Zakaullah Saleem – 44 Riyad asSalihin

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The speaker discusses the importance of balance and moderation in worship, as well as the deeds of the Prophet sallali wa sallam and his hesitation to offer comfort to people. They emphasize the need to practice daily and focus on deeds, as well as the importance of fasting and reading the Quran. The speaker also advises against going overboard on blog posts and encourages people to focus on their best way to follow the SunGeneration of the Prophet.
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rely on Rahmanir Rahim hamdulillah heal and belie Lamine without him
at remote docking wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Karim, Allah Allah
He was social media Jemaine My bad.
Robin Phil if they saw the field called Allahu Allah Allah, you
read Allah who will become will use. Wala you read to be qumola
Mahabharata Allah for
Manziel and i Li can earn a leadership call.
This is the 14th chapter of the book The Abu Saleh Hain
which is about an episode Fatah.
in the actions of obedience
when it comes to the obedience to Allah subhanho wa taala. When it
comes to the acts of worship,
we have to be moderate. Meaning we must have balanced and we must not
go overboard.
And there are a number of ayat as well as the Hadith of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that teach us the balance that we need
to have, even when it comes to the acts of worship, even when it
comes to performing good deeds. Because the deen of Allah subhanho
wa Taala is the dean of ease.
This is the dean of balance. Being in the middle path always. Even
when it comes to the worship of Allah will channel the Quran. We
must not go overboard. A does not mean that you become lazy. Rather,
be active in the worship of Allah subhanahu wa taala try your best
to perform as many good deeds as you can bet whenever you perform
any good deed you must be moderate you must be balanced you must not
go to this extreme or that extreme. So in this chapter, Mr.
manavi Rahim Allah He has gone to the ayat of the Quran and then the
hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that teachers
balance and moderation. The first one is the ayah from Surah Al
Baqarah. Within the
passage, in which Allah subhanahu wa Tyler has made the mention of
the fasting of the month of Ramadan. Allah says UD doula who
become will use it while you read to become a person by making the
fast of the month of Ramadan obligatory upon you. Allah
subhanho wa Taala does not want any kind of difficulty while Allah
subhanho wa Taala does not want to burden you, you read Allah who
become will use it, rather Allah subhanahu wa taala wants ease for
you, while you read will be coming closer and he does not want any
hardship or any burden any difficulty for you. Allah
subhanahu wa taala also says in Allah subhanaw taala also says in
another ayah ma UD doula Julio Jalla Alikum Dinniman Hodge, Allah
subhanahu wa taala has legislated the rules of halal and haram This
is halal, this is haram This is permissible, this is not
permissible. It is all for your benefit. And it is not that Allah
subhanahu wa taala wants to put Allah subhanahu wa taala wants to
put you in any kind of difficulty. Rather, the all the rules and
regulations and legislations and the laws of Allah subhanahu wa
taala are for the protection of your dignity and your honor, and
for your own benefit. So you read the law who became a user while
you read to be criminals, Allah subhanho wa Taala does not want
any kind of difficulty for you, within the deen of Allah. That is
why Allah subhanahu wa taala has given us many many concessions
when it comes to the acts of worship as well. For example, when
it comes to the prayer, we find although the prey is the most
difficult part of the religion, as Allah says clearly in the Quran,
we're in the Haisla Kabira Verily the salah establishing five daily
prayers, this is something that is very difficult heavy Illa Allah
harsh in except on those who have who should the fear of Allah
subhanahu wa taala Alladhina alguno nanomolar Cora beam were
unknown la Rajang it is easy for those who have certainty in the 18
They are going to meet with the Lord and they are going to turn to
Him SubhanaHu wata Allah. They are going to return to him the
regeneratively call. For them pray is easy. Yet Allah subhanahu wa
taala has given us many concessions. For example if you
are traveling, you can shorten the salah. If you're traveling, you
can combine between God and us and multiband Asia while you're
traveling, you have many concessions you you can pray
wherever you are. Okay? And if you while you are away and you are in
a place where you cannot find a water you can do to your moon. If
you are ill, if you are sick, you cannot stand you can offer the
prayer while sitting down. If you cannot sit down you are too ill
you are so sick, you cannot even sit down then while you are lying
on the bed you can still offer the prayer. So many concession that
Allah subhanahu wa taala has given us it all shows that Allah
subhanahu wa taala does not want any kind of difficulty for us. But
unfortunately, when you get the nature the habit of feeling
everything within the religion is difficult. This is the point when
people actually start ignoring the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala
and then it becomes your evil habit that you find everything
difficult in the deen of Allah will Jericho. That is why Allah
said the Salah is heavy, is difficult, establishing five
deadly praise performing every single salon it's time it is
difficult, but it's difficult on those who do not have the fear of
Allah. Those who are weak in their Iman or those
are those who have little Iman. As for those who have the fear of
Allah subhanho wa Taala within the hearts, they do not find the salah
difficult rather, it becomes the second nature and they love the
prey. That is why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used
to say during that Cobra 25th Salah, the coolness of my eyes has
been placed in Salah.
So whenever the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam would be afflicted by
any hardship or any difficulty he would get up and he would offer
the salah. He used to tell beloved the Allahu Taala or the Hanabi
Salah to be learned they learn cold Athan and give us some
comfort by offering the Salah. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam
found comfort and coolness of his eyes in Salah. And this is the
case for those with those who have the fear of Allah subhanahu wa
taala if know that this is the Salah is one of the greatest
blessings in the Nirma from Allah subhanho wa Taala then you always
love to offer salah. But if you find this or if you see if you
think and believe that the Salah is nothing other than a burden on
you, then you will always find it difficult.
So, Allah subhanahu wa taala does not want any difficulty for you
rather Allah subhanahu wa taala wants ease for you.
Then Mr. Minogue Rahim Allah has good to certain a Hadith of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with regards to being
moderate and balanced in the deen of Allah Allah channeling from the
first one is the hadith of Aisha Radi Allahu Allah, Allah Allah.
And then Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam DAF Allah, Allah you
were in the hombre the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
entered upon her wine there was a lady sitting beside Aisha Radi
Allahu Taala on her, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked
Madhavi Who is she? The eyes of the Allahu Taala and I said haha
he Falana to the column in Salah T ha. She is the one that everyone
makes the mention of her pray, meaning she's well known with
regards to her pray that she offers a lot of praise. And she
basically overburdens herself, when it comes to offering the
salah. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Ma What is
this? What kind of obedience is this that you overburden yourself
I lay Combi ma to to your own.
Rather, you should take upon yourself only what you can easily
be what you can easily carry out for in Allah La Yemen Hatha Malou
Allah subhanahu wa taala does not withhold Allah subhanahu wa taala
will never get tired of giving you the reward for your good deeds,
had that Emmylou it is only you, you will get fed up and then you
give up.
You may have the eagerness and energy at the beginning of
something you want to perform. So
So many Nawab feel and read so many pages of the Quran, but you
cannot keep it for long. Rather you do it for a number of days and
then you find it difficult because you have overburden yourself. And
just recently we have seen many people during the month of
Ramadan. As soon as the month of Ramadan started, the Masada will
fall and everyone was so energetic that we are going to read these
many pages of the Quran every day and we will be attending salata we
every single night this and that. And then after a few days, they
realize that they are overburdening themselves and then
they gave up and then as soon as the month of Ramadan stop, the
month of Ramadan ended, many of us we gave up all those acts of
worship that we were doing in the month of Ramadan are many of those
acts of worship.
Was it better to take it easy and take upon yourself only what you
can easily carry out what you can easily be for in Allah Allah Allah
Malhotra, Adam Allah, Allah subhanahu wa taala is not going to
withhold the reward, rather Allah subhanahu wa taala will continue
to rewarding you for your good deeds. It's only you that you will
add up you will get fed up and then you will give up. That is why
Rasulullah salAllahu alayhi wasallam encouraged us to be
consistent in performing good deeds even if they are little.
Then I show the Allahu Taala and I said we're gonna have Boudin la
Hema Dawa Masahiko who I lay the most of the most beloved of the
deeds to Allah subhanho wa Taala and to the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam were the deeds upon which the doer is consistent.
And he does and she does on a regular basis as the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam said in a very famous Hadith in our humble
Armani Allah He had one Musa were in,
most beloved of the de so Allah subhanahu wa taala are the ones
that are performed on a regular basis, consistently, even if they
are later.
So that is why the Scholars have said that if you are sincere in
performing the night, pray, don't try to overburden videos,
overburden yourself with you know, so long of the station or so many
the cart of the night pray, just start with something little.
And again, this is the Mercy of Allah subhanahu wa taala upon us
and the mercy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for
his OMA, they have given us so many concessions and they have
made it very easy for us. Although we find that the Prophet salallahu
Salam himself, he used to perform a long night Pray, he used to
recite some time many observe, many observe in one single record,
he would recite certain Bacara Surah Nisa, Allah and Ron in one
single Raka. Now obviously, this is something that we cannot do,
but he does not mean that you go to the other extreme and you do
not make any effort to perform the night prayer at all. Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised so you do not Abu Hurayrah
or the Allah Hutan who used to live within the masjid of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala at the mercy of the prophets,
Allah Salam was his house. And he used to live there. But he used to
keep himself busy with the memorization of the Hadees of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam all the time, and the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knew that it was difficult for him to
get up and the latter part of the night to perform the night free.
So Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam advised him and he said, What will
Herrera and I Buddha himself says that my beloved friend Muhammad
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he advised me with certain
things and one of them was that he alayhi salatu salam advised me to
offer the night pray every single night before I go to sleep. This
is the concession This is the easy so after a Sharpie once you have
completed your Salah, your Salah to Orisha you have offered your
first pray and also you have offered the Sunnah of Deja now the
time for the night prayer has already started. And this is what
Rasulullah Salah Salem also used to do some time.
So if you find it difficult to get up on the latter part of the night
for Salah to tahajjud then start with the habit of offering the pm
LELO the night pray state after Salah Tonatiuh before going to
again. When it comes to number of records. We know the common
practice of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was to perform 11
of the card sometimes 13 The card
at night and those 1113 the card would be very very long.
But obviously, you are not required to perform all 11 record,
including Witten. Rather, you can start with only to record only
Tulika. Make the intention of night pray, have to record after
Salah Tanisha before you go to sleep, and then perform your
wisdom. That's it and take it easy. So when you perform only to
the cost of the emulator of Salah to lay or the night pray before
you go to sleep, and you get the habit of this, then eventually
Allah subhanahu wa taala will make it easy for you to get up on the
latter part of the night or probably when the nights are
longer during the winter season, then it will be easy for you to
get up on the latter part of the night and you may increase the
number of regard from two to four, six or even eight.
But take it easy on yourself. take upon yourself only what you can
easily carry out. So this is the moderation and this is the
balanced way that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has
taught us likewise when it comes to the fasting, again, we have
just completed Alhamdulillah by the help and assistance of Allah
subhanho wa Taala we complete the fasting of the month of Ramadan.
Now, shall we wait until next Ramadan and throughout the year we
do not fast. Although we are not obliged. None of the fasting is
obligatory other than the month of Ramadan. But it does not mean that
you become so lazy and you never try to fast throw the year.
If you cannot fast every Monday and Thursday, then fast for three
white days 13th 14th and 15th of every month if you cannot fast for
every, every month all the all these three days then at least
start with one day a week, every Monday or probably every Thursday.
So try to do something and continue continue with all those
goodies that you have been doing during the month of Ramadan and
take it easy upon yourself. Take it easy upon yourself. Do not
overburden yourself so that you end up giving up something
completely. Likewise when it comes to reading of the Quran, some of
us adopted the habit of reading certain pages of the Quran every
day during the month of Ramadan. Now the month of Ramadan is over
it does not mean that you abandon the Quran completely until next
Ramadan rather continue with it continue obviously it is not going
obviously the level of Eman has dropped. So but it does not mean
that you give it give it up completely rather continue with
some kind of recitation spare some time if so, if in the month of
Ramadan if you are spending every day half an hour for the Quran for
the recitation of the Quran, or studying the meaning of the Quran.
Now if you cannot dedicate half an hour every day then at least 15
minutes or 10 minutes, but be consistent. Be consistent. take
upon yourself well you can easily be and what you can easily carry
the next hadith is the hadith of Anasazi Allahu Taala and who
who says Jah Salah to Ratan Illa booty assuaging Nabi sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, three people came to the houses of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Yes Aluna and riba that in Nabi
sallallahu alayhi salam, they came specifically for the purpose of
asking the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about
his routine of the worship of Allah subhanho wa taala. And they
mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
performed these men in the wifey last night and this is what he
does different kinds of acts of worship that the prophets of Allah
is Allah used to do at home. So for lemma of Bureau unknown taka
Lua when they were informed about the routine, and the practice of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam with regards to various
acts of worship, the unknown taka Lua, they considered it
insignificant for themselves. So they thought if this is what the
messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is doing, then
what about ourselves? We need to do even more. We'll call it Nana
human and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Adolphe Rolla Huma Dakka
Dakka. mean them be Hamada. They said, We Are we in comparison with
the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet
salallahu alayhi salam is someone that Allah subhanahu wa taala has
forgiven all of his past sins and future sins and yet he he
performed these men in the wife in at night and he does say you know,
such and such good deeds so what about ourselves we need to be even
we need to be doing even more and greater job so call our HUD home
so one of them said Amana
for also for all suddenly Leila aboda
One of them he said, for me, I promised that I will never ever
sleep at night and every single night I will stay awake and I will
spend whole night in performing the night pray. Because if
messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spends sometime
half of the night or two thirds of the night to at least 1/3 of the
night and performing the night braid and what about ourselves we
need to do even more. So, he said for me, I promise that I will
never go to sleep at night, and I will spend every single night in
my salah we'll call for we're gonna assume with the Hawala after
the second one said, I promised that I will fast every single day
and I will never miss any day throughout the year, every single
day I will be faster. The third one said we're an artisan
Luminesce fella at Azhagu. Abba. As for me,
I promised that I will stay away from women I will not get married,
so that I can dedicate my whole life and the worship of Allah
subhanho wa Taala so that I can focus on different acts of worship
or good deeds for ya Rasulullah he sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala
him, then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came, and he was informed
about these three individuals. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam got
very upset he came to them and he said unto Mala Dena cooltone cada
waka Are you the ones who said this and that? They said yes, a
messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam he Ali salatu salam
said Amma Allah He Nila Asha commonly Allah he will call
Camilla. The way that I'm the most fearful of Allah subhanahu wa
taala amongst you all, and I am the most pious amongst you all,
lacking me assume we're off to it
yet I fast for
for some days and I miss some days as well. What Oh, suddenly what
our code and I performed the night prayer on certain parts of the
night and I also have some sleep at night also. What is our Janessa
and I also take women I also married I have wives from Andrade
ban. So naughty fella is a mini and then he said whoever turns
away from my sunnah he has nothing to do with me.
Meaning the that is why Rasulullah Salallahu Salam used to say how
you will have the how do you Muhammad Sallallahu Ali's, the
best way is the way of Muhammad Rasulullah says the best conduct
is the conduct of Rasulullah Salah Salem the breath. The best
practice is the practice of our NABI. SallAllahu wasallam. Don't
try to go overboard. Don't try to do more than what Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is some this is a principle
that if you adhere to it, throughout your life, Allah you
will be successful. When it comes to any good deed, any kind of good
deed, whether it is Salah, or reading Quran during the Dhikr of
Allah subhanahu wa taala giving in charity, doing any good deed,
always try to follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
salam. Let me give you an example. When it comes to the matter of
when it comes to Doha, we know that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam
used to say many, many two hours in his salah, outside his Salah
during the day at night. If we were to memorize all the dogmas of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam believe me Allah, He will
you will never find or feel any need of asking Allah subhanahu wa
taala for anything other than because the two R's of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam are so concise, as he for example, and so
the Allahu Taala and who says the one who spent 10 years in the
House of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he says, The DUA that
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say a lot, all the
DUA that I never saw the Messenger of Allah Salah Salem seeing any
dua more than this particular dua. The DUA was Rabbana Tina for dunya
Hasina will fill after Hassan and walk in
this dua that comprises everything, the meaning of the
eyes or abana attina for dunya has an O Allah Our Lord, give us
goodness of this dunya whatever is good in this dunya will Allah give
us ladies many wealth, house, job business whatever Allah whatever
is good in this dunya give us will fill you that he has an O Allah
give us the goodness of the next life as well. So what is left
after this? Nothing working on either banal and on top of this
will Allah save us from the punishment of the fire?
So so come
comprehensive and concise and this only one example and there are
many, many doors of the prophets of Allah sunnah. That is why it
surprised us when we are some of the Imams during Salah to turabi
during the Ramadan when they go overboard in making in making up
their own doors and sometimes they actually go overboard. They
neglect the AHA these are the doors of the prophets, Allah Salam
o prophetic doors, or sometimes they try to even add more and more
words within the doors of the Prophet sallallahu Allison, for
example, the famous vicar that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam used
to do after the after the Salah. Allahumma Anta Salah moment the
Salah, the Bharatiya the Jalali will Iqra that's it, but people
think that it is not enough. We need to add more into this, trying
to do more than what the Prophet SAW Selim did. If you want to make
dua make go on your own words, but don't go overboard. Always give
preference and clarity to the dogmas of Rasulullah sallallahu
Sallam bear in mind Isla de had you Muhammad Sallallahu Ellison's
The best way is the way of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam try
your best to follow the footsteps and the Sunnah and the practices
of your nebi Salah Allahu Allah He was so people have added the more
words in this to Allah Hemanta Salam Salam were illegal your
there is no need the dua after Adan people have added into that
too as well. Hola Mata Bahati Dawa determine wa salatu wa tema de
Muhammad Daniel was Elijah will for Lila people have added with
Dr. raffia
bathroom a common Mahmoud Anila diva, then, what is the financial
for artha who Yama Yama added more, because they think that the
DUA is of the prophets of salaam are not sufficient. And they need
you know, to be for more words to be added within the two hours of
the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And this is the case with many doors.
So when it comes to the dua of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam,
bear in mind that those two hours are sufficient. So if you want to
make your own two hours, keep your two hours separate, but don't try
to go overboard when it comes to blog. Likewise, when it comes to
Salah or reading Quran, or any good deed, always try your best to
follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu Allah He was in. So
when the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam heard about these three
individuals, they did not see anything wrong. Apparently,
because all three of them, they promised to do something good. One
of them said that I will be offering the night cream every
single night and I will not I will never have any sleep at night.
But the Prophet SAW Selim did not get happy that I have such a pious
companion that who is going to spend whole night in the night
when no, he got very upset. He's a man Rajiv and Sunnah de Felice. I
mean, you are trying to turn away from my practice my way.
Likewise, the one who said I'm going too fast every single day, I
will never miss any day. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam
said In another Hadith, la Saman Sarmad.
The one who falls every day it is as if he has never fasted, meaning
he's fosse is not acceptable.
You are trying to go overboard cause the boundary of the Sunnah
of Rasulullah sallallahu legalism, the Prophet sallallahu sallam,
that is why he recommended to Abdullah Hypno Amber's been asked
or the Allahu Tonon, who was so eager to perform so many goodies,
you know, night pray and fasting their day and reading Quran, the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam advised him and he said, take it
easy upon yourself. And then he said, If you want to fast,
more than three days a month, and more than Monday and Monday and
Thursday is fast. Then he said, then follow the way of say you do
not die. Whoo Danny salatu salam, and this is the best way of
fasting. The way of fasting of say you do not die would Allah He
salatu salam Wa that he used to fast every other day, he would
fast one day and then he would miss next day and then he fought
the following day, and then he would miss the next day. So this
is the best, this is the best way of fasting. There cannot be any,
any way better than this when it comes to fasting. Likewise when it
comes to reading the Quran, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam
advised him not to try to complete the Quran from cover to cover for
less than three days. So 10 a desire every day. 10 pages or so
But the Prophet SAW Selim said Whoever tries to complete the
Quran for less than three days it is as if he has not actually
understood the Quran.
So the point is that we need to take upon ourselves when it comes
to the good deeds and acts of worship, what our we can easily be
and what our we can keep up and do not overburden yourself to the
level that you end up giving it up completely. And then you ignore
the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala and you can reach to the
point when you think that the deen of Allah is a burden on you. And
there are so many restrictions on you. Because it is only you that
you make it difficult for yourself.
We as in fact the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the dean of
ease UD doula who become a user while you read to become one Rasul
Allah subhanho wa Taala wants ease for you and Allah does not want
any difficulty for you. So we will continue with this chapter
inshallah the following weeks May Allah subhanahu wa taala give us
our feet and ability to be consistent in our good deeds and
may Allah subhanahu wa taala allows us always to follow the
Sunnah in the footsteps of our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam in the whole Semyon Mujeeb Subhana Allah Mohammed a shadow
Allah in the island as TOEFL