Zakaullah Saleem – 77 Riyad asSalihin
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We are going through the chapter mula Fotolia. Team you will burn
out or sorry the lava tube will Moroccan Wellmune cascading with
sunny LA him Moshe fatale him with the Wildberry My home will have
delta Nahida home,
the chapter
have the benevolent treatment towards the orphan, and the girls
and the weak ones, and the poor and needy, and those who are
humble and showing gentleness and kindness towards them and showing
sympathy towards them, and lowering your wings for them.
So last week, we went through some of the Hadith in this chapter that
Mr. Manoli rahamallah has quoted. Now we come to the third hadith of
this chapter. The Hadith that is rated by Sal been sad about the
Allahu Taala and who says, Allah rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, the Messenger of Allah Alayhi salaatu wa sallam said, an
hour Caffitaly a team, if you will. Jannetty haka.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said I am the one who takes
care of an orphan will be in Jannah like this was a Shabbos
Ababa while Gustavo and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam gestured with his index finger and his middle finger while
for Raja Vina Houma, and he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left a
big gap in between the two fingers. So Bear very close,
showing that the one who takes care of an orphan and he takes the
responsibility of bringing up and often he will be with Me in
The next hadith is the hadith of Sojourner Abu Huraira. The Allahu
taala, who's similar Hadith in which he says, although sudo Allah
He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Messenger of Allah Allah His salat
wa salam said, God Filoli at me level, I will leave it he the one
who takes care of an orphan, the orphan that belongs to him, is
related to him only rarely, he or the orphan that is not related to
him, is now from amongst his relatives.
He said he's Allah Salam said, the care of the orphan, and myself
will be like these two fingers in Jannah.
So you've learned to combine both the Hadees we learn the virtues of
taking the responsibility of bringing up an orphan, an orphan
child is your team. According to the deen of Allah, according the
Sharia is a child who has lost his father
before reaching the age of puberty, that is known as your
team. And when the child reaches the age of maturity and puberty,
the child from fifth point of view is not your team anymore.
if the child has lost mother, then he's also not closed Islamically
or according to the fifth point of view is not classed as your team.
Your team is the one who has lost his father, because his father is
the one who is mainly responsible for his provision. So he has lost
someone who could provide for him. So now he needs someone who can
take care of him someone who can take the responsibility of
providing for him. That is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said Anna what Caffitaly a team I and the care and the
responsible for the team and the one who takes the responsibility
of bringing up the your team. And often we both together will be
like these two fingers in genital for DOS. So this great virtue of
bringing up an orphan child, it can be a boy it can be
a girl. So either way,
and the virtue and this hi and great virtue of being with the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam indeed indicates that this is
something that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam highly
encouraged and the reason being as a scholar have said
Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself, grew up
as an orphan. He sallallahu alayhi wasallam lost his father, before
coming into this dunya before his birth, so he was born as an
And the one who takes care of an orphan it is as if he takes care
of someone who is a similar situation of the Prophet
sallallahu Allah He was, that is why he is going to be with the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Jannah. Allah subhanho
wa Taala also mentioned the honor
and the virtue of honoring an orphan in Surah Al Fajr, Allah
subhanho wa Taala says kala Billa to Cremona, Leah team,
ne you people you do not honor and you do not respect the orphan,
which indicates that taking care of an orphan must be in a way that
it's honorable way with full and complete respect and dignity. If
you have taken the responsibility of,
of sponsoring an orphan, you should take the responsibility
fully and you should, you should you should not belittle the
orphan, simply because the orphan child has lost his father or a
girl has lost her father. Rather you should treat an orphan child
the way you treat your own son and your own daughter. This is the
meaning of a Karamoja team that you honor and you respect the
orphan and as for those who do not take care of the orphan, and those
who belittle them, those who disgrace them, and those who even
taking those who even take the advantage of the vulnerability
then they are committing major sin major sin as Allah says, again
within Surah Al Fajr, Kulla Billa to criminal yeah team.
What are the HA guna Allah Tamil miskeen what coluna Torah Aquila
lemma, you people try to eat up the inheritance of the orphans
completely you take the advantage of them. And unfortunately, this
is something that is still practiced amongst Muslims within
so called Muslims, who take the advantage of the orphans within
the family within the relatives amongst their relatives. And
sometime they are taken advantage by those who are very close and
those who are expected to take care of the orphans, such as the
paternal uncles, paternal uncles and maternal uncles and sometimes
even grandparents. They take the advantage of those often, boys and
When they lose the father, they are taken advantage of. And this
is one of the major sins Allah says in surah nisa in the Levina
coluna UMWA Leota Holman. In nama coluna. feeble Tony him Nara, was
your slowness are Elon, barely those who eat up the wealth of the
orphans? They do not eat up the wealth of this dunya rather they
fill their bellies with the fire of * was a a slowness era and
they will be thrown in the blazing fire on the Day of Judgment.
When it comes to taking care of an orphan, you must be careful that
you do not oppress them. You do not take away any of their rights
and you do not take advantage of the vulnerability in any form or
Allah subhanahu Attallah revealed the IRA in Surat Al Baqarah. He
says Why is Aluna county Lea Tama when the companion is one Allah He
elevage marine heard the virtues of taking care of an orphan and on
the other hand, the heard by the blessing tang of Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the punishment of
eating up the rights of the orphans. They became scared. They
were afraid. They got worried. Then Allah subhanahu wa Tada
revealed the ayah in the Quran. Yes, Aluna carnally, uttama
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam these people asked you
about the orphans holy Islam hula hoop.
So, some of those companions one Allah here and image Marine, they
got so worried so much so they said it is better for us to cook
the food for the orphans separate tree keep everything separate not
to mix their wealth with our wealth. So that we do not take any
single penny from their wealth to that extent. And Allah subhanahu
wa Tada revealed the ayah these people asked you and obviously it
has become very very difficult for them. The practically it is
something that's impossible. So if you have taken the responsibility
of taking care and often and often is living with you within your
house, then how can you separate him How can you separate his food
and his clothing and his bed and everything? It is practically
impossible. So some of those companions with one Allah He had a
drain they found it very difficult and they asked the Prophet
sallallahu Allison what to do. There was so scared
so Allah subhanahu wa taala revealed the iOS Aluna carmeliet
Amma these people ask you about the orphans Polly is love who love
him hate highs, say to them reply to them or Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam taking care of them. And making sure and taking
care of the welfare is something that is good. It is one of the
best deeds were into Holly to home for a while to come. And if they
mix it and if you mix it and if you allow them to mix with you,
then they are your brother within the religion of Allah subhanahu wa
Tada. So you don't need to worry about it. Well Oh sha Allah Allah
Allah taco. If Allah wanted Allah Allah Allah subhanahu wa taala
could have made it very very difficult for for you. What Allah
Who yeah Allah will move see them in Al mostly? Allah subhanahu wa
taala knows who has the sincere intention to take care of the
orphan with sincerity and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows who is
willing to take the advantage of the offer. So it is it all depends
on your intention and your sincerity.
So, the Companions one Allah Who elevates name and they got worried
and Allah subhanahu wa taala revealed desire, which gave them a
bit of relief in another ayah Allah subhanahu wa taala sent in
certain Nisa
Warburton Alia Tama Hatha ADA Bala who Nikka
for in earnest to minimum Rushden for the Pharaoh la him and wallah
Allah subhanahu wa taala gave the instruction to those who take the
responsibility of taking care of an orphan. Allah says make sure
you safeguard and protect their wealth
until the array until they reach the age of maturity. And when they
reach the age of maturity, then you hand over the wealth to them.
And then while you are taking care of their wealth, Allah subhanahu
wa taala allowed he said man can have an en familia staff if
whoever is rich enough and he does not need to take anything from the
wealth of the orphan he must stay away from it. woman can have a
Kieran Fayard Cobell model. And the person who is taking care of
an orphan if the person himself is poor, then he can he's allowed to
take something from the wealth of the orphan well, but Allah said
failure could be my roof, it has to be will with my roof, something
that suffices him and he should not take the advantage for either
the fire to lay him and water home for us he do Allah him and when
the orphan when an orphan has reached the age of maturity, you
hand over the wealth to them. And you hand over every whatever is
there right and what are belongs to them. You hand over to them for
him, make sure you have witnesses there as well. What Kapha biller?
He has EBA Allah subhanahu wa taala is sufficient to hold you to
an account.
Allah subhanahu wa taala reveals many instructions with regards to
the king with regards to taking care of the orphans. The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also advise the person who
takes care of an orphan he said
Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, the one who is responsible for looking
after the welfare as well as the wealth of the orphan, he must not
leave the wealth without investing it some way,
way the wealth can grow, he should not leave it like that, until the
zakah is taken away every year from the wealth of the orphan. And
the wording of the hadith is Hetalia Kula Hosoda. So he should
not leave it without investing without benefiting himself and
being benefiting the orphan, so that the Zakat eats up the wealth
of the orphan over the years. So this is another instruction for
the care of the orphan, that if you are responsible, because
often, and also what we learn from this hadith of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that often doesn't have to be poor, if
you want to take care of him, it can be someone belongs to rich
That is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the orphan,
they have their own wealth, but they are not matured the art So
Young's. So they cannot, they cannot utilize their wealth in a
wise manner. So they need someone who can protect their wealth. They
themselves are wealthy, but the one who takes care of the wealth
of the orphan, would he get the reward of this? According to this
hadith of the prophets, Allah Salam, yes, he will.
And this is probably one of the reason that Allah subhanho wa
taala, when he made the mention of the various categories of zakah,
he did not mention the orphans amongst them. Because often, not
always poor, orphan child can be a rich child can be can be someone
who belongs to rich and wealthy family, but he needs you know, he
needs help, and guidance and protection. So all of these
included within the Kafala are within taking care of the orphan.
And if you do so, then the reward is that the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said you will be with him in Jannah,
at the second Hadith of the Prophet salallahu Salam that is,
that is rated by Satan, Abu Huraira, the Allahu Taala says,
God federal Yeti Mila, who only radii the one who takes care of an
orphan, whether whether the orphan belongs to him is amongst is
related to him or is the orphan is not related to him. So there is no
difference in reward reward is same.
Which means that you may be living in the UK and you are taking care
of an orphan in another country and sponsoring an orphan through a
charity This is one of the ways and nowadays hamdulillah Allah
subhanahu wa taala has made it very easy for us there are people
out there who take the responsibility of providing the
shelter and food provision, everything in education to the
orphans, all we need to do just to set up direct debit or standing
order in order to take care of the of all the expenses and the cost
of taking care of an orphan. So the one who is taking care of the
orphan physically, he will get the reward and the one who is covering
the cost, it will get the reward as well. That is also included
within Kafala.
May Allah subhanahu wa taala give us our feet and the ability to be
amongst those who honor the orphans, those who take care of
often, whether amongst their relatives or other than relatives,
may Allah subhanahu wa taala accept from us. The next hadith is
the hadith of Sayana Abu Hoda Radi Allahu Taala Anhu in which he says
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Lacell miskeen
Allah the third dual Allah the third who Tamura what time Ratan
wala la cama to a local Matan in normal miskeen Allah de Yatta if
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said miskeen is not a
who is turned away by giving him one or two dates,
or one or two morsels rather than miskeen is the one who is in need
of help, but he does not back.
So when we look in the eye of the Quran, which Allah subhanahu wa
taala has made the mention of the various categories of Zika
Is that in nama sadhaka tool for Cara well Misaki zakah is for for
Cara and Moroccan for Cara is the plural of fatigue and Moroccan is
plural of miskeen. So what is the difference between fatigue and
miskeen? There is difference. That is why they are two separate
categories. There are eight categories of those who deserve
Zeca. The first one is for Hara and the second one is Mysskin for
Ki is someone who does not have enough provision, someone who does
not have enough provision. Someone who does not have perhaps does not
have food, someone who does not have anything he's called for
Keith miskeen is someone who is not in need of food or his
provision. But he is someone who does not beg he's in dire need of
health, financial health, but he does not beg. So, the scholars
have said miskeen is someone who is okay with his daily provision.
He knows that he has enough food for himself and for his family,
but anything extra he cannot afford. For example, when it comes
to travel, he cannot, he cannot he does not have money to travel. And
when it comes to purchase, for example, a medicine if someone
falls ill within his family who himself falls ill he does not have
money to purchase medicine. He's miskeen. So miskeen is not the one
who is in need of a bit of food rather miskeen is someone who is
need in who is in need of financial help but in addition to
that, he does not beg Allah subhanahu wata Allah loves these
type of people who are in need, but they do not beg they do not
ask for help, actively. Yes, people around them, they find out,
they help them hamdulillah although it is not impermissible
for them, to seek help, and to ask for help, it is perfectly fine.
But because of their dignity because of the honor, because of
the fact they do not want to back rather, they want to keep
themselves within their situation so that people do not belittle
them and PP people do not disgrace them. So the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said Lacell Myskina Lolita rue de Haan Allah
de Toro, Tamra Tamra Don Juan de la cama to Alok Mata and in normal
miskeen Allah the TAF rather miskeen is the one who stays
modest and he does not beg people.
Next Hadith the hadith of so you do not have heard of the Allahu
Taala and who as well, who says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said Asare Idol or melotti will miskeen Cal muda he
defeats Abbe de la the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
a sorry, our melotti will Miskin
the one who
makes his efforts to take care of the widowed
and he tries to look after the welfare of the miskeen the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi salam said such person is called muda he defeats
hubbie ly he's like a Mujahid in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala
someone who is striving in the way of Allah subhanahu wata either. So
you can have whatever the Allahu Tahnoon says why Cebu and I think
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam also said, what can you call
me Allah the lie of Torah, such person who days day and night,
every single day, he is in his attempt to take care or help the
widows and the Messiah King and the poor and the uttama and the
orphans. He's always looking after the orphans and the poor and needy
and the widows. He is like the person I'll call him Allah de la
after the one who spent his whole night standing before Allah
subhanho wa Taala in his night pray without taking a rest
worker saw him Allah de la yo. And he is like a person who fasts
every single day and he does not miss any false Subhanallah
the one who looks after who looks after the poor, and the needy, the
widows Oh,
oftens he gets the reward without offering the night free. He gets
the reward of the person who offers the night prayer throughout
the night without taking a rest. He gets the reward of someone who
goes out and fights in the way of Allah subhanahu wa taala he gets
the reward of someone who falls every single day throughout the
year without missing a day. Subhanallah such a great reward.
May Allah subhanahu wa taala give us all features and ability to be
part of these kinds of noble acts. That is why it is always good to
get involved in the charity work. And then the charities obviously
what the charities do, they help the poor and the needy, and the
orphans and the widows. So you help them and you get involved.
And whatever you do, do then you get that award for you will get
the reward of the Mujahid and I will call him and assign May Allah
subhanahu wata Allah give us all fields and ability. The next
Hadees is the hadith of say you do not Abu Huraira Radi Allahu Taala
and who as well.
Again, highlighting the the value and the significance and the
importance of the Messiah kin and the virtues of Messiah King within
the community. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
shall rule bomb al walima you now have my T ha. While you die in a
minute but her mama lamb UWGB Dawa da sallahu wa rasool Allah, the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the evil list or the
worst type of food is the food. You'll know
that the one who is in need of food he is prevented and he is
pushed away. Will you die in a minute ABA and the one who does
not really want to attend and he does not want to attend that
gathering, or a dinner, or food he's insisted to attend. The
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, such gathering for
food is the worst type of gathering.
And the word in the hadith is walima journey we call walima is a
you know reading event but in Arabic or walima is any kind of
event way. You invite people to have meals together. That is
called walima. Any kind of gathering in which you invite
people to have meal together. So the prophets, Allah Salam said
that the worst type of gathering for having meal together is the
gathering, in which you push away the people who are in need of
food. Meaning what? The full Quran Misaki in the poor, needy, you
don't want them to attend. Okay, rather you want to boast by
inviting those wealthy people who do not have even time you insist
you beg them to attend, please come to my wedding. Please come to
my gathering. Please you beg them and you insist and you request
them. And they continue saying Manga The Prophets Allah Azza wa
sallam said they refuse.
And unfortunately, to certain extent we see this. We see this
within our community. In the wedding events are other than
other than wedding events. You try to invite the people who are
already wealthy and then they are not in need of food, but your
purpose. And your intention is to invite them in order to show off
in order to show to others that you have big contacts. You have
links with such a wealthy and rich people. And you do not want to be
seen within your community that you are linked to poor and
Moroccan and the needy people. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam
said, such gathering and such a meal is the worst type of meat is
Eve list of meat. And then he said Allah Azza wa sallam said, Well
malum UGV that our fucka da sallahu wa rasuluh whoever is
invited for walima for a gathering to have meal together and to get
together, and particularly walima their wedding food that the
Prophet SAW Selim said who is invited and he does not accept the
invitation. For ka sallahu, WA Sula, he has indeed disobeyed
Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which shows the
significance and importance of attending an event when you are
invited. And don't unfortunately, there are some people out there
who do not
I want to attend these kinds of gathering. So that people get
together and people get to know them because of the high status
without you know, because of the position or because of the
authority okay. So, they do not want to attend any gathering
within the community. So, they do not want to mix with the general
with the general masses with the general people. So, that is why
the Prophet sallallahu sallam said who has whoever is invited for an
event for a dinner, and he does not attend for CA sallahu wa
Rasulullah he has disobeyed Allah and His Messenger sallallahu
alayhi wasallam. And from this you can see how the prophets of Allah
wa salam has given the importance to the poor and needy as well as
having that unity within the communities so that people always
get together without any kind of discrimination without having the
differences between the rich and wealthy and between the poor and
needy, rather, the all together that is why the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam said, one of the six rights of a Muslim upon Muslim is
that whenever you are invited for a gathering for a meal, you must
accept the invitation.
And sometime wealthy people, rich, rich people, they are invited by
the pool, and don't refuse them. Don't refuse the invitation simply
thinking that they are not off your level or you are higher than
them. Rather you must accept that is why the prophets Allah Islam
said, We're Muslim UWGB da wa sallahu, WA Sula. Whoever does not
accept the invitation. He has disobeyed Allah and His Messenger
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam In another Hadith another version of
the Hadith says, B is a bomb a bomb will walima the worst food a
the food of the walima you da la Lavinia were you Torah kung fu
Cara, that the rich people are invited for the walima but they're
for Cara and the Messiah keen are left. They are not invited,
because of the poverty because of not having wealth because of not
being rich.
Though Islam does not
discriminate between the poor and the rich. And this is something
that we learn every single day at least five times every single day.
When we stand before Allah subhanho wa Taala in one single
row, there may be a person who is millionaire, and another person
who is penniless.
Both standing together, both praying together, both saying
Allahu Akbar together, both doing TR ruku sudo the shepherd together
and some in some cases, you may have an imam who is poor and
needy, and the one who is praying behind the Imam is so wealthy and
rich. But when it comes to the deen of Allah subhanahu wa there
is no difference. There is no difference. And Allah subhanho wa
Taala does not allow this and Allah subhanahu wa taala does not
accept this. May Allah will telegram give us your feet and
ability to learn his legion and to act upon it in the wholesaling
inquiry. Mooji Subhana Allah Mohammed a shadow Allah Allah