Zia Sheikh – Connect ICI

Zia Sheikh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a new holiday in Islamic territory called the Unity centers, where Muslims gather to unite and connect with one another. The agenda is to improve people's comfort and hang out with friends, and to practice Islam and receive educational opportunities. The speaker also mentions a social program and a lecture on Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, this is your

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brother Imam Zia at the Islamic Centre of

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Irving and I'm just wanting to tell you

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about a very exciting programme that is going

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to start at the Islamic Centre and that

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is called the Connect or the Unity Programme

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and the purpose behind this programme is to

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unite people and connect them in the house

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of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in the

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There are many hadith which talk about the

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importance of the Masjid in one's life, there's

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a very famous hadith in which the Prophet

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a.s. talks about seven people that are

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underneath the Arsh of Allah subhanahu wa ta

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'ala on the Day of Judgement and one

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of those people is Rajulun Qalbuhum Mu'allakum

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Bil-Masjid, a man whose heart is connected

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to the Masjid, he feels good in the

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Masjid and he feels out of place when

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he's out of the Masjid and this is

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the attitude that we're trying to instil into

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people that they actually make Masjid their home

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and they regard it as being a place

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where they feel comfortable and they feel a

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place where they can come and just be

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amongst friends, be amongst people that are supportive

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of their causes of helping them in becoming

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better Muslims and these are things that actually

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are mentioned in the same hadith which talk

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about for example the youth being attached to

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Islam and practicing Islam and then the same

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hadith talks about two people that love each

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other only for the sake of Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala, they unite for the sake

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of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and they

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separate for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala, so all of these things are

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basically starting from the Masjid, the unity of

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the Masjid builds relationships, it builds brotherhood, it

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encourages the youth to become better practicing Muslims

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and ultimately the purpose is that we reserve

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our place inshallah underneath the Arsh of Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala on the Day of

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Judgment, so please try to come, it's going

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to be conducted at the last Friday of

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every month, there's going to be a program,

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a lecture, ice cream for the kids and

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then social interaction between the brothers and also

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the sisters upstairs, so please do try to

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participate, Jazakumullah Khairan, Assalamualaikum Wa

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Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

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