Zakaullah Saleem – 63 Riyad asSalihin
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The transcript describes a series of disconnected sentences and phrases, including a statement from a Muslim community about the operation of oppression and the importance of protecting rights. The speakers discuss various types of oppression, including physical hardness, and the use of shrooming to hold people. They also emphasize the importance of avoiding oppression and not being afraid of in order to obtain reward. The segment provides examples of people who have been punished and emphasizes the need to stay away from certain activities and not committing to anything. The speakers also discuss the history of Islam, including the implementation of the waqed act, the use of the "has been seen" phrase, and the return of the goddamn father.
AI: Summary ©
Rahim hamdulillah Al Abdullah Al Amin will outlive 13 or salatu
salam ala Rasulillah Karim while he was so happy here to mine and
my bad
Babu to hurry me a little while I'm Bella dill Mala Lim
Allah Allah hooter, Allah mudavadi mean I mean hemiola Shafi in Utah
we'll call it the Allah Almighty Lord Amin, amin seed. What Amala
Hadith Fermina Hadith who Aveda Radi Allahu Anil Motoko the movie
RC Bible mucha Harada what's Thani were Hadith Rajavi another suit
Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam call it taco volume for
inner Volmer Luma tune yarmulke Yama what tapas short for in a
short ha halacha man Karna Kubla Khan Hama la Humala and Suffolk
who Dima whom was the Hello Mahatma whom are our home Muslim.
So this is the 26th Chapter of book reiatsu Salah Hain titled The
Hareem of wool, the prohibition of volume and oppression, while
Amarula Dilma vollem and the order and the commandment of Allah will
Jayalalithaa Quran and the commandment of Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with regards to restoring the rights of
others. Allah subhanho wa Taala says mudavadi mean I mean Jaime
wala Shafi Utah on the Day of Judgment in Surah surah Taha fear
Allah subhanho wa Taala says, On the Day of Judgment mudavadi mean
I mean hemiola Shafia, Utah for the oppressors for the wrongdoers.
They will be no friend and they will have no intercessor who could
intercede on their behalf. While I shuffle here in Utah, they will
have no intercessor to be listened to. And Allah also says in Surah
Al Hajj wama the volley mean I mean as read for the oppressors
for the volley mean for the wrongdoers, there will be no
helper. No one would assist them when they would be standing before
Allah will gelardi Be calm. As for the Hadees there are many Hadith
of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that warn us against
oppression and being injured. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said in a hadith that is rated by said you do not Jabir bin
Abdullah of the Allahu Taala and humor that the Messenger of Allah
Allah His salatu salam said it could
be way of volume and oppression. For enough volume of Aluma to
yarmulke Yama for verily volume and oppression will cause darkness
on the Day of Judgment. What tacos Sure, and by the way, and stay
away from stinginess for international law common Karna
Kabila calm, because the short, and the stinginess is something
that destroyed and doom those who were before you, hammer Lahoma
Allah and suffer coup de ma home, and stinginess is something that
incited those who are before you to share the bloods of others was
the Hello Mahatma home and they treated the unlawful as lawful
just because of this hadith says collected by Mr. Muslim Rahim
So this chapter talks about the prohibition of oppression and loom
any kind of bull mainly loom is of two types loom
towards the rights of Allah subhanho wa taala.
A slave of Allah, a servant of Allah,
a human in sun can commit to volume
to the hukou of Allah to the rights of Allah azza wa jal Annika
and then the second type of Golem is the oppression towards or
against the rise of the mankind and human beings and the creation
of Allah will tell you.
The first one is which is oppression against the rights of
Allah subhanahu wa taala. It includes first and foremost Sheikh
committing Schilke with Allah Bucha economic associating
partners with Allahu Chela LUCAM calling upon others other than
Allah subhanahu wa taala
rather than making
All making your DUA your Avada you worship sincere for Allah azza wa
jal you Crom you call upon others as well. You make such the on the
grave of someone, or you make the tawaf of someone's shrine. Or you
take someone as your load, or helper will assistant,
particularly with regards to the matters that are only in the hands
of Allah subhanahu wa taala. So that is schicke associating
partners with Allah who will Jelani with the crown,
completely relying or putting trust in other than Allah subhanho
wa Taala it is also a form of shirk, showing off your good
deeds, it is also a form of shake, as Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said, in the Aqua Aqua a commercial quill Aslan, the most
worrying thing for me with regards to yourself is a sheer colossal,
the minor ship
the Companions as a messenger of Allah alayhi salatu salam, what do
you mean by minor Shiki celeea The showing off a person stands before
Allah in
in terms of offering his Salah in order to offer his Salah and
Chapin whispers in mind and he prolongs his Salah in order to
show off in order to show to the people around him that he is very
pious and righteous individual. You read Quran in order to show
off you give in charity in order to show off you show your kindness
towards others and you manifest good o'clock and character in
order to show off not in order to please Allah subhanahu wa. So
these are the different types of Chinook. And with regards to shoot
Allah subhanahu wa taala said in the shield calluna Alvine in the
Shilka La Jolla manavi Valley Schilke is a grave and great
oppression and the wool
as the scholars have said the definition of Gollum is what
rochet II feel at Mahali placing something in other than its right
Placing something in other than its right place that is going to
it and when it comes to the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala
we must direct all types of worship to Allah azza wa jal
alikom this is what we declare before Allah in every single rock
of our Salah er cannot Abood Wallah You alone we worship
and all types of worship must be directed to Allah gonna channel
you club where he can start in and you alone, we seek assistance. You
alone we call upon for assistance. And when it comes to seeking
someone's help you first and foremost seek Allah's assistance.
That is why it is part of our iman it is part of believe that from
amongst the people around you from the creation of life, you need
someone's help, before approaching them for their system for their
health. First and foremost you seek Allah's assistance, because
Allah is the One who will enable that person to help you and to
assist you. So always direct to all kinds of worship all types of
worship to Allah will China lucra so this is first type of volume
when you associate partners with Allah there is generally crime in
any form or shape. And then the second type of volume is that is
related to the rights of the creation of Allah.
And when it comes to the loom or oppression towards the rights of
the creation of Allah or the lives of the people, it is divided into
three main categories that are mentioned in the hadith of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, a long Hadith
that actually talks about the Farewell Sermon of Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when the Prophet alayhi salatu salam
delivered his hotbar of Hajj. He Allah His salatu salam mentioned
that he said in Dima accom What am walakum wa are all Boko Haram on
Aleikum. Kahala, Mata Yomi caminhada fischeri Cunha the FIE
Bala de caminhada. He and his salatu salam said in that hotline
his Farewell Sermon, he said in edema or conversely your bloods
were unwelcome and your wealth were another come and your own
souls and your and your honors. Hara Munna, Alikum Kahala to make
Maha that they are all sacred.
They are all sacred as the sacredness of this day.
which was the day of Arafa
fie Shani Kumada. In this, as it as you have this month as this
month is sacred month within the month of the hijab, which is one
of the four sacred months. And fi Baladi caminhada like the
sacredness of this place, which was McHale mukaiyama The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, You blurred your wealth, and your
honor, they are all sacred. They are all sacred. So this is what
Rasulullah saw Salah mentioned in this hadith. So, when it comes to
volume, so volume of oppression can be against any of these three.
The first one is which is volume against the blood, and it actually
includes any kind of physical oppression. You slap someone, you
beat someone, you kill, you shed the blood of someone you harm in
any form of physical hardness, that is gold, that is going to
volume against a Dima the Bloods. And the second type of gold is
wool against the wealth, taking away someone's wealth, or the
other or the wealth of others, unlawfully
by cheating, by lying
by deceiving,
or out of oppression of the world. These are all different types of
football. It's all includes within the oppression against the man.
And then the third one is the woman against the honor to
disgrace someone to humiliate someone to sweat someone to back
bite someone. This all this is the volume towards the honor of a
Muslim. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made all these
types of Halal haram. In fact, he alayhi salatu salam said in Hadith
good to see that Allah subhanahu wa Dallas's yeah are you buddy in
the haram to Volmer Allah NFC which is to who by in a coma ha
Rama Falletta Allah or my slaves. I the Lord, the Creator, the
harlot, Malik Razia, I have made the Golem haram upon myself filata
Vaughn was able to Hubei in a coma Hara mana and I have made the loom
and oppression haram amongst you as well.
So never oppress one another.
This is a commandment of Allah, so volume of any kind, in any form of
shape, it is a major sin. So we must avoid that.
And Mr. manavi rahamallah has gotten many Hadees in this chapter
that we'll be going through Inshallah, later on. And then
within in this hadith the prophets Allah allah sallallahu sallam
said, it took a while for in a Wilma Voluma to normal Korea.
Beware of lunamon oppression. For verily oppression will cause
darkness on the Day of Judgment. On the Day of Judgment, every
individual will need a light to walk towards Allah subhanahu wata
Allah. Is Allah subhanahu wa taala says,
Yo Ma Kunal Munna Munna for your power to the Latina Amaan waroona
Nikita Viessmann Nurick. There are many
another Aya is in surah taurine, may Allah subhanahu wa taala says
yo Mala Zilla who Nabi will Latina Ahmed Omar on that day Allah will
not forsake who Allah will not humiliate His Prophet, neither
those who believed in him Allah he's salatu salam, new Romea Saba
in AD him Wabi Imani him, the Prophet and the believers they
will have their new their light running before them and on the
right side, and they will be walking in the light of that new
towards Allah subhanahu wa taala. So as soon as we will be
resurrected from our graves will need to make our way to the land
of Hashem, we Allah subhanahu wa taala will be gathering the whole
mankind and every individual will be walking in the light of his
deeds, and every individual will be given the new according to his
good deeds, which means what? That those who do not have good deeds,
they will be standing still in darkness.
And this is going to be the first time when everyone will need new
and light and there will be other events as well. Other occasions
within the Day of Judgment when people will need new light.
And one of them we will be when people will be passing the
So, Ilan, as you mentioned in the last night in the in the last
lecture last week, when you pass over the sweetheart, the bridge
over the hellfire, it will be completely talk and you will be
crossing that bridge in the light that Allah subhanahu wa taala will
grant you and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam may Allah have mercy on our Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam He has guided us towards the goodies that
can grant us new and light on that day. And one of them is, which is
something that we all pay attention to. He alayhi salatu
salam said, but she will Masha enough, but but she will Masha
enough elude me for Lulu me for duniya Binu Rita me Jamelia, he
alayhi salatu salam said, give the glad tidings of those who walk in
the darkness in this dunya give them the glad tidings of the
complete light on the Day of Judgment.
What did he mean by those who walk in the dark?
The scholars have said actually Rasulullah saw Salah men, those
who walk towards the houses of Allah will generally kromm In
order to offer Salah to Nisha and Salah to fetch
when you make your way in the door not Hamdulillah we are living in a
time we actually there is no dog. We have you know all the cities
are lit up. But But still we can get the reward. He earned his
salatu salam encouraged us to try our best to attend so that Russia
and Salah to Fajr in the masjid.
As on one hand, he Ali salatu salam has given us that glatt ID
that if you want the complete light on that day that will
accompany you while you will be crossing the bridge over the
Hellfire then make you efforts to attend the masjid for Salah.
Tonatiuh Salah to failure. On the other hand, he Ali salatu salam
has warned us against in the follow up he said in Afghanistan
Allah to Allah Munna Filipina Salah to nourish it was
the heaviest of the praise upon the hypocrites is Salah,
toleration Salah to fetch.
So we have to Hadees one Hadith that warns us against the
hypocrisy and the FARC and one of the signs of the NIFA that you
find it difficult to attend the merciful salah, Tonatiuh and
solitude failure. On the other hand, you have black earning of
Rasulullah sallallahu Listen, that if you were to make efforts to
attend the Mercy of
Allah subhanho wa Taala will bless you will the complete night with
the complete light on the Day of Judgment.
So when everyone will be in dire need of having a new term complete
light in order to walk towards Allah subhanahu wa taala and then
will and also to cross the bridge. If you have caused any kind of
oppression towards anyone in this dunya that will deprive you from
the light on the Day of Judgment. This is what Rasulullah sallallahu
sallam said estoppel will be way of oppression. Beware of
oppression, volume for in a Wilma vumat rather the oppression for
verily volume and oppression will cause not one darkness, many, many
full darkness in many full lumati The poorer off of Wilma, it will
cause darkness in many forms on the day of judgment.
And then in the next part of the Hadith. The Prophet alayhi salatu
salam he has warned us against something that actually
leads the person to commit volume and oppression.
And he said what tacos should
be way of short,
short, usually it is translated as stinginess. But actually the word
short means more than that. Sure is, that you have greediness
within yourself for the wealth of this dunya to the extent that
whatever you have accumulated, whatever you have in your
possession, you do not want it to go away.
Rather, you want to obtain and attain and accumulate more and
more and more. And you have that type of greediness, that is called
a sha Allah says in the Quran, woman you should have see for
Allah a common mafia, those who have been saved from short from
this kind of feeling an attitude for Allah icon for your own, such
people are successful.
So he Allah is salatu salam said, what tacos sure
Beware of short for in the short term and can apabila come because
short is something that has destroyed those who are before
you. Because when you have that greediness, you have Allah
subhanahu wa taala has blessed you with so many of his blessing and
favors and bounties, but you are you're you're never content and
satisfied with that. Rather you want to more and more and more in
order to in order to satisfy your greediness. You want to attain
more, and you basically cross the boundaries of the deen and you
start doing oppression and the volume and you start snatching
someone's wealth or attacking someone's honor or physically
attacking others. And all of this all majority of the saints that we
see around us are because of this problem. Sure. He arranged for
that to Salem. Firstly he warned against a wall and then he said it
tacos should
be way of something that actually leads to hold for in Sri Lanka
Monica Anna Kabila calm, then he and his salatu salam explained he
said harmala Whom Allah and Suffolk oedema Shan Shan was
something that actually encouraged and that is something that led
people, the previous nations to shed the bloods of others.
A person killed someone because of what because of the wealth of
dystonia. Either he wants to get the wealth of someone he is
killing with his murdering or he's being paid in order to kill
someone. So all for doing that reading. Is that Sure? What's the
Hello Mahatma home. And he added salatu salam said sure is
something because of which the previous nations or the people
before you. They made unlawful things lawful for themselves. What
Allah made haram for them, they made it allowed for themselves.
And unfortunately this is the case. Even today. You find people
who try to find any kind of excuse to make haram things halal for
They have lame excuses, that I have this necessity I have this
need because of this. Although it is haram. I admit I acknowledge
that it's haram, but this is my necessity, this is my need. So
that is why I make a halal for myself.
And many people fall into this and once you tread that path, you will
continue committing sin after sin, committing oppression after
oppression. And because you will end up falling in the trap of
shaytaan where you can never satisfy your needs and your
desires. You will continue designing more and more and more.
And this is what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
loca Anna Livni Adama wadiyar name in the hub leftover Felisa.
If a child of Adam would be given two full valleys of full of gold,
he will be seeking the third one
because that desire that greediness is there, and you can
never satisfy yourself. And he or the salatu salam also said my amla
Oh, Joe from the Adam Electra, then the person will continue
running after dunya after the wealth of dystonia, causing
oppression and the volume and committing sins after sin. He will
continue doing that, until he will go into the grave and nothing will
fill his belly in his stomach, other than the mud and the dust of
the grave.
Now who will let him in? So he only salatu salam Warners. Again a
short, stay away from whatever you are given and granted by Allah
subhanho wa Taala b can be contented and happy with it. That
is why He Allah is salatu wa sallam said in a beautiful Hadith
that is collected by mama Timothy Rahim Allah and the authority of
CU Dona Abu Hurayrah the Allahu Taala a beautiful Hadith, Jonnie
salatu. Salam said to his companions once, Who amongst you
is willing to take five pieces of advice from me, Abu Huraira, the
Allahu Taala as the level of the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu
Sallam he was the first one to raise his hand he said, and I also
Allah, I'm here to accept that advice from your messenger for
Allah and so that was Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam a Buddha himself said and the prophets Allah said longer
hold of my hand and it for Adamson and he counted five advices five
Two pieces of advice.
And the beauty of this hadith is that with each advice the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam also made the mention of the outcome and the
benefit. The first one was entitled Mahatma Tokunaga the
nurse, stay away from all kinds of haram. Then in result of this, you
will become the greatest worshipper amongst the people
amongst the creation of Allah subhanho You will become the
greatest worship of Allah will Jericho by doing what? By offering
a lot of new orphan by reading a lot of Quran by doing the vicar
all the time No, he said he told Muharram by staying away from
Imam even though Josie Rahim Allah, he says as something very
interesting in that the CETA off sort of the use of May Allah
subhanahu wa taala may mentioned that use of Allah His salatu
salam, he was invited to commit Zina with the wife of the ruler of
the missile as he's a missile. He said what he said my Allah.
I seek refuge with Allah subhanahu wata in Nahu Rabi I sent him with
what he stayed away from committing Zina, although he had
all the means. No one could see him. And he was you basically in
simple words, you can say the Zina was facilitated for him, but he
stayed away from it, saying the MaHA Allah I seek protection I
seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala and Imam even Josie Rama
Allah says, this is the place this is the time this is kind of
situation where the person is tested whether he is true servant
of Allah subhanho wa taala. When you have all the means of
committing sins, yet you stay away.
Yet you stay away and you protect yourself from falling into sin or
committing Zina or committing any of those things. And then he says
Luffy salata, Ducati the true Budimir servitude to Allah
subhanho wa Taala is not simply offering to the car, because
offering to the car praying to the car Salah is law easier than
staying away from sins. And it is Wallahi true. It is true.
We find many people amongst us ourselves. Every one of us we can
judge our own selves by the trophy and by the permission of Allah
subhanahu wa taala we try our best to establish all five daily praise
and perform the word fake. But every one of us we need to look
within ourselves how much we actually try to avoid committing
sins. When it comes to lying, backbiting, swearing, cheating.
All these are major sins.
There are people who pray they cheat those who pray, they
backbite those who pray, they they commit all kinds of sins.
That is why Rasulullah Setsuna said it takelma Hari metta Kuhn
arbequina, the coonara but the PNAS stay away from all types of
haram. Then in the result of this you will become the greatest
worship of Allah Allah. And then in the second the second piece of
piece of advice he gave to say you do not have whatever the Allahu
Taala No, this is what is related to this chapter. What Gaby Marcus
Salah who lack the Quran oven unas
Hello What a lovely Maka some Allahu Allah be contented and
happy and satisfied with that which Allah subhanahu wa taala has
given you and Allah has granted you the Quran oven and nurse. Then
in desert of this you will become the richest amongst the people.
They semolina unthrottled out of the well I can Latina Latina
knifes the prophets, Allah says Allah sallam said, the richness is
not by accumulating a lot of wealth of the dunya rather
richness is the richness of the heart and the soul.
So, this kind of this satisfaction and contentment of the heart and
the soul of what Allah subhanahu wa taala has granted you this is
something that can protect you that can keep you away from Sure.
And if you are saved from Sure, then most likely you will be
saved, you will be saved from committing volume.
And if you are, if you are protected, if you are saved from
committing volume and oppression, then on the day of judgment you
will have complete light. Otherwise, there will be darkness
there will be a lot of darkness many darkness in many fold. And
you will be stuck on the Day of Judgment. So Rasulullah sallallahu
Sallam gave us a solution for staying away from Bucha
taco volume it taco shop. In order for you to stay away from
oppression, you must get rid of the short and that greediness and
that desire and necessity desire for the for the wealth of
dystonia. And then the second Hadith that Mr. Menachem Allah has
quoted in this chapter is the hadith of so you do not go
wherever the Allahu Taala who says another suit allah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam on then the Messenger of Allah and he salatu
salam said, lead to additional who Allah yarmulke Yama by Allah all
the rise will be paid back to those who deserved those rights on
the Day of Judgment, all the rights will be paid back. Whether
you call the Leisha till gel Ha, minute shuttle Corona
to the extent that the whole less sheep or goat will be retaliated
for by punishing the Home Sheep. Meaning that if a sheep who had
homes in this dunya oppressed or broke the homes of another sheep,
Allah subhanho wa Taala will reject both of them. And Allah
will present them before the whole mankind and creation in order to
show His justice and his idol.
And this Hadith also shows that on the Day of Judgement, Allah
subhanho wa Taala is going to resurrect not only human beings
and Jen kind, rather the animals will also be resurrected. The
animals will also be resurrected, as Allah says in the Quran. Omar
Minda but in fill out while I'll talk to you Ruby Jana, hi Illa
Omar loco, there is no creation there's no creature walking
preping on this earth well aka in in your tweet and no bird that
flies with his wings with its wings in their Illa OMA moon and
Falcon except that all communities like you have the communities
those birds and animals they have their own communities MA for
Latina fill Kitabi min. Che we never neglected anything in our
book in our record for my inner beam your Sharon, then all of them
on the Day of Judgment they will be gathered,
they will be gathered. So this is one of the evidence that
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said that even the animal Allah
subhanahu wa taala in order to show and demonstrate His justice
is idle. He will bring those type of animals and he will show that
he will challenge the crumb will show His justice to the mankind.
The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam also said in a hadith that is
collected by say you do not Abdullah Hypno Omar Radi Allahu
Taala and Huma, he says, Could Nana had this and had jirtle Wada.
When we use Allah Allahu Allah, He will send them away now of hoody.
Now one another in Mahabharata Wada. We the companions of the
Prophet alayhi salatu salam, once we were sitting, and we were
discussing and we're talking about the Farewell Sermon of Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam had to do with the farewell Hajj of Rasulullah
Salah Salem, while the prophets of salaam was still alive amongst us,
Walla Walla, Nidri Maha Radha, we did not know what does Hetal WADA
mean, until the prophets of Allah left, because this is called
the farewell hedge because this is what this was the final hedge that
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam performed, usually we hear that
the Prophet alayhi salatu salam performed only one Hajj. It is
true in one sense that after making Hijra after Allah subhanahu
wa taala made the hardest pillar of Islam, the Prophet alayhi
salatu salam performed only one height, but it does not mean that
I hear you salatu salam never performed any Hajj before that.
Rather, if we were to study the seed of Rasulullah Salah Salem we
come to know that he led Salah to Islam used to perform hajj when he
was in McCallum. Kurama. And this was one of his main ways of of
preaching Islam and calling people towards the Tauheed of Allah azza
wa jal when the people would come into McHale mukaiyama The Prophets
Allah Salah would go to Mina and he would meet people and this is
where the prophets of salaam first time met the people of Medina.
So the Prophet Salam did perform Hajj, but that time, Hajj was not
probably the pillar of Islam, but a once the Hajj became the pillar
of Islam that was only heard that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
performed and after that hajj Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam
did not get a chance to perform another hide. That is why this is
one has that is called had to do with our farewell hatch.
So Abdullah have no no matter the Allahu Taala says that we were
discussing about the Hajj of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and
we never knew that was the Hudson vada that was the farewell hatch.
And then he says, then we remember we were discussing amongst
ourselves that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, he one off his
goodbye because during his had his journey of Hajj he Ali salatu
salam delivered many hookbaits he delivered the fatwa when he
arrived in McAllen, mocha Rama and then he delivered the hotel. When
he was in Medina. He delivered the football when he was in Arafa. And
he delivered the football and Yamuna had on 10th of Dhul Hijjah
on the day of sacrifice as well. So there are many footballs and
one of them is what we discussed and we said Hamidah rasool Allah
He SallAllahu Alisyn Muhammad Allah rasool Allah He SallAllahu
Sallam the Prophet alayhi salatu salam stood amongst as he praised
Allah was now Allah II and he glorified Allah who generally Crom
so Medaka al mercy had the job. Then the Prophet salallahu Alaihe
Salam made the mention of the fitna for the germ Feltner Buffy
decree, and he gave us the detailed count off the fitness of
the job. He mentioned all types of details with regards to that
fitness. And amongst that detail, he Ali salatu salam said, The MABA
salah, whom in the beginning, Allah undara, who Omata who Allah
never sent any prophet except that Prophet and Messenger wound his
people and his nation, against the fitness of the child, all the way
from so you do not know Allah, he's salatu salam, every single
prophet won't hit his people and his nation against the fitness of
the John undara who know wanna be human body. New alayhi salatu
salam and all the prophets after him. They won't the nation and the
people against the fit of the journal. And then he Ali salatu
salam said we're in the home in your quarterly fee come from our
coffee Alikum and SHINee Felisa your father equal. If the job was
to appear now, while I'm while I'm alive amongst you, then it will be
something that will not remain hidden from you. Meaning I'm there
for you. So that I can point out, I can make it clear to you that so
and so is the job. So you do not need to worry and then he Ali
salatu salam said
if the jail appears after me then I give you some some signs by
which you can identify him. One of them he said in another back home
laser be our remember, the Jarl will claim that he is Rob and you
believe will you remember in novabackup Laser be our that your
Rob is not one ICT
and the Rola man, the scholars of and Asuna will Gemma they have
taken the evidence from this Hadees that Allah subhanahu wa
taala has two eyes as it be fit his majesty. When we say Allah has
eyes he does not mean that Allah has eyes are like our eyes, laser
cometh cliche. This is our iman this our Arcada
nothing laser Camus Lishi there's nothing like Allah subhanahu wa
taala no attribute like the attribute of Allah don't shatter
the crown. But at the same time, we confirm and we affirm for Allah
whatever Allah subhanahu wa taala has affirmed for himself, we
affirm for Allah whatever Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has
affirmed for luxury generally crumb, we negate from Allah
subhanahu wa taala whatever Allah Himself negated from himself. we
negate from Allah subhanahu wata Allahu Allah azza wa jal crown
whatever Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam needs so these
are the principles. These are the principles of Arpita and one of
the those things is this hadith in Naraku, lays happy hour. So the
Prophet SAW Selim negated He said, Your Lord is not one ICT so it is
perfectly fine for us to say that our Lord Allah will telegram is
not one ICT
but other than that, we cannot use negative forms in order to negate
anything from Allah subhanho wa taala. Rather we must remain
within the boundaries of the Sharia. So whatever Allah
subhanahu wa taala or the Prophet alayhi salatu salam negated from
Allah, we must believe in that and we must negate from Allah subhanho
wa taala. And whatever Allah and His messenger Allah is salatu
salam affirmed for Allah, we must believe in that. So he or the
salat wa salam said in Nara bekam Lai said we our your Lord is not
one I were in the who are our ROI in Illumina we as the John he will
not have a right I rather he will have only left eye he will be one
night and that I mean that guy night you know who arena button
Parthia and in addition to that, his I will be like a
A swollen, swollen what a grave, okay, it will be like that it will
not be the bowl of the I will not be inside. Rather it will be
outwards it will be outside and you will have only one eye. And
this is his physical sign that you could recognize him by. And then
the Prophet SAW Selim, there are other relations in which the
Prophet alayhi salatu salam gave us the many other signs of the
Anyway, in this hadith, the Prophet alayhi salatu salam in
this particular chutzpah after making the mention of the signs of
the journal and warning his companion to Allah He and Mitch
main against the fit of the John he Ali salatu salam then said
Allah in Allah ha Rama la comme de ma como am wala calm karma to Miko
hada fie Bala de caminhada fishery Kumada be way Verily, Allah
subhanho wa Taala has made your blurbs and your wealth sacred as
the sacredness of this day, within this within the city of Makkah,
within this blessing month, the month of the hedger and then he
Ali salatu salam addressed his company said Allah Hello, beloved.
Have I conveyed the message that Allah subhanahu wa taala sent me
with because Allah instructed him Yeah, your Rasul bellisima OMSI
really come Arabic or messenger convey whatever has been revealed
to you. So the Prophet alayhi salatu salam made his companions
witness on himself. He said, hola, hola. Hola. Have I conveyed? And
they said Nam ya rasool Allah, yes for Messenger of Allah, you have
conveyed and then he Ali salatu salam, repeat it. Second time,
then third time, and all three times the Companions one law huge
Marine, they said naamyaa Nam yada Zulan Yes, all messenger of Allah
you have conveyed whatever Allah subhanho wa Taala had sent you
with and then he la salatu salam said Allah, Masha, Allah you be
with all Allah you be witness, will Allah bear witness that you
will Nabi has conveyed whatever you had sent him with? And then he
added salatu salam conclude his hood by saying own Guru own Guru
La Torre Giroux, body coo Farah, your booty boo Babu company acaba
bath. He said, all my companions, or my OMA, be way see, do not turn
too far
to find disbelieved after me by killing one another,
by killing one another.
And this hadith in this hadith, the word Kufa doesn't mean the one
if a Muslim kills another Muslim is out of full Islam. Rather, this
is Cofer as the scholar of said Kufa. Duna, Cofer as Iman has
different levels, like was Cofer has different levels. So this is
so killing a Muslim or murdering a Muslim is a major major sin one of
the major sins. But it does not mean that it takes the person out
to fall of Islam. My person may get closer to leaving Islam is
such a major sin that can possibly lead the person leaves the fold of
Islam. In that sense, it is called this action or this sin is called
COFRA. So he Ali salatu salam said own Guru lethargy robotic who
follow your guru Baba Cumbrian cavas again, the Prophet alayhi
salatu salam warned his ummah against oppression anvil, may
Allah subhanahu wa taala give us all faith and the ability to stay
away from all types of government oppression. May Allah subhanho wa
Taala give us your feet and ability to practice justice and to
stand for justice. And may Allah subhanahu wa taala give us your
feet and ability to be just towards ourselves to be just
towards our Creator Lago Jerry kromm to be just towards our NABI
SallAllahu Sallam to be just to our deen our religion, to be just
towards our family, towards the people around us, to our
relatives, our friends, to be just to everyone, because adult is
something that Allah subhanahu wa taala has instructed us in the
Quran, ARD Lu who were Acropolis Taqwa be just because this is
something that can lead that that actually leads you to Taqwa. If
you truly want to attain taqwa, then you have to be just May Allah
subhanahu wa taala give us Tawfeeq and ability in the WHO Semyon
curry Mooji Subhana Allah Mohammed ik shadow Allah Allah Allah