Zia Sheikh – Ramadan Khatira Day 11
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Alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salam wa rasoolillah.
Last night we completed Surah Hud and also
half of Surah Yusuf.
I want to focus on Surah Hud and
the lessons we can learn from it.
First of all, some of the verses that
Hafiz Huseyfa recited in Salat right now, related
to Nuh a.s. and how Allah SWT
told him to build the ship in which
he saved the animals and the believers that
believed in Nuh a.s. There was one
of his sons which was left and he
said that I'm not going to get on
to the boat and I'm just going to
get on to a mountain and I'm going
to be saved by getting on to this
But he was also destroyed.
In the course of that destruction, Nuh a
.s. makes dua to him and says, oh
Allah, this is my son and I want
you to save him.
Allah SWT responds, He is not from your
He did things which were inappropriate.
He didn't believe.
So this is the first story which is
basically something that becomes a trend in the
whole Surah.
After that, the story of Hud a.s.
who was sent to the people of Aad.
Allah SWT says, To the people of Aad,
their brother Hud was sent.
And again, he came, gave them the message,
they didn't believe, and then ultimately Allah SWT
punished them and destroyed them.
After that, To Thamud, their brother Salih was
Brother referring to their own, he must have
been related to them, he must have been
close to them.
So their brother Salih was sent.
Gave them the message, this miraculous she-camel
came according to their demands and then they
killed that she-camel, Allah SWT punished them
and they were destroyed.
Then after that, the story of Ibrahim a
.s. which I'm going to focus on right
And then after that, the people of Shu
To Madian, their brother Shu'aib was sent.
Again, referring to him as the brother.
So we have a pattern of relationships, connections
being mentioned.
The son and brothers in this case.
And again, a couple of relationships which I'm
going to talk about right now.
The story of Ibrahim a.s. Now this
story is mentioned 2 or 3 places in
the Quran.
In which angels come in the shape of
handsome young humans to the house of Ibrahim
a.s. Thinking they are humans, he prepares,
he goes and slaughters a cow for them.
And he roasts it, cooks it and puts
it in front of them and they don't
And he kind of gets suspicious that this
is not right.
And according to the tradition of the time,
if you put food in front of a
guest and he refuses to eat, then he
has come with ill intention.
So he becomes suspicious, they reassure him that
they are actually messengers from Allah SWT.
They are angels in human form and they
have come not for him.
And he is afraid that he kind of
figures it out that they are angels in
human form.
And whenever that happens, there is some trouble
about to happen.
So they reassure him that he is not
in any kind of trouble.
But Lut a.s., the people of Lut
a.s. They are the ones that are
going to be in trouble and they are
going to be punished.
So Lut, he is actually related to Ibrahim
a.s. So this is what happens.
Allah SWT describes this whole episode.
I am just going to briefly translate it.
Indeed our messengers came to Ibrahim a.s.
with good news.
The good news was that he is going
to have a child.
He has already had Ismail a.s. but
he is going to have Ishaq.
So according to biblical references, they were very
He was 100 at the time and his
wife Sara, she was 90 at the time.
So Allah SWT sent these angels to give
them the good news that in this old
age they are going to have a child.
They said Salam.
He said Salam back to them.
And it wasn't long before he brought a
roasted calf.
When he saw their hands was not reaching
out to it, to this food.
He kind of became suspicious of them.
And he was afraid of them.
They said don't be afraid.
Indeed we have been sent to the people
of Lut.
His wife was standing close by.
Meaning everybody was kind of anxious that these
strangers have come.
And including the wife, she is also a
little bit scared.
And when she got the news that they
are not in any kind of trouble, she
became happy.
She laughed.
Some scholars have actually interpreted this as she
started menstruating.
Basically she became fertile in old age.
This is one interpretation.
We gave her the glad news, the good
news that she is going to have Ishaq
as a child.
And in the progeny of Ishaq, Yaqub AS
will be.
Of course she is 90 years old.
She is surprised.
She says, how is it that I am
going to have a child when I am
And this husband of mine, he is also
So this is a human response.
A natural human response to something which is
out of the ordinary.
Something extraordinary.
She responds by giving a human response.
So they respond by saying, Are you being
surprised with the command of Allah SWT?
His Rahma, His Mercy, His Barakat.
They are upon you, O dwellers of the
Meaning this pure household of Ibrahim AS.
Indeed, he is praiseworthy.
And Majeed is Almighty.
Now this surprise that he is being surprised
with, it kind of calms down, it subsides.
Now his natural instinct is, Lut AS's people,
they are going to be punished.
And he starts interceding on their behalf.
He started disputing with us about the issue
of the people of Lut.
Indeed, Ibrahim AS was full of forbearance and
repentant and turning to Allah SWT.
So he basically starts interceding.
And the point here is that he is
interceding on behalf of his nephew or cousin.
Both things are mentioned in Tafasir, his relationship
to Lut AS.
It is his people and they are going
to be destroyed.
They are going to be punished for the
things that they have been doing.
And he starts to intercede on their behalf.
But that intercession is not accepted.
That intercession is not accepted.
And they proceed and they go to Lut
And now the punishment is going to start
to Lut AS.
What were the people of Lut doing?
What were they involved in?
The biggest sin that they were involved in
was the sin of homosexuality.
And the area which they were found, the
area is known as Sodom and Gomorrah.
And the sin of * is actually derived
from the word Sodom, from where they were.
So this punishment was because of this main
And in addition to this main reason, they
were doing other things in addition to that.
They come to him, again they are in
the shape of humans.
And they are in the shape of very
handsome humans.
News spreads fast that these very handsome young
men have come into town.
And again, that instinct that they have basically
produced, they have made, kind of they feel
that it is their nature to be inclined
towards men.
It pushes them to go to these men
and try to attack them.
Lut AS says, no, these are my guests.
You cannot, you know, abuse them in this
kind of way.
And he turns around and says to them,
and again this verse, it is of some
kind of, there is some kind of dispute
about this issue, where he says that, هؤلاء
بناتي هن أظهر لكم He tells his people
that here are my daughters, they are more
pure for you.
So, first and foremost, the Biblical understanding, the
Christians and the Jews have the understanding, that
he was basically offering his daughters instead of
these guests that have come.
And he was basically telling them, commit adultery
with my daughters instead.
This is not what the Mufassereen say.
Because the very wording of the Quran, it
tells us that he couldn't be saying that.
هؤلاء بناتي هن أظهر لكم These are my
daughters, they are purer for you.
So purer, pure, adultery is not something pure,
fornication is not something pure.
So what was he saying?
First and foremost, was it literally his daughters
that he was talking about?
One understanding is that he was talking about
his real daughters.
The other understanding is that being the prophet
of his nation, all of the women of
the community are like his daughters.
So he is basically saying, look, all of
these women are here.
And he is not telling them to commit
adultery, but he is saying, get into a
pure relationship with them by getting married to
Get married to these women and live a
natural lifestyle.
So they refused.
They refused and the wording is very very
powerful, how they respond back to Ibrahim A
.S. with such conviction, and this is again
a huge lesson for us to understand nowadays,
that when a sin is a sin, and
when a person realizes it to be a
sin, there will be a time where he
may turn back to Allah and repent.
But when you accept a sin as being
completely natural and okay, then you will never
make tawbah.
When you think of something, anything, if a
person thinks it's okay to drink alcohol, and
he doesn't believe that Allah SWT would make
something halal, and he justifies it by saying,
well, drinking a glass of wine a day,
it lowers the cholesterol, it's good for the
heart, whatever reasoning that he gives to himself.
As long as he believes that it's okay,
he will continue to justify his actions, and
he will never make tawbah.
And this is exactly what these people were
And this is exactly what the people who
are committing that same crime today are doing.
They say it's a natural thing, there's a
gay gene, or whatever justification they try to
give, but this is, again, something all scriptures,
the Torah, the Injil, and the Quran, it
condemns in very strong terms.
So they said, قَالُوا لَقَدْ عَلِمْتَ مَا لَنَا
فِي بَنَاتِكَ مِنْ حَقِّ وَإِنَّكَ لَتَعْلَمُ مَا نُرِيدُ
Very, very strong conviction they have on their
They said, you know that we have no
right in your daughters, we don't want anything
to do with your daughters, you know what
we want.
You know what we want.
We don't want women, we want these young
men that have come.
نَعَضُوا بِاللَّهِ So in any case, Allah SWT
punishes them, and in the course of the
punishment, the wife of Lut A.S. is
also involved in the punishment, because she was
also involved in some kind of sin, either
she was a disbeliever completely, or she was
kind of complicit in the actions of these
people, what they were doing.
So, now again we have Ibrahim A.S.
interceding for his nephew or cousin.
The wife of Lut A.S., she is
destroyed in this story.
Before that, you have the son of Nuh
A.S., he is destroyed.
And story after story, in which Allah SWT
is mentioning that their brother was sent to
Hud, the brother of Ad was sent to
Salih, the brother of Thamud was sent to
Shu'ayb, the brother of Madian was sent
to them.
So these relationships, Allah SWT is explaining again
and again, they cannot benefit a person if
Allah SWT is being disobeyed, and Allah SWT
wants to bring down the punishment, and it
doesn't matter how close your relationship is, even
to the Prophet, that punishment will come to
And how does it relate to the revelation
of the Quran in the time of the
Prophet A.S.? There was a feeling amongst
the Quraish that we are the descendants of
Ibrahim A.S. And because of this lineage
of ours, if we are committing any sin,
if we are disobeying Allah SWT, our status
of being in the lineage of Ibrahim A
.S. through Ismail A.S., it gives us
some kind of nobility, it gives us some
kind of status, and Ibrahim A.S. would
intercede on our behalf, even if we are
doing something wrong.
So through these repeated stories of Anbiya A
.S. and their own relatives being destroyed right
in front of them, their own son being
destroyed, their own wife being destroyed, the whole
people of one's own nephew being destroyed, this
shows the people of Quraish, and a side
lesson to all of us, that relationships will
not make any difference if the person themselves
does not want to make tawbah and turn
to Allah SWT.
So again, amongst us, if we think that
I am the son of a very pious
person, that's going to be sufficient for me
if he makes dua, possibly, but if I
am not doing what I am supposed to
be doing, and I am continuously in the
disobedience of Allah SWT, and just relying upon
that, it's not going to work.
It's not going to work because even the
Prophet A.S. What did he say to
Fatima A.S.? He gathered all the tribes
of Quraish, each one of them he counted
off, and addressed each one of them, and
told them, that save yourself from the fire
of *, because I will not be able
to benefit you on the Day of Judgment,
and at the end, he addressed his own
daughter, Oh Fatima, save yourself from the hellfire,
I will not be able to help you
in front of Allah SWT in the least
on the Day of Judgment.
So, relationships, they can, I mean, the dua,
yes, all relatives, parents will make dua for
their parents, but that can only go a
certain distance.
If the people themselves, the relatives themselves don't
want to turn to Allah, they don't want
to make tawbah, they don't want to be
obedient, then that dua, that intercession, that pleading
to Allah SWT will not make any difference.
I pray that Allah SWT gives us tawfiq
to understand and practice what has been said
and heard.
Al Fatiha.