Zaid Shakir – We Are The Stars

Zaid Shakir
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The transcript describes a dynamic and dynamic relationship between the speakers, where one is a shining light that is lit from the lamp of MuhammadGeneration, while the other is a continuum of light that reflects the light of the sun as fully, and when the full moon reflects the light of the full moon, everything is visible.

AI: Summary ©

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			da'iyan illa Allahi bi-idhnihi wa sirajan
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			A luminous light.
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			And each and every one of us should
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			be a shining light that is lit from
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			the lamp of Muhammad ﷺ.
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			Fakhruddin al-Razi when he discusses this verse
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			wa sirajan munirah, he said it's a it's
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			a light, it's a lamp or a candle.
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			And no matter how many candles you dip
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			in light from that light, it never decreases
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			the intensity of the original light.
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			My dear brothers and sisters, don't see yourself
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			as someone floundering with no purpose, struggling to
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			get by.
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			Look at yourself as a light that's been
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			lit from the light of Muhammad ﷺ.
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			Look at yourself as one who has a
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			responsibility to shine that light on the darkness
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			of our society.
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			Look at yourself as a light that reflects
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			the light of our Prophet ﷺ.
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			Just as he reflected the light of Allah
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			It's a continuum of light.
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			Talaa al-Badr alayna.
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			The bedr, no object in our physical world
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			reflects the light of the sun as fully
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			as the full moon.
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			Our Prophet ﷺ as he was described is
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			the full moon, shining to the greatest extent
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			humanly possible the light of Allah.
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			And when the full moon is out, you
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			can see everything.
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			We are the stars that are reflecting the
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			light of that full moon.