Zakaullah Saleem – 36 Riyad asSalihin
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Somebody come to LA who spent a lot of money Rahim
hamdulillah Hola Hola. Hola me on October 13 wa salatu salam ala
Rasulillah Karim while he was so heavy ah my my bad and is very
near the call Athena and a sub mnemonic or the Allah one fascia
Kona la he manual communal had judge for con is ru for inner who
lie at the LA groomsman Illa de vida who showrooming had telco are
back home. Samira to whom in a vehicle sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Ravana Buhari.
We are going through the chapter of Al mobile Daraa to say rod,
and being quick in performing the good deeds and not delaying them
unnecessarily or without reason.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has encouraged us to be
quick in performing good deeds and not to delay them.
And this is one of the Hadees that Imam nawawi Rahim Allah has gotten
in this chapter, which is reported by Zubayr Minardi who was one of
the Tabea in the student of sayonara Anna's or the Allahu
taala. And
he says we came to earnest minimalistic, or the Allahu teilen
for sure gonna la he Manuel Karmiel had judge and we complain
to him about what we were
of the oppression of her judge. Her judge was one of the governors
during the time of Abdul Malik Abdul Marwan, one of the qualified
one of the rulers from Van Omiya
within the first in the latter part of the first century of the
hijra, so her judge in his initial life, he used to be
someone who was well connected to the Quran. In fact, he was known
as Marlon Masovian. He was known as the teacher of the Quran. But
then, when he saw all that fitna, amongst the Muslims, and
particularly the martyrdom of OFSAA, you do not understand that
the Allahu Taala and other related fitness. So he decided to join the
government of that time. And eventually he became the governor,
one of the governors of Abdulmalik number one and he was very harsh.
And he was, he became a presser avoiding, who oppressed many of
the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, those who
are alive that time and the oppressed other than the
companions with one Allah Hanuman and he killed, say the blue Jubail
Rahima hula, one of the great toggery
at the student among the students of Sayonara, Abu Huraira, the
Allahu Taala and who and other companions and he was very, very
pious, and he was known as one of the best Mufasa of the Quran he
was Muhaddith he was 14, but because he did not give by our to
hijack to hijack judge killed him, and the companions with one ALLAH
he only Jemaine they also suffered from his oppression. In fact, a
great companion Abdullah Hibino Zubaydah Radi Allahu Taala Anhu
the very first child who were born in Islam amongst the Muslims, was
Abdullah Hypno Zubaydah or the Allahu taala. And so hijab killed
him as well. Companion of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, he
also attacked Kaaba. So he had many say yards, but on the other
hand, he has some goodness as well. That is why the Allama of
Allah sunnah will Tama our scholars say that we do not curse
him neither. We ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to show His
mercy upon him and we leave his affairs with Allah will generika
But the point here is that this particular individual called
Zubaydah been Addie, he was one of the students of UNESP Vinod Malik
or the Allah who Daniel, he says, We approach others about the
Allahu Taala and we complained to him about the oppression of Hajaj
and we sought advice of anise and * was one of the great
companions of Rasul
LaSalle Allahu alayhi wa sallam who lived until around the 90, the
90 of hijra, so he was very old and so Zubayr approached him and
he sought his advice. So Anna throw the Allahu Taala and who he
replied and he said is zero. Have patience. Despite all these
oppression, his harshness, his LOL, he said is zero, have
patience and sob. And this is the very first advice that a scholar
can give you when you suffer from the oppression of the ruler, have
subbrand patience. And obviously for us, the best example after
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are the companions with one
Allah who enrich mine. So Abdullah ibn Umar Radi Allahu taala, and
who and other companions, the Guan Allah has an image of Marine who
were alive during the time of hijab, they suffered from his
oppression, but they had patience.
And usually we find amongst the Muslims, those who always
criticize the rulers, no doubt, there's a lot of corruption
amongst the rulers, no doubt in it. But we need to reflect on our
own situation as well as our own condition, because the rulers are
always from the public. And Allah subhanho wa Taala appoints a ruler
according to the actions of the people.
And this is what has been reported from either the Allahu Taala and
who, when those coverage who transgressed against our leader
the Allahu Taala and who and they declared earlier the Allahu Allah
Allah and who has coffee with Neruda. Billahi metallic, so, they
were criticizing Allah the Allahu Taala and Heidi.
And at one occasion, they approached a leader, the Allahu
taala. And he said, How come early we find many people criticizing
you? And we find many Muslims who are unhappy with you. Whereas,
your predecessors, Abu Bakr and Umar, Radi Allahu Anhu Ummah, when
they were the rulers when they were the Khalifa, or the Muslims
were happy with them, they were pleased. So how come that people
criticize you there must be something wrong in you. So they
were criticizing again, Ali did the Allah I needed the Allahu
taala? And who answered?
Beautifully, he said, because during the time of Abu Bakr and
the people around them were the people like me.
And now for me, around me are the people like you
that is why so the ruler is always amongst the people. So as I said,
no doubt there is a lot of corruption in the Muslim land
amongst the Muslim rulers, but as our Munna us as r1. And the
public, you cannot ignore your own condition and your situation.
And you will find
throughout the world, wherever you find oppressive Muslim rulers, you
will find the corruption amongst the public as well.
You will never find the public is so Amin and they are very
trustworthy and they are all pious and righteous and they have the
ruler who is oppressor, you will never find that throughout the
So that is why I answered the Allahu taala. And he advised them
he said is to be true, have patience has Sabha. And then he
said for inner who
nya T Alikum Salman Illa, Allah the Buddha who shall remain
verily, there will be no time except the time that is going to
be after it will be worse than the present.
And this is something that will continue all the way up to the day
of judgment.
You will have always worse time coming when it comes to
particularly to the rulership and the and the
and also the molk. And with regards to the rulers and the
oppression and the world. And then he said had that Alcoa back home,
you have to have patience until you meet your load. And then he
said Samir, to whom in the BDE come salatu salam This is the
advice that I directly myself heard from your nebi Salah Allahu
Allah He was, so this is the advice that Rasulullah sallallahu
Sallam used to give to his companions with one Allah here and
imaginary and the reason Imam and now will be rahamallah is go to
this hadith in this chapter is that the prophets
Well, Allahu alayhi wa sallam has advised us that the time will
become worse and worse when it comes to the Phaeton and the
trials and tribulation and aluminum and oppression and facade
and corruption everywhere. So, you must hasten towards performing
good deeds, you must not be caught amongst the fitness and the trials
or by the trials and tribulations, to the extent that you are unable
to perform any more good deeds. So that is why, whenever you find an
opportunity to perform a good deed, you must be quick and prompt
in performing good deed and do not delayed.
The next Hadees
is the how is the Hadith that is reported by say you do not Abu
Huraira or the Allahu Taala
who says another surah Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam call
that the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam said the body
rule Bill Armani saba.
He said, hasten towards performing the good deeds before you are
afflicted by one of the seven calamities
before you are afflicted by one of the one or all of the seven
calamities. And by the way, this hadith as reported by Mr.
Mahtomedi Rahim Allah all day mama Timothy Rama Allah Himself class
this hadith says Hassan, but other scholars of Hadees have class this
hadith are grave. But some scholars have said that this is
correct from the statement to all of us are the
Saudi from the statement of Abu Hura or the Allahu taala. But the
wording of the Hadith seems to be supported by adulterations and
other hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam as we mentioned
previously, that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam used to
encourage his companion saying about the ruble amalfitana
catheter I ladle muddling Hastin tools, performing good deeds
before you are afflicted by trials and tribulations.
No calculator, I ladle modeling like the patches of the dark
night. So in this hadith He is Allah wa salam said, but there
will be a family Saba haste and towards performing good deeds
before you are afflicted by one or all of the seven calamities. The
first one then he said, Halton 30, Runa, Ill for Quran, Moon Sia.
What are you people waiting for? Are you waiting for a poverty that
you are afflicted by such a severe poverty, that is Moon Sia, a
poverty that can make you forget anything and everything and
particularly forget your religion.
When you are afflicted by severe poverty,
you forget to worship Allah subhanahu wa. And if you want to
see it, then travel to those lands and those countries where people
really suffer from poverty.
If you go to Asia, in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, you will see
people suffering from severe poverty, and they are far away
from the religion at the same time, and if you were to advise
them, please try to stamp the Euro five daily praise and false during
the month of Ramadan. And this and that. They first answer would be
that we are suffering from poverty and we don't have anything to eat
or drink. So how can you stand in Salah before Allah subhanho wa
Taala I have a small little shop and I have very little income or
source of income that is not sufficient for me. So I suffer I
always have the stress to earn my livelihood for myself and my
family. I have I have little children. So I have to look after
them. But my income is very, very low. I have no income. So how can
he go to the masjid? I don't have time.
I'm preoccupied with looking and and looking for money and income.
So people who suffer from poverty, they sometime they abandon the
religion they leave the fold of Islam. That is why one of the two
R's of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the morning
and evening would be Allahumma inni our ODU becoming an Kufri
while fucka
Allahumma inni our OB communal Kufri welcome. Oh Allah I seek
your refuge and your protection from disbelief as well as poverty
because this belief and poverty is closely linked. How many people
have left Islam and they have changed their religion because of
the poverty they are suffering from
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said health and 30 Runa Illa Falkland
motif Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed you with a wealth.
Although you may think that wealth of the dunya is not sufficient for
you, but you must be thankful to Allah Who will generally Quran
that you are not suffering from poverty. So if you are not
suffering from poverty, what are you waiting for them? Why cannot
you hasten towards performing good deeds? Help enter the Roma Illa
folklore museum don't wait
for that proverb.
Don't wait for that fucker and poverty that will make you forget
Allah subhanho wa Taala and forget the religion of Allah azza wa jal
I will then move to the
and the SIR and the second calamity can be Rena, richness,
prosperity, having the wealth of this dunya
so much so motor Lea, that that wealth make you that wealth makes
you become rebellious and have to beyond and you transgress and you
become arrogant. And this is something that Allah subhanahu wa
taala has highlighted in the Quran.
In many places, that the wealth of this dunya as Allah subhanahu wa
taala said in the Quran, the wealth and the man of this dunya
is a great fitna
and it is fitna it is a trial in many ways, and one of them is that
those who are blessed by Allah subhanahu wa taala with the wealth
of this dunya with the man they become so arrogant. They do not
see any benefit to any need of worshipping Allah, Allah Jalla,
Lyrica to the extent that Qarun someone who was so wealthy, Allah
subhanahu wa taala has made the mention of his story briefly in
the Quran. He was from the people of Musa alayhis Salatu was Salam.
And he was blessed with such a great amount of wealth that Allah
subhanho wa Taala says, My inner Malfatti who let her know will be
loose, but it will go that the keys of his treasures would be
carried by a large number of people.
By large number a great number of people used to carry only the keys
of his treasures.
And he became so arrogant to the level that he said in nama Ooty,
to who Allah eliminare, Hindi, all of the wealth that I have
accumulated, it is all because of my own experience, my own
knowledge, so he did not thank Allah. So he became so arrogant,
so arrogant, he said is all my effort, my knowledge, my
experience, my understanding, my vision, my my everything. So he
forgot that Allah subhanahu wata, Allah has blessed Allah subhanahu
wa Allah has blessed him with the wealth. So he did not think Allah
will generally.
And this is one of the reason that people stay away from the
And again, throughout the history of Islam, you will find
those who were firm and steadfast on the part of Islam, they were
average people, average people, either bit poor, or those who had
just enough of the wealth of dystonia. As for those who had big
amount of large amount of the wealth of dystonia, those who were
so wealthy, they stayed away from the Legion. They never felt the
need of worshipping Allah who generally Quran and this is the
case even now in in Nam. In this age and time in our time. If you
look around, you go to any Masjid. Those who are regular attendees of
the masjid are going to be mostly the average people, average
those who are so wealthy, they are so arrogant.
Obviously, we cannot generalize everyone but this is you know,
journey this this is what happened. This is what we see this
is what we experienced.
And that is why when we
study the book of Allah subhanahu wa taala, we come to know that
most of the Ayato the sutras particularly that Allah subhanahu
wa taala revealed when the prophets Allah Salam was in
makalah, mocha Rama, they focus on certain matters. Obviously one of
them was the Tauheed of Allah Oneness of Allah subhanahu wa
taala. And then the second focus of all those tools the makan
Surahs and the IR two would be the Ark era and the hereafter. And the
third point that is highlighted again and again in the Quran
within the McKinsey.
was when Allah subhanahu wa taala had not legislated the prey and
fasting and Zika and the Hajj and at the part of the Legion in
Makkah, the whole the you know full concentration was on the
Tauheed. And the he after and the third matter that is discussed in
the Mactan sutras, and the ayat is the wealth, the wealth.
That is why Abu Lahab when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam went out and he on the very first day when he called the
people of Makkah to the Torah of Allah subhanho wa taala. Abu Lahab
was the first one who started cursing the prophets and Allahu
Allah He was, and Allah subhanho wa Taala responded and Allah
subhanahu wa taala revealed a surah in the Quran, that batea da
Vila had been watered and even within that surah Allah says ma
Zina and kumawu who were Mikasa his wealth is not going to save
his wealth and he became so arrogant because of his wealth.
And this is the case in many of them are consumers. Allah says in
Surah Al houmas Why don't liquidly houmas at illumise woe to those to
every individual who is slender, and the one who is backed by to
Allah the GEMA Malinois the one who has gathered a wealth of this
dunya and he continues counting his wealth every day. Yes,
everyone Nirmala who
perhaps he thinks that his wealth is going to
is going to keep him in this dunya forever.
Hola, como taka Thor? Hotez Ultimune Maccabi. Allah subhanahu
wa taala says, this race of accumulating the wealth of
dystonia has distracted you
and you have lost the focus on you're here after Hatha zumal
macabre until to the level that you go to the cemetery and
graveyard. You visit the graves yet you do not remember your depth
and your grave.
So that is why Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said, are you
waiting for this second calamity that Allah tests you with so much
of the wealth of this dunya to the extent that you become rebellion
transgressor, and you forget Allah and you forget the worship of
Allah subhanahu wa don't wait for that calamity. This is a climate.
Although on the other hand, Allah subhanho wa Taala has closed the
wealth of this dunya as his father as well. If you earn through the
Halal means, and you spend it in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala
the way Allah subhanho wa Taala is pleased with then the wealth of
this dunya is the fogal and the bounty and the mercy of Allah
subhanho wa Taala is the blessing of Allah azza wa jal Allegra.
So Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said, I will return to the
are you waiting for such prosperity and richness that makes
you become rebellion? O'Meara Don Matsuda with the third one, are
you waiting for the third calamity which is Marathe illness,
illness such as severe illness move cyda that ruins your life.
You are afflicted by the calamity of illness or ailment
and use fear and you suffer from the severe kind of illness
such as cancer, kidney failure, when eating like this, that
actually ruins your life and now you are unable to worship Allah
and then you regret. Don't wait for that time. For Allah subhanahu
wata. Allah has blessed you with the health you must be prompt and
quick in performing good deeds. Don't wait until you become ill.
And then you start and then you start making dua to Allah azza wa
jal Quran, Allah has blessed you with good health, raise your hands
every day and beg Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah subhanahu wa
taala continues blessing you with good health. And he Subhanahu wa
Taala keeps you protected from all kinds of illnesses. So don't wait
for this calamity. I will Harmon move NIDA
and the fourth one are you waiting for such an old age that makes you
lose your senses
or you become mentally unstable?
Don't wait for that time. Again this a big reminder for us.
And this is this hadith actually reflects the meaning of the other
Hadith in which the prophets Allah Salam said il 10 M Hamsun couple
of MC
Very famous Hadith take the advantage of five before five, and
one of them is
Shabaab aka Kabbalah, hedonic your youth, before reaching the old
age, when you reach the old age, then you become unable to worship
Allah subhanho wa Taala that is why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said, one of those seven people, seven types of people who
will be granted the shade on the Day of Judgment is going to be SHA
Boon Nasha a theory about that in
a youth who spent his youth time, that time in the worship of Allah
azza wa jal Angelica.
Because during that period of life, you have energy, you have
power, you can worship Allah subhanho wa taala. You can stand
at night.
You can spend hours and hours in the worship of Allah, Guru Jeddah,
and this is the one of the greatest blessings of Allah
subhanahu wa taala upon you, that you are able to place your
forehead on the floor, and to make sense that to Allah will generally
come before you before you reach the old age. When you cannot bend
your back. You cannot state you cannot place your forehead on the
floor. And you can you cannot taste the taste of the sujood and
crying in the sudo and begging Allah subhanahu wa taala in that
to be thankful to Allah Who will tell you crumb and don't delay the
acts of worship. Don't delay the goodies until you reach the old
Unfortunately, amongst the Muslims are those who delay everything
until the age until the old age and particularly something that we
have seen amongst the amongst our Asian community when it comes to
particularly Hajj which is one of the pillars of Islam
and one of the greatest obligations. If Allah subhanahu
wata, Allah has blessed you with the wealth and Allah subhanahu wa
taala has blessed you with the health then you must fulfill this
Well, Allahu Allah Nassif in July at Manchester bar in the heads of
Villa, whoever is able to make his way to McHale makalah to perform
hajj, he must do it. This is not one of the greatest obligations.
But unfortunately we find amongst Asian people particularly that
they have the priorities other than Hutch.
So one may say that, you know, I'm so busy with my business so I
can't take only few days off because I'm so busy with my
business. So even during the period of Hajj, I can't take any
holidays, I can't spare in time. So I have to leave in so next
year, in five years time in 10 years time, and I'm still young,
I'm still within 40 I'm still under 50 so I still have time you
delay delay until you read the old age. And if Allah subhanahu wa
taala blesses you
with the opportunity of performing hajj and you go there, you will
see with your own eyes that how many old people are they
performing Hajj and Umrah amongst the Asian community particularly
most of them will be over
over 60 over 50 Or you say even are over 60 and they are unable
and once many years ago I was on height. We saw you know someone
who was very very old probably overs over 70 and on his way back
from Mina to McHale McCullough he had lost his his his group and he
was so no so sad because of that and we were in the Vandals will be
stopped some way and he came closer to the van and he was
asking for his address and he was showing his car you know this is
the address of my hotel Can you please help me this and that and
then Wallah he started swearing at his sons.
In obviously in Punjabi he started swearing his son he said you know
they are young they themselves did not come to perform Harley and
they have sent me you know, so it you know it appear that he was not
happy to perform had in that age.
And it had become very, very difficult for him to walk and
perform how you to walk in and doing tawaf and sigh and Milan was
really fun. Obviously, it requires a lot of efforts.
So the point here is that the profits are
alone SMM is encouraging us that do not delay performing the
goodies until you reach the old age when you are unable to worship
Allah don't generally cram. Don't wait for that calamity.
Our mountain mudra visa
number 50 Is
are you waiting for certain depths? Who has that guarantee
that he's going to leave until next week? One till even tomorrow?
You go to sleep, do you have any guarantee that you are going to
wake up in the morning?
How many times we hear the new that someone has passed away
because of the heart attack?
Sudden Death, someone has passed away in a road accident, all of a
sudden, are you waiting for a sudden death?
If Allah has given you the opportunity, don't delay, don't
miss this opportunity. And don't delay the performance of the
goodies until you are afflicted or you're caught by a sudden death.
And then you regret with the journal.
The sixth one is are you waiting then for one of the biggest
calamities which is the calamity of the jungle.
And if you're waiting for the jungle and you if shaytaan whisper
in your mind, that we still have time until the sow the last hour
is going to be established, and they are going to be many, many
signs before the hour. So we still have time. And one of the great
one of the main signs of the last hour is going to be the general
the appearance and the coming out of the digital. The prophets Allah
sallam said for sure over a billion dollar, there is a one of
the greatest evils that can be expected and it is not there yet.
is absent and is expected and one of the greatest evils. So are you
waiting for that great fitna and when you are afflicted by that
great fitna, then you cannot guarantee you do not have any
guarantee of your iman if you are afflicted by that fitna after the
job. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there was no
prophet before me except he warned his people against the journey. He
warned his people about the journey. And I also warn you about
the journey. And he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has advised us to
seek Allah's refuge and Allah's protection and ask Allah subhanahu
wa taala to protect us from the fitness of the Dijon in every
single prayer in the shotput.
After reading the shadow, we send salutation upon Rasulullah
Salallahu Salam, and then the DUA that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
has recommended and the DUA that he sort of Salam himself used to
read is Allahumma inni Abu Dhabi communal cupboard, what are all
the becoming either be Jahannam What are you do become inshallah
the fifth Natalie Merci de Jan. Well, Allah I seek refuge with you
from the punishment of the grave and from the punishment of Ghana
and from the evil fitna and the trial of the jar. The Prophet
sallallahu Sallam used to seek Allah's refuge from the fit of the
jar, one of the greatest calamity that this ummah will be facing.
So he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has encouraged us to read this dua
in our Tisha he himself used to read and He's highly commended
because the prophets Allah Salam used to instruct his companions to
read this torah.
And obviously, the filthy ruling is that you can make any dua into
Shahid but particularly these two are this is a you know, this is
the art that is highly recommended by Rasulullah sallallahu. Let me
even in fact some of the scholars in the past used to
hold the opinion that it is compulsory to read this to our in
your Salah.
You have other gods such as rubbish animal thema salah,
although there is no evidence that the Prophet Solomon himself read
this, but it is permissible you can read any dua as Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam advised Abdullah who was rude about the Allahu
Taala and he said, After you have read your T shirt, now you can
make any dua so it is permissible to make any dua into Shahada. But
this particular dua, is the one that Rasulullah Salam himself used
to make and he has highly recommended us to read this dua,
and part of the eyes are long in the road to becoming Sharif with
Natalie massif integer. Rasulullah saw Salam also encouraged us to
read the first and the last 10 ayat of surah tool
I have on a regular basis on a regular basis. He Salah salem
said, Whoever reads these is the first and last 10 ayat of surah
Toluca, he will be protected from the fitness of the job.
So he SallAllahu sallam said in this hadith, don't wait for that
calamity, the great and evil, big evil, don't wait. Rather, Allah
subhanahu wa taala has protected you and saved you from that
calamity. So must you must take it as an opportunity to be quick in
performing good deeds. And lastly, he said are we sa facade to other
our amaro while you people? You people, are you waiting for the
last hour? Allah has given you the opportunity now. Are you waiting
for the hour to be established? If this is the case, then remember
fissara to other what Amar, then the SA is going to be grievous and
it's going to be very, very bitter and tough. Don't wait until the
hour. So Allah has given you the opportunity Allah has blessed you
with well Allah has blessed you in good health. Allah subhanahu wata,
Allah has blessed you with so many favors and bounties. Be thankful
to Allah Allah Jalla you crumb and be prompt and quick in performing
good deeds and do not wait and do not delay. May Allah subhanahu wa
taala give us our feet and ability to be quick in performing