Yusha Evans – Lecture from Masjid Salahadeen

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The history and importance of Islam in shaping human behavior is discussed, including its use in shaping behavior and its impact on people's perception of their individuality. The speaker highlights the importance of Islam in shaping behavior and warns of false accusations and traps. The speaker also discusses the deception of the Prophetipping of Shaytan and its impact on people's perception of their own individuality.
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to his account.
He would write on many topics and I
counted his works and found them to be
1,000 in number.
Later, I came to know of his works
Having mentioned some of his books, Imam Adhahabi
said, I don't know of a scholar who
has written as much as this man has.
The virtuous teacher, Abdul Hamid Al Ajuj, has
written in his book on his works which
was printed in Baghdad in 1965.
In this piece, he researched their titles, their
copies, and the copies that had been printed
and put them into alphabetical order.
So whoever wishes to know these books should
refer to this work, keeping in mind that
many of the manuscripts mentioned have now been
He authored approximately 300 full books.
300 full books are written by Imam Ibn
Some of them now, alhamdulillah, are starting to
be translated into the English language to give
them more wide accountability.
He also, a considerable number of works in
other fields of knowledge, he wrote what would
be known as manuscripts, basically.
Scholarly works on other scholarly works, etc.
He has many, many of those.
Ibn al-Jawzi, rahim Allah ta'ala, and
this is something that is known to be
from the people of beauty.
The people of beauty, and you'll find a
lot of people that die like this.
He died on a Friday.
Died on a Friday.
If you look back and you'll find many
of great scholars of this religion died on
Fridays, because the Prophet ﷺ said whoever dies
on a Friday, they are saved from the
torment of the grave.
And he died on a Friday in the
month of Ramadan.
He died on a Friday in the month
of Ramadan, in the year 597 of the
Hijrah, and he was buried next to, anybody
knows where he's buried next to?
Anybody happen to know where his graveyard is?
But who's he buried next to?
Imam Ahmed.
He's buried directly next to Imam Ahmed ibn
Hanballah rahim Allah ta'ala.
What company?
To die on a Friday, the month of
Ramadan, and to be buried next to Imam
Ahmed ibn Hanballah, one of the great scholars
of this religion who protected the book of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with his life.
One day we will, one of the next
series is going to be on some of
the different scholars, and if you understand the
life of Imam Ahmed, and why he did
what he did, why he suffered what he
suffered, it was for that book alone.
That book, one statement about that book alone
that he would not budge on at all,
because he understood the implications of it.
He suffered so much.
Now we cry about a little bit of
indifference that we get.
None of us would go through the way
he went through, simply because someone said something
about the book of Allah being created or
not created.
These men were just built different, and that's
the reason why this religion has survived to
this day in the way that it has,
unaltered, untempered with, unchanged, since the time it
was revealed by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
to our Prophet ﷺ.
This is why Allah says the ulema are
the ones who truly fear Him.
The ulema are truly the ones who fear
Him, and the Prophet ﷺ said that the
ulema are my inheritors.
I leave behind nothing, no money, no gold,
no kingdom.
I leave behind knowledge, and the inheritors of
that knowledge are the scholars.
This is why we give them the respect
that we give them.
To speak ill of them is tantamount to
speaking ill of this religion.
They have earned their status.
They've earned their right.
Do you ever get a chance to say,
I'm talking about scholars, mountains of knowledge.
I've had the chance to sit with many
of them, alhamdulillah, Allah has blessed me in
In fact, when you have a chance to
sit with them and speak with them, you
realize you're speaking to a different caliber of
human being.
A different caliber of human being, someone who
would not reach the level they've reached without
the blessing of Allah ﷻ.
No one gets that status without Allah's help.
No one gains that love of people, that
love of knowledge, that capacity to understand knowledge,
that capacity to memorize things and then pass
them on to other people without Allah's blessing.
Trust me on this.
Scholars are due our respect.
He was buried in Iraq in what is
known as Bab al-Harb, next to Ahmad
ibn Hanmarahim, Allah ﷻ.
Now his introduction, and this is where we'll
leave it till tomorrow, next week, and then
we'll get into the book, inshaAllah.
He starts off by saying, as all they
always do, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
In the name of Allah, the most gracious,
the most merciful.
May the peace and blessings be upon our
Master Muhammad, his family and his companions.
He said, alhamdulillah, all praise is due to
Allah, the One who set the scale of
justice in the hands of those who contemplate.
You have to understand, I'd like to be
able to go through this in Arabic as
well because Ibn al-Jawzi was a poet
and when you read his original writings, you
understand he had the understandings of balagha.
He had the understandings of how to frame
things in a manner that the English language
does absolutely very little justice.
But I know the actual brother who did
this translation and he did a very, very
decent job, the best of his ability, knowing
that English is a very hard language to
translate anything into, because English is terrible.
I say this all the time, English is
the worst, if not the weakest, language on
planet Earth.
I mean, you've seen, many of you've seen
the memes about how many words we have
that sound exactly the same and spelled completely
Dear, dear, night, like, it's confusing.
I would hate to be a person who
tried to learn English as a second language
because I would be looking at the teacher
like, what?
Like, this makes absolutely no grammatical sense, none
whatsoever, but I digress.
All praise is due to Allah, the One
who set the scale of justice in the
hands of those who contemplate and He sent
messengers with glad tidings of a good reward
and a warning of punishment.
He revealed to them books to clarify errors
and make correctness on Earth and He made
His Sharia perfect with no default or deficiency.
I praise Him, the praise of someone that
knows that He is, I praise Him, the
praise of someone who knows that it is
He who initiates all causes.
That phrase alone is just amazingly beautiful, that
He is the initiator of cause.
He is the reason of reason.
He is the bee of bee.
That is a highest form of praise to
give Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, to praise
the One who is the reason, the only
reason, the kun of everything, the bee of
Without Him there is nothing.
The humbleness to know that everything, every little
speck of dust, dirt, bug, ant, human, animal,
star, whatever it is, the reason is Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And that's why He deserves alhamd.
Alhamd belongs to Him because He has the
This is what we learn in ta'idah
ul-luhiyyah, that we give Allah praise because
He deserves it.
He's earned it for the fact that we
And I tell this to people who don't
understand Islam and Muslims, that you're able to
have this argument with me because of Allah.
Do you understand now the depthness and why
I say that no one can go to
Jannah without this religion, without accepting Allah as
who He is.
How could you go to a paradise that
He created when you won't even acknowledge Him?
And you use the very gifts that He
gave you to argue and deny.
And you think you just by being a
good person have earned something?
There is no good except what Allah has
given you.
You don't do good for any reason.
If you went out and helped another person,
it's because Allah facilitated you to do so.
And the fact that you don't acknowledge that
is why you deserve *.
And the only people who enter here are
the people who choose to go there.
You choose willingly to walk into that blazing
And Allah says in the Qur'an that
none of them will blame Allah.
They will blame themselves.
They'll blame themselves if only we had an
If only we had used our brains, we
wouldn't be here.
If only we had used our sense, we
wouldn't be here.
Yes or no?
It's what Allah says in the Qur'an.
The people of hellfire will say if only
we had used our sense, we wouldn't be
No, I'm asking them to use it now.
Don't have it then when it's too clear.
Use it now.
I praise him with the praise of someone
who knows that he is the initiator of
And I bear witness of his oneness.
A testimony that is sincere and free of
any doubt.
And I bear witness that Muhammad is his
servant and messenger.
He sent him after kufr had veiled the
face of Iman.
He sent him after kufr, disbelief had veiled,
had covered over the face of Iman on
this earth.
So he ﷺ eliminated the darkness with the
light of truth and he pulled back that
And he directed people to that which he
was revealed to him and clarified the ambiguities
of Allah's book.
Leaving them on a white platform on which
there is no crack or delusion.
He said the Prophet ﷺ left the people
on a white platform.
Meaning that any speck of dust could be
There was no cracks or delusion.
He didn't leave them without knowing everything they
needed to know.
There was no question about this religion on
the death of the Prophet ﷺ.
So may Allah's blessings be upon him, the
entirety of his family and his companions.
And may his blessings be upon the righteous
followers of them until the day of judgment
and great accountability.
As to what follows, truly the great blessings
of mankind is that of possessing an intellect.
Because it is the tool for knowing the
one worthy of worship and being known.
It is the means for believing in the
However, because human intellect is not sufficient to
fulfill all that is expected of a person,
the messengers were sent and the books were
The example of Sharia is that of the
sun and the example of the intellect is
that of the eye.
The sun is bright, beautiful.
It gives everything we need.
The eye allows us to see it.
He said that is the intellect compared to
the Sharia.
The Sharia is perfect and beautiful and gives
us everything we need to know.
The intellect just allows us to see it
and accept it.
If the eye is open and sound, it
will see the sun.
Meaning that if the intellect is open and
sound, it will see the wisdom and the
Sharia of Allah ﷻ and it will accept
When the human intellect confirmed the truthfulness of
the Prophets who were supported by supernatural miracles
and evidences, it surrendered to them and relied
upon Prophets for knowing its hidden matters.
As Allah the Almighty and Majestic has blessed
mankind with having an intellect, He made their
father Adam ﷺ a Prophet.
He taught Allah's revelation in order for mankind
to be guided upon the straight path until
Qabil decided to follow his desires and kill
his brother.
Then people's desires branched out, causing them to
scatter in their desires of falsehood to the
point of worshipping idols.
They deviated over issues of aqeedah, action, and
disagreed with their messengers.
Hence, their own intellect became their own destruction.
They followed their desires to aid towards their
habits and mimic their elders.
Iblis's expectations of them became true, so they
followed him except for a group of believers.
And this is the way it has always
And this is the way it has always
Know that the messengers brought sufficient clarifications, confronted
diseases with healing medicine, and agreed over a
consistent doctrine.
So the devil Iblis came forth and mixed
their clarification with doubt and medicine with poison
in a clear path of areas of falsehood
and doubt.
He continued to meddle with people's minds until
he disintegrated them into ignorance, leading them towards
many foolish paths and hideous innovations.
So they worshipped idols in the sacred house
and they made forbidden to them bahira, tabila,
wasila, and ham.
This refers to when Allah says in the
Quran, innovations basically.
When Allah says that they put things in
that don't belong there.
They adopted burying their daughters alive and deprived
them from their share of inheritance.
In addition, they innovated many forms of falsehood
of which Iblis has convinced them to do.
Then Allah the Almighty and Majestic sent Muhammad
ﷺ to remove all the things that are
appalling and to decree all things advantageous.
His companions walked with him and after his
death they walked through the illumination of his
light, free from their enemy Iblis and his
However, when the light of their messenger's presence
diminished, the haze of darkness arrived on this
earth again and desires returned to regenerate innovations
and to make narrow paths that had been
made wide.
So the majority of people disputed over the
matters of religion and became different sects and
Iblis became active again.
He deceived and camouflaged and gathered and divided.
He was only able to do so while
creeping during the night of ignorance.
Had the dawn of knowledge shone on him,
he would have been exposed.
So I decided to warn you from his
plot and to point out for you his
traps so that you can identify his evil
and may warn from it.
It was reported in Baws Sahih on the
story of Hudhayfa ibn Yaman that the Prophet
ﷺ said people used to ask Allah's messenger
about goodness while I asked him about evil.
Hudhayfa said people used to ask the Prophet
about khair and I would ask him about
sharr so that I could protect myself from
While the people wanted to know what was
good so they could do it, I wanted
to know what was evil so I could
stay away from it.
And Ibn Abbas ﷺ said by Allah I
don't believe that Shaytan would like for anyone
on earth to die more than me.
Ibn Abbas said I don't believe that Shaytan,
this was at his time after the Prophet
ﷺ, said I don't believe Shaytan would like
anyone on this earth to die more than
He was asked why.
He replied by Allah he innovates something in
the east or in the west then a
man carries it to me and I destroy
it with the sunnah.
Shaytan brings about innovation in this religion on
the east or the west and someone carries
it to me and I destroy it with
the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ.
So the innovations return back to them, to
The Prophet ﷺ said in a hadith that
someone who revives my sunnah, someone who revives
my sunnah at a time of ignorance, at
a time of innovation and deviance will receive
the reward of the death of a shaheed.
He will receive the reward of the death
of a shaheed for reviving the sunnah.
I titled this book Talbis Iblis, the deception
of Iblis.
He didn't even give him the, this was
the acknowledgement of being Shaytan.
He called him by his name, call him
straight out Iblis, his deception.
I composed it to warn you from his
disorder, to frighten you from his affliction, and
to unveil from you what he is hidden
and to expose him while he is disguised
in arrogance.
May Allah support us in this by his
generosity and all those who are genuine to
their cause.
I divided this book into 13 chapters.
The deception of Iblis will become exposed if
you understand them and his fraudulence will become
clear to someone of wisdom.
So whoever becomes energetic acting upon these chapters,
the Shaytan will become annoyed by him.
Oh Allah, help me in what I am
aiming for and inspire me in truth for
what I have intended.
That's the book we're about to go through
inshallah and the reason behind it and the
man behind it.
It is a beautiful book.
It is a book that if you learn
the plot in it, you will have armor
against Shaytan and we all could use some
armor in today's world because he's very, very
He's very deceptive.
He knows you better than you know you.
He has been at deceiving mankind since the
very first of us.
He's had more practice than you can ever
He's smarter than you.
Trust me, when it comes to how he
is deceitful, he's smarter than you.
The only sanctity, the only safety you have
from Shaytan is in this religion.
It is in that book and it is
in the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ.
Without that, you are lost.
You are lost.
The reason why there are so many deviated
sects of this religion is because they tried
to use this rather than that.
They tried to use this rather than what
Allah and His Messenger revealed thinking that they
somehow had some wisdom that wasn't available at
the time of the Prophet ﷺ or his
We are not going to be of those
people inshallah because to stay on the straight
path, you have to be on the path
the companions were on because Allah promises that
He was pleased with them and they were
pleased with Him.
To stay on their path is to stay
on the path of Jannah and that is
why we're going to expose Iblis inshallah through
the next 13 chapters of this book which
will take some time.
It is a 600-page book so we
will be here for a while inshallah as
long as I'm here.
I look forward to seeing you guys on
On Wednesday, we'll go back to