Zia Sheikh – Ramadan 2015 Khatira Day 20
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The speakers discuss the creation of new animals from scratch, including the story of Jesus and the creation of the soul of a body. They also discuss the punishment of someone named Aas claim Arath, who created them and used them to create them. The speakers emphasize that the creation of the new animal was the ones who created them and were the ones who made them.
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Today inshallah I'm going to be talking a
little bit about Suratul Kahf, followed by a
couple of verses from Surat Maryam.
So Suratul Kahf is a surah which was
revealed after the Mushrikeen of Makkah, they decided
that this message that Muhammad is bringing is
something that we need to counter and we
need to get advice from the people who
have been given the previous scriptures, the Jews
and the Christians, take their advice as to
how we should test him and ask him
questions to make people realize that what he's
bringing is falsehood.
So what they did, they took a group
with them to Medina and they consulted with
the rabbis that were residing there that this
is this message that has been brought, we
want to disprove it somehow, so how do
we do that?
So they said ask him three questions and
if he can answer these three questions then
you know that it's the truth from your
Lord, otherwise you realize that he's bringing a
false message.
What were those three questions?
The three questions were that what is the
story of a group of people who ran
away from their people to protect their Iman,
to protect their Tawheed and Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala he made them sleep for hundreds
of years in a miraculous way, that's the
first question.
The second question is who is the person
who went from east to west and conquered
so many lands?
Tell us about that person and the third
question was tell us what a Ruh is,
what is the soul?
So these are the three questions that these
people brought back to the Prophet a.s.
so that he could answer them and they
were trying to again disprove the message of
the Quran and the fact that the Prophet
s.a.w. was a Prophet.
So the Prophet after he heard those questions
he said that come back tomorrow I will
tell you and he was made to forget
the word Inshallah, so he didn't forget, he
was made to forget by Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala so that it could be a
lesson for us, the rest of humanity that
we should understand from this episode, this situation
that we should never forget to say Inshallah
whenever we are considering to do anything in
the future.
So he said tomorrow but he waited 15
days and no Wahi came down, no revelation
came down and he was getting worried that
what's going on?
No Wahi, no answers, people are taunting him,
they are asking him when are the answers
coming and obviously he is becoming more and
more worried.
After 15 days the revelation came down, first
of all Never say that you are going
to do anything tomorrow except you tie it
in with Inshallah that Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala wants, I will do it otherwise if
it's not in the Mashiah, if it's not
in the will of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala then obviously I will not be able
to do it.
And if you forget, for example if you
tell somebody okay I will meet you tomorrow,
okay then after a minute you realise that
you didn't say Inshallah, so then you say
Inshallah at that time or you make another
dhikr of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, istighfar
for forgetting the name of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala, that is the lesson that you
derived from this particular episode.
As for the answers to the questions, the
first answer obviously it was the Ashabul Kahf
that left their people to protect their Iman
and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala made them
sleep in a cave for 300 plus years
and they woke up to find that the
nation that were practising idolatry they are far
and gone and they have been raised in
a new era and a different time frame
and this basically became a miracle and the
people realised, the people of the town realised
that a miracle had taken place and these
people became very honoured amongst that particular society.
And this story actually it is mentioned in
the Bible, it is referred to as the
seven sleepers of Ophiuchus, seven sleepers of Ophiuchus
if you want to look up that story.
What about the person who went from east
to west and conquered many lands, many people
have the understanding that it is Alexander the
Great but the majority of scholars they say
it was another person whose name was Cyrus,
the Quran refers to him and he was
referred to as, the Quran refers to him
as Dhul Qarnayn meaning the one with two
horns and there are different reasons for this,
some people say that it was because he
wore a helmet which had two horns on
it or the fact that his head was
shaped in such a way that it looked
like he had two horns or the fact
that he used to keep his hair in
such a way that it looked like two
horns, different opinions of the scholars but in
any case it was a person who conquered
east to west and he conquered many many
lands that is the reference to that.
As for the answer to the Rooh, it
is mentioned in Surah Bani Israeel, وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ
الرُّوحِ قُلِ الرُّوحُ مِنْ أَمْرِ رَبِّي وَمَا أُوتِيتُ
مِنَ الْعِلْمِ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا they are asking you
about the Rooh, tell them that the Rooh
is from my Lord and you have not
been given knowledge except very little, so the
Rooh is something that even in this very
very modern age 1400 years after the Quran
was revealed, scientists cannot tell you anything about
what the soul of a body is, what
is the soul that keeps us alive and
then when that soul leaves the body and
departs the body then what happens, what happens
to the soul, all of these things they
have not been discovered by science and Allah
SWT told us 1400 years ago that you
have not been given knowledge about this Rooh
except very little.
So these were the answers to the three
questions that the Prophet SAW provided.
Moving on to Surah Maryam, the Kuffar of
Quraysh were always denouncing the message of the
Prophet SAW and particularly the issue of resurrection
and coming alive after death.
Many people used to think that, they used
to claim that after we die that's it,
we're just going to decompose and we're not
going to come alive again, so certain verses
were revealed, one verse was revealed about Ubay
Ibn Khalaf and other people who used to
make the same claim that we're not going
to come alive again, Allah SWT says, The
human being says that when I die, am
I going to be made alive again and
this was a sarcastic tone, this was a
question that people used to ask the Prophet
SAW, almost taunting him.
So Allah SWT responds to that in a
very logical way, Doesn't the human being remember
that we created him from a time when
he was nothing before, so Allah SWT created
us from nothingness into something, now our decomposed
bodies are at least there, Allah SWT can
easily recreate us from that, okay, this is
again, it's more easier to create us from
a model that is already there rather than
creating us from nothing, so if Allah made
the difficult step of creating us from nothing,
then obviously it's very easy for him to
recreate us while our bodies are there, so
this is the answer to that question and
what we need to understand also from is
that when we say as humans, we create
something, we don't actually create something, Allah SWT
is the one who creates, we actually manufacture
something from the creation of Allah SWT that
is already there, so we don't make something
from nothing, Allah is the one who creates
something from nothing, we create something from something
that already exists, so when we clone an
animal even, you know, this is a very
touchy subject nowadays, people think that, you know,
we've reached the pinnacle, we've almost become close
to Allah SWT, but the reality is that
when you clone, you actually take the DNA
from an existing animal and then you recreate
another animal from that, you didn't create an
animal from nothing, which is what Allah SWT
does, okay, Allah creates from nothing, we take
the materials that Allah SWT have already given
us and we manufacture something from those materials,
that's the difference between our creation and the
creation of Allah SWT and finally the last
story, the story of Khabab ibn Arath and
conversations that took place between a person named
Aas ibn Wael, Khabab ibn Arath, I mentioned
him yesterday, he was one of those slaves
who was persecuted by his owners and he
had the back that he showed Umar RA,
he said that this is the punishment that
I had to endure while I was a
slave and after I accepted Islam, Umar RA
said, Wallahi, I've never seen a back like
this, Khabab ibn Arath was actually a very
experienced blacksmith and he used to make the
best swords, so people knew that if they
want to get, wanted to get the best
swords, they needed to go to Khabab ibn
Arath and he used to make them and
he used to give them and sometimes people
used to take it on credit, basically he
made the sword for them and they used
to say, I'm going to pay you back
later and this relationship was there, once he,
this Khabab, he went to Aas ibn Wael
who was a disbeliever and he requested some
money to be paid back for him, for
a sword that he had made for him,
Aas ibn Wael said that I will only
give you the money if you denounce Islam,
if you denounce the message of Muhammad, if
you denounce Muhammad, if you denounce Islam, I
will give you your money, he said, I'm
not going to do that, this is not
possible, so I will not denounce the message,
I still want you to give me my
money, so he said, do you believe in
the hereafter?
He said, yes, of course, I believe in
the hereafter, we will be resurrected again, we
will be presented in front of Allah subhana
wa ta'ala, so Aas ibn Wael said,
okay, when I become resurrected again and I'll
have money and children in the hereafter, that's
when I'm going to give you your money
back, okay, so basically ridiculing his belief and
also not wanting to give the money, so
Allah subhana wa ta'ala revealed these verses,
do you see the one who denied our
signs, meaning first and foremost, he denies the
ayat of Allah subhana wa ta'ala, he
rejected the message and then on top of
that, he says that, I'm going to be
given, most certainly I'm going to be given
wealth and children, I'm going to have wealth
and children in the hereafter, Allah subhana wa
ta'ala responds to him, is he aware
of the unseen, did he become aware of
the unseen or did he take a contract
from Allah subhana wa ta'ala, that Allah
is going to do this for him, certainly
not, we are writing what he's saying and
we're going to give him a very lengthy,
we're going to stretch out his punishment, what
is mud, when we make mud while reciting,
we stretch right, Allah subhana wa ta'ala
is saying, we're going to stretch out his
punishment for him, and the thing that he's
going to inherit is only his sayings, he's
just going to come with his sayings in
front of Allah subhana wa ta'ala and
he's not going to come with any children
or wealth or anybody to support him, he's
going to come on his own and it
is going to be only him and Allah
subhana wa ta'ala in front of each
other but this is the response that Allah
subhana wa ta'ala gave to this conversation
that took place between Khabab ibn Arth and
Aas ibn Wael, but if you pay attention
to the wording, it's a response to these
allegations but the response is done in complete
rhyme, it is completely rhyming, all the words
and the end of the sentences are completely
rhyming, all
rhyming, just responding to a conversation that took
place but rhyming in such a beautiful way,
this can only be the word of Allah
subhana wa ta'ala, no human can replicate
this and bring about such answers to a
conversation that took place between two private people,
a private conversation that took place between two
people, only Allah subhana wa ta'ala can
respond to it in such a beautiful way,
this is indeed the word of Allah subhana
wa ta'ala, this should affirm our conviction
about the word of Allah subhana wa ta
'ala and the Quran being from Allah subhana
wa ta'ala alone, I pray that Allah
subhana wa ta'ala gives us enough time
to understand and practice what has been said.