Zia Sheikh – Ramadan Khatira Day 29

Zia Sheikh
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AI: Summary ©

The speaker discusses the importance of animals and their behavior during running, as well as the connection between horses and the slave race. They also discuss the importance of wealth in fulfilling one's dreams and achieving their own success, citing examples such as Al-kayla and the speaker's own success. The speaker explains that wealth is earned in a certain way and only earned when rewarded, and that wealth can be used for personal and professional reasons, but not for evil.

AI: Summary ©

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			As we know, we completed Surah Al-Adiyat
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			last night, the whole Juz Amma last night,
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			and part of that is Surah Al-Adiyat
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			which I want to talk about.
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			It's a very short surah, but it's a
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			very powerful surah in the message that it
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			gives us.
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			And if I was to say that it
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			was one of my favourite short surahs, that
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			would not be an exaggeration because of the
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			message that it actually gives.
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			So, what this surah is talking about is
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			Horses, and you know, sometimes you say you
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			have this, there's a saying that a picture
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			tells a thousand words.
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			Sometimes words are described in the Quran that
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			are so vivid that it just becomes like
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			a picture.
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			And the way that these ayat describe the
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			horses, it really puts you right in the
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			middle of the action as they say.
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			So if you pay attention at how Allah
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			SWT describes those horses and how He takes
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			an oath by them.
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			Allah SWT says, I swear by those horses
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			which are running, and it has two meanings.
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			Swiftly, and it can also mean, and while
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			running they make the sound of snorting.
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			The sound that a horse makes, panting sound,
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			or the sound that comes from a chest
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			as it runs out of breath.
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			So this is an oath that Allah SWT
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			takes by these horses that are running so
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			swiftly, that are running so fast that they
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			are completely out of breath and they are
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			snorting and making this heavy sound coming from
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			their chest and from their mouth.
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			So Allah SWT is taking an oath by
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			these horses.
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			And in the course of their running, when
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			their hooves are hitting the rocks, what's happening
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			is that when these hooves hit the rocks,
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			the sparks fly out of the hooves.
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			Sparks fly out of the rocks.
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			So if you have a flint rock and
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			it is hit by metal, what happens?
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			Sparks fly out.
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			So these horses, they are running fast, swiftly,
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			and they are breathing very heavily, and when
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			their hooves are hitting the rocks, sparks are
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			flying out of these rocks because of the
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			ferocity of the way that they are hitting
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			the rocks with such pace and with such
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			And these same horses, they attack the enemy
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			early in the morning.
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			This is something that the Arabs were very
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			famous for, that they didn't like to attack
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			at night because they used to think that
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			a coward is a person who attacks at
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			night while his enemy is sleeping.
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			So they used to attack in the morning
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			in full broad daylight while the enemy is
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			waiting for them and prepared for them so
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			that there is an actual fight, not just
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			attacking and sneaking up like they do in
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			this day and age with missiles from far
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			Allah SWT protect the whole Ummah from the
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			situations that they are facing nowadays.
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			So they attack in the morning early.
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			So these horses, again three ayat now, they
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			are running swiftly, breathing heavily, sparks are flying
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			out of the hooves as they are hitting
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			the rocks and they are attacking early in
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			the morning.
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			And as they are attacking the forces, the
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			dust is flying around them.
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			So when their hooves are hitting the sandy
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			areas, then the dust is flying around them
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			The dust, because of the hooves, it becomes
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			all around them.
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			So if you put the ayat before it
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			together with this one, it really gives another
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			Because early in the morning, there is dew
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			in the grass and in the sand, there
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			is moisture.
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			So if the hooves are hitting the sand
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			when it's moist, it's not supposed to fly
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			around in a dusty way.
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			But despite the dust being moist, the horses
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			when they hit this ground with such severity,
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			it even makes dust at that time, it
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			shows the force that the horses are actually
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			exerting while running and attacking the enemy.
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			So when they hit the ground, the dust
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			is flying all around them.
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			And when the master tells them to get
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			into the thick of the enemy, right into
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			the middle of the enemy, these horses, they
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			dive into this force, the opposing force of
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			the enemy and they don't flinch for a
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			second, they go right in the middle of
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			this group, this congregation and this opposing army.
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			So this is the description of horses.
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			Very vivid and I'm sure that the way
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			it's being described, it's really created a picture
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			in your mind as to what these horses
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			are doing and how brave they are and
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			how they are listening to their master and
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			actually just willing to do everything for their
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			And then Allah SWT then brings what is
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			known as Jawabul Qasam.
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			And we've mentioned earlier in the month, what
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			is Qasam and what is Jawabul Qasam.
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			So these six ayahs before, or these five
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			ayahs before, these were combined, they become the
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			The oath that Allah SWT takes by those
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			And then the Jawabul Qasam is this ayah.
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			Indeed the human being towards his Lord, he
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			is very ungrateful.
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			What's the connection between the two?
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			What's the connection between horses and the slave
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			to Allah SWT?
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			The connection is that look at this horse.
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			He is so obedient to his master that
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			whatever the master tells him, tells him to
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			run, he runs.
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			Despite being tired, despite being exhausted, he will
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			continue to run, he will continue to run,
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			he will continue to run.
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			Even if he falls and he is about
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			to fall unconscious, he will continue running until
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			that time.
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			And then on top of that when the
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			master tells him to climb over rocks, he
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			will climb over rocks.
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			When the master tells him to go over
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			the sand, it will go over the sand.
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			And when the master tells him to go
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			deep into the thick of the enemy forces,
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			the horse will not stop, it will go
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			inside the enemy forces without any care for
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			what's going to happen to it.
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			Now compare that to the slave of Allah
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			and how he is disobedient to his master
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			who provides for him and gives to him
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			at all times.
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			How are we compared to that horse?
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			Allah SWT wants very little from us.
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			He wants, he demands very little from us,
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			yet we are so disobedient to him that
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			we cannot even do the little that he
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			wants us to do for him.
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			So this is why Allah SWT is saying
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			that compared to this horse that is so
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			obedient to his master, indeed the human being
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			towards his own master, towards his Lord, he
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			is so ungrateful.
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			And then on top of that, this can
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			have two meanings.
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			Either that he himself is a witness to
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			We need to just think about ourselves and
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			self-reflect for a minute how disobedient we
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			are to Allah SWT and how far short
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			we fall to his commands and to his
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			expectations from us.
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			So this is one meaning and the other
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			meaning can be that Allah himself, he is
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			a witness to this.
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			Allah is witnessing that how ungrateful his own
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			slave is to Allah SWT.
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			And indeed he, this human being, is in
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			the love of wealth, he is very severe.
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			Al-khair, Allah SWT has described wealth as
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			And this is one of the things that
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			Allah does not describe wealth as being evil
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			per se.
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			Allah SWT describes the wealth throughout the Quran
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			with good names.
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			Al-fadl for example.
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			Here, al-khair.
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			So the wealth is a good thing with
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			certain conditions.
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			Number one, it has to be earned in
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			a halal way, it has to be spent
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			in a halal way and the rights of
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			that wealth have to be fulfilled.
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			Then and only then is wealth good.
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			But if it's been earned in a haram
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			way or it's been spent in haram things
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			and then the right of the wealth in
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			the fulfillment of the zakat and giving in
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			charity is not fulfilled, then that wealth is
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			not khair anymore.
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			So this is the difference between good wealth
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			and bad wealth.
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			So Allah SWT is saying here that the
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			human, he is very severely in love with
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			this khair.
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			He loves the wealth so much that everything
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			else becomes secondary when it comes to wealth
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			and money.
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			Does you not know that when whatever is
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			in the graves is resurrected and whatever is
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			attained from the chests is extracted from the
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			chests that Allah SWT will be fully aware
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			of on that day of what's with them.
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			So these three sentences basically sum up what
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			is going to happen to the human that
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			basically will be resurrected and then on the
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			day of judgment it is not our tongues
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			that will do the talking.
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			We may claim something, we may claim to
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			be good Muslims, we may claim to be
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			obedient to Allah SWT but what is going
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			to be extracted is what is in our
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			hearts which I mentioned earlier in the month.
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			The mouths are going to be closed up
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			and the rest of the body is going
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			to testify.
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			The heart is going to testify whether there
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			is any iman there or not.
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			So on that day of judgment whatever is
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			in the chest will be extracted so what
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			we have to do is the summary of
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			the surah basically is that we need to
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			be grateful to Allah SWT.
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			We need to be grateful not fill our
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			hearts with wealth so much, with the love
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			of wealth so much that we don't leave
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			any room for Allah SWT in our hearts
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			because ultimately if that love of wealth is
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			the only thing that we take into the
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			grave with us then we are going to
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			be in trouble on the day of judgment.
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			We need to fill our hearts with the
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			love of Allah SWT, with the obedience of
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			Allah SWT, with the awe of Allah SWT,
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			with the majesty of Allah SWT, with the
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			awareness of Allah SWT so that on the
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			day of judgment when our hearts are opened
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			up and whatever is extracted from our hearts
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			there is something that we can present to
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			Allah SWT and say oh Allah this is
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			what I had in my heart for you,
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			this is what I believed, this was my
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			conviction accept it from me.
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			This is the effort that we need to
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			make and in trying to do that just
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			think about these horses, these dumb animals that
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			are just so obedient to their master that
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			whatever the master says they are there at
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			the bidding and they do whatever the master
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			tells them to do.
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			We should have that same attitude towards trying
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			to please Allah SWT.
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			This is what the surah is about and
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			I pray that Allah SWT gives us tawfiq
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			to understand and practice what has been said
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			and heard.
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			As salamu
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