Zakir Naik – According to the Bible, Christ – pbuh Denies the Allegation that He is God

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and symbols.
AI: Transcript ©
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Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, never claimed divinity. In fact,

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he said, it's mentioned the Gospel of John, chapter number 14, verse

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number 24 he says, the words that you hear are not mine, but my

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father's, who has sent me. It's mentioned the Gospel of John,

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chapter number 70, verse number three, Jesus Christ, peace be upon

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him. Says, This is life eternal, so that you may know one true God

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and Jesus Christ, who thou has sent. It's mentioned in the Gospel

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of Matthew, chapter number 19, verse 16 and 17. Once a man

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approaches Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, and tells him, Good

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Master, what good things should I do so that I will enter eternal

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life, so that I go to paradise? So Jesus Christ, peace be upon him,

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says, Why thou callest me good? There's only one good that is

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Almighty God. And if thou want to enter eternal life, you keep the

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commandments. He never said that you believe that I died on the

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Cross for his sins. He never said that you believe I'm God and go to

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paradise. If you want to enter eternal life, if you want to go to

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Paradise, you keep the commandments you.

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