Zahir Mahmood – The Lessons Of Our Glorious Past
![Zahir Mahmood](
AI: Summary ©
The importance of honoring the pledging commitments during radio shows is discussed, along with the deception of the idea of death from delusion and the struggles of people due to the deception. The success of Islam, including the creation of a new God and culture, is also highlighted. The deception of the idea of death from delusion is discussed, along with the struggles of people due to the deception. The importance of finding people who have a concern for Islam to avoid confusion and misunderstandings is emphasized, along with the need to accept Islam in one's life.
AI: Summary ©
want to ask you to come with me on a journey again. Just prevent leading least think about at least. Did you go in and it's time machine
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. hamdulillah Hello below the mean. Wa salatu salam ala CD mursaleen bolena Muhammad wa ala early he was heavy he woman tabea Hongbin sun in LA Yomi Deen Ubud
brothers, sisters, respected guests Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.
It's a bit dark in here can only see few brothers on the front row.
Mashallah, May Allah give
at most a reward to the share,
I shall love was very inspiring speech and is very inspiring fundraiser. But following on from that we need to ensure
that the pledges that we have made, we honor them
it's very important often what happens is that, you know, we make the pledge, but later on we get home. And you realize that money that you pledged was for the sofa set which you promise your wife
and Nia changes. So inshallah we need to make sure that we honor that pledge. The chef mentioned something, which
he mentioned about three things that we need to recognize and I want to speak about three things. We should preoccupy the minds of every single human being.
Where did you come from?
Second, what are you doing here?
And third, where are you destined for?
And Allah subhanho wa Taala. Being the Holic and the Malik knew that these questions should preoccupy man's mind. So he mentions all of them in the
regarding where you came from Allah mentions in many places, but one verse Allah mentioned lol inszone hieno mina de la Mia and Mathura was there not a time upon man, that there was no Vicar of him? That there was no mention of him he did not exist. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala created man, men look for thin margin that last month Allah created man from mingle piece of sperm. regarding what we're doing on this dunya Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned where Mr. kolak Jinnah will insert in early afternoon, that I have not created man and Jin, but for one reason, and that is servitude to our last panel with Allah. And thirdly, where is man destined to Allah mentions that in the Quran
in many places from Malaysia, Morocco,
and to me You shall return and I will tell you about the actions that you did in this dunya.
But if we look around us, in the society, you will see many people dissipate their existence without ever thinking about their purpose in life. Why? Because they are engaged in the now. The now the dounia.
They are more interested in the high heeled and the low heels, the baggies and the tights, the iPhones and the iPads, the x fives and the houses in Solihull and Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the now in the Quran. He said well manhyia to dunia Illa Mata guru. He said the life of the dunya is nothing besides goods of deception. He says that now is a life of deception. And I'll give you an example of this. You know, you guys have all had dreams. You have dreams. One night you're sleeping. And you have this dream that you have a beautiful house in Sally hole. You look out the window and you see your Ferrari. You look behind you and you have this beautiful wife or beautiful
husband with impeccable character
and then you wake up in the morning
And you walk towards your window and you open the curtains and you look outside and you realize you're still living on Coventry road.
You look down and you see your Micra
and then in the background you hear your wife saying,
Oh us on him, then you realize
that that dream was a deception. It was a delusion. Have you ever heard about ghazanfar and perveen? You know, this this thing about, you know, Asian women and micros
you know, ghazanfar had a wife Her name was but we then perveen passed away. You ever heard the story? Yeah, you're gonna hear it again anyway.
And purveyed passed away. So he wanted to write your obituary. So he went to his local newspaper and he said, You know, I want to write obituary, but only got 10 pounds. I said for 10 pounds. You're gonna get three words. So he thought okay, so he said, okay, write down. But we is dead. Now the guy felt sorry for him. You know, he's uh, maybe want to write my beloved perveen is dead or something. So he said, Okay. I'll give you three extra words free. He said, yeah. He said, Yeah, he said, okay, write down, but weed is dead. microfossil.
So you have the now woman higher to dunya Illa Mata or guru. And really, people are in this deception, they dissipate. They go through the entire life without realizing that they have a purpose. And this is why Allah, Allah and who said, he said, people are sleeping. Only when they die with their eyes really open. man believes he's awake. But only when he dies, he will realize that he lived a life of delusion. And it was for this, that the MBR la salatu salam came to this dunya they came to wake up people they came to call people. When Allah mentioned to the prophets, Allah salam, he says, he said, O Messenger of Allah say, pull her the Sabine Li, ue Lola, he said, This is my
path. I call unto Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah basura tin upon manifest truth, and a woman at savani. Me and those who follow me, we call towards Allah subhanaw taala. And Josie Rahim Allah mentioned something very profound here. He says, anybody who called towards Allah is on the path of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and anybody who calls towards anything else other than Allah subhanaw taala is not on the path of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And then he goes further, he says anybody who calls towards other things, he's more interested in calling towards his group, or to the people that he hung around with or football or cricket, he is not from the
followers of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And if you look at the real followers of the prophets, Allah Salaam, the Sahaba roseola Anam every Sahabi knew the virtue of Salah in Makkah. Every Sahabi knew the virtue of dying in Medina that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that his intercession is watching for him, but how many Sahaba died in Makkah and Medina they died in Istanbul. They died in the mountains of the Caucasus, they died in the depths of Africa. They died in the Indian subcontinent. Why? Because they realized that they had a purpose in life. And that was Quantum hydromet in Oak, Ridge, Lynas, that Maroon roof, what an anchor that you are the
best of people, but the conditional close you are the best of people. Why? Why? So you can aspire for a big house. So you can have a big car
so you can have a big bank balance, no rigid leanness, you have been taken out for the benefit of humanity. You leave as the shift was mentioning, you leave a legacy behind you. That's why Allah created man. You leave a legacy behind you. You look at Aqua to
occupy me now.
The Alon who was known as the Mufti of Egypt, and the conqueror of Africa, and then regimes mentioned that when he reached the Atlantic, he could see no more land in front of him. He took his horse, into the water into the sea. And when the water came to the neck of the sea, for the neck of his horse, the Alon who said, he said, I swear by Allah, if I knew that land was on the other side of the sea, I would cross the sea, and I would convey the message of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because these people understood their purpose in life. And if you look into the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the most difficult time in the life of the province of Muslim was what?
I shadow the Messenger of Allah. She said, O Messenger of Allah, what was the most difficult time in your life? And the robots on the line? It was some of them said, she said, was it the Battle of a horde? When 70 Sahaba were martyred? And the brothers are lots of them said no, it was when I went to give Dawa, to the people of Thai. And the leaders turned against me. The leaders turned against me, and then they set the urchins and the low lives of life upon me. And they began to tell the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to the degree than ration mentioned, that the entire body of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was flowing with blood until his sandals began to stick to his
feet because of the blood. And when Allah saw this, Allah sent the angel Jabra la salatu salam ala Angel Jabra la salatu salam said to the Messenger of Allah. He said, O Messenger of Allah, if you wish, I will come on the angel who controls the mountains, and he will crush the people, he will crush the people have time.
And the robots a lot of them, what did he say?
You know, I sure mentioned under the verse, alumnus era,
did we not expand your heart? Did we not expand your chest? You know, like we say in the English language, we say, bro, you got a big heart. He said, that was the meaning of that verse. That for the sake of dour, people would tell the profits or losses on wood stones, they would insult him, but he would take it because he wanted him to call him towards Allah subhanho wa Taala. There was an occasion when a bedwin came to the Messenger of Allah alayhi wa sallam, and the Bedouin said to the Messenger of Allah give me something and the Burmese Allah sent him gave him and then the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Have we been good to you? And he said, you haven't. And
the Sahaba so this that this man came to ask the Messenger of Allah, He gave in, and then he turns around and says, You haven't been good to me. And the Sahaba jumped up.
And they wanted to deal with him. And the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said, calm down, and then he went home and he called the Bedouin, and he said, You came to me and I gave you and then you insult me. And he said, O Messenger of Allah, you were really good to me. And the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, he said, you know, now my companions have something in their heart for you go and apologize in front of them. And he went in front of the companions, and he apologized. And then the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to my example, and the examples of this bedwin is like, a person who has a camel and the camel runs away, and the people
run after it. And the more they run after it, the further it runs away, until the owner says, I know my camel better than they do. I am more gentle upon my camel. And then he goes towards a camel, and he tells the others to go away. And then he called the camel and the camel comes to him, and he ties the camel and he takes the camel. He said, This is my example. And the Bedouins example, if I had listened to what you had wanted, after he said what he said, then he would have entered the fire of jahannam. So the angels said, if you wish your message of Allah, I will tell the angel who controlled the mountains to crush the people have died, and there was a lot of them declined the
And then what did the Messenger of Allah say, and this is soprano line, this is exactly what this conference is for, is a maybe somebody from their progeny will embrace Islam, and then he said Allah Houma.
la que la quwata illa tehila T. Allah nazar hamara Amin. He said, Oh Allah, I complained to you about what
To use this, this was the Messenger of Allah, the greatest of days said O Messenger of Allah, Allah, I complained to you about my own weakness and the lack of my ingenuity. Am I insignificant in the eyes of people? Do we ever think about Tao in this manner we think we're gonna put a couple of tables and the people should all flock towards Islam
with the with the reflection with the thinking of how to give the tower
with you know, the humility
and the most difficult time in the life of the prophets Allah Salaam, was in giving dour Let me tell you about what the most difficult time upon this Omar was. If you gather all the suffering of the Muslim world today,
it does not compare with a fraction of what the Muslim Ummah went under the Mongols. When Genghis Khan history records that there were only two generals who never lost a battle. One was Genghis Khan and the other was Holly been bullied or the Allahu the sword of Allah.
Now I'm sure that you've got my brothers and sisters in Islam, a friend, a work colleague, a neighbor, who you've always wanted to share the beautiful message of Islam with now you can
with the gift box the eye ear a gift box designed specifically for you to be able to give to your neighbor, your friend, your work colleague, and for you to share the beautiful message of Islam with them now Mashallah. Mashallah, let's have a look inside.
Oh, one of the things you got is the one reason baklava
Mashallah, tent them with a bit of food. And of course, you have a nice little leaflet think outside the box, because it's a box and this is in the box and you want them to think outside the box. That's the idea hamdulillah inshallah you can see it's clever. The man in the red underpants.
What's that about? It's about Islam, of course, and some selections from the Quran. And of course, the CD and other v. So Mashallah really lots of fantastic stuff, your neighbor, your friend, your work colleague to be getting on with to finding out about Islam hamdulillah and Mashallah, all you have to do is pick up the phone and order one right now. Your wonderful gift box for your neighbor, friend and work colleague.
When Genghis Khan and his descendants, they ransack they decimated the Muslim world, and this is no exaggeration. Western historian mentioned they reached Poland, they reach Bulgaria they reach Moscow, but they mentioned that what they did to the Muslim world was unparalleled in cruel cruelty. When they took they when they took bahara the narrations mentioned they gathered every single Muslim in the masjid, and they butchered them. When they took summer. They gathered the Muslims outside summer camp, and then every single Muslim was butchered, and then they cut off their heads and they made pyramids out of their heads.
They paid pyramids out of the heads when they do when they took
good, good guns. I think that's the place. Duany the famous historian mentions that there were 50,000 50,000 Mongol soldiers, each one had been given 20 for Muslims to execute.
And then after that, they marched upon where they march upon the Muslim caliphate. The DOD, Baghdad was the most beautiful city in the Muslim world, if not the most beautiful city in the world. Mustang Sim, was the heli.
And when Hulu reached the outskirts
Mr. Sim consulted his his advisors. And they said the best thing is that you go and ask for terms and helluva has made it clear said if you are going to come out, don't come out by yourself. Bring your most your great your advisors which you bring your Alomar with you. So Mr. Sim came out with 700 men.
And hulugalle only allowed 18 to enter into the tent, and they took the rest. These were the cream of the crop of buck Dodd, and they butchered every single one. And now Mr. Sim is standing in the court of the Mongol Prince. And the same same people would come to his court, he will rebuke he would chastise he's shaking
in front of Hulu. And Hulu mentioned that I'm going to keep you alive for a while. And the reason that they kept him alive is that they wanted him to go back into both DoD and tell his men to put their weapons down. So they took him back to bookbub. And when he had told the people of book doubt, to put their weapons down, the narrations mentioned, they bought his three children in front of him, and then they butchered them. Then they bought his sister's in front of his own in front of him. And in front of his eyes, they killed his sisters. And then they gathered the aroma. And they began to kill all the Sunni allama. And then Hulu said that the blood of the Muslims is halaal. For the next
14 days.
They unrelentingly butchered the Muslim for 40 days. In those days, you didn't have
you didn't have machine guns, they would make the Muslims who line up and they would pluck them like you pluck a chicken from a poultry farm.
And then they would slaughter him.
For 40 days this went on the Muslims were so petrified. The narrations mentioned that a woman would enter into a Mongol woman would enter into a Muslim home and she would kill every single individual and nobody would fight her back
among the woman would tell a group of Muslim men don't move from here.
And they wouldn't move from there. And she would go home and she would bring a sword and she would butcher every single one. The ration mentioned at one mango would kill 40 children after killing their mothers, the entire population of Baghdad was close to the entire population of Birmingham, and half of the population was destroyed. And after 14 days, Hulu came into the dog and he gave an order that this killing should be stopped. And many of the Muslims had dug graves, the graves, and they were hiding in these graves, many a dogs cats even corpuses to survive.
This was the situation.
And then Hulu said to Mr. Sim, he said Bring me your wealth. So he bought him his wealth. He said no, bring me the wealth which is hidden. And in the middle of the palace there had the hole. And underneath was the treasure, which had been gathered for the last 500 years. For the last 500 years. The episode The halophyte Calif, caliphs had hit the wolves day. In one day it went up.
And then they imprisoned Mr. Sim and they stopped him. And Mr. Sim asked for some food.
And Hulu sent him a platter with gold upon it. And he said, What am I gonna do with this gold? He sent it back. And then Hulu went to him. And look at this. This is a non Muslim. He's telling the Muslim king. He said if you can't eat it, and why did you hold it for?
If you couldn't eat it, why did you hold it for what do you give it to your men so they were ready to die for you. And then he took him and he showed him the big gates of both DOD is a word good are these big metal gates when there is no meant to defend them? Why didn't you break these gates and make lunches out of them and give them to your men.
And Mr. Simms said it's kuduro law.
And Hulu said I will show you gondola and they rolled him up in a carpet and then they had him trampled by the horses
1000 Muslims died 800,000
the Dar Al hikma, the greatest Muslim library in the world, millions of books were ransacked, thrown into the Euphrates until the Euphrates went black with the ink.
Black with the ink and Hulu found it so difficult to stay in Bogota because the stench of the dead corpses that he moved out of box dad.
This is what happened with the Muslims. But then let's ask ourselves a question.
How was it possible that in the period of 80 years, the same barbaric Mongols became Muslims, they became ambassadors, because there were men and women who carried on the dour, even in this state. Nothing perturbed them. people died for this Dawa, the Sahaba died to promote and propagate this Deen when the women in the time of the Mongols were at the forefront of Dawa Princess risala she was taken a prisoner by Genghis Khan son juicy.
And after he died, she gave Dawa to his son, Baraka and he embraced Islam. And the same Baraka then fought Hulu.
Or Rana was the wife of
the great grandson of Genghis Khan, the grandson of Tai Chi had a great dislike for the Muslims. And Cora could not bear to hit the name of Muslims. And then or Ronna, me embraced Islam, and she gave dollar to us and Mubarak shine, he embraced Islam.
There were men who sacrificed their lives to Kluk
the more Han
he was a prince from. And one day he was going out, he went out hunting, and a group of Muslims went in his path where he was hunting. And he said, how these people coming into my path. And amongst those men was a man for Bukhara called gelada Diem. And he said, Bring these people to me, and they bought them to them. They bound their hand and they bound their feet.
And then took Luke said to Sheriff jalala, Dean, he said, How did you come in my path? I said, you know, the dean said, we only travelers we didn't know. And then took Luke's attache jalala Dean. He's This is how they regarded the Muslims. He pointed to his dog. He said, Tell me, are you better always my dog better? He wanted to humiliate the Muslim, but the humbleness of the Muslim change the landscape of history. He said, Are you better or is my dog better? And chef God looked at the dog. And he said, If Allah forgives me, then I am better than your dog. But if Allah doesn't forgive me, then your dog is better than me. And his word permeated the heart of Luke. And he said, untie him.
He sat with him. He gave him though with zeal with sincerity until Luke said you know I agree with everything you say, but I can't breathe his religion now because I am gonna be I am gonna take the throne soon. When I take the throne come back to me. And shave gelato Dean passed away but before he passed his way, he said when the crook becomes the king, make sure that you go and give him dour. His son's name was Rashida Dean.
When he became the king Rashid, the dean went to talk look why he couldn't get an audience with him.
So what he did in one day, he stood by his window and he began to give the alarm
and the group was enraged. How could anybody wake him up in the middle of night, and he's a bring this man to me when they bought him to him and he reminded him about his promise to his dad. And the closure I swear by Allah since the day I've taken the throne. I have been waiting for Sheriff Jelani de
but nobody came to me. And then the Kluk embrace Islam. And on that day from the windows of the palace, you heard the athon being given and the entire his entire kingdom embraced Islam. Why? Because these people had a concern.
They had a concern, and this is why the Warriors Allah Salaam said and then regional later by a merger that Allah subhanaw taala inculcates in this oma secret soldiers
Secret soldiers and they propagate this Deen until the day of judgment. And this is what we need. We need people who have a concern.
We have if
out of this conference, we have a person who has a fraction of the concern of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam emanate, who has a concern like risala Organa, Chef de la rue de amor de ser Hindi.
Hindi Subhan Allah, look at his dour which he gave to a Cooper. Akbar had changed religion change Islam totally.
What we don't need is a poor line kind of Christian Islam. You know, where you accept for the sake of Dawa, you accept everything, whatever they say, No, Paul, Paul was a guy who, who because he gave dour to the Gentiles. He believed that he couldn't bring the Judaic laws into it. So he just made he gave him Dawa towards Allah but that was it. Nothing else.
And we this is something that we don't need. We need people who give Dawa who understand the deen and we're firm on the values of Cooper was a man's Pamela Akbar was a mogul king who was in India. And what happened is that he started his own religion which was called Dena Illa. He and in this Deen and you will see throughout history those who have done the greatest damage to Muslims have been those enemies within. He made porque halaal he made wine halali made gambling halaal but it was Haram in His Kingdom to slaughter a cow for that was Haram. The bid was Haram. You had to do such that to him when you went into his court.
You have to do surgery that to him. He abrogated Salah he abrogated Hajj he abrogated. zakra and his Salam was not a Salam aleikum wa alaikum Salaam, it was you would have to say la ilaha illa Allah and the other person will say Allahu Akbar, because it was in a minute.
This was his Deen and he persecuted the Muslims.
And then Allah created one man after his death when his son Jang Yi, he was on the throne, a man called Shin Medusa Hindi Rahim Allah.
And he was giving Dawa and Jahangir heard about Tao and he called him to his palace. And when he entered into his policies to do such stuff, he said, I only do such stuff for Allah and Jahangir became enraged. And he said, do such though otherwise I will imprison you. He said, You see this forehead, it only touches the flow for the sake of Allah. And he imprisoned him. And while he imprisoned him, like use of a salatu salam was in prison for the havoc and he gave power to what Allah then ration mentioned 1000s of people embraced Islam on the hands of
1000s of people, and to Jang Yi became impressed, and then he called him to his court again, and he gained he refused to do such that to him. But Jang Soo, that this man was different. He was unlike the other scholars, he stood to the principles, he believed. He was firm in his belief, and he said, stay around with me. And for the next three and a half years.
Sir Hindi remained with Johanna, and he changed the religious landscape of India.
Men who are ready to do the dour and I say to you, you know, there are many people really out there who are good people.
They need that they waiting for the dour And may Allah reward the brothers of Iran, no exaggeration, you know, they've bought something novel, and they need the support bringing people toward from eternal Doom to a terminal success. What could be greater than this? Many of them are good people out there. And this reminds me, you know, of the invasion of Abu Taha when he proposed to Omar Salama and amen Solomon said, he said, Allah he miss Luca obatala holla. She said, Abu talhah the likes of us should not be refused.
You know, when you propose you shouldn't be refused. But there's one thing I'm a Muslim and you're a kafir.
If you embrace Islam, then your dowry for me is your Islam is your Islam and he embraced Islam and is done
reform is Selma was his Islam, but she saw the good character in Abu talha and Bill Nighy. What a Mubarak wedding. I swear, I don't have time what a Mubarak wedding. It was regarding these two that Allah revealed versus the Runa Allah and forced him Hello, can I beat him kasasa he was the man who acted upon the worst, lentil are rotten, tomato, a boon and many, many other amazing incidents in his life. So I come back and I finish off here, back.
Come back. And I finish off here. You know, the importance of the dour. And if we look into the life of the greatest man to walk on the face of this earth after the MPLA salatu salam, Abu Bakar of the Allah and who can you imagine Abu Bakar on the Day of Judgment coming in front of Allah. He He took this beam, he believed in it and this is why he was called Sadiq and then he propagated it out of the 10 who are guaranteed Jenna. Six of them embraced Islam on the hands of Abu Bakar Can you imagine of man being a farm, the man regarding the who the profits and loss of them said he has so much shame that even the angels of shame from him have a way that the majority of the land of the
man regarding who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said if they every oma has an amine and the mean of this oma is a beta to move Gerardo de la salud Nabil waqas the man rule regarding who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the Battle of 100 1000 times the prophets Allah Sallam said to me, my mother and my father be sacrificed for you. May my mother and my father we sacrificed Can you imagine and and a handful of others. Can you imagine on the Day of Judgment, when these people will come? And they actions will be in the scale of Abu Bakar? Or the Allah and who?
Can you imagine this? upon occasion, the province Allah Salam said, the first person for whom the scale will be erected for on the day of judgment will be omitted. The pub and the Sahaba were astonished because they knew the virtues of Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu and they said, What about Abu Bakr messenger of Allah and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said for the likes of Abu Bakar there are no scales for the likes of Abu Bakar they are no sculpture made last month Allah makers amongst those who called to his path may Allah subhanaw taala keep us united and dunya may may last month Allah reunited in general to Allah haven salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.
Good, you're
gonna see
the tone?
Last time
cabaye Tana Lin