Zakaullah Saleem – 98 Riyad asSalihin
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Ducane wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah he Kadeem, while early
he was so happy here to mine, my bad.
We are going through the chapter
50 of the book the other side it has been titled Bible half the
chapter of the fear,
the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the fear of the
punishment and the other but for Lotrel Jalili, Vikram
we covered some ayat of the Quran in this chapter, the start of this
chapter. And then we went through the hadith of Abdullah when Mr.
Odle the Allahu taala. And who in which the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam talks about how a human being is created. May Allah
do jewelry crime in the womb of the mother, and all those steps in
the very famous Hadith.
And now we move on to the next Hadees, which is also narrated by
Abdullah Hibben. Massoud or the Allahu taala. And who says,
Allah rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Messenger of
Allah alayhi salatu salam said, You oughta be Johanna Yo Ma, even
Lucha Sobor ona Alpha Zima
Margulies, imam in Sabah, ona Alpha Mala Qin Jo Rona,
around the Day of Judgment, when the whole creation of Allah will
generally crowned when all human beings all whole mankind will be
gathered together in the plane of hasher. Yo Tabby Jahannam they
Jahannam will be the * will be brought
Lucha Libre owner alpha z ma'am and it will be brought in a way
that it will have 70,000 reigns
the ropes 70,000 ropes. Margulies Zimmerman Sabra owner Alpha Malak
and with every single rope, there will be 70,000 Angels holding it
your jewel Runa ha they will be dragging it. Another version of
the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says
that while the Jahannam is going to be dragged, le has a field and
Allah also says in the Quran when Allah Dena Cafaro will be able to
be him either. Bucha Hana Malbec Sal Massoud either all Kofi her
semi Rolla Harsha he can well he had the full taka to Tama Yazoo
Mina life that the Johanna will be brought with 70,000 drains and
ropes and with every single role there will be some there will be
70,000 Angels will be dragging it and it will be roaring. The God
who Tama years old Middle East it will be as if Jahannam is about to
burst out of anger.
Next Hadith in the hadith of Norma Lubumbashi, or the Allahu Taala
and Homer who says similar to Rasul Allah, He sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam.
I heard the Messenger of Allah Alayhi Salatu was Salam saying, in
a Juana Linari, either urban yarmulke Yama,
the person who will have least punishment on the Day of Judgment.
Inside the fire of *
would be la Raju Loon, you are ofI of Mercy Academy he jammed rotten
wood be a person who will have to live burning coals placed
underneath his feet generally mean Houma. dama who, and because of
the heat of those coals underneath his feet, his brain will be
boiling my era and I hadn't shut them in who are there. And he will
think that there is no one who is being punished with with the
punishment, harder or greater than his punishment. Whereas in the
home law, one whom we as the fact is that he will be the least
tortured, the punished,
he will have the least punishment and that is the one who will have
the least punishment. If this is this, this is what he's going to
suffer from then what about those who would be burning inside the
I have help Naruto Billa him in Dalek. May Allah subhanahu wa
taala protect us all from the fire and from his punishment. Next
Hadith the hadith of Samuel robbing Joon Dube Radi Allahu
Taala and who says, and then the BU Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam a call that the Prophet of Allah alayhi salatu salam said,
men whom Manta who now to Allah Cabaye talking about the people of
the fire. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said some of them
will have the fire reaching up to the ankles so the fire will be
underneath them and the fire will be reaching up to the ankles woman
whom Manta who Allahu Akbar day and some will have
bigger punishment and they will have the fire reaching up to their
knees. Woman Who Manta who, who deserve it. And some of them will
have the fire reaching from the underneath up to the waist. Woman
Who Manta who Ella Talco tea and some of them will have the fire
reaching from underneath their feet up to the throat. And the
hadith is reported by Imam Muslim Rahim Allah. So all these are
Hadees and there are many other Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam that talk about the punishment of Allah azza wa
jal and Vikram for the sinners, and those who disobeyed Allah will
Jalali with the crumb. And these punishments are for those who did
not believe in Allah will generally come those who are
associated partners with Allah will generally Quran and they died
in the state of committing shitcan, Khufu
and likewise, it that this punishment will be for those
Muslims and believers who committed major sins and they
never repent to Allah Allah Jalla LUCAM as Allah says in the Quran,
in Allah, Allah will Pharaoh and you shall kabhi well through
Medina Dalek, Romania, Sha. Allah is not going to forgive the
In the hermeneutic villa for cut the Haram Allahu Allah he will
Jana wa who not whoever dies committing Sheikh in the state of
shirk and kufr Allah says haram Allahu Allah he'll Jana. Allah has
made Jana haram upon him. It is part of our belief. And we have to
believe in this as someone who dies in the state of disbelief and
cufon Shirk, Allah has prohibited Jana and paradise for them while
Hoonah and they finally aboard is going to be the fire of help.
As for those who did not commit share, or those who did commit
Schilke but they repented before their deaths, and accepted Islam
the entering the fold of Islam or while being in the fold of Islam,
they repented from committing Schilke with Allah Azza wa Jalla
live the Quran and they had major sins and they never repented to
Allah will generally come they never asked him Subhanahu wa Taala
for his forgiveness, then it is up to Allah azza wa jal you crown
whether he forgives them without any punishment, or he Subhanahu wa
Taala may punish them, and then eventually they will be brought
out of the fire and they will be granted entry into gentlemen.
That is why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has warned us
against the major sins, almost every major sin in fact, the major
sins are the sins for which Allah or his messenger sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam have warned us against a punishment and action for which
there is punishment that is stated in the Quran or in the hadith of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam such actions are
considered as major sins and the ruling with regards to the major
sins is that the person must repent to Allah will Gela Liberty
kromm. The person must seek Allah's forgiveness and must
repent to Allah azza wa jal we Crom with sincere repentance to
boo Illa Allah, though Berta Nasu how sincere repentance and sincere
repentance is that you give up committing that sin and you
promise Allah who will generally kromm that you will not repeat
that sin.
And then Allah Subhana Allah and then continuously keep repenting
to Allah and keep asking Allah subhanahu wa taala for his
forgiveness. And the purpose of mentioning all these different
types of punishments in the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam is to
make us aware of
of the other bufala to generic rom so that we refrain and abstain
from committing sins and from and we refrain from disobeying Allah
and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
So therefore, Allah subhanahu wa taala as mentioned,
has made the mention of his punishments in the Quran in
detail. Allah subhanahu wa taala has made the mention of Jahannam
in different names. Saeed Jehane, sucker, so many names in the
Quran, different names. And scholars have said that these are
the different names of Jahannam due to the punishment or due to
the punishment of the different types of sinners. May Allah
subhanahu wa taala protect us all from his punishment.
And even before the fire of Jahannam being in the plane of
that experience itself is going to be really difficult and
frightening. As Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
in the hadith of Abdullah Hibino Umar Radi Allahu Taala and Huma
will say is that the Messenger of Allah alayhi salatu salam said,
describing the situation of people, when they will be gathered
together before Allah will tell you Crum on the Day of
Resurrection. He SallAllahu Sallam says your calmness will your bill
Alameen people will be standing before the Lord or Bula aalameen
The Lord of the universe, at the LIBOR, a HUD home fee rush hee hee
Illa unsavoury donee
people will be standing and that standing is going to be not only
for few minutes or hours, rather it will be for years, depending on
the sins of the person. For some, their standing will be as long as
1000 years and some will have to stand for 50,000 years suffering
the punishment of standing before Allah will Jalali kromm Not
knowing when the reckoning when hisab is going to begin not
knowing what is going to happen to them, whether they are going to be
given entry into Jannah or they will be thrown in the fire. So
that moment Allah subhanahu wa taala says in the Quran that you
should fear that day. One human half Mr. camara be janitor. And
the person who has the fear of standing before Allah, standing
before Allah aka will hug him in a bull. I mean, it's not going to be
easy, and whoever feared standing word who ever feared from standing
before a bull Alameen in this dunya then what he would what
would he do? He would obey Allah who will generally come and he
will try his best to stay away from displeasing Allah who will
tell Ali Vikram Waldman, half Mr. camara behaved and Dan and Whoever
fears from standing before his Lord will Jelani will be Crom. He
will be gifted to Jana, to gardens. In another ayah Allah
says in surah Nazjatar a mom and half Amma camara be one of Sunil
Hawa for internal Jana to heal Mao. Whoever has the fear of
standing before his Lord, standing before Allah will generally cram
itself it is going to be really tough. And whoever has their fear
of standing before Allah will generally calm and then in result
of that fear, none of sanel Hawa he, he stops himself and his soul
and his desires and he stops himself from following his
desires. Allah says for internal Jana to heal, WA, then Jana is
going to be his final level.
So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam says, then when people who
will be standing before Allah will generally be Crom depending on
their own circumstances and they will be based on their own sins.
They everyone will be suffering from the punishment, and some
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said the people will be sweating. Some
of them they will be sweating up to the years, and the next Hadith
of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam there are other Hadith
of the Prophet Salam that explain it bit more, such as the hadith of
Mecca Dada Radi Allahu tan who says some
Get into Rasul Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I heard the
Messenger of Allah alayhi salatu salam saying to the Shem so your
multi Yama terminal Hulk had that Hakuna mean whom can make it mean
that the sun will be brought closer and you brought closer to
the creation of Allah azza wa jal and Bikram and it will be at the
distance of a meal.
The word meal in Arabic is used for different things and one of
them is the mile the distance
the measuring that that is called meat as well mile. So the the
narrator of this hadith the one who heard that hadith from the
companion metadata of the Allahu Taala and his name was slain
Medina Amir Rahim Allah he says, but I don't know what whether the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meant by the word meal the
mile as a distance, or there's another meal which is a stick that
is used for you know, for for kind of what is called alcohol in order
to say Surma Okay, so that stick that is used for putting the
powder around you around your eyes. That is also called an
Arabic meal. So the narrator says I don't know whether the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam meant that mean that steak or he meant the
distance in one mile. But even if it is one mile away, it is going
to be really tough as Allah says in the Quran, Yamato Bergdahl will
argue viral Earth and this land is not going to be the land made of
mud and dust rather it will turn into something else.
And this imagine that the sun is only at a distance of one mile and
people will be sweating and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam says, For your coolness to Allah Kadri Armani him fill out
up and people will be standing before Allah will generally kromm
And they will be standing in the sweat they will be sweating and
the sweat will be flowing from their bodies and they will be
standing in the sweat. For men who Manya Kunal Illa Gabby some of
them will have their sweat reaching up to the ankles they
will they their feet will be soaked with their own sweat. Woman
Who mania corner
some will have the sweat reaching up to their knees. woman whom
mania corner Illa hippo is some will have the day own sweat
reaching up to the waist women who manual Jim Oladipo l Jama and some
will have the sweat reaching up to the mouth. It will be as if they
are reigned by their own sweat. And what Ashara Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam BIA de la vie and the the Messenger of
Allah alayhi salatu salam, he gestures with his hand towards his
towards his mouth and he said Julie Jim will il German some will
have the sweat reaching up to the mouth.
Another Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says your outer
corners to yarmulke Yama de Hatha yet hubba arabo whom fear fill out
the Submariner the Raha where you will GMO whom had diable Donna?
People will be sweating on the day of judgment on the Day of
Resurrection. Had they had her bada boom, fill out the submarine
the era
to the extent that some of them they will have they sweat reaching
up to 70 up to 70 cubed down in the earth, meaning they will be
drowning in their own sweat, where you will JMO home Hata beluga No
ma'am they will be drowning within their own sweat until the sweat
will be reaching their mouth.
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said in a hadith that
is collected that is collected by Imam Al Bukhari Muslim Rahim Allah
on the authority of Sedona Ana surah the Allahu Taala and he
says, haha now Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a
photobooth and masa mir to Mithila
the Messenger of Allah Alayhi Salatu wa sallam gave us a hook to
buy in, he addressed us and he gave us a reminder of huzzah
Massimo to Mithila but I never heard any powerful or any powerful
hotbar or any more powerful than this quote by ever,
and within the hook by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
Allah He lota Allah Munna ma alum. Naga hecto kalila
Well advocaten cathedra by Allah, if you people know what I know,
you will laugh a little, and you will weep and cry much for what BA
is horrible Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and when the companion of
the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, they heard that who to bow for
sudo Allah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, they were greatly moved by
his reminder, had the rota as horrible Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam who would do home the companion with one Allah He
and his mind those who were present in the gathering, they
covered their faces while at home Conine and they were crying out
loud, because of that strong reminder and powerful reminder of
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. Another version of this hadith
says, Bala rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and as
hobby he che something
some kind of news came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam with regards to his companions so he Allah His salatu
salam addressed them, and then he SallAllahu Sallam within his
address. Within his speech. He said Rudy Batali, yell Jana to
I have been shown Jana and Johanna both from Oracle Yomi. Phil Heidi
was sharp. I never experienced anything any day harder than this
day when I was shown Jana and Jahannam, both
evil and evil and good as well. And then he said, Well, oh Tala
Munna olum love the heck don't kalila whatever. katoen cathedra.
And why Allah if you know what I know, you would laugh a little,
and you will weep and you would weep and cry much. And then under
sort of the Allahu Taala and who says farmer atta Allah has hobby
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a young woman, I shut Domon
and I never saw any day harder or tougher. Upon the companions of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then this day to Oosa home
all of them, they covered the heads and they face his Wallah
home honey, and they started crying out loud because of that
reminder of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So you do not do
whatever the Allahu Donalyn says, Good nama Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
Once we the companions of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam were
sitting with the Messenger of Allah Alayhi Salatu wa sallam is
semi our Juba, and all of sudden he alayhi salatu salam heard and
we also heard
huge bank for kala helter groan Mr. Harada he said, he asked us he
said, Do you know what the sound is? We said Allahu wa rasuluh
Allah, Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam know
better than he SallAllahu sallam said how the Hotjar Roumier behave
in NA? Mundo Sabrina Khalifa? For Hua Hui Fen nurdle for warrior
Have you phenom had the into her Illa party has gone for something
I don't watch about.
He SallAllahu Sallam says this is sound of a rock that was thrown
into the fire into Jahannam 70 years ago. And now it has touched
the bottom of John after 70 years, and we all know if you throw
something from the top, it goes down very quickly. This imagine
the depth of Jahannam that it took a rock 70 years to reach the
bottom of Johanna Neruda below him in the attic. So you do not even
Hatem Radi Allahu Taala and who says that the Messenger of Allah
alayhi salatu salam said, Ma'am in coming or hurt Allah you call him
Hora boo.
They Sabina who have been a who told you man
is a nun amongst you except
Allah you call him a hula bow
except that Allah subhanahu wa taala will speak to him directly.
Each one of you. Allah will be speaking to you directly les
Sabina who
will be in a hotel Joomla and then there will be no interpreter
between you and Allah
but humbled amen, amen.
Hola. Hola. Hola. mapathon
the person will look at his right and he will not see except his
Want to rush Emerman
Bella Yaga Illa Mapa them
and then he will look at his left and he will not see except his
deeds way and lubaina Yo de Falla era Ilana and then he will look in
front of him and he will not see except the fire of *
for topple nada Hello, we should play Tamra Prophet alayhi salatu
salam said, we should try to save yourself from the fire of *,
even if it is by giving half a date in charity.
Don't belittle any good deed.
Try to save yourself from the fire of *. By as many good deeds as
you can.
So you're gonna have Buddha Radi Allahu tanaman says
Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Messenger of Allah
Alayhi Salatu wa sallam said in the Quran malata own well as mama
Allah the smartphone.
I see what you people do not see. And I hear what you do not hear
a thought this summer will help follow her and it
haven't started creaking and it has all right to Creek. Why Murphy
her moldy or autobuy Asahi? Allah wa Malecon
while they're on Jabba who sadita Lilla there is no space of four
fingers in the heavens, except that it is that there is an angel
pro stating and placing his forehead on the floor. prostrating
before Allah Allah Jalla Unicron
wala Hello Darla Munna marlim Nada Hickton Kalyan wala baccatum
cathedra by Allah if you know what I know. You will laugh a little
and you will reap and cry a lot. will matter Let this be Nisei
Allen fellowship and you would not enjoy with your women beds will
encourage to Milla sorrow that and you will go out in the open spaces
that your touch Aruna illallah, besieging Allah will Jalali will
And the final Hadith in this chapter is sorry it's not finally
the one before Abu Bakr Radi Allahu tanto says the Prophet
Alayhi Salatu was Salam said that the Zulu Kodama Abdon, Hatha use
Allah and Romani he FEMA of na
two feet of the person will not move on the day of judgment until
he's asked some questions. And the first question he will be asked on
Ohmori he FEMA of na about his life and he will be asked how he
consumed his life wondering l me he
FEMA for Allah fee,
and he will be questioned about his knowledge
and what he did with his knowledge, if he acted upon his
knowledge, and if he made the knowledge its do right by
spreading and conveying to others, one Marley he mean in October with
FEMA and FATCA and he will be questioned about his wealth.
And there will be two questions related to his wealth. The first
one would be mean inaccessible.
The sources of his income
way he earned that wealth from and the second question will be FEMA
and fucka. Way and how he spent his wealth
and one dismay he female a biller, and then he will be questioned
about his body, how he used his body. How he used his tongue,
his ears, his eyes, his brain, his heart, his belly, stomach, his
hands, his feet and his legs. He will be questioned about his body,
how he used and how he benefited from his body.
Next hadith is the hadith of
Abu Huraira, the Allahu tun who says, then the Messenger of Allah
and His Salatu was Salam said Madhava de leche woman Elijah Bala
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
giving effect to his companion says man, half Adela whoever has
the fear of the enemy attacking him. He sets out a runs away
In the dark in the early parts of the night of the night, woman
allege beloved Manson and whoever leaves early and runs away from
the enemy. He can safely reach a safe place and his destination.
And then he said Allah's Name The reason he said Allah listen, I
said this that reminding people to have the fear of Allah Dolcetto
rather than delaying your Toba and dependence to Allah, you need to
set out on the journey of repentance to Allah Azza wa Jalla
you become and if you do, so, then you can reach the destination of
And then he said Allah in the sell out Allahu Allah, Be way, the
commodity of Allah is precious.
The commodity of Allah is precious. Allah in silat, Allah
Hill Janna the commodity of Allah is none is nothing other than Jen
and Jana is precious and expensive. And you have to pay the
price for Jana. Here in this dunya
so you the eyes heard the Allahu Allah Allah and Allah says that
they heard the Messenger of Allah alayhi salatu salam saying
your shuttle NASA yarmulke Yama the Hora kofod and rot and Hola.
On the Day of Judgment people will be gathered
and they will all be barefooted
naked uncircumcised.
So you the eyeshadow, the Allahu Donna says when the prophets Allah
Salam said this, I said your own I said O Messenger of Allah, and
Nisa will return Jimmy and Yun doodle Babu, mula bandha Messenger
of Allah, men, women all together will be gathered all together, and
they will be looking at one another. The Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam says, yah Aisha amaro Asha Dohmen, I knew Hema
whom dyadic Why shall the matter will be too serious for them to
look at one another. And then another Hadith says that the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then recited the ayah from
Surah Al Hajj from SOTL Ambia, in which Allah says, Leia zunow, whom
will further Allah Akbar, the believers, they will not grieve on
the day of great fear. And this is one of the names of that day Yom
will facile Akbar, the day of the great fear, what the tilaka whom
will Mullah Iike rather, the angel will be consoling them and they
will be giving them glad tidings May Allah subhanho wa Taala give
us all feet and ability to repent to Him Dolgellau, Vikram and to
seek his forgiveness. May Allah subhanahu wa taala forgive us our
sins, our mistakes, our shortcomings, may Allah till July
Crom protect us and save us all from his punishment. And may Allah
subhanho wa Taala grant us entry into Jannah without Reckoning and
without punishment. May Allah subhanahu wa taala gather us all
with his beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the companions
with one Allah He and remain in Jannah atone for those in the
house Amir and Khalid Mooji