Zakir Naik – Based on the Harm of Smoking Cigarettes it is Prohibited

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the various health risks associated with smoking, including cigarette smoke, lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other health issues. They also mention that smoking is not allowed in Islam, and that the use of pan is not allowed in any form. The speaker emphasizes that smoking is not allowed in any form, and that the use of pan is not allowed in any form.
AI: Transcript ©
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But that was a question that when he

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goes to many mosques, he see that Muslim

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when they come out, they smoke cigarette,

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they eat pan. It looks bad. What is

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the opinion? Is it right or wrong?

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1st, whether there is cigarettes smoking around or

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and there are various given.

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Previously, the used to give a. It is

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based on the knowledge that they had. But

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today, science has advanced

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and the scholars have changed their opinion

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based on the Quranic verse of Suri Baqarah

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chapter number 2, verse some 195,

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which says that do not make your own

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hands the cause of your own destruction.

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Do not make your own hands the cause

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of your own destruction. According to latest research

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that tells us today,

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that according to the World Health Organization, there

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are more than a 1000000 people

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every year who only die because of cigarette

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Out of the 90% of the people that

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die due to lung disease, due to lung

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cancer is due to cigarette smoking.

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Out of the 70% of the people that

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die because of bronchitis

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die because they smoke cigarette. Out of the

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who die because of cardiovascular disease is because

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they smoke cigarettes.

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It is nothing but slow poisoning. Cigarette contains

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nicotine and tar. Leave aside how it looks.

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Leave aside how it looks. According to the

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given by more than 400 olamas,

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they say

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because the Quran says, do not make your

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own hands the cause of your own destruction.

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not only does it harm you, it even

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harm your neighbors.

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the research has said

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that the wives

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of the chain smokers, they have more chances

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of having lung cancer because passive smoking is

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more dangerous.

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Active smoking directly is harmful.

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Passive smoking means a smoke which you exhale

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out and if somebody else inhales that, it

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is more dangerous. There are various ill effects.

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When you smoke, it causes blackening of the

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lips, blackening of the teeth, damage to the

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gums, blackening of the fingers.

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It damages the throat. It causes peptic ulcer.

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It causes constipation.

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It causes loss of libido.

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It causes loss of vigor.

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The person's appetite is gone. It even causes

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loss of memory. So based on all these

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today's ulama, there are more than 400 fatwas

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given saying that cigarette smoking is haram.

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According to the Quran, the Quran

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chapter 2 was 195.

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We say do not make your own hand

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in the cause of your own destruction. So

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irrespective whether they look good or not, it

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is not allowed in Islam. Regarding

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having pan etcetera,

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pan per

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se, if it contains

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Tobacco in any form,

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whether smoking, whether

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whether chewing is as good as slow poisoning

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which is haram. Otherwise

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otherwise, the pan doesn't contain tobacco, only contains.

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It may look bad.

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That's different thing. But Islam

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Islam doesn't have any prohibition. It may be

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harmful for the health. The doctor may say,

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don't indulge in having pan. It may cause

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loss to your teeth. Your gums may get

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spoiled. That's a different issue. But where Islam

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is concerned, tobacco in any form is prohibited.

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Hope that answers the question.

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