Zakaullah Saleem – 47 Riyad asSalihin
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Learn how Rahmani Raheem from the medieval and we'll have about the
Haisla sunnah it will either be
by the Allahu dialer or my Docomo rasuluh for who do who Amana
command confirmed.
Isla de Isla 1 million to Anil house. In Hua Illa new new her
call it the island pool in condom to a boon Allah for Debbie Rooney.
You have Eva como la who we'll
call it the Arleigh Cadogan Allah calm fie rasool Allah he will
sweat on how Santa Monica Anna yoga doula who will yo mil earth
it was called Allah Cathy Allah.
This is the 16th chapter of the book The Abu Salah Hain
tightened amaro Bill Maha forgot the other sunnah will be
the commandment of adhering to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, and its advocates and adab.
As usual, Imam nawawi Rahim Allah has started his chapter by quoting
some verses of the Quran. The first one of them is the verse
from or part of the verse from Surah. Al hasher in which Allah
subhanahu wa taala says wama como rasuluh for Hulu, whatever the
messenger alayhi salatu salam gives you you must take it. While
Manohar come and often taboo and whatever the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam prohibits you from you must refrain and abstain
from it.
And Allah subhanahu wa taala also said Who am I am to Cornell Hawa
in Hawaii, Allah wa you have whatever the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam utters and he speaks he never speaks out of his
desire. Rather, it is always ye and revelation from Allah
subhanahu wata Allah. Allah azza wa jal Ekrem also said All In
Kuntum to a boon Allah for Debbie Rooney, your biblical Mala who
will Fiddler come to Nova Khan, say to them or Muhammad Allah His
Salatu was Salam that if you people love Allah, then follow me
Muhammad Allah His salatu salam, you'll be with Kamala than in
desert of this Allah will love you. Well we'll fill up from don't
overcome and Allah will forgive your sins. Allah azza wa jal gram
also said insert to La Casa La cada Karna la comme fee Rasul
Allah he will SWAT on Hasina verily for you is the best example
and also in Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Lehmann Karna
Yaga joola Will Yeoman archaea. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam is
the best example. For every single individual who has believe and
hear clean and Iman that he will be meeting Allah subhanho wa Taala
and he has the opinion in the last day and the one who remembers
Allah azza wa jal and Luke from above abundantly. So, these are
the verses that Mr. manavi rahamallah has quoted at the
beginning of this chapter. In all these verses, one common message
that has been given to us which is none other than the authority of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the Prophet alayhi
salaatu wa salaam he is the third he is the authority from Allah
azza wa jal, Allah the Quran
that Allah subhanahu wa taala has instructed us in a clear words
Omar Docomo, Rasool for hoodoo, whatever the messenger alayhi
salatu salam gives you you must take it. So this is the this idea
is the principle in the matters of the religion in the matters of
faith. That what our Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam
instructs what our the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam orders,
it becomes worship compulsory, unless and until there is evidence
that whatever the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has
said, is not worship, for example Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam if Allah if Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has
instructed one of his companions to offer to rock art,
then it becomes compulsory, it becomes wajib unless there is
evidence that the order of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam was not for Buju it was not an obligation. So in this
particular sense, in this scenario there
order of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be
considered as something that is highly recommended and it cannot
be considered as woowoo because Allah subhanahu wa taala has
obligated upon us the five daily prayers, five daily prayers, and
if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam instructed any of his
companions to pray any other salah, other than these five daily
prayers, then it will be considered it will be seen as the
order not for voodoo not for obligation, rather, this will be
the order or instruction just for recommendation.
And this is the reason that the majority of the fuqaha are of the
opinion that when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said I
will do Quran or the people of Quran always perform better.
The scholars have said or majority of the fuqaha they have the
opinion the Witter is not fourth, because what is fourth,
five daily prayers and Witter is not one of them.
But on the other hand, we find according to the eye of the Quran,
wama Kumaraswamy, whatever the messenger alayhi salatu salam
orders you you must take it, you must accept it, you must act upon
it, but in this particular scenario, it will not be the order
for YouTube. It is something that is not watching. So, in this
particular scenario, the order of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam will be considered as recommendation. But other than
this, every single hokum every single order of Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is something that is wajib upon the
OMA based on this area. Wah ma Takuma Rasool, whatever the
messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives you instructs you
orders you you must take it and you must act upon it. While
Manohar, Kumanovo Fanta who and on the other hand, whatever the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam prohibits you from you must
refrain and abstain from it.
And this is this ayah is also an evidence that in the deen of Allah
subhanahu wa taala we have two main sources of the deen of Allah
the Quran as well as the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam. And this is one of the evidences that the Hadith, the
statements and the actions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam
are also part of the deed, and particularly his statements and
his orders and his instructions are also part of the deen. This is
the clear evidence of the hajiya to Hadith. We find nowadays there
is one great fitna, the fitna of the people who call themselves
alone Quran the people of Quran
and they are the ones who claim that the Quran is sufficient for
us. Oran is something that has been revealed from Allah subhanahu
wa taala. And it is something that has been preserved by the
commandment of Allah ghulja Quran by the order by the will of Allah
subhanho wa taala. As for the Hadith, they object to the Hadith,
they say Hadees was recorded over 200 years after the death of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, which is in reality is
not true. There are many, many evidences many evidences that the
Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were also written
and recorded during the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam. But unfortunately, these people call themselves Muslim and
they reject the Hadith. They reject the Hadith. And they say
that we believe in the Quran.
We as within the Quran, Allah subhanahu wa Diana said Omar
takumar Rasool, for hoodoo Romana Hawkman who Finto whatever
messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives you you must take it.
What does it mean?
What is the authority of Rasulullah Salah salah. This ayah
proves the authority of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam
and it proves that the Hadith the statements, the orders the
instructions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are
also part of the deen of Allah who will generally crumb whatever the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has made hunted for us it
is Allah, whatever Rasulullah sallallahu Allah is Allah made
haram for us it becomes haram.
It is not only that you find whatever you find in the Quran is
halal and whatever is not mentioned in the Quran, it is not
halal or whatever you find in the Quran is haram is only that is
haram at
then that is not haram. And the scholars have obviously this is a
different topic, the topic of Hajia to Hadees, the authority of
the Hadith. The scholars have given many examples of this halal
and haram and one of them the clear one is the dog for example,
where is in the Quran that the dog is haram? No way. The Quran
doesn't say that the dog is haram. It is the Hadith of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam that makes it clear the dog is haram
based on many a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Allison, this
is one example there are many other examples
and unfortunately those who claim that the deen of Allah is only
within the Quran. Such people they actually do not believe in prayer
in salah they do not believe even in Zakah they do not believe in
fasting. The way we normally usually Muslim already Muslims
believe when it comes to Hajj, they do not believe in hajj, the
way we believe or we perform the hajj. Yet they call themselves
Muslim. And unfortunately they main target are those Muslims who
are ignorant. Those who do not study the Quran, those who do not
know the Quran themselves, but they whisper and they
they whisper they teach them some kind of, you know, Shewhart and
some doubts. And based on that these people, ordinary people or
Johal, or the ignorant people, they end up believing that the
Quran is the only source of the deen of Allah. As for the Hadith,
every single Hadith they doubt they have doubt in every single
What kind of Muslim are they? If they do not believe in Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then the question remains on the
Quran as well. What is the evidence that the Quran is the
book that was revealed to Rasulullah sallallahu ala salah?
Who told us the Quran is the book of Allah.
Obviously the prophets Allah Salam, who was the first who read
the Quran recited the Quran to his companions, the Prophet sallallahu
sallam. How come that you believe that whatever the Prophet Salah
Salem is reciting is the Quran from Allah. But if Rasulullah
Salah Salem says anything other than the Quran, you say, I'm not
going to take it, I'm not going to accept it.
This is nothing other than hypocrisy and the practice that
Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned the Quran with regards to those
disobedient Jews after took me know that we battled Kitabi water
Corona de Burgh, that you believe in a portion of the book and you
disbelieve in the portion of the book. So those who do not believe
in the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam they
are not in reality, they are not Muslims, they are not Muslims,
because they have abandoned most part of the religion.
So if someone claims that he believes in the Quran only, and he
does not believe in the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
salam, he actually has not in reality believed in the Quran
Because the Quran reached us through the prophets Allah Allahu
Allah He was. So this had this idea of the Quran is a clear
evidence that what our Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam says it
is part of the religion it is part of the deen of Allah Dolcetto
Allah Quran that is why Imam nawawi Rama Allah has gone to the
second area, which is from surah najem in which Allah subhanahu wa
taala says WOMMA young people and in our in who are in La Jolla, you
have Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam does not say anything
out of his desire, rather, whenever he Ali salatu salam
speaks anything about role regarding the deen of Allah
subhanahu wa taala it is always worried. So with this is by this
ayah Allah subhanahu wa taala has given the hadith of Rasulullah
Salah Salem the statements of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam the authority of wild revelation and this is the
The Hadees of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam are also
way from Allah who will Jelani with the Quran. For example, when
it comes to the prayer.
In the Quran, there is no mention of the timings of the pray that
this is the time of failure or go horizontal mcgarrybowen Shah. This
is the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam that defines the
beginning and the end time of every single pray. There is no
mention in the Quran that the salah till further is of Torah God
and God is for us it is for mothers three and a child four.
There's no mention
In the Quran, it is the hadith of Rasulullah, Salah Salem. And how
did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam determine the numbers of
the god of every single pray it is was from the worry of Allah will
Jana Unicron. It is mentioned in the Hadith that Jibreel Allah His
Salatu was Salam, he came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and he led the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the
old five daily prayers, with every single pray at its earliest and
the start time. And then next day, God Allah in salatu salam came
again. And second day, he led every pray in the end or the last
time of the pray. And then he wa sallam said to the Prophet
salallahu, salam, these are the timings of the prayer of every in
between are the times of the prayers. So Gibreel Ali Salam came
to the prophets of Allah. But when Gibreel Ronnie Salam came and he
told the prophets of salaam that time is of the prey, it did not
become the part of the Quran. Rather, he remained the hadith of
Rasulullah sallallahu Allah He was
a companion came to the prophets of Allah and is the limit in the
US, or messenger of ALLAH and he salatu salam, what are the best
places on this earth? What are the best places or what is the best
place on this earth? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam kept
quiet. And then he said, I will answer you later. Then Djibouti
Valley Salam came to the Prophet Salah Salem and Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then informed his company he said, I
have been informed by Jibreel Alayhi salaatu wa Salaam? Because
I asked this question to Gibreel and Gibreel answered me and he
said, the best places on this earth are the massage it the house
of Allah Dolcetto Decra. But when Gibreel Ali Salam informed the
prophets of salaam there is no mentioned in the Quran that
Gibreel told this, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam so it did not
become the part of the Quran. But it is still part of the deen of
Allah Allah Jalla Luca. So the wage why hate the revelation is of
two times the why is of two types, the revelation in the form of the
Quran. And the second type of why is the hadith of Rasulullah
sallallahu sallam. And there is only difference between the two is
that the wife of the Quran, it is called why he Mutlu. The wider the
revelation that is recited what we recite in our salah. And the
second type of why the revelation is read Mutlu the way and the
revelation that is not recited. So in the Salah, we when we stand
before Allah subhanahu wa taala you cannot say oh you cannot read
Psalm a Hadees in the place of Sultan Fatiha rather you have to
recite SOTL father, but the rest of the Salah is what? From Allahu
Akbar until a Salam. Every single statement that you attend your
salah is the Hadith. When you say Allahu Akbar, there's no mention
in the Quran that you begin your Salah with Allahu Akbar.
When you bow down when you go into ruku, there is no mention in the
Quran that you say Allahu Akbar. When you get off when when you are
in the position of ruku what you say subhanallah de la de mo any
other dua this is what this is the Hadith of the prophets, Allah
salah, when you get up from ruku, the same way I mean, Allah halimun
hamadeh And what to be said after Raghu it is all from the Hadith of
the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So when we offer the Salah, when you
pray, there is only one part that is the actual why you owe the why
you must love the recited why revelation which is when you
recite the Quran in the position of PM. And in reality it is
prohibited for you to recite the Quran while you are in the
position of ruku or in the position of suju. So anyway, the
point is that Allah subhanahu wa taala said wama yum to Quan el
Hawa in Hua Allah you ha whatever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam says he it is the way from Allah subhanahu wa Tada. So when
Allah subhanahu wa taala has given the statements and the urgence of
Rasulullah, Salah Salem and authority who else can have the
authority to say that the Hadith of the Prophet sallahu wa Salam is
not part of the deen
and as an also, as I said, the objection to the Hadith of the
Prophet SAW Selim that it was recorded 200 years later. This is
not true either.
During the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there
were some companions with one Allah He and each Marine who used
to write the statements of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and
And the most famous amongst those companions was Abdullah hip nama
been asked about the Allahu Taala on Houma Abdullah Hypno I'm not
being asked as Zahi. dotati ulab it one of the most pious and
righteous amongst the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam will use to fast every other day, who used to spend most
of his night in the night pray, or used to recite the Quran and would
complete the Quran in every three days. He used to recite he used to
write the Quran whenever the Prophet SAW Allah is Allah will
receive the revelation, he would call some of his companions who
are able to write then those who allah sallallahu Sallam will
recite those verses of the Quran on to them and they would write it
and one of them was Abdullah Hypno Amma been asked about the Allahu
Taala Abdullah Hypno Amma Radi Allahu Taala and who he started
writing the Hadees of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam as
well. Some companions Edwin Allahu Allah in the objected to it. They
said though Abdullah do not write every single statement of the
Prophet Salah Salem is vague enough that you write the Quran
when Rasulullah Salallahu Salam says that I have received the
revelation from Allah subhanahu wa taala and he decided the verse is
on to us it is okay that you write those those verses of the Quran,
but don't write every single statement. Don't write every
single thing that Rasulullah Salah Salem says oh turrets Abdullah
Radi Allahu Taala and who he approves the prophets of Allah. He
said O messenger Allah or messenger of Allah Alayhi salaatu
wa salaam, this is what I have started doing and this is what the
companions have objected to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said
right, everything. You can write everything. And then he said
Wallah he law Yeah. Who do you mean her mother in law?
He said by Allah, nothing comes out from this mouth except the
the hadith of Rasulullah SUTA which is the authority
when it comes to the Quran, there are certain verses in the Quran.
Obviously most of the Quran that you cannot understand without the
study of the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu Rasul. Allah himself
said in the Quran ones Allah ileka vicar lead to buy in and in
nursing man who Zillah in a him while I love him yet avocado. One
Zilla ileka vicar, Allah says We reveal to you oh Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi salam, the zikr the vicar is the Quran. As Allah
says in NA nanana Zilla vicar. We're in narla Hula Hatfield, we
have revealed the vicar vicar is one as vicar is one of the names
of the Quran. Allah says We have revealed a vehicle to you little
by Yelena so that you can explain to people
if the Quran is the only source of the deen then what does it mean?
That the Prophet SAW Selim has been given Quran so that he can
then the duty of the Prophet sunnah will remain the same simply
decide the verses of the Quran.
Whereas Allah subhanahu wa taala has said in the Quran, in number
of places, the core duties and the responsibilities and obligations
of the prophets Allah Salam was first one yet Lu Allah him it that
he must recite the ayat of the Quran on to people where you are
li Mohammed Al Kitab I will Hikmah and he must teach them he must
teach them the Quran and hikma what is hikma? What is wisdom?
The hikma is the Hadith of the prophets Allah Allah. So Allah has
said you know who Allah de basophil Amina rasool Allah is the
One who has sent a messenger from amongst them, yet Lu Ali him it
the Rasul the one who decides the ayat of the Quran on to them. So
this is the first part of the Quran, the recitation of the
Quran, then when you are Lima whom he does not just simply recite the
Quran, the ayat of the Quran, rather, it is it was his duty and
his responsibility to teach his companions the Quran. That is why
Rasulullah Salah Salem toward the Quran.
He does not simply decide there is difference between reciting and
between teaching. So Rasulullah Salim recited the Quran on peace
companion and he taught them as well. And not only Quran Allah
also added another word, we use a key while you Ali Mohammed Al
Kitab al hikma and his duty was to teach them Kitab and Hickman and
hikma is the Sunnah and the Hadith of Rasulullah Salah Allah. So
Allah said in that higher in Soto Nahal ones Allah Ilica vikhroli to
Bayona Linares. We have revealed the vicar of the Quran to You, O
Muhammad so that you can
splain to them.
And what is the explanation? Explanation is the Hadith that the
seed of the Quran is what is the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
So that is why there are many evidences that the Hadith of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is also part of the deen
and you cannot be Muslim or men or believer, unless and until you
believe in the Quran and you believe in the hadith of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. As the Quran is the
authority the same way, the Hadith of the prophets Allah Salam is
also the authority. He Alayhi Salatu wa sallam said, Allah in
the OT tool Quran Wa Mithila humara
by the way, I have been given Quran and something similar to
Quran as well. And what is there similar is the hadith of
Rasulullah sallallahu Allah Heusen and this is also the reason that
Allah subhanahu wa taala has instructed us to follow the
footsteps of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. If the hadith of
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam was not an authority, and his duty was
only in simply to recite the Quran to us, then why did Allah
subhanahu wa taala instruct as within the Quran that we only call
in contact to a boon Allah for who only say to them or Muhammad Allah
He salatu salam that if you people you believe as you more men you
muslim if you love Allah, then follow me for Tabby only follow me
follow my footsteps. And if you do so you become Allah way I will
feel welcome you don't overcome Allah subhanahu wa taala will love
you and Allah subhanahu wa taala will forgive your sins.
And there is also another reason of believing in the hadith of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as he said, You cannot
understand Quran, without the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam. But it is very strange, that those who object to
the hadith of Rasulullah Salallahu Salam o to the authority of the
Hadith of the prophets, Allah Salam, they rely on the Arabic
dictionary, and they can they try to understand the Quran through
the Arabic dictionary through the history. But when it comes to the
hadith is a no no, no honey. So for them, dictionary, the Arabic
dictionary has more value or more authority than the hadith of
Rasulullah Salam. The history has more authority than the hadith of
Rasulullah, Salah Sana,
then you can imagine what type of Muslims are they that they do not
accept the authority of Rasulullah Salam, the authority of the Hadees
of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, but they are happy to accept the
authority of the dictionary or the history or other sources in order
to understand the Quran in order to understand the ayat of the
Quran. Allah subhanahu wa taala also said in slaughter like zap
locka the cannula calm fear of pseudo Allah He also wrote on how
Santa lemon Kana your doula who will yo ml acid Wada, Allah
cathedra for you is the best example in Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam if the duty of the prophets Allah salaam was only
to recite the Quran and to teach the Quran nothing more than that.
Then in what sense the prophets Allah Salam is the best example
for us. The prophets Allah Salam is best example for us, in his
Allah in his practice, when it comes to the Metro of the deen or
when it comes to the his lifestyle, he Alayhi Salatu Salam
is the best example for us. And this is we take this as an
evidence that is why we follow the salah of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam. As he said early on the number of raka the way we
perform the salah Pia then ruku then said that then second Seder,
then the Shabbos number of raka this is all based on desire.
For you are believer is the example and the role model of
Rasulullah saw Selim you must follow him the way Rasulullah
Salah Salem performed the salah you must perform the same way. If
a person says that Salah offering Allah said in the Quran, RP Musala
established salah and the salah according to the dictionary can be
explained in different ways. The word Salah means it has different
meaning according to the dictionary. If you do not take the
Hadith of the prophets of salaam as an evidence, then you will end
up abandoning the salah. And this unfortunately what these people
have done. Those who call themselves Al Quran they have
abandoned the salah they do not enrich
ality they do not believe in five daily prayers. The Salah is
something Salah because according even within the Quran, and with
the hadith of Rasulullah Salah we find the evidence the salah can be
translated and the simple prayer obviously as we translate in
English as well, the prayer the prayer does not necessarily mean
the actual Salah that we offer. Pray also means dua so as Allah
says our team was for Allah if you were to translate in English
established the prayer, it means that you make dua that's it.
You have acted upon this i so there is no need to offer Salah to
for you to go
but Allah subhanahu wa taala has inserted the Quran. Look at the
cannula comfy rasool Allah He also has an eye for you. Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the example. So the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam has taught us how to act upon this idea. A key was salah,
he Allah in salatu salam explained how to act on this is a Kamal
salah, through his actions through his statements, and his actions
and his statements have become part of the deen of Allah Bucha
Allah lucra that is why he la salatu salam, when he told the
salah to his companions, with one Allah He and image Marine, he
stood on the member and he showed them how to perform the pm and
then ruku and then he came down from the member and then he
performed the Saturday and he showed them how to offer every
single part of the Salah. And then at the end he said Solu Kamara are
you to Mooney also Lee. You must offer the salah you must pray the
way you have seen me praying
to the pray the way the Prophet SAW Selim has offered the salah it
is part of the deen it is part of the deen of Allah Donatella
economy is part of Islam. So that is why the person who claimed that
he believes in the Quran only and not Hadith of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam such person actually does not believe
in the Quran as well.
And it is nothing other than a lie in deception. May Allah subhanahu
wata Allah, protect us from this kind of fitna, and as I said
earlier, that unfortunately, those who are ignorant those who
themselves do not study the Quran, they do not try to read the
translation of the Quran and the deceit of the Quran. They end up
falling into this fitna. And because of the ignorance, they are
easily convinced with these doubts, that the Hadith was
written so many years after the death of Rasulullah Salam, and
there are chains of narration that we can descend that so all these
lead those people to the belief that the source of the deen is
only Quran or the Hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu What is
Allah may Allah subhanahu wa taala protect us from all kinds of fitna
and trials and tribulations and when Allah will generally Crom
grant us the true understanding of the deen and may Allah subhanahu
wa taala give us doe feet and ability to continue seeking
knowledge and may Allah subhanahu wa taala increases all in our
knowledge in the hall Simeon Cody Mujib Subhanak Allah Mohammed a
shadow Allah Illa heyland as tofu kotoba
no no in this one there is no there will be a real sign the book
rial Salah Hain a mainly the it consists of the Hadees related to
the Father in the virtues okay and not the term not the Hadees
related to the fifth okay how to offer the Salah, fasting and Zakka
and had the book Del Sol at hand does not contain those Hadees
we have covered in the past and in the future inshallah we will do
some and of course yes
what is the best way to deal with these people first and foremost, I
will say avoid having argument with them. Because you will find
some people they always love argument.
Okay, they always love debate and argument. You just simply present
the evidences and put before them some basic questions. Okay, one of
the crucial question you can ask them that prove me that the Quran
that you believe the Quran is the source of the deen prove me that
this Quran is from Allah
without relying on the Hadith prove me that
This is the Quran from Al hamdu lillahi, rabbil, Alameen Surah
tunas. This is the Quran that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has
received from Allah what is the evidence proving without relying
on the Hadith? They won't be able to do so.
What is the evidence that this is the book that Allah has sent to
Muhammad Allah He salatu salam Okay, when you start the
discussion, they will come up with again relying on the Hadith, they
will say this is something that was written during the time, how
did you know how do you know that this is what was written, this is
the exact text that was written during the time of the rocks and
improving was they will have no evidence and then they will end up
saying your yes this is part of the history. Then our question
would be, if you accept the evidence all from the history,
then what is your criteria your standard of accepting what is
acceptable from the history and what is not acceptable from the
So, if you find the evidence, something that suits you from the
history you take as an evidence and what does not suit you, you
say no, no, this is not this is not something that is suitable
that cannot be part of the deen. So you can ask them these kinds
of, you know, crucial question and also from within the Quran. But
the very first question you should ask them is that prove to me that
the Quran this is the Quran that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam
has recited and this is the Quran that he is allowed to Salam taught
his companions. And this is the Quran that Allah sent to the
prophets, Allah sembler. without accepting the Hadith or the
authority of the Hadith, they cannot prove it.
That is why we say those who say that we believe in the Quran, they
actually do not believe in the Quran.
Those who say we believe in the Quran, only they in reality they
do not believe because they cannot prove. As for us ordering Muslims,
we believe in the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam.
So, for example, we all know the very first revelation that came to
the Prophet salah, Salah Salem was what o'clock Bismillah Bismillah,
the Salah, those five verses of Surah Al anak. How do we know that
this was the first revelation from the Hadith there is no mentioned
in the Quran, that this is the this was the first ayah that was
revealed in the Quran is not mentioned.
It is from the Hadith that we know that these are the five verses
that was sent to the prophets Allah and this is how the
revelation started.
And again, there is no mention in the Quran that this particular
after this particular verse is the very last verse of the Quran. We
know from the Hadith, that the last verse of the Quran was Al
Yama Akmal Tula, come, Dina come, okay, but if you open the Quran,
in reality, what do you find before as in writing? That is not
the last verse. Allah yo McMahon Tala calm this is the verse that
you find in Jos six, in the six Jews,
but the Hadith tells us that this is the last verse. This was the
last verse that was revealed from Allah subhanahu wata, also when it
comes to the order, when it comes the order of the surah of the
Quran, then and then the ayat of the Quran. How do we know that
this ayah was revealed before the other ayah
and sometime apparently, apparently, you may find some
contradiction within the ayat. How do you reconcile between those if
for example, in within Surah Al Baqarah, in one ayah Allah
subhanahu wa taala says those women, those woman whose husband
passed away, they have to spend the idea of one year for one year,
they cannot get married. They cannot remarry.
Once their husband has passed away, they have passed away. They
cannot marry for one year they have to wait for one year. This
one verse of the Quran with a shorter book. The other verse says
they have to wait for four months and 10 days.
So apparently this contradiction.
So how we which is which I would take
obviously, this is the Hadith of the Prophet and that will tell you
that initially that was the hook from Allah subhanahu wa taala
Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim explains, they initially the hokum
and the order from Allah subhanahu wa taala was from for was for one
year, and later it was abrogated by the second IR within the Quran.
So these kinds of evidence that you can present before that but as
you said, you know, you you must prepare yourself and try your best
to avoid argument and debate. Because I myself I've experienced
having this
Question with some individuals unfortunately they do not accept
because they find actually the actual problem is actual problem
is that they find practicing the deen difficult
and by saying that we believe in the Quran only, they avoid most
part of the deen for example as he said five daily prayers there no
mention of five daily prayers in the Quran. So if you say I believe
in the Quran, so by title you want they want to remain as a Muslim.
By title they want to remain as a Muslim and you know, saying that
we believe in the Quran, but in reality, they don't want to
practice the deen
because offering five daily prayers is something that is not
easy. When it comes to fasting, it is not easy to fast, too fast for
whole month of Ramadan when it comes to the car. There's no
mention whatsoever about the kind of camera other than to the car
gives the car what does it mean gives the car
though all everything related to the zakah is mentioned in the
Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam Okay, so are those that
again, the word Zakka means purification. So Allah says atossa
Give purification if you were to rely on the dictionary and don't
accept the Hadith you say to the guy gives you you know, you must
give purification what does this mean?
Can't explain
and when it comes to actually giving charity and there is a
threshold for the wealth that you if you read that threshold then
you have to give this much amount of your wealth in the way of Allah
subhanahu wa taala and all other related rulings to this occur they
all mentioned the Hadith of the prophets are similar, but you say
I believe in the Quran only, you will avoid paying the cat
complete. Okay, likewise had in other parts of the deen as well.
So you know these people they actually find practicing the deen
of Allah subhanahu wa taala difficult. And unfortunately
nowadays, there is another fitna that basically those who do not
clearly declare that they reject the Hadith, but they say any
Hadees that does not contradict the Quran, we take it and any
Hadith that does contradict the Quran, we don't accept it. So this
is the criteria. How, you know, how can you, you know, decide
which Hadees contradicts the Quran and which one does not contradict,
for us only Muslim. We believe that it is impossible for any
Hadith to contradict the Quran.
The Quran has been conveyed to us to the prophets of Allah who Allah
he was sending and the hadith is the statement of the Prophet SAW
Selim Hadees are for the explanation of the Quran not to
contradict the Quran. And yes, apparently you may come across the
Hadith that you may feel that it's a contradiction to the Quran but
in reality, there is no Hadees that contradicts the Quran. But
those people they do feel and they do say that they are Hadees that
contradict the Quran. And one of the example they say they in the
Quran when it comes to riba Allah subhanho wa Taala has said, lotta
Kulu riba do not consume Riba. They said what is prohibited is
consuming riba not paying Riba.
And we say no, the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Salem and said law and
Allah who are killer riba were more Killa who were katiba who
were katiba who were Shahidi Allah subhanahu wata. Allah has cursed
the person who consumed Riba, the one who pays the Riba, the one who
records it, and the one who becomes witness of the contract of
the Riba. And then the Prophet Salam said whom salah they are all
equal in committing sin.
But for those who say we believe where we take the Hadith only that
do not contradict the Quran. They said the Quran actually has
prohibited consuming labor not paying riba so that you are paying
Riba is okay, the Hadith actually contradicts the Quran for for them
Hadees contradicts the Quran.
But we say no, the Hadith actually explains the Quran, the book of
Allah subhanahu wa. So, this is another fitna and unfortunately,
again, Some so called scholars are becoming very popular in this
fitna and some time you know people who who say we are very
academic, and we know everything and we have studied this or that
they actually fall into this kind of fitna that whatever does not
contradict the Quran, you take it and in any Hadith that contradicts
the Quran, you you reject it and you do not take it. This is the
criteria for should
May Allah subhanaw taala don't just guide us sorry
Nachi obviously Shia they have a different approach for Shia in in
one way or the other in some obviously within the Shia you have
different sects
Yeah, so
yeah, so I'm saying that within not all the shears but amongst the
Shia there are many sects and some of them they believe they are
actually worse. They're worse than the those who claim that the Quran
is the actual source they do not believe in actually the Quran.
They do not believe in the Quran.
They say the Quran that we read nowadays, this is not the actual
Quran that was revealed from Allah either because, again, obviously
this is long discussion they because they have hatred against
Abu Bakr and Umar Radi Allahu taala. And it is clear, something
that cannot be negated something that cannot be rejected. The Quran
was compiled by who, by Abu Bakr an aroma and because they these
people have a hatred against I will look at an aroma. How can
they accept this Quran to be the true Quran? That is why they have
declared and unfortunately, you know, about 3035 years ago, there
was a book published from Iran that actually made it clear. It
was mostly it was published, actually it was written by one of
the early Shia scholars. Okay, the one actually in that book, he
tried to prove that this Quran is not the true Quran. This is not
the Quran.
The rather the said because this Quran was compiled by Abu Bakr
animal because they have hatred against Abu Bakr Muhammad and how
can they accept this Quran to be the true Quran they said the two
Quran was with Alia the Allahu Taala No, and Ali did not give
that Quran to anyone out of the fear that people may distort it
and may do the Hadith in the Quran. Whereas on the other hand,
the very same people they also believe that Ali Neruda Villa
medallic has the authority. And he was you know, they call it the
Musqueam Kosha. What our, that he was the he you know, they believe
in it similar to they they believe in Allah subhanahu wa taala. On
one hand, they say Ali had that authority, and he was so powerful.
And on the other hand, they say Ali had the fear that if he had
given the Quran, the copy the true copy of the Quran that he had with
him, that people would destroy it, that is why he did not give to
anyone. And he kept that copy of the Quran within his family. And
he paused the Quran to his son Hudson and that hasn't passed that
copy of the Quran to Hussein and for St. Paul's countries and like
this, and they have you know, those 12 Imams and according to
them, the 12th Imam is actually Al Imam will ha the 12th one, the
12th Imam is the one who has disappeared actually. And he will
come and this is their belief that the and he will come near the
Tiama near the hour, and this is what they believe that is going to
be a mom will Maddie. He is the one who will bring the Quran and
they say that that Quran actually consisted of over 70,000 verses
that we see the Quran that we read, there is no 70,000 verses in
the Quran. So this unfortunately, they claim so these are not all
this year, but some of them they do. They and others obviously
again, when it comes to the Hadith of the Prophet Salam, they do not
believe in Bukhari and Muslim obviously these are the books of
Hadees for the Sunni Muslims, but for them, they have different
criteria and basically they say anything that comes from a halal
bait, we take it as a hadith, anything other than that, then it
is not Hadith, because they again, this is based on their belief, or
they caught that though the companions of the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam unfortunately, they left the deen of Allah. They
become mortal the Naruto belimbing Dalek after the death of the
Prophet Salam. Apart from five only only five remained Muslim the
rest of them they made the turn kofod naroda belimbing daddy, so
when they believe in this that the other companions tentacle far how
could they take the Hadees of Aisha and Abu Huraira and Abdullah
Abdullah Omar Abdullah Abdullah Ahmed and the other companies now
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