Zakaullah Saleem – 27 Riyad asSalihin

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The speakers discuss the history of Islam, including the use of the word "na" and the use of the word "na" in reference to actions or deeds. They also discuss legal disputes, accusations of leprosy, and the use of "angels" in the title of Islam. The speakers emphasize the importance of thanking individuals for giving in the way of charity and practicing the Legion of Allah. They also emphasize the importance of not wanting to waste time and effort in others.
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Hola Hola Himani Rahim hamdulillah Hiller Billa Alameen allow people
to clean salatu salam ala Rasulillah Karim Allah Allah. He
was so humble here Jamari in my bath
and Anessa Radi Allahu Anhu call
in acuminata Amma Luna merlon Here adopt Kofi our Uniko. Mina shout,
Nana wrote to her ideal Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Meenal
movie caught Allah Who Buhari will call L movie a call card, I'll
move the cat.
So you do not answer the Allahu taala. And who says and he said
this to
his companions
and the people around him. And obviously it was the second
of Islam.
The people after the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. So answer the Allahu Taala and who a companion of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who served the Messenger of Allah
alayhi salatu salam for the period of 10 years and he lived in his
house, and he learned a lot from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam and he says in ACOEM letter I'm Aluna I'm Merlin here
adopt Kofi or Unicom in a shop
you people
you indulge in such a deeds or such actions that are more
insignificant in your sight, then, hey, the head of pet
meaning you don't pay any attention to them, you don't give
them any importance and you don't feel that these these are these
mistakes are these sins are great and they are major. So you
consider them in significant
ways whereas guna Anna Oh Doha Allah de Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam middle movie Akkad
we as we the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam
we used to consider the same deeds or the actions menial movie caught
from amongst the destructive actions,
the actions and the deeds and the mistakes that could destroy all of
your good deeds.
And your mama no we Rama Allah He has quoted this hadith in this
chapter al Morocco Baba.
To believe that Allah subhanahu wa taala is watching you. Allah
subhanahu wa taala is him you?
Whatever you do Allah subhanahu wa taala is fully aware of it. In
Allahu Allah for Allah He show you on film or the will of Osama
nothing in the heaven on the earth is hidden from Allah azza wa jal
and Vikram Allahu Allah feeling I'm Matt I'm alone. Allah
subhanahu wa taala is not unaware of what you are doing.
So whatever you do, Allah subhanahu wa taala is watching
Allah subhanho wa Taala is seeing Allah subhanho wa Taala knows
So under sort of the Allahu Tonle says that Do you people commit
some mistake and sins, and you don't consider them?
Something that can destroy your good deeds, but we the companion
of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we used to be very, very
careful. And even when it came to the minus hints, we were very
careful and we will try our best to stay away from all kinds of
sins and we would consider those sins and those mistakes as
destructive to our good deeds.
Next hadith is the hadith of so you don't Abu Huraira the Allahu
who says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
in Allah, Allah Javon, will you go to Allah heeta Allah, TL, more
maha brahma Allahu Allah.
Indeed, Allah subhanahu wa taala has Laila
Allah who will generally Crom has Rayleigh and availa. Usually, it
is translated as jealousy. But when it comes to Allah subhanahu
wa taala is probably more appropriate to translate as self
esteem. Allah subhanahu wa taala has the self esteem because of
which he will tell you Crom gets angry if someone breaks his low.
He SallAllahu sallam said
Available to La while you're at La heeta Allah and Allah Azza wa ala
sometimes is called as a de la Vela. Allah has a very low Allah's
Anger is provoked. And yet at the el mar OMA haram Allahu Allah,
that a person commits a sin that Allah subhanahu wa taala has made
it haram.
When you break the law of Allah who Allah Allah Allah, Allah
subhanahu wa taala gets angry anything that is haram. Obviously,
the scholars have divided the sins into minor and major, but
something that is prohibited by Allah will generally Cramo by the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam it is in whether it is minor or
major, and unfortunately sometime shaytaan whispers in our mind and
we think that you know, this mistake or dissent is a minor, it
is okay.
And the issue is that if you continue committing minor sins,
one after the other, then these minor sins, once the accumulated,
they lead you towards the major sin. And the scholars have also
said that if you constantly and regularly commit a minor sin and
you never asked Allah's forgiveness, then that minor sin
can turn to major sin.
Because it is as if you are not giving any importance to the law
of Allah. You're not giving any importance to the eye of the Quran
or the Hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu Allah He was
and a typical example of this is drinking for example, drinking
water or drinking anything while standing. This is something that
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has prohibited yes, if you
need if there is any necessity it is permissible, but without a need
without a necessity. You always drink while standing, it is as if
you are not giving any importance to the you're not giving any
importance to the prohibition of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam so
that prohibition in your site as no me no value.
Later to law here in the el mar, OMA haram Allahu Allah, Allah has
ended is provoked when a person commits a haram act. When a person
breaks the law of Allah Huhtala they will eat.
The next hadith is also reported by say you do not have water or
the Allahu Taala and who is a bit long Hadith, in which he says
Allah who sent me another year sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that
he heard the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet of allah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam saying in the philos atom in Bani Israel in
there were three individuals amongst bunnies rock in our house
were ACARA were Arma
one of them was leopard, he had the illness or ailment of leprosy.
And the other person was bold. He didn't have hair on his head, and
third one was blind. Three individuals are the Allahu Taala
whom Allah subhanahu wa taala intended to test them for Bertha
ed him. Malika Allah subhanahu wa taala sent to them, an angel who
appeared before them in the form of a man for an albatross. So the
angel came to this first individual the one who was left
and he said I you che in a heartbeat a lake. What is
something that is most beloved to you? He said loan on her son what
Jill don't Hasson something that I
really miss. Or something that is most beloved to me is loan on
Herson watch children Hussen beautiful color of the skin and
gelatin has an any beautiful skin. We don't have one Nila de cada by
the color and the nurse who famosa who further Habana who what
earthly alone and Hassan ah. And he says that I wish that Allah
subhanahu wa taala removes from me something that people have
disliked me because of which
the color of my skin and this ailment, this this illness that I
have. So I wish that Allah subhanho wa Taala removes it from
me. So by the permission of Allah who will generally kromm, this
angel wiped over his body for the harbor and who, who and his
illness was removed. We're all totally alone and has Anna and he
was given a beautiful color of his skin.
Alpha Umali Habu lake and then the angel asked him Which kind of
wealth is most beloved to you?
He said I'll able
the most beloved wealth to me is the camel. I want to have camels
for earthly now fatten Raj Shah for Carlebach Allahu Allah coffee.
So he was given a pregnant she came in and he was happy and he
said Barack, Allah hula and the air. The angel said to him,
Barack, Allahu Allah Kofi here it is your camel Yoshi camel. And I
asked Allah subhanahu wata Allah that Allah grants you baraka and
blessings in this. And then the angel went to the second
individual at 10 o'clock, he came to the person who was bold. He
said, Are you showing her blue lake? What is something that is
most beloved to you? He said Sharon Hudson, I want to have
beautiful hair. We don't have one Neha, the lady called the father
and in us, and I wish that this illness this boldness, it is
removed from me because of which people do not like me, for Mercer
who further ban and the angel by the permission of Allah subhanahu
wa taala wiped over his head, and Allah subhanho wa Taala removed
his boldness, it means that Allah Azza wa Jalla Lu kromm granted him
beautiful Hey, we're all shot on her Santa he was granted beautiful
day. And then the angel asked him for a you'll Malia Habu Lake what
kind of wealth is most beloved to you? He said Alba. I like cows for
all three abakada Bacala then Hi Mila. So he was given a pregnant
cow for call Baraka, Allah who lack a fee. And the angel made dua
for him. He said, may Allah subhanahu wa taala give you Baraka
in this cow. And then he went to the third individual alarma the
blind. He said, Are you saying that Habu Lake What is something
that is most beloved to you? He said Anuradha, Allahu Allah Yabba
sorry, for obviously bananas. I wish that Allah subhanahu wa taala
returns to me my eyesight so that I can see people around me, for
masa who forgot the Allahu alayhi Basara by the permission of Allah
will generic Quran this angel wiped over his eyes, and Allah
subhanahu wa taala returned his eyesight. And then he asked him
Are you ill Mali or Habu Lake what kind of wealth is most beloved to
you? He said Allah Vana. I like goats,
for oral t shirt and Walidah. So he was given a pregnant goat for
untidy shahada, one letter Ha, and then by the permission of Allah,
Allah subhanahu wa taala, granted them blessing and Baraka in the
well to all three of them. So the she camel and the and also the cow
and also the goat. So all three they produce.
They produce children and the offspring for for Connelly ha ha
then mineral EABL Wali, ha the middle Bakar when he heard that
was the middle of Ghana. So the first individual, the leper, he,
eventually he had, for whole full Valley, valley, full Valley of the
camels, the other individual, he was granted baraka and blessing in
his well to the extent that he had a whole full valley of cows. And
the third individual, the blind, individual, the person who was
blind, Allah subhanahu wa taala, granted him Baraka, and he had
whole full valley of goats from India who attend Albatross, fie,
Surah, t y Yeti. Then after a while,
this angel came to the first individual, the one who was leper
the one who has the ailment of leprosy. He came to him
in his previous form,
he came the angel appeared to him appeared before him, while the
angel had by the permission of Allah, he had leprosy on his skin
on his body.
And he said, Roger lun miskeen Aden, kata art began Heba, Luffy
Safari fala Bala Walia, Luoma illa Billahi from Lubbock, he said, I'm
a poor individual. I'm a poor person, needy person. And I have I
have done a long journey. But now I have nothing with me to reach my
destination. So I have no one to help me except you. Oh Allah. So
can you please help me as a Luca Biller, the dog alone Allah Hassan
while jilda Hassan almal but a year on at Avila will be he
suffered? He said, I asked you by Allah, by Allah, the One who
has given you the one who has granted you this beautiful skin
and beautiful color. And Allah has granted you this wealth, I asked
you by the name of Allah, that you give me only one camel so that I
so that I can continue with my journey so that I can reach my
destination for call al Hoku cathedra
he said, You know I have too many rights.
There are so many people who are after the rights and I have to pay
them. I have to pay this individual that individual so I
can't afford to give you even one single camel for called an era
book. And I'm talking about Ross. canas, the angel replied, he said
I think I know you
are you not the individual who was suffering from leprosy and people
used to hate you. People used to dislike you for Kieran and you are
poor individual for artpark Allah and Allah granted you this wealth
for call in nama what is to handle Miguel Cabrera non-carbon is a no
this is all this wealth all these camels I have inherited from my
forefathers, generation after generation. This my own wealth for
calling in Kentucky diba for Sayaka Allahu Allah makan.
The angel said okay, if you are lying, then I asked Allah that
Allah return you in your previous condition
or at an ultra. Then the angel came to the individual who was
bold and then he was granted beautiful Hey, and the angel
appeared by the permission of Allah, Allah Allah Allah kromm, he
appeared before him in his previous condition. So he was
bold. He said to him similar, he said that I'm a poor individual,
and I have nothing with me. So I have to continue with my journey.
So can you please help me but this individual also reply the same? He
said, No, I can't help you because I have too many no overheads to
pay so I can't help you. And the angel again, he made dua and he
said in contact Caliban fossa, Iraq, Allahu Allah malcontent, if
you are lying. Then I asked Allah that Allah to tell you in your
previous condition, what Allah fie Surah t you will hate it and then
he appeared before the individual who was previously blind and Allah
subhanahu wa taala had returned to him his eyesight and he said I do
not miskeen with Noosaville I am a needy person and I'm a traveler in
kappa RBL hubba Luffy Safari all of my all of my resources have
drained in my journey so I cannot continue with my journey. So I all
I have is you Oh ALLAH will Jana new crumb. So as a Luca Villa de
rodallega, bus orca Schatten, a double la will be happy Safari, I
asked you by Allah, the One who had returned to you your eyesight,
that you give me only one goat so that I can I can continue to my
journey I can benefit from it. He said, this individual, his reply
was different. And he said Cadogan to our ama for the Allahu Allah
Yabba. Sorry, I myself also used to be a blind individual. And
Allah subhanahu wa taala returned my eyesight for holding my schita
without a machine. So you have all these goals, whole valley full of
goats. So take as many as you want and leave as many as you want.
From Allah Hema, add Haruka Leone between a filter who will Allah by
Allah I would not blame you with anything that you take away today.
Because you have asked me by the name of Allah who will Generica
and the angels, Angel replied he said I'm sick Malik
keep your wealth with you. In ama to lead them.
The reality is yet you all three you were tested for Kedah Radi
Allahu an Allah is pleased with you. wasafi To Allah saw a bake
and Allah will July Quran is displeased with the other two
individuals. And this hadith is collected by Imam Al Bukhari and
Muslim Rahima Humala. There are many lessons that we learn from
this particular Hadith. The first one is that Rasulullah salAllahu
alayhi salam and these kind of the statement these kinds of a Hadith
of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam are the signs of
of his new boo boo. That is why the Scholars considered these are
Hadees as the de la ELO Nobu. The amongst the proofs and the
evidence of our NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being Nebby and
the Prophet of Allah who will challenge the Quran because he
he's the one who used to receive revelation from Allah Allah Allah
Allah the Quran, as he SallAllahu sallam said, these three
individual were from amongst bunnies, Raji.
The other lesson that we learn from this hadith is
Allah subhanahu wata Allah
gives the angels
a power or ability to change the forms. So as it happened in this
hadith, and there are many examples of this, in the Quran, in
the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as we
know, from the ayat of the Quran that the angel appeared before
Maria Maria has Salam in the form of a man
but the masala Bashar on Surya so complete perfect man and the
companion, the one Allah here image Marine, they saw a couple of
times Gibreel alayhi salatu salam in the form of a man. As we just
said, a few weeks ago, we made the mention of the hadith of Gibreel
famous Hadith that is known as hadith of Gibreel. When Rasulullah
sallallahu sallam was sitting with his companions, and Gibreel Ali
salatu salam appeared in the form of a man and he questioned the
prophets of Allah and he asked the Prophet Salah Salem some
questions, and when he left then Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
inform his companion, he said, In the WHO Gibreel Atacama Dena calm
it was Gibreel who came and he appeared in the form of man so
that he could teach you your religion.
So sometimes you breathe out in salatu salam, he would appear in
the form of a man when he would bring the revelation to Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And there is also Hadith in Sahih
Bukhari that the Companions one Allah He and which mine say that
during the Battle of Brother, we saw two beautiful two handsome
individuals fighting along with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam defending him, I like his salatu salam. And once the battle
was over, we asked the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam about
these individual because we never saw them before that day, and
never after that day, and he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
they were Gibreel and mica II, Allah subhanahu wa taala had
appointed them to defend me and to protect me. So the point is that
the angels sometimes appear in the form of a man. But what the
general Master has the conception of an angel referring to alight
and unfortunately, if you go on Google or YouTube, you may find
multiple, you know, video clips that the angel is Angel Baitullah,
a light. Yes, it is true. The angels are created from light. But
who can confirm that this light is actually the angel?
You never saw an angel, How can you recognize them? You can't.
Obviously during the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
salam, he only salatu salam used to inform his companions and all
these Hadees that we find, in which it is mentioned that the age
of the PA in the form of man the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam informed the Companions as it is in a hadith of Gibreel and
also the other Hadith. So it is not correct to say that this is
this light or dark light or this kind of light Overbite Allah in
Haram in my path, this and that, this angel No,
you can't claim this. So anyway, Allah subhanho wa Taala gives the
angels ability to change their forms, and not only change their
form from being angel to a man, rather they can buy the permission
of Allah ghulja The Quran, they can take any kind of form and it
happened in this hadith that is mentioned. So when Allah subhanahu
wa taala tested these individual, the angel appeared before the
first individual who were who used to be a leper and the angel he
appeared in the form that he had leprosy on his body.
And he appeared before the second individual, while the angel, he
took the shape of a man and he was bold. And he appeared before the
third individual while he was blind. So all of this by the
permission of Allah will Jana annually Quran because the angels
obey Allah who will channel you Crom ly as soon Allah Hama Amara
whom they do not disobey Allah way of filing
guna MA You moron and they do whatever they are commanded by
Allah subhanahu wata Allah to do.
The greatest lesson that we learn from this particular hadith is
that if Allah subhanahu wa taala blesses you with wealth, with good
health, with anything, you must be thankful to Allah Who will
generally be calm, and you must not forget your previous
condition. If you're poor, and Allah subhanahu wa taala granted
you wealth, never forget your previous condition rather thank
Allah then generic rom so that he will generally cram continues
blessing you with more and more wealth and health.
Ben but if you start
forgetting Allah will Jelani crumb and forgetting your previous
condition, and you
take a pride and you both yourself and you show any kind of
arrogance, then this is something that can destroy your goodies and
this is something that displeases Allah who will Jana Levitical. And
this will happen to these, the first two individuals, they were
14, they weren't miskeen they were poor, needy, they had no wealth,
Allah subhanahu wa taala granting them wealth and because of wealth,
once they have that wealth of this dunya the forgot Allah, instead of
thanking Allah who will generally kromm and paying the gratitude to
Allah will Jana Liberty calm, they forgot and they said, what is the
what is to have carbon and carbon, I have inherited this wealth from
my forefathers, generation after generation.
And many of us, many of us leaving this country, or actually vast
majority of us, we have migrated from poor countries. And we have
arrived here, and we should never ever forget our previous
condition. And especially when our relatives, our friends and the
people we know that they need health, financial health, we must
help them. Never neglect them, never forget them. And always
remember that once you were in that condition and Allah subhanahu
wa taala bless you with this wealth. So now it is a test
because every one of us is being tested by Allah. Allah subhanahu
wa taala does some people with giving them wealth and at the same
time some others are tested by being deprived from wealth.
Some are being tested be some of some of us are being tested with
richness, whereas the others are being tested with poverty.
Every one of us being tested. So we must be thankful to Allah who
will challenge
for the wealth of the health, the children, all the blessings that
Allah subhanahu wa taala has blessed us with. That is why we
usually say whenever my dear brother and sister whenever you
hear any kind of appeal, or any charity event, encouraging you to
donate in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala to help the poor
and the needy and often in Palestine, in Syria, in Iraq, in
Kashmir, in Eritrea, in Sudan, in Yemen, in Burma.
Any country in Somalia
never ever get upset. And unfortunately, we do find people
who get annoyed when they hear these kind of charity appeals. And
they say why people keep asking for money, money, money, you
should be thankful to Allah azza wa jal, Allah Quran that Allah has
granted young people are asking you to give in the way of Allah
subhanho wa Taala and you are not in need of people. Rather people
are in need of you to certain extent.
So you must be thankful to Allah azza wa jal diagram that Allah is
giving you the opportunity, and you should please Allah subhanahu
wa taala by giving in his way, by spending in charity, to please
Allah who will Jalla Angelica.
So these two individuals, the first one, the leper and the bowl,
they were tested and they denied the blessings of Allah. Therefore,
God, the blessings of Allah at the mercy of Allah, and they did not
want to give anything and they became stingy. And this
unfortunately what happens to some people, when they accumulate the
wealth of dystonia, they tend to forget their past.
And this is very, very bad attitude.
whereas the third individual, the one who was blind, Allah
subhanahu, Attallah returned his eyesight. He was thankful to
Allah. He will thankful to Allah to the extent that he said to the
angel, you take whatever although he has asked, he had asked for
only one single goat. And he said, No, you take as many as you want.
And this should be our attitude when it comes to the given when it
comes to giving in the way of Allah subhanahu wa. If you are
encouraged and you are asked to give one pound in the way of
Allah, to give one pound to the masjid, it does not necessarily
mean that you give only one pound, if you have the ability to give 10
and give 10 If you have the ability to give 100 give 101,000
and thank Allah subhanahu wa taala because Allah will tell you Quran
has promised the insha Khartoum, z then,
if you are thankful to me, I will, I will increase my blessings, and
my Baraka in your wealth in your health, and all the favors and the
bounties that I that I have bestowed on you.
So we must be thankful to Allah Who will generally cram and the
reason that Imam and never be Ramallah has quoted this hadith in
this chapter is that you may try to hide your past and your
previous condition from people around you but you cannot hide
anything from Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala is watching you.
Allah subhanahu wa taala was aware of your previous condition. Allah
is watching you now. And Allah subhanahu wa taala knows what can
happen to you. In both cases, if you are great to four if you are
grateful to Allah or if you are untruthful to Allah ghulja
So always bear in mind that Allah subhanahu wa taala is watching you
and Allah subhanahu wa taala is seeing you and nothing is hidden
from him, Lulu Chela.
The next Hadees is the hadith of
Abuja, Allah Shuddha the new house or the Allahu Anh, who says that
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Al Qaeda Suman, Dan
Annissa, were Amina Nima bardell mode, he says, The True wise
individual is the one who hold himself to an account before he is
held accountable before Allah, al Qaeda Suman, Dan and a
wise individual is the one who hold himself to account and he
reflects on his mistakes and on his sins, on his bad actions, and
he repents to Allah Allah Jalla you calm and sees Allah's
forgiveness. He is the one who is truly wise individual in the sight
of Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were
amela Lima battle mode and also, he continues performing good deed
in order to benefit him after his death. While Arges mon Akbar
Annessa, who Hawa and the foolish is the one who
at Vannessa hoo ha ha, who keeps himself following his desires and
temptations all the time.
But deliberate brothers when it comes to putting a stop to the
desires and the temptations
we must practice this.
Let me give you an example.
If you go to a market or if you go to any shop,
you like something
and you have money in your pocket, or you have bank card, you can
afford to buy it. But before you purchase it, ask yourself, do you
really need it? If you don't need it, then sometimes it's better not
to purchase
only for the purpose of training yourself to put a stop to your
temptation and desires.
Whenever you go to a shop whenever you go to a market, whatever you
like you say you say I want to buy. You already have 10 pairs of
shoes. And now you went in the shop and you liked another one and
you want to purchase another one.
We as the one you have at home already. You hardly wear them. Or
you have you have used them only once or twice in the past all
year. But today you went to a shop and you liked another one you want
to purge down and you forget those people who
are dying out of hunger
you go to a shop and you want to purchase something that you are
not in need of,
then you must put a stop to your desires in temperature and Arges
man Akbar enough so who Hawa foolish is the one who keeps
following his desires and temptations all the time.
What a Munna Allah Allah is Allah Salam said
the foolish is also the one who expect from Allah subhanho wa
Taala certain things without making any efforts
and this is commonly amongst us as using the phrase inshallah
inshallah. Your person please be regular in your five daily
prayers. Okay, we'll try Inshallah, it is as it is, as if
Allah subhanahu wa taala is going to grab his hand and to bring him
to the masjid
these stop committing this sin, Inshallah, but you continue doing
it, hoping that Allah subhanahu wa taala forgive your sins without
you even making any efforts.
Someone are wiser you you have been attending the masjid please
try to memorize some Quran inshallah I will do
you have been attending masjid for past 1020 30 years. Have you
memorized? 30 sutras? No, Inshallah, when?
That's it.
No effort. Do you ever spend some time to memorize some Surah from
the Quran? Do you ever make any effort to memorize some doors of
the prophets Allah, Allah Salam, you don't make efforts? Amana,
Allah, Allah, you have these, these kinds of, you know,
expectation desires.
And you think that Allah subhanahu wa taala is going to instill the
Quran in your memory without you making any efforts. No, he
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said such individual is a large is he's
someone who can't do anything. And this is this is something that is
commonly practiced by our youth nowadays, unfortunately, they keep
wasting their times.
wasting their times. We can week out month in month out
and I personally know some individual in this merci regulat
and these young brothers mashallah they have all the ability to spare
some time to memorize Quran to learn the Legion of Allah Bucha
Allah new Quran but the key making their plans in six months time I'm
going to travel to Egypt Crona happened Okay, I console the plan
has gone now. I need to wait until the lockdown and cron Everything
is over. And it took more than one year. And now I'm making plan
again to go to the because as you can't learn any Arabic in this
country, you have to travel to Egypt.
To what kind of efforts is this?
You should be making the best usage of your time.
According to your ability, whatever you have,
because this life is very short. Allah subhanahu wa taala has given
you limited time and every single moment of this life is precious.
And you may realize the value of this dunya and the value of this
life when you see the angel of death and you will be wishing that
Allah gives you only one single moment and Allah allows you to
take only one single additional breath so that you can do
something good.
But Allah's promise is in Agile Allahu Elijah la you occur when
that specific time that Allah has written for you. When that time
arrives. It is never ever delayed.
So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam said an artist at the bar
enough so who Hawa Waterman now Allah Allah next Hadith the final
hadith of this chapter is the hadith of so you don't Abu Huraira
the Allahu Taala and who says that the Rasul allah sallallahu sallam
said, I mean Hosni Islam in model II Turku, Mala Yanni
in order to make your Islam as excellent Islam off, in order to
make we in order to achieve the excellence within the religion of
Islam barcoo Humala Yanni that you stay away and you abandon and
leave What does not concern you.
Anything, any action, any statement, that does not concern
you stay away from it.
Before you utter anything, ask yourself is your statement and
what you are going to say? Is it going to benefit you in dystonia?
Or is it going to benefit you in the hereafter? If not, then stop.
Before doing anything, before
carrying out any action, ask yourself, is that action going to
benefit you in this dunya or in the Hereafter? If not, then in
order to achieve the highest level of Iman and Islam, the Excellence
in order to achieve excellence, you should stay away anything in
everything that does not concern you anything that cannot be of any
benefit for yourself in this dunya in this life, or in the next life.
May Allah subhanahu wa taala give us tofield that ability to improve
our o'clock and our practice of the religion, and may Allah
subhanahu wa taala forgive our sins and may He will channel you
Crom gives us all faith and ability to learn his religion and
to practice so that he will gentle calm is pleased with us, and He
will tell you Crom grant us entry into paradise Subhanak alarm will
be Hambrick a shadow Allah Elahi