Zakaullah Saleem – 80 Riyad asSalihin
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The speaker discusses the responsibility of men in the world and the history of the Prophet's (the) Islam. They stress the importance of fulfilling obligations and responsibilities, including attending church and preventing anyone from entering the house. They also mention the authority of a woman in respect of her husband and her children.
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa
O'Loughlin 13 salatu salam ala Rasulillah Karim while earlier he
was sobbing ah mine my bad.
Bible help me Zoji la mala God Allahu Taala region or a wa Munna
Island is
female football a lot of outdoor Humala about what Bhima and focu
mean I'm wildly him.
Well, Mila Hadith I mean, her Hadith Muhammad evening was
savagely filled by being popular. And I'd be okay with that. All the
Allahu Anhu on our level Sula, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that
are Rajala Murata who Adolphe Rashi he filmed it for Bata,
Audubon La La Natalia Mala Iike to hit that those
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ferocious oh gee ha Alana Talia Mala Iike to Hatha dose,
or fee rewire kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one
leadin fcbd mom in LA Julian gadroon burrata who elaphiti rashi
Fatah abhaile Illa cannula the free summer in Southampton, highly
her Yoruba and
this is a chapter 35 of the book radical Salah Hain title help Zoji
I'll mark
the right or the rights of the husband over the wife.
Last week, we talked about the rights of the Y over the husband.
And we mentioned details the rights of the wives over the
husband according to the ayat of the Quran, as well as the hadith
of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, such as the famous
Hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu sallam said hi Eurocom
hydro calmly. Lee were Anika Eurocom leave early the best
amongst you is the one who is best towards his own family. And when
when we say a hill, the first person who falls within a hill is
the wife and he Salah salem said we're Anika Eurocom Li Li and I'm
best amongst you all towards my own family. That is why we say
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the best husband and
he was the best father to his children. So he was sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam a role model in every single aspect.
So, when Allah subhanahu wata Allah and the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam ordain the right of the wives over the husband the
same way. Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
ordering the rights of the husband over the wife as well
as usually a moment Nobita him a whole lot begins this chapter by
quoting the idea from certain Nisa in which Allah subhanho wa Taala
says, or deja vu Khawaja Munna Island Nisa, men are responsible
over women.
They are gay takers of women. They are maintainers of women. Be ma
football Allahu bah bah whom Allah about and then Allah subhanahu wa
taala gives the reason for that. Why the men, they are caretakers,
why they are responsible over women, because of two reasons.
First one is Mima furball Allahu Akbar, Allahu Allah about because
Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who has given men preference over
Allah subhanahu wa taala give them preference over women in the
body, in the energy in the ability in their capability, because they
are things that men can only do women cannot do.
And then Allah subhanahu otile also said why Bhima and Falco men
and why to him and the second reason for that is that men are
responsible for spending over the women. They are the ones who are
responsible, not women, women are not responsible for earning, they
are not responsible for spending. Rather, this is the responsibility
of the men. So because of these two reasons, Allah subhanahu wa
taala has made men responsible. And obviously with responsibility
comes authority as well.
A manager in a company in organization who has the
greater responsibility. He has authority also, how can a person
has a responsibility without an authority? The bigger
responsibility the bigger authority.
Allah subhanahu wata Allah has taken upon Himself the
responsibility of providing everyone has Allah says one
fill out the Allah Allah Allah He this. There is no creature on this
earth, except Allah subhanahu wa taala has taken the responsibility
upon himself to provide for them. Real Allah has taken the
responsibility he has the authority as well. So with
responsibility comes authority. So, unfortunately, nowadays we
find people, the haters, the haters of the deen of Allah, the
haters of Islam, they take these kinds of ayat out of context and
they start criticizing the Quran the book of Allah and object to
the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Salah to the level that
out of the hatred, the end up burning the Quran,
the end up cursing the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the end up
making the cartoons of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam because of what
not that they are very noble people within the society. They
are the hate preachers, they themselves are the hate preachers
and they are the ones who preach hatred within the society and they
take these kinds of ayat and Hadees out of context.
So Allah subhanahu wa taala simply said in this area or region or a
wa Munna Island, these men are caretakers, they are responsible,
and when a husband has the responsibility to earn and to
provide for his family for his wife and children, then obviously
he has the authority as well, which does not mean in any formal
shape, that he has a power to the level that he can do whatever he
wants, without consulting with his wife without having sure our
consultation with the children no this not this, this does not mean
any form of shape. But again, I give you an example of a company
and organization in any organization in any company you
cannot have two boss or two managers with the same authority
and with the same responsibility because this this is something
that is against the nature. The Deen of Islam is the dean of
nature and fedora Fedora to Allah Hila T Fedora NASA Alia
Can you give any single one single example of any company or any
organization, any country where you have two people at the same
level with the same authority with the same responsibilities in a
country you cannot have two prime ministers in a country you cannot
have two presidents
in a country you cannot have two ministers at the same level
in any company in any organization, you cannot have two
managers exactly with the same responsibility and same authority.
When it comes to these kinds of things, why do not bring up the
laws and the rules of equality? Why do we not say no they should
be every single person within the organization should be manager.
Why? Because this is something that is against the nature, this
is something that does not work a system cannot work.
So, there must be one person who is responsible and one person who
has the final say the person who has who has the who has the
authority to make a final decision in organization for example, if a
charity in a charity, you have a trustees and all the trustees are
responsible for the charity and all of them they have the right to
vote, but it is a common close within the charity law. That if
there is any conflict or if there is disagreement amongst the
trustees, one person must have a casting vote must have the
authority of the casting vote, which means what that a
chairperson can make the final decision. Can we say no? Why has
he been given the authority? No. Because in order to run a charity
because in order to run
a company or any organization, one person must be responsible for
making decisions
When we say a person or manager or boss has the authority to make
decision, does it mean that he does not need to consult with the
people below him or with his employees? No, it doesn't this
does not mean in any formal shape, rather, he has to work along with
them. But sometime there is disagreement or there is need for
a person to have the authority to make a decision. And exactly this
is what is applied in a household. In order to run a household in
order to have a happy family, one person must be responsible. And
who can that person be? Can that be a wife, a woman? No, why?
Because she does not have the responsibility to provide, she
does not have the responsibility to protect the household, the
family, this is the responsibility of the husband.
When husband has that responsibility, then he has the
authority. That is where Allah subhanahu wa taala set Vemma for
God, Allahu Bhaga, whom Allah Allah subhanahu wa taala created
men with stronger ability and with more energy than women.
And this is a fact no one can deny this when it comes to worldly
matters. There are many things that women cannot do.
There are many types of jobs and paths that men can do, but women
cannot do.
Why? Because this is how Allah subhanahu wa taala created them.
Likewise, Allah subhanahu wa taala says, where we met and for whom,
and I'm worthy him,
the men they have the responsibility to spend, and this
is an obligation, which means what?
Again, in order to understand if a manager or the person who is
responsible for an organization, if he does not fulfill his
responsibility, Does he still have the authority? No, he doesn't have
the authority he will be he should be removed from that post, because
he's not fulfilling his responsibility. Apply the same on
the husband. If the husband is not fulfilling his responsibility, he
has no authority. When Allah subhanahu wa taala and the
prophets, Allah Salim said that the husband has authority, it
means that he has a responsibility as well. If he fulfills his
responsibility, then he has the authority if he does not fulfill
the, fulfill his responsibility, then he has no right whatsoever to
say that I have the authority over you, as my wife and I have
authority over my children, no, he does not have that authority. And
it is a fact unfortunately, there are some men out there who do not
earn they do not look after the family, they do not look after
their wives, they do not look after their children. And all they
do is to show as a boss, that I have the authority, I am the head
of the household. So I you know I have to order. This is this is
something that the religion of Allah does not allow.
Last week we mentioned about the rise of women, our men over men.
And we mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave a
clear guidance to men, how to treat the women. And there was a
hadith, in which the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam when he
only saw towards salaam was informed about men, who used to be
the women the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he heard
this he said Allah equalizer periodical such people are not
good people.
He saw Selim explicitly said these are not the good people who beat
their wives
when they do not fulfill their responsibility. So it it comes
from those who hate the deen of Allah subhanho wa taala. Those who
hate the Quran and the Sunnah and the Hadith of Rasulullah Salam,
they are the ones who take these ayat out of context. And then they
start criticizing and you know, the deen of Allah and they end up
you know, preaching their hatred within within the society. So
Allah subhanahu wa taala says, we'll be Martin for who mean, I'm
And then another point that we need to also bear in mind that
a couple gets married, husband and wife,
one of the basic or actually the main
condition for any car to be valid in Islam is the consent and
agreement of both groom and bride.
Meaning what? The both they accept each
The as a husband and wife,
just by your title, no, with responsibilities with
responsibilities, and this is what we usually do when particularly
myself when I conduct an ICA, I specifically asked the groom, do
you accept so and so, as your wife with all the responsibility and
obligation that Allah subhanahu wa taala has placed on husband and he
says yes,
as same applies to women as well, when both of them they fall into
the agreement of marriage, and they both agree that they will be
trying their best to fulfill their responsibilities and obligation
towards each other, then after that, if one of them does not
fulfill their responsibility, then what happens? Now, obviously, it
leads to it leads to breakage of the marriage, and this is when
people have all these type of issues within within their
relationship, because they do not fulfill their responsibilities.
So when both of them they have accepted that they will fulfill
the obligations and their duties towards each other. Now, it has
become forced upon them. Because Nikka and marriage is a sacred act
within the deen of Allah.
It is not a simply worldly agreement. Rather, With this
agreement, you have obligations and FARA, as a husband and wife
towards each other. To the extent that if you do not fulfill your
responsibilities, you will be held accountable before Allah.
And this is a reason that the scholars have said that Rasulullah
Salah Salem used to recite the ayat in football harder in his
quote by the time of Nica, he would include some verses from the
book of Allah azza wa jal, the ayah from Surah Allah Imran
another ayah, from Surah Nisa to ayat from SatoLA hisab. In all
these ayat one word has been repeated again and again. And that
is none other than the word Taku it tabula fear Allah, fear Allah
fear Allah, what is the purpose of repeating this verse or this word,
again and again at the time of Nica, it is to serve as a reminder
for both of them, that you are going to fall in you are going to
sign an agreement, where you will have responsibility and obligation
towards each other. And you have to fear Allah with regards to
these responsibilities and these obligations. And if you do not
fulfill your obligation, and if you show any kind of negligence or
carelessness, you will be held accountable before Allah. And if
marriage breaks, because of your carelessness or negligence, then
it will not affect only you to individuals, rather, it will have
great impact on to household.
And you will be responsible for that.
So the point here is that when husband and wife when they get
married, they sign an agreement. And the agreement is what the both
of them they agree that they will fulfill their responsibilities
towards each other. Now, what is the responsibility of the husband
and what is the responsibility of the wife.
As you mentioned previously, the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam have given the details and we mentioned some of
them previously. And today, we highlight the responsibility of
the husband, the husband has the responsibility towards the wife.
Hence he has the authority likewise, wife, she agrees at the
time of Nica that she will remain wife, wife mean that she must
accept the decision of the husband again, I repeat again so that no
one can take my statement out of context, because this usually
happens because all of our lectures are live broadcasted, and
live streamed. And some haters, they take one single statement out
of context and say those look, the Greenland Masjid an imam is
preaching hatred. Now, it will be less than that. So, when wife she
accept the responsibility that she will remain wife and she will
remain obedient to husband, it means that she has accepted the
authority of the husband at the time of Nica.
She has accepted
the same way. When you apply for a job in a company, you accept the
authority of the manager.
You accept the authority of the boss the same way why when she
signed the agreement, she accepts the authority of the husband.
And when she accept that now she has to fulfill that responsibility
towards him. And if she does not do so, then she will be
sinful, exactly the way the husband will be sinful if he does
not fulfill his responsibility. So if you understand this context,
then we can look into the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
that Imam and Nova rahamallah has quoted in this chapter, the hadith
of Abu Huraira, the Allahu taala, in which he says that the Mercy of
Allah alayhi salatu salam said is the our Raju nombre atta who Isla
Fiera she, when husband calls a wife to his bed and she refuses
forbartha Vaudois Allah and he becomes angry. And he's he's upset
with her. Lana tell Mala Iike to Hata to the angels will be cursing
that wife until she wakes up in the morning. Again, this is when
husband is fulfilling all of his responsibilities and his duties
towards her and she's not fulfilling her duties towards him.
Then this hadith will apply.
On the other hand, if husband does not fulfill his responsibilities
towards his wife does have it does he have authority to this kind of
authority? No, he doesn't have
in fact, in this case, will apply other ayat of the Quran in which
Allah subhanahu wa taala said for example, so to Bukhara for money,
tada Aleikum Fatah do Allah if you've been with LaMotta Dalek,
whoever, whoever exercises transgression against you, fighter
do either you had been with them either the Alikum you have the
right to transgress against him in the same manner.
Allah subhanaw taala has a lot to weigh in our kaboom faki boo boo
Miss Lima, Ruthie, but don't be if you when you punish, Allah says
punish, according or in the same way as you have been punished.
Meaning if you have been oppressed, then you have the
authority to defend yourself. If someone comes to you, in order to
hit you and harm you, can you say I'm not going to self defense? No,
you have the authority and while defending yourself while defending
yourself, obviously you will have to hit the person. Does it mean
that we are preaching hatred or who will love me that this is
taking everything out of context. So that is why Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that this is the authority that
Allah subhanahu wa taala has given to the husband. Next hadith is the
hadith of Abu Huraira, the Allahu Taala as well, in which he says
that the Messenger of Allah alayhi salatu salam said, Leia, hallo
Limra attain and assume was out to her showerhead elaborate with me,
it is not permissible for wife to observe a voluntary fast
without the permission of her husband,
without the permission of her husband. Why? Because cooperating
with the husband, fulfilling his desire is the responsibility of
the wife. The same way it is the responsibility of the husband as
When he has this authority, then she must not observe voluntary
force except with his permission. So that if he allows then
hamdulillah because observing voluntary fast is a voluntary act,
we as fulfilling his or her responsibility towards the
husband. It is something that is false. The responsibility is in
obligation. And the general ruling within the deen of Allah subhanahu
wa taala is that the obligations the Ferrara is take preference
over the voluntary acts. Likewise, he saw Salam said wala then see
Beatty he a lovely evening. And this is what you mentioned last
week as well in the part of the Hadith, that it is not permissible
for a wife to allow anyone to enter into the house of her
husband without his permission.
Obviously, just imagine a husband who works he earns, he saved
money, he purchases a house or even he does not purchase the
house. He's paying towards the rent. He's responsible. He's
responsible for the provision. He's responsible for production in
everything. And the wife inside the house she allows anyone to
enter in the house.
How can a husband accept that?
Again, I give the example of a company if you're working for an
organization in the company. As an employee, you have to abide by the
rules and the terms and conditions of your employment. You cannot
allow anyone to enter into your office
You can't Why can you save? You know? Why are you why are you
people? You know, closing keeping your doors closed and you're not
keeping the office open all the time? 24/7 is a public place No.
When it comes to the masjid, can a person say why can't you leave the
doors of the masjid open? 24/7 We can't. Why? Because the management
of the masjid they have the responsibility to protect the
property of the Masjid.
So when it comes to the responsibility, they have the
authority as well. They have the authority to make the decision
what time to open and what time to close.
And this country the Prophet SAW, Selim said, it is not permissible
for wife to allow anyone to enter into the house of the husband
without his permission. And this will I mentioned previously, and
if there are people within the relatives, or outside of the
relatives, who are causing problems between husband and wife,
and it is a fact that no one can deny there are people who do cause
problems between husband and wife and they will they do interfere in
the marriage. And if they are people like this, and husband does
not want them to attend his house or to enter into house, then he
has the authority to stop it. And to prohibit and she has the she
has the responsibility to obey and listen and accept the decision of
the husband
at this scale, in this case, you cannot say that she has the equal
rights, she has the equalizer. If you say she has the equal rights,
then every single marriage will be broken and unfortunate to certain
extent, it is what is happening nowadays.
This is why this is one of the reasons that we are witnessing
high ratio in divorce. Because Because of these kinds of issues.
Now with the excuse of equality and this and that Allah subhanahu
wa taala says, well, Hoonah mithril la de la Neville maruf
that women has the right as the husband have right?
As the as the husband have rights, the women also have rights. So
Allah subhanahu wa taala says, They have both of them. They have
rights, both of them they have responsibilities, but one of them
must have authority over the other. And it is husband who has
been given authority by Allah subhanho wa taala.
The next Hadees Hadees Abdullah have no matter the Allahu Taala
and Houma
who says that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said could look
Qumran what could look who must own arm camera Yeti, every single
one of you is a shepherd. We're Kulu comas own Umbra Yeti and
every one of you is responsible and you will be questioned with
regards to his responsibility towards his flock. While ammirare
in the person who is in charge. I mean, he is responsible in his
shepherd. What Roger Laura in Isla alibi at a man is responsible for
his household, including his wife and his children. While morale to
orange tune Allah Beatty's LG ha, well, what are the and a woman is
responsible for the house of her husband as well as the children.
And nowadays a very common question. No, I think a couple of
weeks ago, and this mercy we released a podcast with the title
I know if you have watched that, do I have to cook the food? Do I
have to cook and clean? This is a common question. Women ask
nowadays, you have to cook and clean, okay? Just Just imagine if
you don't have to cook and clean. So what is your responsibility
What is your responsibility? Husband has a responsibility to
earn he has a responsibility to pay the bills. He has to he has a
responsibility to do shopping. He has a responsibility to
everything. So what is your responsibility?
Aloha to Raja tuna, Hala Beatty's Oda. exclusively the prophets wa
sallam said, a wife is responsible for the house of her husband. What
does it mean? She is responsible for the house.
Let's take a minute and ponder and reflect on this word. She is
responsible for the house of the husband.
Whatever he is within the house, she is responsible for cleaning.
She is responsible for cooking. She is responsible for looking
after the children. She is responsible. This is a clear
Hadith of the prophets of Allah salah.
But if she wants to compromise on her responsibilities, and husband
allows that then there is no
I'm in sharing the responsibility. For example, if husband asked the
wife, to get a job, and to earn and help him in covering the
expenses of the household, then the husband has to take some of
the responsibility of the wife as well. He has to take the
responsibility. It does not mean that he has the authority to force
her to get a job to help him in paying towards the bills and
everything. And in addition to that, he leaves everything within
the household for his wife, no,
because if she's helping him, he also has the responsibility to
help her as well.
But if both of them they stay within their own remit, then they
both have the responsibility towards each other, and they have
the right over Egypt.
So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Allah Torah Arya Thun, Allah
beit is our jihad. Our Lady, a woman wife is responsible for the
work for the house of her husband and for his children for Kulu
Komarov in Wakulla como una Andhra Yeti. So the conclusion is that
every one of you is a shepherd and everyone has a responsibility.
May Allah subhanahu wa taala give us all feet and ability to
understand our religion with sincere and clean heart and may
Allah subhanho wa Taala allow us to fulfill our obligations. First
and foremost was him who will challenge you become as our
Creator our Lord who will generically kromm And then towards
our NABI SallAllahu Sallam and towards each other, towards our
spouses towards our parents, towards our siblings towards our
children, and we will be held accountable before Allah subhanho
wa taala. With all these types of obligations and responsibilities,
may Allah subhanahu wa taala help us May Allah give generic rom give
us the African ability no Simeon curry Mujib Subhana, Allah will be
handed a shadow law either a land or self