Yusha Evans – Servitude

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The speakers discuss various upcoming events and announcements, including classes for children ages 5-12, a hike, a lecture, and a new book. They stress the importance of speaking the truth and avoiding negative behavior, avoiding false accusations, and being humble and considerate. They also discuss the history and implications of Islam, including its implications for one's behavior and the need for everyone to be a servant to their employer. The speakers emphasize the importance of praying and fasting, giving charity, and being compassionate in protecting oneself and others. They also touch on the return of the American nationalist movement to Afghanistan and the return of the Israeli nationalist movement to Afghanistan.
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Just a few announcements before we get started,
Number one, starting tomorrow, Salatul Isha, we'll go
to 8 o'clock, insha'Allah, starting tomorrow.
Number two, in addition to our existing Qur
'an classes for kids age 5 to 12,
by the will of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala, we will be offering Qur'an and
Islamic akhlaq and suluk classes to teenagers ages
13 to 17.
The boys and girls will have separate classes,
the boys will have a male teacher and
the girls will have a female teacher, insha
For registration, please see brother Adel Abdullah, our
I'll give you his phone number but you
won't remember it.
Or Sheikh Abdul Fattah, who you see here
quite often, insha'Allah, if you are interested
in registering your children.
For Sunday only is $60, for Saturday and
Sunday, it will be $80, insha'Allah.
We're also looking to expand our Sunday school
to not only Sunday school, but a full
weekend school.
So Saturdays and Sundays, insha'Allah, as well
as looking into offering after-school classes here
at Masjid Salahuddin.
So stay tuned for that and we will
make those announcements when the time comes and
they'll go up on the website, insha'Allah
Number four, we encourage everyone to continue to
support our Islamic Sunday school because we have
many parents who bring their children, they can't
afford it for whatever reason or they're not
able to pay.
And we don't want to stop them from
being able to bring their children to get
a proper Islamic education because, as you know,
our focus is on the youth and da
'wah and the youth are our future, insha
So please support the Sunday school.
Number five, sisters tomorrow will have a special
hike day.
They will have a hike, sisters only hike
tomorrow, insha'Allah, that is being arranged by
the sisters board of directors.
And it will be at 8.30 p
.m. And the location is Oak Point Park
on Los Rios Boulevard in Plano.
Oak Point Park on Los Rios Boulevard in
Number lastly, Sunday evening after Salat al-Isha,
starting at 8.15, we will be having
a lecture by Sheikh Mohammed Sajid Al-Varsi,
who is a Kurdish sheikh, insha'Allah, who
is also a Muslim chaplain in New York.
He goes to prisons, he helps out a
lot with inmates.
So he will be here on Sunday after
Salat al-Isha, insha'Allah.
So please come and join and show him
the hospitality that we should show at Masjid
Salahuddin Al-Varsi, Sheikh Mohammed Sajid Al-Varsi,
Sheikh Mohammed Sajid Al-Varsi, Sheikh Mohammed Sajid
Al-Varsi, Allahu
Akbar, Allahu Akbar, la
ilaha illa Allah, la
ilaha illa Allah
In alhamdulillah, barely all praise belongs to Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala We praise him, we
seek his help, and we ask for his
forgiveness We seek refuge with
Allah from the evil that lies within our
own souls and our own sinful actions Whomsoever
Allah guides to this beautiful path of Islam,
no doubt they cannot be misguided And whomsoever
Allah has left astray for whatever reason, he
chooses to do so Have no doubt that
they cannot be guided except by him because
he is Al-Hadeed And
I bear witness that there is no ilah,
there is no deity, except Allah And he
is wahda, he is alone, la sharika la
There is nothing like him, he has no
equal, he has no partner, he has nothing
that is like unto him in the heavens
and the earth And I bear witness that
Muhammad ibn Abdullah is his servant and last
and final messenger Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
tells us in the Qur'an O you
who believe, fear Allah as it is his
right to be feared Have taqwa for him
as it is owed to him And do
not die, do not let your life expire
unless you find yourself in a state of
submission to him It means always stay in
a state of submission to Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala Then Allah tells mankind Oh
mankind, fear your guardian lord who created you
from a single soul Every human being who
walks in the face of the earth traces
their lineage back to Adam alayhi salam and
from him his mate and that from from
them I spread the rest of humanity and
fear Allah from whom you demand your mutual
rights to the ties of kinship and give
reverence and respect to the arham the womb
that gave you birth for indeed I see
everything that you do then Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala tells the believers oh
you who believe have taqwa for Allah as
it is right and always speak the truth
even when it's difficult speak the truth when
it's not politically correct speak the truth when
it might be against yourself or against what
the societal norms are speak the truth when
it's difficult speak in the truth when it's
an easy thing to do when everybody else
believes it's easy right for me to tell
you guys that Islam is the truth easy
for me to say but speak the truth
when it's difficult is a hard thing to
do and this is why Allah says by
doing it you say like oh my oh
my oh he will straighten your affairs your
feel look on the new book home and
he will forgive you your sins if you
were to ask me brother you should wish
for two things in life Allah straighten my
affairs and forgive me my sins if I
have those two things I have everything if
Allah straightens my affairs in my life and
he forgives me of my sins I have
everything and then he says whoever obeyed Allah
as a messenger have already achieved the greatest
achievement I'm about to ask what follows for
in the Kitabullah the most truest speech is
the speech of Allah while Khairul Hadi had
you Muhammad in suballah alayhi wasallam and the
best guidance the best example to follow is
the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wasallam washar al-amori muhdathatu haa wa kulli
muhdathatin bida'a wa kulli bida'atin dhalala
wa kullu dhalalatan finnaar and he said the
four were the worst the things that you
can do the most evil actions he called
that the worst sure the most evil thing
you can do is put something in this
religion that does not belong there it was
not that put there by Allah or his
messenger and they made this religion perfect he
said every one of those things you put
into this religion is known as a bid
'ah a deviation a misguidance and he said
every bid'ah is a dhalala it's a
misguidance and every misguidance is in the fire
of * because there is one path to
Jannah and that is the path of Islam
that was laid down by Allah and his
messenger alayhi salatu wassalam it is the path
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was upon it
is the path his companions were upon and
those who have followed them in righteousness over
the day of judgment without adding or subtracting
to it the topic today is about being
an abd servitude this this is such a
huge topic to shrink it down but I'll
do the best I can inshallah to be
an abd to be a servant to be
a slave to Allah subhana wa ta'ala
and what does it mean every single soul
that Allah has ever created is his abd
they're owned by him they belong to him
if they eat it's because he fed them
if they drink it's because he gave them
to drink if they have clothes to wear
it's because he gave it to them their
heart beats because he allowed it and told
it to do so etc so on and
so forth the difference in the distinction is
that the Muslim accepts this fact we accept
the fact that we are owned by Allah
subhanahu wa'ta'ala and we here is a
abd they do not accept the fact that
some of them outright reject it that is
the difference between one abd and another abd
but know that we're all owned by Allah
subhanahu wa'ta'ala and Allah refers to us
as a abd many many many many many
times in the Quran just a few of
them inshallah ta'ala Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
says وَعِبَادُ الرَّحْمَٰنَ الَّذِينَ يَمْشُونَ الْعَضُ الْأَرْضِ and
it is the slaves of Allah who walk
on this earth with humility with humbleness with
humbleness because someone who understands they are in
a abd someone who understands that the servant
of Allah then they will be humble on
this earth because they know that everything is
from Allah we say there is no power
there's no capability there's no might there's no
movement there's nothing except but by Allah I
could say that I want to walk away
from this minbar right now I cannot do
it without the permission of Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala Allah could decide that my feet stop
working right now my legs stop working right
now and I could not take another step
for the rest of my life I could
say that I'm going to get in my
car and drive home today inshallah because Allah
could have already written 50,000 years before
creation that before I make it home today
my life comes to an end that is
what it means to be an app to
have that understanding that I do nothing without
Allah if I am successful is because of
Allah if I fail it is because of
Allah all of it is because he owns
me and I submit to his will in
that fact that is what it means to
be an app and you walk on this
earth humbly because everything can be taken from
you in a blink of an eye you
could be rich today and poor tomorrow you
could be healthy today and sick tomorrow and
vice versa so we stay humble and Allah
says it is the slaves of Allah his
abs who walked on this earth the ones
who really understand they walk on this earth
humbly he also says the sort of the
Mariam that Jesus himself said all in the
Abdullah indeed I am Abdullah I am the
slave of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala I am
the servant of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala I
am NOT a god I am NOT a
deity I am an apt I'm owned by
Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
says in Surah Az-Zumar a lace a
lot will be Kathy Abdo in for the
servant of Allah he is sufficient for them
Allah is sufficient for his servants this is
part of understanding that I am an out
this that Allah is sufficient for me if
he owns me therefore he is the one
who is in charge of taking care of
me if he owns me then he is
in charge of me he is the one
to take care of me and he is
sufficient he is at Kathy he is the
one who is sufficient for his slaves I
need nothing this is something and I'd understands
I need nothing besides Allah nothing I don't
need any of you even though yes there
might come a time where I might ask
you for something right I know as an
odd that if you are able to help
me it's only because Allah has facilitated you
to help me if you come to me
and ask me to help you and I
can help you it's only because Allah has
facilitated me to help you because if Allah
does not want any help to come to
me none of you can help me none
of you we know the very famous hadith
that if Allah wills for good to come
to you the whole world could be against
you and good will come to you and
if Allah wishes harm to come to you
the whole world could be standing in front
of you to protect you and they could
not protect you from Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
Allah is sufficient for us he's enough we
need nothing other than him subhanahu wa'ta'ala
thul jilal wa likram and we know the
very famous statement in surah Baqarah one of
my most beloved verses when Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala tells his Prophet to tell the companions
and when they ask when they ask when
they ask abdi when my servants ask about
me when my servants ask about me tell
them let them know I am close let
them know I am near to them the
Prophet alaihissalatu wassalam said because he heard one
of the companions doing dhikr like very loudly
he said you're not speaking to one who's
deaf Allah is not so far away that
you need to shout indeed he is qareeb
he is near you don't worship a Lord
who is near to you in terms of
closeness physically right Allah is outside of his
creation but nothing nothing is unknown to him
he hears all he sees all he knows
all therefore you worship on a Lord who
is near my creator my master is near
and I am his abd and he's always
looking out he always has my back front
left right above below because I acknowledge that
I am owned by him subhanahu wa'ta'ala
this is what it means to be an
abd of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and I
just want to give you a few concepts
that some of the scholars have talked about
this Ibn Qayyimah and Ibn Taymiyah both both
very good books about servitude being a servant
of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala which is makes
sense because Ibn Qayyimah was a student of
Ibn Taymiyah but they wrote very deeply about
servitude and these are just some of their
key points that I found in their writings
number one that the abd is someone who
is humble and submissive they are humble and
submissive and that was in the first verse
that it is the servants of Allah who
walk on this earth with humility they said
the Quran encourages believers to be humble and
submit their will to Allah just like I
said I might have a will and things
that I want to do but Allah's will
encompasses my will Allah is Quli shay'in
qadeer he's above all things capable and competent
I might want to do something that Allah
doesn't want me to do and as an
abd he might change my direction I submit
to that I might try a business it
fails alhamdulillah I try something else I try
something else because Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala made
a decision that might have been the best
for me this is part of the knowledge
of Allah that we can't comprehend sometimes we
think that we're trying so hard in life
I have so many of my counseling clients
come to me and say I'm trying so
hard I think I'm a good person a
decent person and everything keeps falling apart why
do the good guys always finish last why
does it seem like people who are the
best people and trying to do the best
finish last while people who are horrible and
people who are not nice seem like they
have it all and I said this because
you're looking at it with the wrong lens
you got the wrong set of glasses on
you're seeing things in a very temporal realm
they might look like they have it all
and then they stand before on that day
of judgment have nothing if he throws them
in the hellfire what did they have nothing
and maybe it is that Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala is putting you through all of this
because he saw your life and I said
this to you before and I'm gonna say
it again and I'll probably say it a
hundred times if I'm here long enough and
this is something that I've asked Allah if
this is my path give it to me
maybe on the day of judgment because Allah
can see all realities even ones that don't
exist but he sees that they could exist
and how they could exist maybe Allah will
say to you on the day of judgment
that I saw your life you asked me
for Jannah and I wanted to give it
to you but I saw your life and
I knew you would never do enough good
your scale would be light on the day
of judgment so in order to answer your
dua I put you into difficulties I changed
your path I moved this out of your
way or I made this fail for you
I put you through this and that and
the third so that your scale could be
heavy enough for me to give you the
desired Jannah that you wanted would you complain
no you wouldn't complain you'd want to go
back and do more so that your rank
could be higher so never look at the
difficulties and the things that Allah puts in
your life as always a bad thing perhaps
and Allah says it perhaps it is you
hate the thing that is good for you
you despise that which is are you you
like that which is not bad for you
and you desire that which is not good
for you submission submissive to Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala whatever he puts in front of me
I take it on the chin I take
it on the chin and I keep moving
that is the life of the believer number
two obedience and worship true servants of Allah
are those who strive to obey his commands
and perform acts of virtue such as praying
fasting and charity none of this is benefits
a lot in any way whatsoever your salah
doesn't benefit Allah your fasting doesn't benefit Allah
your charity doesn't benefit Allah every person on
the planet earth today could stop praying could
stop fasting and stop giving charity it would
not diminish Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala in the
least it wouldn't diminish his power in the
least it wouldn't diminish his dominion in the
least it would harm him in no way
shape form or fashion it only would harm
us he has given salah to us as
a gift he has given Siam to us
which we'll be doing in less than two
months inshallah as a gift so that the
phone so that you can have taqwa he
has given charity to us as a gift
so that he can increase our wealth and
grow it for us all of these things
we submit because we know that they are
in our best interest because we have an
out we are an app who has a
master who loves us compassion and forgiveness I've
talked about this one so much that you
guys are probably tired of hearing it but
I'll keep reminding you that the out the
true out of Allah are compassionate and forgiving
people they're compassionate and forgiving people they exhibit
kindness and understanding towards others even when those
others may have wronged them I tell you
all the time that the longer you live
the more sins you will commit it's guaranteed
every son of Adam commits sin and the
older you get the more you're going to
pile up and on the day of judgment
you're going to stand in front of Allah
and you're going to beg him to forgive
you you're going to beg him to have
mercy on you you're going to beg him
to overlook all that wrong but we can't
do that to one another we can't treat
our each other like that if you do
not treat each other like that you will
find Allah treating you the same way treat
each other the way you want Allah to
treat you on the day of judgment because
what if you go in front of Allah
and ask him to forgive you all this
and he said you couldn't forgive your own
brother you couldn't forgive your own father you
couldn't forgive your own son you couldn't forgive
your friend you couldn't forgive your uncle but
you want me to forgive you you see
the hypocrisy behind it a true abd has
compassion and mercy in their heart for all
Muslims even my worst enemy even someone who's
done so much wrong to me I might
not ever let them get close enough to
me to hurt me again because I'm smart
you have to have wisdom I'm not stupid
but I want them to go to Jannah
if they die on Iman if they die
as a Muslim I wish nothing for them
but Jannah and Firdos because after we enter
into Jannah all these differences won't even matter
anymore we will think that they were so
miniscule and stupid when we see the big
picture we need to see the big picture
now next awareness of Allah's presence at all
times they are conscious this is what taqwa
means taqwa means you have consciousness of Allah
at all times and you do whatever it
is you need to do to protect yourself
from his anger and wrath that is what
taqwa means they are conscious of Allah's presence
in all aspects of their life and they
seek his guidance and their decisions they seek
his guidance they seek his help and this
is what we say we seek the help
and that assistance of Allah we say it
17 times a day oh Allah we ask
for your assistance and your help but then
when it's time to make a decision we
just do whatever the * we want and
then we wonder why we're not work things
are not working out because we're not taking
the guidance of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala number
six they hope and trust in Allah's mercy
this is another sign that being an ad
is that you know you have a rab
who is merciful you know you have are
you trust in the mercy of Allah subhanahu
wa'ta'ala the Prophet alayhissalaatu wassalaam said that
Allah said if you were to bring to
me on the day of judgment sins that
were as tall as the mountains they fill
up what is between the heavens and the
earth but you are to meet me having
never believed in anything other than me la
ilaha illallah is firmly in your heart and
you hope in in my mercy then you
will find a mercy equal to the sins
that you have committed this is the wrong
that we worship and we have to depend
upon that because if not we're all lost
we're done all of us are done all
of us might as well just throw ourselves
in a hellfire right now but in the
out the true out a true servant knows
that his Lord is merciful he's a Rahman
the Rahim and he's introduced himself every chapter
in the Quran except for one as our
Rahman our Rahim for a reason because he
wants us to understand him next they have
patience and perseverance they remain steadfast in their
faith I've talked about is the karma and
they preserve through challenges and difficulties because they
know any difficulty that comes from Allah is
a higher for them it's a benefit for
them it's been given to them by their
master for a good reason next I only
have two more gratitude and thankfulness I've given
whole khutbahs lectures about this servants of Allah
are grateful for his blessings in his favors
that if you're grateful to me I'll give
you more being grateful to Allah for what
he has given you because yes you might
not think you have everything you want in
life things might not be going the way
you think they are but I tell you
right now come with me on my next
trip to these refugee camps come with me
the next time I go to Lebanon and
go to the Palestinian and Syrian refugee camps
spend one night there just one night sleep
on the ground with them for one night
and then you'll come home and realize how
much Allah has truly blessed you and that
those men and women would lose a limb
they would be willing to cut off one
of their arms or legs to trade places
with you right now with no question grateful
be grateful to Allah that is the sick
that is the signature of being an abd
inshallah last they seek knowledge and wisdom from
Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala an abd seeks knowledge
from his master a servant seeks knowledge from
his master I know this from my year
my lifelong journey of martial arts right you
want to know the secrets behind the martial
arts you go to the masters you don't
go to the students you go to the
master they are eager to learn about Allah
why because if I am owned by Allah
I want to know who owns me I
want to have knowledge of whom I'm owned
by so they want to have knowledge of
Allah and this is the one of the
very few things Allah has commanded about himself
when it comes to knowledge he said in
surah muhammad so have knowledge of la ilaha
illallah he didn't say just say oh la
ilaha illallah he said have knowledge of la
ilaha illallah you supposed to know what it
means what it signifies what it implies what
it indicates that is what it means to
be an abd of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
and they want to have wisdom from Allah
because there's a difference between knowledge and wisdom
knowledge can be attained by anybody anybody can
attain knowledge you just need to read books
sit with scholars sit with people you can
memorize information I can teach a parrot knowledge
about Islam wisdom is a gift it is
granted and Allah says I grant wisdom to
whom I will many times he said I
granted so-and-so wisdom I granted so
-and-so wisdom wisdom is to know and
I asked sheikh Abdullah Shalqiti about this he
said wisdom in a nutshell is to have
knowledge and know how to use it and
when to use it and where to use
it so that there is always maslaha behind
it so there's always a benefit behind it
because knowledge is a double-edged sword it
can do as much harm as it can
good so we want not only knowledge from
Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala about who he is
and his religion but we want the wisdom
in how to use it appropriately inshallah to
add in our lives so
as you leave today inshallah always try to
keep yourself in the mindset that you are
the abd of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and
what that entails and what that entails that
you are a servant you do not own
anything the clothes you're on your back or
are given to you by Allah they're loaned
the food you eat it goes in one
end we know how it happens and it
goes out the other end it's just a
vehicle the air you breathe in and out
it turns into carbon dioxide etc so everything
is on loan even the body you live
in doesn't belong to you doesn't belong to
you belongs to Allah and I know there's
some brothers in here who are nice and
nice and healthy and buff and you like
to work out I know some of you
I shake some of your hands and you
try to break them I know but that
doesn't mean anything the strength of the body
doesn't mean anything because if Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala has willed for you death today you're
gone today how many janazahs happen here in
Dallas every single week I'm in all the
mailing list for all the major masjids and
it's like every day I'm getting a death
notification from children to the elderly young 20
year old 30 year old 2 years old
death does not discriminate Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
has written it when he has written it
so remind yourself you are owned the difference
between us and those who do not believe
is that we acknowledge it and we enjoy
it I am proud to say that I
am owned by Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala I
am honored to say that I am owned
by Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and that I
recognize it because without it I would be
lost now as you leave today you guys
know last Friday Jumu'ah was a little
bit unique there was snow there was ice
it was a little bit sketchy so there
was a little bit less turnout we had
a 130 and then a 230 with it
was quite different this masjid survives on your
generosity I'm not doing a fundraiser I'm just
reminding you that this masjid survives on your
generosity last week was a was not the
greatest week because of the weather so when
you leave today be a little bit extra
generous inshallah because this is your house this
house belongs to Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and
we earth caretakers I and the board some
of the board members are going to be
crisscrossing this country for the next few months
to try to free us of the debt
that we have so that we can start
phase two while I'm doing that I'm only
asking you while you're here support with what
you can inshallah I'll go out and do
the hard dirty work of going all across
the country for people who owe me favors
and try to get us phase two built
inshallah but this is the house that you
come to every single day your children come
to every single day the house of Allah
that your families are growing up in so
support it inshallah and be a little extra
generous when you leave today to help us
to make up for last Friday inshallah