Zia Sheikh – Allah subha nahu wa taala responds to false accusation Surah AnNahl

Zia Sheikh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the history of the Prophet's actions and the importance of his language and language systems in the transmission of scripture. They also mention the use of the word "shit" to describe culture and language, as well as his ability to cure people of illnesses and bring people back from the dead. The Prophet S.A.W. used various names and claimed to have been copied from the previous scriptures, but the history of the Prophet's actions is unclear. The speaker also touches on the importance of the Prophet's language and language systems in the transmission of scripture and the use of his language to describe culture and language systems.
AI: Transcript ©
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Indeed, we know that they are saying that

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the Qur'an was taught to the Prophet

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ﷺ by a human being.

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So who is this human being?

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There are various interpretations or various opinions as

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to the accusation that they made against the

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Prophet ﷺ.

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Firstly, one opinion, Salman al-Farsi.

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Another person, his name was Ya'ish.

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Another name, Udaas.

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And another name, Balaan.

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All of these names were the ones that

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people put forth as people that they suspected

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that the Prophet ﷺ was learning the stories

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from the previous scriptures from.

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And Allah SWT is responding to that charge

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over here.

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According to other riwayat, it was a person

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who was amongst the Quraysh and the Prophet

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ﷺ used to sit by him.

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He used to sell things at the Mount

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of Safa.

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And the Prophet ﷺ used to sit with

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him and talk to him.

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And this person was an A'ajami.

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A'ajami means he was not an Arab.

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And the Prophet ﷺ used to sit with

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So this accusation was brought against the Prophet

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ﷺ that he was copying the stories that

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that person knew from the previous texts and

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just putting them into the Qur'an.

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So Allah SWT responds to that.

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Before I get into the response, there is

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also an accusation that Khadijah r.a, who

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did she take the Prophet ﷺ to see

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when the Wahi started coming to him?

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She took him to see Waraqa ibn Nawfal

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who was related to Khadijah r.a. And

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this Waraqa was a person who was familiar

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with the previous scriptures, Christian teachings, Jewish teachings.

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And he told the Prophet ﷺ that I

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wish that I could be there at the

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time when your people turn you out of

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your city.

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And the Prophet ﷺ at that time was

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very surprised that how could my people turn

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me out of my city when I am

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supposed to be an Ameen.

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I am the Sadiq people.

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They trust me and they love me and

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they have affection for me.

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So Waraqa told him that every person that

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has stood up with his message of Tawheed,

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he has been thrown out of his city

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and he has had a difficult time.

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I wish I was alive when this thing

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happens to you so I could come to

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support you.

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So this Riwayah which is in Bukhari, it

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says at the end of it, at the

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end of that Riwayah, it says that after

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a while Waraqa died.

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Waraqa died and then the Wahi stopped coming

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for a while.

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The Wahi stopped coming for a while.

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So people have jumped upon this wording in

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this Hadith in Bukhari and they say that

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the Prophet was actually copying from Waraqa the

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stories and when Waraqa died then the Wahi

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stopped coming because he was copying from him.

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That's why it stopped coming.

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But the reality is the answer is here.

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The answer is mentioned.

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Allah SWT says, The tongue or the language

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that they are accusing the Prophet of copying

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from was a'ajami, meaning non-Arabic.

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In Hebrew or Greek or previous Aramaic, whatever

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different languages but not in Arabic.

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So first of all the Prophet could not

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even read Arabic.

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Forget about different languages.

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And on top of that, the Bible and

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the previous scriptures were not translated into Arabic

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until many many centuries even after the Prophet

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Not even during the time of the Prophet.

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So to accuse the Prophet of copying from

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the previous scriptures, it is foolish on his

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face because why?

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First of all the Prophet, he doesn't know

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how to read.

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He doesn't know how to read Arabic, let

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alone the other languages.

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So how could he copy the stories in

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such detail?

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So the story of Yusuf SAW is in

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such detail.

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The story of Musa SAW, different stories of

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Musa SAW are mentioned throughout the Quran in

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great detail.

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The story of Yunus SAW is mentioned in

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The story of Lut SAW is mentioned in

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Ibrahim SAW is mentioned in detail.

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So time and again all of these stories

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are mentioned without any kind of discrepancy, without

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any kind of problem between them, all corroborating

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with each other.

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So how could the Prophet SAW bring and

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copy those stories in such detail from and

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on Arab when he doesn't even know how

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to read Arabic, his own mother tongue.

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It is impossible for it to happen.

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So Allah SWT responds by saying, The tongue

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that they are accusing the Prophet SAW of

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copying from is A'jami.

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The word A'jami by the way is

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the word that Arabs use for non-Arabs.

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And this traditionally was and still is used

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for non-Arabs.

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And the actual literal meaning of A'jami

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is dumb.

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They used to regard the non-Arabs as

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people that didn't know how to talk.

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Because the Arabs themselves were very famous for

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poetry and literature and reading and writing, storytelling.

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In fact there were market places where people

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used to just gather just to recite poetry

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to each other.

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This was how famous poetry was and literature

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was at that time.

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So any person who didn't know Arabic, he

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was automatically known as A'jami, meaning a

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person who is dumb, doesn't know anything about

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language, doesn't know anything about poetry, doesn't know

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anything about linguistics.

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So this was why they were known as

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And while we are on this issue, the

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Anbiya Ali Musa A.S. were sent to

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their nations and the miracles that Allah SWT

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gave them were in accordance with the things

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that people were famous for at that time

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or what people used to look up to

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at that time.

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So during the time of Musa A.S.

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for example, magic was at a peak.

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Black magic, magicians, illusions, all these type of

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things, they were at their peak and people

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looked up to it.

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So Allah SWT gave Musa A.S. the

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ability to counter the magic with miracles that

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looked like magic but was more powerful than

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The stick that was given that turned into

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a snake and the shining hand, all of

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the different things that happened during the time

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of Musa A.S. but in response to

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the magic of the time which basically made

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people understand that this is not magic.

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Isa A.S. was given miracles of curing

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At the time of Isa A.S. medicine

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and treating people of illnesses, it was prevalent.

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So the miracles that Isa A.S. was

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given were related to the treatment and the

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cure of people.

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So the fact that he could miraculously cure

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blind people, the lepers, the sick, even bring

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people back from the dead, it was a

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miracle, miracles which were according to the thing

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that was prevalent at the time.

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The Quran was given to our beloved Prophet

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S.A.W. in such a way, it

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is a literary miracle which is complete in

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every way, in a poetic sense, in a

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storytelling sense, in a powerful sense.

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Because the people of the time, they used

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to be into the poetry and linguistics and

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literature and so on.

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So that is why Allah S.W.T.

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says here, The tongue that people are accusing

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the Prophet S.A.W. of copying from

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is a non-Arabic language.

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وَهَذَا لِسَانٌ عَرَبِيٌ مُبِينٌ And this is a

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tongue which is in clear Arabic, meaning the

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Quran that has been revealed, it is in

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clear and beautiful Arabic, open Arabic that can

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be understood by everybody.

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This is what the Quran is.

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And if the Prophet S.A.W. had

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copied from other languages, then there would have

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been problems, there would have been differences that

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took place in the stories, but there is

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such detail that he could not have copied

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So with that, Insha'Allah, we finish for

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I pray that Allah S.W.T. gives

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us tawfiq to understand and practice.

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