Yusha Evans – Our Youth, Our Future

Yusha Evans
AI: Summary ©
The importance of focusing on youth in the umeki and building a community around it is emphasized. The Sira of the Prophet alayhi is declared to represent the young man's image, and it is suggested to read the Sira and look at leadership positions. The success of the army and the need for a community of people who understand the power of youth is emphasized. The importance of understanding the power of youth in community and activating the young population to become powerful leaders is emphasized, along with the need for youth to be empowered by the next generation of leaders.
AI: Transcript ©
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Said that our Prophet, sallAllahu sallam, said that Allah is amazed.

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Allah is amazed at a young person who, throughout their youth can

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resist the desires and temptations of this world. That Allah becomes

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amazed at a young person who, throughout their youth can resist

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the desires and temptations of this world. How will they be able

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to do resist the desires and temptations of this world if we do

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not make them feel like they are part and parcel to this ummah, if

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we do not make them feel like they are part and parcel to this

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community, if we do not do that, within a few generations, these

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masajid will be empty, or they will be inhabited by a few elders

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who are holding on, and then they will be sold off to other places.

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This is the reality that faces us if we don't focus on our youth, if

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we want our youth to step up and be the next leaders, the next

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Imams, the next Ulema, the next forbearers of this religion in the

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next generation. It has to begin now. It has to begin now. And that

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is the focus that I have had for many, many, many years. And that

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is the focus that I brought with me to this masjid. And that is the

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focus that this Masjid has is to put our youth and give them

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understanding that they are as important to this community as

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everyone else. They are as important, if not maybe more

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important, because all of us are heading to our graves very

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quickly. They are the strength if if they take up the banner of

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Islam, if they take this religion firmly, I promise you, they can do

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the things that we were not able to do. They have they're growing

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up in a generation where they are more well equipped than generation

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we grew up with. They have the internet, they have social media,

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they have knowledge. They've been given so many more advantages, if

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they were to use those advantages for the right reason and attach

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them to their belief in Allah, Subhanahu wa, their belief in the

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Prophet sallallahu, sallam, and their love for their Deen, and we

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were to teach them the love of the masjid, then these places would

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run like welled oiled machines. That is our goal. He would mash

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Salah Haddin Inshallah, Alhamdulillah. Rabbi

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Lamin was Salatu was abhi AJ Maheen,

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and anyone who thinks that the youth do not play a prominent role

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in the Ummah, you have not studied the Sira.

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You don't know the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu, sallam. When

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you look at the Sira of the Prophet alayhi, salatu wasalam,

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even to the beginning of it, the first people to accept this

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religion were from the youth

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when he decided to make one of the most important decisions he can

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make in the early Sira, when the treaty, the second treaty of

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Aqaba, was made and the people of Yathrib wanted a representative,

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when the Prophet Salla Salam said, I cannot go because Allah has not

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given me permission. But they said, Then, send us a delegate.

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This means that the Prophet, peace be upon him, would have to choose

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someone who would represent Him, Salvador Hale wasallam, who would

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represent this religion in a place that could become something

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amazing. He chose a very young man named Musa Abu ibn Umar Radi

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Allahu Ayan, who had not yet reached the age of 20 to go to

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Yathrib and be his representative, and because of the efforts of

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this, Musa ibn Umar said ibn Abi waqah, sab Ibn wa said Ibn all of

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them accepted Islam, and it became Known as the city of the Prophet

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alayhi salatu wasalam, and he would then give his life on the

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day of ad for this beautiful religion.

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And our Prophet, sallAllahu, sallam, cried profusely at his

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grave when he saw him on the battlefield and said, Ya Musab,

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you gave everything from Allah and left nothing. He lost both of his

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arms, and they still found the flag between his teeth.

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The youth have in them power that we don't have. We're getting old.

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We're getting tired. You know, the world is passing us by. We don't

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understand many of the things that are happening in the world today.

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But your children, do these youth, do? They were born and raised

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here. They understand this world, they understand this community,

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they understand this society. It is about it is past time we start

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giving them responsibilities and start putting them in the

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positions that they should be, because they do have to take our

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place, and if we don't prepare them for that.

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That, then how are they going to be successful? You cannot be

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successful at something you weren't prepared for. It's not as

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if Allah is just going to guide them like the Mahdi one day

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overnight, and they're going to become the next leaders of the

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community. We have to start building that now. That is our

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goal, inshallah. And if you go and if you have any doubt about the

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fact that this is part of the Sunnah of the Prophet alayhi

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salatu wassalam. I challenge you to go read the Sira and look at

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whom the Prophet sallallahu Sallam chose for prominent positions of

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leadership. Go and look at the last army he would ever send out

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in his lifetime. I'm not going to tell you the name, because I'm

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going to ask you some questions tonight at our at our at our

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gathering, the last army and delegation that the Prophet

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salallahu alayhi wa sallam would ever send out. He chose a young

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boy to lead it at around 15, 1617, years old. And there was some

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questions, there was some concerns, there were some

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complaints. Just like we have complaints, why would you choose

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someone so young for something so important? When the complaints

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were told to our prophets of the law, even in his last illness, he

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drug himself and was carried to his member and said, I have heard

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your complaints, and I am telling you by Allah, by Allah, there is

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no one more dearer to me for this position than this boy and his

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father. And if you know who his father was. If you know who the

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boy was, you know who his father was. Imma, leave that for some Q

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and A tonight, our Prophet sallallahu Sallam understood this,

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and that army went out and was successful in his mission. And it

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was a grand mission. After the death of the Prophet sallallahu

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sallam, they even wanted to cancel this mission. And Abu Bakr said,

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No, I will not stop something which the Prophet Elahi salatu

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wasalam sent out. And they tried to get him to replace the leader.

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And he said, I will not replace someone whom the Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam himself chose. The power of youth needs to be

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understood. If we harness it, if we harness it, if we as a

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community, harness the power of our youth, we can become one of

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the most amazing communities that this country has ever seen. If we

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harness that power, if we falter at it, then it will be a community

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of old men who will eventually die, and then it will be

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uninhabited, or will have to keep immigrating more old men and old

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women to fill up these roles. That is not what we want. We want a

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community of people who understand the world that they live in. One

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of the qualifications, I believe, and I have heard this from many of

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my teachers, that one of the qualifications for leadership in a

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community of Muslims that they understand the world that they

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living in. They understand the society. They understand the world

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that is around them, not talking about the world at large, but they

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understand the world in which they live in.

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That is what our youth understand, and if we nurture them, especially

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the ones who show interest. And I've sat down with our youth,

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there's plenty of them that show interest. I will not squander that

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interest. I will not be the person who watches that interest get

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squandered away or put out or that light extinguished, because I've

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seen it happen too many times, and I know the repercussions of it,

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and we will suffer for it. That light will be encouraged, that

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light will be fueled, that light will be pushed forward so that the

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next generation looks better than the generation sitting here right

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now. Because if we don't leave the world better than we found it,

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then we've accomplished nothing, nothing. We've just existed. The

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next generation of this ummah should look better than the one

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that is here now, and it cannot if we don't have the youth, there is

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a masjid in Turkey. The name of it literally just went in my mind. I

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literally haven't slept, and I came back with a flu from from

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from the UK. There's a masjid in Turkey. I've been to it. You might

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know the name. There is a sign in this Masjid that says, if you do

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not hear the crying and playing of children inside the masjid, then

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have sorrow for the next generation. Have sorrow for the

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next generation. If you don't hear the playing of children in the

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masjid, then your next generation is doomed. There will be no next

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generation. If they're not raised to love this place, they won't

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care about it. They won't have any concern. So Inshallah, I ask Allah

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to give us youth that are the next generation of leaders. I ask Allah

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to bless all of your children to be the next generation of leaders.

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I ask Allah to bless all of your children to be raised as swallow

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and swaliha, as upright, pious and righteous Muslims that can take

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the banner of Islam farther and wider than we've ever been able to

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imagine. But it cannot happen with ours and yours. Help insha,

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Allahu, to Allah, may Allah. Bless you all Robin, Athena, hasana,

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wafirin, alaman, Muslim.

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All like

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