Zaynab Ansari – The Most Successful Marriage Part 2 Support

Zaynab Ansari
AI: Summary ©
A woman named Zayna Dufari talks about the marriage of prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and Khadija For So To End. She describes how Khadija was patient, supportive, and faithful to her husband's faith. She also talks about the marriage, how it was successful, and how it was a deserved marriage.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome to Muslimah Media. I'm Zayna Bonsari, and

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I'm delighted to talk about the most successful

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marriage of prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,

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and lady Khadija

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For so for our second installment, I want

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to talk about Khadija

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as faithful Muslim. Because remember, we're talking about

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the ingredients of a successful marriage, and it

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is my contention that if we want our

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marriage to have a strong foundation and to

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be successful and to flourish,

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that the foundation of marriage in Islam is

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faith. And that is why the marriage of

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the prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,

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and Khadija was so strong and so loving.

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It's because of their deep and abiding faith.

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Faith in Allah

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faith in God most high and also faith

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in each other. So Khadija epitomizes the faithful,

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loyal wife.

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Just to give you an example of that,

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when the prophet, peace and blessings be upon

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him, used to retreat to the outskirts of

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Mecca, and he would climb Jabal Anur, the

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mountain of light, and he would visit the

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cave of Hera, right, where he received the

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first revelation.

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Khadija was very patient, she didn't complain. Prior

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to receiving revelation,

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our beloved prophet actually had gotten into into

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the habit of making retreat in this particular

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for sometimes days or weeks at a time,

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he'd be gone for a while. And Khadija

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didn't complain about why are you gone? Why

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do you have to go on these retreats?

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Why do you have to leave? She would

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take the supplies and provisions to the prophet

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when he ran out because she was just

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so supportive of what he was doing. Again,

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she is a completely faithful wife. So when

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on this momentous

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night, the prophet, peace and blessings be upon

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him, comes to Khadija and says,

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I beheld this awe inspiring,

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frightening, tremendous presence, and I fear that I'm

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losing my mind. Her response was a very

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wise and sagacious response.

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She didn't pepper the prophet with questions.

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She was silent.

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She brought his cloak to him when he

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cover me cover me. She brought his cloak

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to him and just sat quietly by his

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side, giving him time to collect himself.

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Again, a very wise woman. And then when

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she saw that he was ready, he began

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to recount to her what had happened

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on the mountain top.

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And Khadija, think about it, she could have

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responded with with skepticism,

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could have said, are you sure?

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But the first thing she says is, you

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know what? Allah would never disgrace you. Because

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remember, prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon

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him, is saying, I fear my lord has

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disgraced me with this with this thing that's

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happening to me. And she said, no. Wallahi,

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Allah would never disgrace you. Why? You are

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good to your family.

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You assist the poor and the destitute. You're

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generous to your guests, and you're always in

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aid of those who've been afflicted by calamity.

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This was her response to the prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam.

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And she said,

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right? She believed in Allah on the spot.

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She became the first Muslim. She believed in

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Allah Ta'ala

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and in the mission of her husband who

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was chosen to be the last and final

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prophet to all of humanity.

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History attests to the fact that Khadija was

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the first Muslim, the first believer. Gabriel Jibril

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himself would come down to the prophet and

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say, give my salaams to your household. Give

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my salaams to Khadija

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She was the first person that the to

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whom the prophet taught wudu

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purifying before prayer, and the prayer itself, they

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would pray as a couple. So again, she

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the faithful wife. Missus Khadija

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married to the prophet, the best of humanity,

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and they indeed had the most successful marriage.

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Thank you so much on behalf of Muslim

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Amiriya. Assalamu alaikum.

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