Zakir Naik – Shirk is a Sin in Muslim, Christian and Hindu Scriptures
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The brother has a question that Allah says He may forgive anything
if he wants, not that he will forgive. That doesn't mean that if
you believe in Allah, you can do any sin if he wants. He can
forgive you, but the sin of shirk, He'll never forgive regarding
other non Muslims or worshiping anyone besides Allah. Allah means
the true one, God. You may call him any name. Allah says in the
Quran in surah Isra, chapter 17, verse 210
Pali, dulla, avid Rahman, Aya, matadal, Asmaa, Muslim, belong the
most beautiful names, but the concept should be correct. He
should not be begotten. He should be one. If you worship the true
Almighty God, Whichever name you cover should be a good name.
Correct concept, no problem. But if you worship thieves, if you
associate partners, like if someone says, Jesus Christ, peace
be upon him. Is God. We consider him to be a messenger of God. If
you call him God, then not only a sinner, it is the biggest sin,
according the Quran, not according to me, according the Quran, Surah
Nisa Chapter Four was 48 Surah Nisa Chapter Four was 116 not only
according to the Quran, even according to the Bible, even
according to the Bible, Almighty God says in the book of
Deuteronomy, chapter number five, verse number seven, nine, thou
shall not make image of Almighty God. It's a sin. Even according to
Rigveda, it's a sin according to Yajurveda, chapter 32 verse number
three, it's a sin. So not only Quran says it's a sin, even the
Hindu scripture says it's a sin. Suppose a Muslim says, I believe
in Allah, and he starts worshiping Muhammad, sallAllahu. Sallam knows
Bill Allah. Suppose the lunatic, he says, I believe in Allah, but
he worships mama Salah sallam, and says, even he will not go to
Same way. If a Christian worship Jesus Christ, peace be upon him.
Though the Bible says he should not be worshiped. Your Vedas says
you should not be a worship. So according to your Vedas, you will
be a sinner. According to Bhagavad Gita, you will be a sinner.
According to the Upanishads, you will be a sinner. According to the
Quran, you will be a sinner. According to the Bible, you will
be a sinner. Hope to answer the question you.