Zakir Naik – Where does Islam Part with Christianity

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the worship of Islam and the church's teaching of peace be upon death, which is not mentioned in the Bible. They also discuss the church's teaching of one God and not trinity, as it is impossible to get salvation from one God. The speakers emphasize the importance of following the commandments in the church's teachings of peace be upon death.
AI: Transcript ©
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The brother asked a question

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even in Christianity,

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like Islam,

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God is 1

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and God loves the creation.

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And what is the difference between Islamic form

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of worship

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as compared to other form of worship? What

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is so unique? And Christianity also says God

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is 1. Christianity says that God also loves

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Islam says God is 1. Islam says God

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also loves the Christian. Islam says worship. Christianity

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says worship. What is the difference between the

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worship of Islam and Christianity? Or what is

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the uniqueness about Islam as compared to other

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religions? Mainly talking about Christianity. Brother,

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on the face of it, if you read

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the Quran correctly

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and the interpretation I gave in my talk,

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and if you read the Bible correctly, that's

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the correct interpretation.

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We believe

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that Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, he

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was one of the mightiest messengers of Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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No Muslim is a Muslim if he does

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not believe in Jesus Christ, peace be upon

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him. We believe that he was born miraculously

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without any male intervention. We believe that he

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was the Messiah translated Christ. We believe that

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he heals those born blind and leopards with

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God's permission. We believe

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that he gave life to the dead

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with God's permission.

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there are part in your face.

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There are many Christians

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who say that Jesus Christ, peace be upon

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him, he claimed divinity.

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Now the difference between what the Bible says

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and the difference between what the Christians assume

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and what they practice,

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the the difference between that. So many Christians

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say that Jesus Christ, peace be upon him,

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he claimed divinity. So when they say God

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is 1, they say Jesus Christ, peace be

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upon him, is God, which we Muslims take

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objection to. There is not a single unequivocal

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in the complete Bible where Jesus Christ, peace

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be upon him, says that I am God

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or where he says, worship me.

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So the form of worship for the normal

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Christian is worshiping Jesus Christ, peace be upon

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him. And I repeat my statement, there is

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not a single unequivocal statement in the complete

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Bible where Jesus Christ, peace be upon him,

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himself says that I am God or where

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he says, Worship me. If any Christian can

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show me any unequivocal statement in the Bible

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where Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, says,

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I am God or where he says, worship

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me, I, Doctor. Zakir, I am ready to

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accept Christianity today. I am ready to put

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my head on the guillotine.

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I don't speak on behalf of my other

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Muslim brothers because if you read the Bible,

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it it is mentioned in the gospel of

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John, chapter number 14, verse number 28. Jesus

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Christ, peace be be be, have only said

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that my father is greater than I. Gospel

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of John, chapter number 10, verse number 29.

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My father is greater than all. Gospel of

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Matthew, chapter number 12, verse number 28.

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I, with the spirit of God, cast out

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devils. Gospel of Luke, chapter number 11, verse

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number 20. I, with the finger of God,

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cast out devils. Gospel of John, chapter number

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5, verse number 30. I can, of my

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own self, do nothing. As I hear, I

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judge. And my judgment is just. For I

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seek not my will, but the will of

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my father. Anyone who says I seek not

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my will, but the will of almighty God

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is a Muslim. Therefore, I said in my

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talk that Jesus Christ, peace be upon him,

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was a Muslim. Quran says that in Surah

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Al Imran chapter 3 verse 52. It's further

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mentioned in the Gospel of John chapter number

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17 verse number 3, this is life eternal

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so that you may know Jesus Christ whom

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thou hast sent.

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It's mentioned in the gospel of John, chapter

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number 14, verse number 24.

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The words you hear are not mine, but

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my father's who has sent me.

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It's clearly mentioned in the book of Acts,

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chapter number 2, verse number 22. Emen of

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Israel, listen to this, Jesus of Nazareth, a

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man approved of God amongst you by wonders

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and miracles which God did by Him and

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you have witnessed to it. A man approved

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of God amongst you by wonders and miracles

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which God did by him and you witnessed

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to it. So Jesus Christ, peace be upon

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him, was one of the mightiest messengers of

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God but he never claimed divinity. He never

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said you should worship me. But unfortunately,

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the Christian church today they teach that salvation.

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Bible also talks about heaven, talks about *,

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but the purpose of existence

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is not mentioned in detail.

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It's not mentioned at all except

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what Paul has mentioned.

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Paul mentioned in

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Corinthians, chapter number 15.

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He says, in the 1st Corinthians, chapter number

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15, that

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if Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, died

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not for your sins, your faith is in

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and everything is in vain. That means Jesus

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Christ, peace be upon him, he died for

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your sins, according to Paul.

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And the quote,

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the verse of the Bible,

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gospel of John chapter number 3, verse number

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16, that for God so loved the world

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that He gave His only begotten Son, whosoever

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believeth in Him shall not die but have

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everlasting life. So the concept of salvation according

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to the church is that you believe Jesus

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Christ, peace be upon death, for your sins

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and you shall go to Jannah. You shall

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go to paradise,

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which is not mentioned because the word begotten

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from gospel of John chapter number 3 verse

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number 16 has been thrown out by scholar,

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the highest eminence from the RSV, revised version

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of the bible, as a concoction, as a

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fabrication, as interpolation.

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So what they're following is more Pauline Christianity.

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But Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, said,

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when a person approaches him in the gospel

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of Matthew, chapter number 19, verse number 16

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and 17, that good master, what good thing

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shall I do so that I shall gain

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eternal life?

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What good thing shall I do so that

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I shall go to paradise?

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So Jesus Christ peed upon replies, why thou

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callest me good? There is none good except

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1, there is almighty God. And if thou

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want to enter eternal life, you follow the

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He didn't say that if you want to

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go to Jannah, want to go to paradise,

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you believe I died for your sins. He

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never said that. He said follow the commandments.

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And Jesus Christ, peace be upon us. It's

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mentioned in the gospel of Matthew, chapter number

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5, verse number 17 to 20. That think

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not that I am come to destroy the

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law of the prophets. I have come not

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to destroy, but to fulfill.

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Unless the heaven and the earth pass away,

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not one daughter shall be passed away from

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the law until all be fulfilled. And whosoever

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shall keep the commandments and teach men to

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do so shall be called great in the

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kingdom of heaven. And whosoever shall break one

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of the least commandments

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will be called least in the kingdom of

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heaven. Unless your righteousness

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exceeds the righteousness of the skies and the

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Pharisees, in no way shall you enter into

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paradise. Because if you want to be a

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good Christian, you have to follow all the

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commandments. There's only one God, you should not

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do idol worship. All what Moses, peace be

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upon him, said. So here we analyze if

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we do a research of the biblical scriptures,

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it is actually believing in one God, not

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Allah says in the Quran in Surah Nisa

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chapter 4171

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don't say tinity.

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This has stopped it better for you. So

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if you say God is 3 in 1,

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it is shirk.

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You won't get salvation.

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There's no statement at all about Trinity. The

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word Trinity does not exist anywhere in the

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Bible, but it's there in the Quran.

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Beside Surah Nisa chapter 4, verse 171, it

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is also there in Surah Mydah chapter number

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5, verse number 73.

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It says

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They are doing kuf, they are blaspheming those

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who say that God is the real one.

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The word tinnitus doesn't exist anywhere in the

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bible. The closest statement is the 1st epistle

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of John, chapter number 5 verse number 7

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which says, for there are 3 that bear

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record in heaven, the Father, the Son and

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the Holy Ghost and these 3 are 1.

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And this verse of the bible by scholars

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of the highest permanent Christian scholars.

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In the revised standard version of the bible,

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they've thrown this verse out of the bible

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as interpolation, as a fabrication,

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as a concoction. So the verse which come

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closest to the renity, doesn't mention tinnity but

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comes closest, is thrown out by the scholars

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of Christianity as a fabrication.

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So if he analyzed,

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if you want to check what is right

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in the bible, here is the furcan. This

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is the criteria. It will tell you what

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is right, what is wrong. And if you

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compare with this, and even today if you

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read the Bible, the Bible never claims that

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Jesus is God, peace be upon him. It

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says you should worship only 1 God. And

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when Jesus Christ, peace be upon us, that

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which is the first of the commandments, it's

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mentioned in the gospel of Mark chapter number

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12. Verse number 29 says,

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It's a Hebrew quotation which means you're O

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Israel, the Lord, our God is 1 Lord.

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The problem is that if you read the

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Bible, the exact purpose of creation is not

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mentioned. It is vague. The Christian

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church has taken up a teaching of Paul,

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Saint Paul,

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and says that you believe Jesus Christ, peace

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be upon, died for our sins and you

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will go to heaven. Then you do anything,

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you rob, you *, you do anything

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If he's paid for our sins. If Jesus

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Christ, peace be upon, paid for our sins,

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I can do anything.

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For example, someone tells me to a restaurant,

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go to the restaurant, eat what you want.

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I've paid your bill. I can eat anything.

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Chicken, mutton, biryani, anything I can eat. So

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if Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, I

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died for my sins,

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then you can commit any sin and you

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go to heaven, only have to believe that

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he died for your sins. So this is

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a concept of the church which is not

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what the Bible mentions, and you can refer

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to my video cassette similarities between Islam and

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which gives the similarities.

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That's the reason I say that Jesus Christ

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taught nothing but Islam that is submitting the

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will to Almighty God.

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