Ayah 21 onwards

Zia Sheikh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the three blessings of a possible flaw in our religion, including a challenge to our beliefs, a desire to be patient, and a desire to return to our natural state. The speaker also mentions the importance of being pleased with what is said and done by Allah "football" for our well-being.
AI: Transcript ©
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I would just like to finish off by

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mentioning a saying of Umar about difficulties that

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happen to a person and how he used

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to deal with them.

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Umar said that whenever I

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was afflicted with any type of problem, I

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found in it three blessings.

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There are three blessings that I found in

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each and every problem that I came across.

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What were they?

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The first blessing was that that affliction didn't

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take place in my religion.

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So what he's saying is that okay, if

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I lose something worldly, that's fine.

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If I lose a camel or a horse

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or a house or I lose a relative

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even, at least I didn't find any kind

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of deficiency in my deen.

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So yes, I don't want any kind of

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difficulty or any kind of deficiency to come

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in my religion.

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So that's the first blessing he says.

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The second thing, that I thank Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala that that difficulty or that

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problem wasn't greater than it was.

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So I got sick, well, I got sick

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but with a flu or I was bedridden

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for a week.

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Or what about the person who is bedridden

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for the rest of his life?

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What about the person who has cancer?

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What about the person who is in a

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vegetative state, in a coma?

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My flu is nothing in comparison to those

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So I should be grateful that the difficulty

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that I went through, it wasn't greater than

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it actually was.

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And the third thing, The third blessing, when

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I come across any kind of difficulty, I

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believe sincerely and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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has promised that if I am patient that

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He will give me a huge reward for

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A huge reward for being patient as Allah

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says in the Quran, Give glad tidings to

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the people who have sabr, who are patient.

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That whenever any affliction comes to them, any

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kind of problem comes to them, they say

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that we belong to Allah subhanahu wa ta

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'ala and to Him we return.

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Allah says, These people get salutations and blessings

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from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and mercy

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from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and these

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are the ones that are guided.

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So this is basically reflecting upon the promise

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of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that if

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you are patient in adversity, Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala is going to reward you for

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So Umar ibn Allah said, these are the

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three blessings that I come across each time

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I'm afflicted with any kind of problem or

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any kind of hardship.

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So that's the kind of attitude that we

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should have when we come across difficulties and

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And when we have that, we will realize

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actually that our life will become much easier.

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We'll never become depressed.

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We'll never lose sleep at night.

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Leave it all to Allah subhanahu wa ta

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It is known as, to be pleased with

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what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has ordained

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for you.

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This is what is meant by this.

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So this is the summary of the few

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ayahs that we read today.

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I pray that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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gives us a salty Protestant and practice what

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has been said and done.

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