Zaid Shakir – We Are The Stars

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The transcript describes a dynamic and dynamic relationship between the speakers, where one is a shining light that is lit from the lamp of MuhammadGeneration, while the other is a continuum of light that reflects the light of the sun as fully, and when the full moon reflects the light of the full moon, everything is visible.
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da'iyan illa Allahi bi-idhnihi wa sirajan
A luminous light.
And each and every one of us should
be a shining light that is lit from
the lamp of Muhammad ﷺ.
Fakhruddin al-Razi when he discusses this verse
wa sirajan munirah, he said it's a it's
a light, it's a lamp or a candle.
And no matter how many candles you dip
in light from that light, it never decreases
the intensity of the original light.
My dear brothers and sisters, don't see yourself
as someone floundering with no purpose, struggling to
get by.
Look at yourself as a light that's been
lit from the light of Muhammad ﷺ.
Look at yourself as one who has a
responsibility to shine that light on the darkness
of our society.
Look at yourself as a light that reflects
the light of our Prophet ﷺ.
Just as he reflected the light of Allah
It's a continuum of light.
Talaa al-Badr alayna.
The bedr, no object in our physical world
reflects the light of the sun as fully
as the full moon.
Our Prophet ﷺ as he was described is
the full moon, shining to the greatest extent
humanly possible the light of Allah.
And when the full moon is out, you
can see everything.
We are the stars that are reflecting the
light of that full moon.