Zakir Naik – Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Buddhist Scriptures
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The Holy One, Supreme One, and enlightened one teachings describe a sudden event that will bring glorification and fulfillment for themselves. The event includes a Latin word for the god dosed by the Prophet and a Latin word for the god dosed by the military. The title of the Bible is not stated, but various characteristics are discussed, including being a sweetheart, being a king, being a holy spirit, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast, being a holy beast
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Let's discuss the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in the Buddhist scriptures.
Almost all the Buddhist scriptures, they speak about a mighty to come. It's also mentioned in tickover, sooner Setanta, the 176 it says that another Buddha will come by the name of my three,
the Holy One, the Supreme one, the enlightened one, and those with wisdom and conduct, auspicious, having knowledge of the universe.
Whatever he will get from supernatural knowledge, he will preach to the whole world, he will preach a religion, which would be glorious at the beginning, glorious at the climax, and glorious at the end, he will preach a way of life, which will be truthful and wholly perfect. He will have several 1000s of months as I have several hundreds of monks. This prophecy is also repeated in the sacred books of the East,
volume 35, page number 225. That maitri will come with such and such criteria and qualities.
And further, it says that he will be a leader of 1000s of people, as I'm a leader of hundreds of people. It further mentioned
in the Gospel of Buddha page number 217. At that Ananda, he asked Buddha,
that, oh, bless at one, after you have gone, who will guide us. So the Blessed One Buddha, he replied, that I am not the first Buddha in this world, neither am I, the last day will be another Buddha will come, the Holy One, the Supreme one, the enlightened one, endowed with wisdom and conduct, the auspicious
having knowledge of the universe, he will preach a good religion, he will preach a religion which should be glorious at the beginning, glorious at the climax and glorious at the end.
He will teach a religion which is based on truth and will be a perfect way of life.
And he will have many 1000s of disciples as I have only hundreds of disciples, the US Buddha, the Blessed One, how will we know him? So Buddha replies, he will be called as mighty.
Mighty means the merciful, loving, kindness, compassion, compassionate, one equivalent Arabic word is Rama. And Allah says in the Quran in surah ambia chapter number 21, verse number 107, Rama or Sonata Illa Rahmatullah Allah mean, we have sent the knot but as the mercy to all the world as mercy to all the creatures at the mercy of the whole of humanity.
This word Rama, mercy and His derivatives are mentioned in the Quran no less than 409 times and every chapter of the Quran except for Surah Tauba chapter number nine begins with a beautiful formula Bismillah R Rahman Rahim In the name of Allah, most Gracious, Most Merciful.
So the Buddhist scriptures, almost all of them prophesized about the mighty that is mama Salah Salem become mama Salah Salem is further prophesied in the Buddhist scriptures, which is mentioned in the sacred books of the East, volume number 11. Page Number 36.
Ma Nibbana suta.
Chapter number two
was the metallic. It says that.
As for the Buddha, there are no exoteric or esoteric teachers. And oh, Ananda, the Topanga does that mean the teachers have nothing like a closed fist, we cannot keep the knowledge to ourselves, it should be proclaimed. And we know masala salam, whatever he received as a ye from Allah subhanho wa Taala. He proclaimed to the whole of humanity, and he told his disciples that never keep it away from humankind, proclaim it and spread it. That's what's mentioned in the prophecy. There's nothing like esoteric exoteric everything should be told the mankind
is further mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures in the sacred books of the East, mourn number 11, Page Number 97 ma parinirvana suta chapter number five, verse number 36.
It says that,
as Buddha had asserted veto by the name of Ananda, social, the maitre D have a servito. And we know from history from the series of moments are seldom that the servito of homeschoolers Salam was mela VPS with him
delevan was the son of Malik, mela pleasington.
And how the US military the team, he says that my parents
gave me to the Prophet at the age of eight. And his mother told the prophet or messenger of Allah.
Take this to be your servant. And Anna's millipede with me said that the Prophet referred to him as a son of the little beloved one. And we know how that announcement lobbies at him. He always stood by the prophet, in times of peace, and in times of war, in times of safety in times of danger, he can very well be compared to Ananda. We know when the Mad elephant rushes at Buddha and under stood by Buddha. Similarly, we know how the talisman lobby pleases Him. In the Battle of hood, at the age of living, even when the enemy's more close to Prophet masala Salaam, how the honest men love up with him stood by the prophet, even in the Battle of her name, at the age of 16. When the enemies
who archers surrounded the Prophet yet has done us man loved visiting, he stood by the prophet, he can very well be compared, like Ananda, when the Mad elephant rushes at Buddha and understates by Buddha. So, this is the fulfillment of the prophecy, that the mighty will have a servitor it is further mentioned in the Gospel of Buddha, Page Number 214, but that this mighty to come, this other Buddha to come will have six qualities, the first is he will get enlightenment at night. Number two, he will become bright when he gets enlightened. Number three, he will die a natural death. Number four, he will die at night.
Number five, when he dies, he will become bright. And number six, once he dies, he will no be seen in the bodily form in this out again. These six qualities and criteria if it no one but the last and final messenger prophet masala Salim we know that masala Salam. The first one he he got was at nighttime. As I mentioned earlier, the parentheses insert into current chapter 40 412 and three. And so recall that chapter 97 was number one that the Quran was revealed in the night of power.
It further says he will be lit up and we know masala Salam had become bright, he was enlightened.
It further says he will die unnatural, that animal masala salamander natural that
point number four he will die at night. And we know from the hadith of Azerbaijan and libido, that she did not have oil in the lamp. So she borrowed the oil from the neighbor indicating it was night when prophet Muslim died.
It further says that he will become bright at the time of death. And hello Thomas. Allah be with him says that part homosassa bright, many died. And the last point is that when he dies, he will no be seen in the bodily form on this earth. I know masala Salah Mundi died in the bodily form his bed in Medina and it was never seen bodily form again. All these criteria mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures Be Fit no one but the last and final messenger prophet masala Salah
is further mentioned
in the Buddhist scriptures and the sacred books of the East boy number 10. bit number 68. It says that the target us
they are only preachers.
That means the Buddha's to come, they can only preach and Allah says in the Quran in surah, Russia chapter number 88 was number 21. For the Quran, amantha Masaki. Allah says to the Prophet, your job is to deliver the message giving hedaya as in hands of Allah subhanaw taala.
It further mentioned in sacred books of the East boy number 10. Page Number 67. That to go to Paradise, even your good deeds are responsible. Your good deeds are responsible for you to go to Paradise. And Allah says in Surah Al Azhar chapter number 103, verse number 123, while us in South Africa's 11 amanu Aminu, solly hottie wasabi heckard wasabi sobre which means by the token of time, man is very nice state of loss except those who are faith, those of righteous deed those exhort people to and those exhort people to patient and proceedings. One of the criteria to go to Jannah is MLS, Allah had righteous deed which is mentioned the Buddha scriptures and further it's mentioned
the dhammapada materia suta 151.
It gives the criteria of the Buddha the final mytreat to come. It says that he will be a mercy to humankind.
He will be gentle. He'd been example to humankind. He says he'll be kind and he will be truthful. So all these criteria Be Fit no one but the last and final messenger prophet masala Salaam. This was in brief for
guarding Hamas Allah Salam in the Buddhist scriptures.