Yusha Evans – The Promised Ones Weekly Series 4

Yusha Evans
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the history of Islam and the use of verses in the Quran to explain the concept of "will" and "willful". The speakers discuss various examples of misuse of verses and the potential for misuse of them by Muslims. They also mention upcoming programs and a potential return from the UK.
AI: Transcript ©
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One Plus he was much younger than

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it was minus 24.

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And Boomer,

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they were almost the same age. Yeah. Omar was younger.

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Yes, man if he got his clap out on Monday third off, and then

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the years right so it is 33 or 35 years

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now it's 33 years after the hinge era

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Yeah, so they were all very they were all similar in age. Yes, they

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were all they were all in the same age group but we'll talk about his

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exact death age of his death next week and trauma will cover all

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and I was talking to a friend of mine

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the question and I'll answer is replicable. We'll get deeper into

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that as well in sha Allah, he asked about and he came to me with

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a with a asking me about a verse of the Quran. And I told him that

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this verse was abrogated. And he's asking someone said, How could a

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verse be abrogated when it's in the Quran? This is a science of

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the Quran one of the sciences of, of the Quran is abrogation. There

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are verses there are three types of verses in the Quran when it

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comes to abrogation. There are verses that were abrogated, but

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they're they're reading and recitation were left but the

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meaning was not like the verse where Allah says, whether they be

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Jews, Christians or Sapiens, no fear be upon them, nor shall they

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grieve, right? This verse was then later abrogated by the verse that

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anybody who seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be

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accepted from them. So that's a verse that was abrogated, but it

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was left but the meaning is no longer valid. There are verses in

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the Quran that were abrogated, meaning that they were taken out,

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they were taken out, their meaning remained, but they were taken out

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of the Quran and there are verses that were completely left out

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meaning and abrogation, we'll go over that in detail in sha Allah.

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At some point when we when we discuss the sciences of the Quran,

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that's another because I think that's one thing that's missing I

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don't see that being taught a lot lately is actually the sciences of

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the Quran when it comes to how you should view and look at the Quran

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because I've had so many non Muslims say the same thing to me

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that the Quran says if you be a Jew, Christian or Sabian No no no

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fee on you agree even though Sapiens don't exist anymore, but

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it says if you're a Jew Christian no fears on your nose your grief.

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But if you look at in the context of the

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when they were revealed that one was a real first and then later

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on, it was revealed that if anyone seeks a religion of Islam is not

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accepted from them. The same thing like alcohol, abrogation of

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alcohol app, no period of time. There's the beginning said that

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Allah says there is some good in it, and there's some bad in it but

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the harm outweighs the good right? Then Allah says don't come to

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prayer in a drunken state. So that's the next step. And then

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finally, it was completely forbidden so you can't go in and

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say oh, no this versus this I'm good at it even though that bad

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over weighs in so I can you know at the no problem and No, no, no,

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it was at that was abrogated later on, if that makes sense.

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Oh, no.

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It wasn't legal. It's the point is that the Aisha Radi Allahu Allah

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has she said if Allah had began the Quran with the rulings of

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haram and halal if he had begun the Quran with rulings of haram or

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halal, everybody would have run away. Nobody would have paid

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attention, she said but he began with the verses of Jenna and Nora

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and Asherah until he'd until the hearts were attached to Allah.

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Then when the hearts became attached to Allah He began to

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reveal the verses of halal and haram and people accepted them

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without any

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any any what is the word I'm looking for? Any any reservations

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at all whatsoever? No, that so that was the way in which Allah

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brought about the revelation. There weren't much rulings of

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Halal haram and Mecca at all at all the rulings the Sharia did not

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start coming into peace until after they immigrated to Medina.

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The first was to condition the heart. It was tarbiyah once the

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Torah BIA was in place, then Allah revealed the rulings that makes

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caught all this selective

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in therapy, and even make

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the cover of the book look like run into the house. And this is

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the thing that picked up in September we have a knowledgeable

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that's what they say.

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Yes, they do that all the time. And my response to them is that

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you are Jesus said Do you

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point out the speck in your brother's eye and ignore the speck

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in your own eye you want to try to find problems in my book, I think

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you should go spend some time looking at your book

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because your book is like Swiss cheese when it comes to

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contradictions. You can find all these things you want in our book

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but the end of the day they it's the same thing you can pick and

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choose and play however you want to. But the book is a complete you

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have to take it in its completeness. I can pick out any

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verse from the Quran and misuse it Muslims do it all the time. You

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have to take it in its entirety

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and people like that to have an agenda anyway. It's usually

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pointless to deal with them

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I have my sister and I saw the YouTube brother he's sitting in

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front of the machine or something like you know all these people

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come to him

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and then he you know discuss with them he knows viral so good

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he's from England. Mashallah.

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I'm not sure of his name yeah

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mashallah, okay. So I'll see you guys tomorrow. I'll be here

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tomorrow. We have no program tomorrow but then we are

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programmed to start as soon as I come back from the UK inshallah

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I'm gonna go rescue my son from wherever he happens to be at at

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the moment wrote down. Cinematic Amara haematologica Two

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