Zakir Naik – How Long should a Beard Be

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of keeping a beard and trimmed it to keep it up to level. They also mention the importance of following the user's lifestyle to determine the best way to use the tool. The speaker emphasizes the need to keep the beard in a proper position to avoid damaging it.
AI: Transcript ©
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The question you ask good if he decides to you but better

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Hamdulillah I congratulate you that I've decided to keep a better

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hamdulillah there are those that have watched the length of my

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beard be and some people say it should be like a fist. What is

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reality? Brother is the commander of the Beloved Prophet that do the

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opposite of what the beginners do Mushrik to

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keep the beard and trim the mustache shot, the commandment of

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the Prophet is keep a beard it's a father to keep a beard for now if

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you have more taqwa and want to do more in research, you can want a

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higher level that offering fight and saliva for

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with your father Salah you can offer so not a mocha sunnah that

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hamdulillah if you ask me what is minimum minimum means

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offering Salah five times, along with refers you know the Maga and

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hamdulillah if you are fortunate and hamdulillah God you the

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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah, the commander of the

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Prophet is keep up here. Now when a prophet gives the commandment,

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if you look in his lifestyle and the lives of the Sahaba as you get

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more details of the commandment, so minimum commandment is keeper

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beyond 100. So first I wanted to stress on keeping up here. But if

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you want to have higher level of Taqwa that I want to go in more

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details, besides the commandment, I also want to follow the

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lifestyle of the Sahabas and the Prophet Sumangala. Now the the

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corridor say Buhari

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told number seven

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in the book of this chapter 64 Hadith number seven, it says that

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nothing aerated may Allah be pleased with him that evening,

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Omar, the son of Mr. manleigh prefer them he said that the

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Prophet said, do the opposite of what the pig is do keep the beard

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and trim the mustaches cut, the mustard is sharp. And this

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continues. And then the Omar, may Allah be pleased with him the son

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of a month after her Nomura, he got the beard of the cyst, and

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trimmed, what was below is hold. Whatever was below is old, he

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trimmed it now keeping a beard of the commander of the Prophet, not

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the Sahaba the best people

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to know what the prophet meant. So if you follow the lifestyle of the

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Sabbath, it is much better to if you ask me keeping a beard. Most

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of the scholars say that since the Prophet command, it's a far no if

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you want to have a higher level of talk about what it means to have,

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what should be the length of the beard. According to this, we says

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that it no matter how did you trim his beard held the beard with his

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fist? And you know, when his hair below $4 below, you can see my

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beard is very sparse, you can remonstrate very well with my

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beard but you no longer Allah, it is one multi.

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So you trim it below that there are more than 10 Hadith which tell

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that the sabas they turn it this way there are several other Hadith

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for example the next time you say Buhari why number seven in the

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book of *

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chapter number 65 Hadith number 31 Hypno Mala Mala be pleased with

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him. He said the Prophet said Katya Mustafa shot and leave the

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beard bestest. Firstly, for beer. If you want higher level of Taqwa

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you can keep the fiber fanfest but minimum at first.

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Keep up here and then inshallah if Allah gives more that and if you

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have more Taqwa. And if you say I want to follow more of the

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Sabbath, because if you want to analyze any site, the best way to

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analyze is to see how the Sahaba has understood that these they're

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the best people. They're the companions of the Prophet. So if

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you see their lifestyle, how do they trim the mustaches? Trim the

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mustaches means you can have long nostalgic when you drink tea. Some

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tea also get stuck on the musaajid unhygenic and hygienic. So

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trimming the mustaches if you go the lifetime of the Sahaba to say

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Hadith. It says that how did the Sebastien the mustache is also

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mentioned they trimmed it in such a way that the skin of the upper

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lip was seen higher level of Taqwa. But if you want to go more

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into detail, the Saba strim the moustache in such a way that the

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below the mustaches was seen. So if you have more Taqwa you want to

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keep the musaajid in a more better way, then this is the style, but

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first at least keep the beard in the mustaches. Then inshallah

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Allah gives you that you can follow the level which you feel is

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the best for you hope dancer Krishna

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