Yusha Evans – Jumuah Khutbah 19-07-2024

Yusha Evans
AI: Summary ©
The aftermath of the pandemic have created a crisis on forgiveness, with various goddamn experiences and the importance of forgiveness in the aftermath. The Prophet's punishment and punishment measures in Africa have also been discussed, including following the Prophet's teachings and following his teachings in order to achieve goals and dreams. The success of Islam in society and its importance in religion have also been highlighted, along with its importance in society and personal relationships.
AI: Transcript ©
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I love

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in Al Hamdulillah narc mother who went one step further when are all

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the Billa human should orient fusina women so yeah Dr. Melina

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Mejia Allahu Fernando de la Gama you will follow her the Allah wa

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should do Allah Hi love Allah wa the hula Cherie Keller, what

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should I do and the Muhammad and Abu rasuluh Yeah, you had ladina

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no taco, Allah Ducati. Well let him move the Wellington Mattoon 11

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Muslim moon. Yeah, you have nosode Sakura Baku Mola de Holika Coleman

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nevsun Wahida Wirkkala caminho Jaha betheme and humare gel and

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Kathy era and when he is what Akula Hala de to say NaVi What are

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him in Allaha Cana Ali whom Raptiva Yeah, you have Medina no

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taco la Hua Pula, Poland so the either Usila kumara mela comb we

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are looking to Nouba como mejor de Allah wa rasuluh. Further further

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Fosun are the EMA and for in Asda kala Hadith he Kitab Allah wa

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Hyder hadI had you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was

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shahrul Ohmori MB of data to her Wakulla muda 13 Vidya are called a

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bit out in the law Allah or called the law of 10 finner. My dear

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respected brothers and sisters, Allah subhanho wa Taala has

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promised every single human being every single living soul that has

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ever existed in will ever existed one single promise together Kulu

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nacinda equal to remote, every single soul will taste death,

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every single one of them. But Allah subhanho wa Taala was very

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specific in His Word of using that there is a taste that is

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temporary, that it is something that you don't you when you taste

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food, you eat it and it's gone. That is very temporary, because

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death is transitory death is not the end of all things it is

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actually the very beginning of the next phase of our life is a

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transitory stage from this short period in this life, to the

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Forever of the Hereafter, and that death will come to every single

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one of us. And it will only come in one of two ways. And I'm going

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to talk about one of them today in Shama. hota, Anna and the next

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time I give the hookah we'll talk about the other one but this today

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I will give you the good news. I didn't want to leave as I'm going

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to UK next week with bad news. I didn't want to leave you with the

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bad frightening news and I'm like, What's the other side? But are you

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sure well wait until next time to give you the bad side and

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hopefully in sha Allah Jota Allah is none of us. But this is the

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death of the believer as described by the prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam and this is the death that we ask Allah subhana wa Tada

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for all of us for this is what is known as known how to mount a good

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ending. This is how we want our life to end and this is a

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collection of different tidies that I'm summarizing into one

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particular story mode format insha Allah to Anna, the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when the believers life comes

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to an end, when the believer and those who believe those whom Allah

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subhana who went to Allah has favorite with this beautiful

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religion of Allah, Islam, when their life comes to an end, the

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Prophet sallallahu wasallam said the angel of death appears to

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them. And the angel of death comes with a crowd of angels. He has a

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crowd of angels with him. And with him he is carrying a coffin, a

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shroud from paradise. He presents himself to the believer, and he

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says to the believer or beautiful soul, or honored soul, or favorite

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soul, come out to the mercy and forgiveness of Allah subhana who

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were to come out to Allah's mercy and His forgiveness. The Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that this soul is is so eager to

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come out when he hears this or she hears this when when they hear

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that they are coming out to the mercy and favour and forgiveness

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of Allah subhanahu wa to Anna the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said

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that the soul will come out with so easily that it will be like

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water pouring from the tip of a jug the soul will just easily come

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out no pain no no no hardship it just comes out willingly. And when

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it comes out the profit

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Somebody was telling them said that all the angels that are

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around, they rush and try to gather this, they get this soul to

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get their hands on it and wrap it in the coffin that it was brought

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from Jana, and they want to smell it because it smells beautiful.

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And when they get this soul they begin to ascend and take it to the

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heavens, because in Melilla, he went on to urogen on we belong to

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Allah to Allah we return. And every heaven it is asked for

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permission to pass on to the next heaven. And when the permission is

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asked, it is always asked who is this who is this beautiful soul,

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and their response will be this is so and so the son of so and so or

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so and so the daughter of so and so calling them by the best of

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names, calling them by the best of what they were known as in this

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life, and as they go up in the heavens, the angels are accompany

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there, they are praising this soul until it reaches the highest

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heavens. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, I have indeed forgiven

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and shown mercy to my slave, put it back in its resting place

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gently, gently until the appointed time, which is the Day of

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Judgment, so they descend back into the heavens. This is all

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happening while you are being washed. By your family members,

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you're being shrouded with the shrouds of this world, they are

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taking you to your Janessa you're being led to the graveyard wall

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all of that is happening, this is taking place. When that body is

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placed back into his grave and the dirt is covered over it. Then the

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angels come back and they put that soul back and reunite it with his

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When they you reunited with his body, the Prophet sallallahu

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wasallam said that the LLM comes the punishment, this punishment by

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the way, we all deserve every single there's not a single living

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soul on the face of this planet that has not earned some merit of

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punishment from Allah subhanho wa taala. We've all committed sin

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Kulu Benny Adam Hapa. And the federal court in a tabula every

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sin of Adam has committed mistakes, The Best of those who

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sin are those who repent, so every one of us deserves punishment. So

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the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that the punishment comes and

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tries to come and approach by the head of this person, and then the

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Salah, all of those Salawat that you have prayed all of those

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obligatory prayers that you've made in this world, they stand up,

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Allah gives them form, this is the Barossa This is the accurate this

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is the unseen, how does it happen? We don't ask the how. But the

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salah stands up, and puts his hand forward and says no, there is no

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path for you here. There is no way for you to come from here, I'm

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stopping you. So then it will try to go around to the right side,

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the punishment tries to come again.

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Then the CM, the fasting, all of those days that you fasted for the

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sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala one of the deeds that is only

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known between you and Allah only you and Allah knows if he fasted

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or not, it will stand up and put out his hand and say, No, you

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can't come from this idea that there is no path for you, then it

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will try to go from the left side. And the second that you've given

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for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala will stand up and will say

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you there is no path for you here. You cannot come from this side. So

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we're trying to go around to the bottom by the feet. And then the

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sadaqa and the sila, the extra charity that you've given the

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goodness that you've done towards other people, the kindness that

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you've treated to your parents and your family and other human

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beings, that other extra good deeds then will stand up and say

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there's no path for you here. Protecting you this is your

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protection. This is your armor in Africa

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by fulfilling the obligations of the of Allah, the Salah, the

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fasting, the charity, the good acts, all of these will shield you

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from this app on this day. And then it will leave when it leaves

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the entire record interrogators of the grave come, the angels that

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Allah has created for one sole purpose and that is to question

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every single person that gets put in the grief. They were not

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created with softness, they come with harshness, they come and they

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sit the Soul love. How does it sit up in a grave is covered in dirt

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doesn't matter. They sit it up the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said they sit them up. And when they wake up, it's almost as

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if they've been in a stupor, a slumber because you have to

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understand what has happened. They've got gone through death.

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It's like being in the deepest of sleep. Now they're being set up.

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And the Prophet alayhi salatu salam said when they sit up, it

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looks like it is the time for Muslim like Muslim is coming in.

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That's what the horizon looks like to them. And you can imagine if

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you are a believer, and you wake up in a stumble in a stupor and

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you see that it's time for a moment and the first thing to

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think about, it's time to pray. So this soul says Let me pray. Let me

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pray. Can I pray? The angels say there'll be plenty of time for

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that. You'll have plenty of time for that. First, you must enter

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our questions. And we know the very three famous questions first

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they will say mantra book, who was your Lord, and thy soul will

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easily say, ALLAH my lord was Allah subhanho wa Taala not just

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because they recited the Kalama in this life, but

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because they lived like that in this life. They knew that Allah

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was the robber. They knew it was ALLAH who woke them up in the

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morning and they thanked him for it. They knew it was ALLAH who fed

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them every day and they thanked him for it. They knew it was Allah

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Who gave them water to drink. They knew the clothes that they wore

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for from Allah subhanho wa taala. The house that they lived in was

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from Allah subhanho wa taala. And they knew their heartbeat in their

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chest because Allah was Rob. Those people will be able to say, My

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Lord, my ROM is Allah, no question about it, no hesitation. Then

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they'll be asked, What was your religion? What Medina What was

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your religion? What way of life did you follow? You won't say

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Islam just because you were born and raised a Muslim. Just because

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you were sent to an Islamic school, you will say the way of

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life that you really lived. Whatever life you really lived in

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this world, whatever religion you truly followed, even if it was

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yourself, because some of us we have the religion of self. That's

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the only thing we care about. You will say my religion was myself.

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But those who lived according to Islam, Islam was the most

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important thing in their life. It was the most valuable thing in

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their life. It was the most treasured thing in their life.

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Some of you born and raised like that, but you've learned to

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treasure it others like me 26 years ago was gifted this

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beautiful gift by Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna, they will say my

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religion was Islam, my way of life was Islam. Because the same way

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Allah created me that is the same way I died. The same religion that

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Allah created me on, I died upon it, the fitrah that Allah created

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us all on, they will say my religion was Islam. And then they

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will be asked woman, the woman who Who was your prophet, who was your

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prophet, who did you follow? You will truly say who you really

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followed, if it was celebrities, sports stars, whomever that might

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be, that'll who you say, if it was yourself, you followed yourself

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and your own whims and your desires. But if you truly follow

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the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam you believed in him not

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just reciting Muhammad Rasool Allah, but you truly believed he

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was indeed the Messenger of Allah, his sunnah was the best example to

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be followed. And you try to implement it and enact it in

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others, which by the way, is one of the greatest things we can do

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in our, in our in our world today. The Prophet alayhi salaatu wa

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sallam said whoever revives my son at a time where it has been

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abandoned by the people will die the death of the Shaheed he will

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die the death of a Shaheed by reviving my son at a time when he

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has been abandoned by the people. This is why the scholars of the

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past fought so hard for the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu

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wasallam, to make sure it would always be here with us because it

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is the living embodiment of the book of ALLAH SubhanA who were to

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Anna, if you follow that, then you will say My Prophet was Muhammad

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Sallallahu wasallam no question about it. And these are people

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beloved by Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even

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spoke to them. And I told you this in short Katerra that the Prophet

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alayhi salaatu wa salaam said to his companions, one day, I wish to

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meet my brothers, I wish to meet my brothers. And they said we are

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we not your brothers? He said, No, you are my as had you, my

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companions, Allah has blessed you with a different category, my

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brothers will come towards the end of time. And they will believe in

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me like you believe in me, there will be no difference in the

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belief that they have in me than you have, except they will have

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never seen me. They've never met me, but they believe in me just

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like you believe in me. They obey me just like you obey me. They

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follow me just like you follow me. He said, I wish to meet them. And

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the reward of one of them will be like the reward of 50. They said

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50, Of whom 50 Of Us or 50 of them, he said 50 of you. And the

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scholars have said because these are the people who will be

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reviving Islam at a time where there will be no quran being

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revealed. There will be following this the way of life of Islam and

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establishing the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam at a

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time where there's no way coming down, there's no Prophet salallahu

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salam to run to they are doing it all on their own. So the reward is

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multiplied immensely.

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When that those three questions are asked correctly, the angels

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then have a much better disposition with the person and

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they say to them, we knew you would answer these questions

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correctly. We knew you would answer these questions correctly

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and Allah then confirms it from above the seven heavens. Allah

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says said the call I mean my slave has spoken the truth. My slave has

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spoken the truth. This is the only words you want to hear after you

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leave this word is for Allah subhanho wa Taala to confer upon

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you and to say that my slave has spoken the truth may Allah give us

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these words insha Allah Buddha with the hair that was definitely

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the welcome first Africa for

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a hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah or

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the early he was certainly a Jamaican woman with early young

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Medina. After this,

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Allah subhanahu wata, Allah commands the grave to expand

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And the grave expands out as far as that person can see to the very

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horizon in each direction. Their grave expands out after it

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squeezed them after it's become so tight on them. Allah commands it

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to expand and expands out as far as the eye can see. Many of us go

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to the graveyards of the Muslims today and think you know that

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these are just six by eight plots those whom Allah has favored, it's

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not just a six by eight plot it is as far as the eye can see. And

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then Allah jello or another tells the angels to go and bring him or

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her some of their furnishings from Allah Jana and put it in their

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grave. So Allah furnishes their grave with the furnishings of

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their houses and their palaces and as Jana, then Allah subhanho wa

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Taala tells the angels to go get their clothing from Jana and

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clothed them in it. So Allah close them in the grave with the

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clothing that they wear another Jana, then Allah subhanho wa Taala

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commands a window to be opened in their grave, then that window

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leads directly to paradise. And they can smell the fragrance of

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Jana coming in, they can smell the muscle, they can smell the scent

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of the ground of the trees and the fruits, they can hear the sounds

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of a Jana

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and then Allah subhanho wa Taala commands every morning and every

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afternoon angels come to them, and give them the glad tidings of

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paradise, reminding them every day, morning and afternoon, that

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the Promise of Allah to you is true. The Promise of Allah to you

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is true. This is your place in paradise and they're showing their

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house, they're showing their palaces, this belongs to you. This

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is yours. You toiled in that life. 50 6070 years you went through all

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that difficulty, all that hardship, all that grief, all that

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sadness, and Allah has rewarded you with this, it belongs to you.

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So there are graveyards and these on this earth that are inhabited

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by people that are directly connected to Al Jana.

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These people, do you know what they say every day? You can't hear

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it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said he would have asked

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Allah to, he would have made dua to Allah to allow us to hear what

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happens in the graves. He said, But I'm afraid if you do so you

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will never bury anybody else. If you use the punishment of the

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people who are being punished, which we'll talk about in the next

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clip, but you would never put another person in the ground. But

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every single day those souls, those blessed souls favorite and

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honored by Allah, they have one request every single day they are

00:17:24 --> 00:17:29

begging Allah, Yoda Rob octene Messiah, you're a team is your

00:17:30 --> 00:17:34

team Messiah. My Lord established the hour, my Lord established the

00:17:34 --> 00:17:39

hour bring the day of judgment on, they want to hasten the day of

00:17:39 --> 00:17:42

judgment because they know what is waiting for them. They know the

00:17:42 --> 00:17:46

promises, they're looking at their policies, they want to go home,

00:17:46 --> 00:17:49

they want to go home because they know that it's home for them. They

00:17:49 --> 00:17:53

know that that is the Promise of Allah subhanho wa taala. This is

00:17:53 --> 00:17:56

the end of the affair of the believer. This Is the End of the

00:17:56 --> 00:18:00

Affair for those whom Allah has favorited how do we get that? How

00:18:00 --> 00:18:03

do we obtain that I've been leading everything I try to do I

00:18:03 --> 00:18:07

try to lead up to things. We get that by doing all the things we've

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been talking about, and staying fast to the rope of Allah subhanho

00:18:12 --> 00:18:15

wa Taala is the karma having that is the karma that we talked about

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in the cartera. Having that as the karma that we talked about in the

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hotbar a few weeks ago, this is how you get there is that you hold

00:18:21 --> 00:18:25

on to the very end, you don't let go ever you don't give up ever, no

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matter how hard it feels like it's coming. No matter how tired you

00:18:29 --> 00:18:31

feel like you're getting, no matter how depressed you might

00:18:31 --> 00:18:34

feel like you're becoming no matter how bleak the world might

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seem like it's becoming we do not quit, we do not give up. We do not

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fail we do not falter. We keep going to the very bitter end, no

00:18:44 --> 00:18:48

matter how bitter that incomes, no matter how dark the world gets, no

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matter how hard thing gets, the Muslim does not stop, we keep

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going no matter the condition. That is how you reach that

00:18:57 --> 00:19:00

endpoint. And as I said before, as Allah says in surah 240 Let those

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who say Robin Allah who must accommodate those who say the Lord

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is alone remain steadfast. This is a confirmation of what I've been

00:19:05 --> 00:19:09

telling you today. Allah sends them angels of the death and they

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tell them learn to care for Willa has an agenda Atilla T continue to

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add on. Do not have any fear no be sad today. Don't even worry.

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There's no worry for you. Your worries are over. Your worries are

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over but have glad tidings of Paradise from Allah subhanho wa

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Taala those promised to you may Allah make all of our graves

00:19:27 --> 00:19:30

expensive in sha Allah may Allah make our greatest parts of

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paradise in sha Allah may Allah fulfill our graves with the

00:19:33 --> 00:19:35

furnishings of Jana May Allah clothed us with the clothing of

00:19:35 --> 00:19:38

Jana and our grave in sha Allah Allah Robina Tina for dunya Hasina

00:19:38 --> 00:19:41

will ask you that the Hassan whapping Adam and Nora rabbit

00:19:41 --> 00:19:44

feeling and the noob and I was Rafi and Marina with a bit up to

00:19:44 --> 00:19:47

them and I was talking to Anna Camila, caffeine Elohim in Surah,

00:19:47 --> 00:19:50

Islam will mousseline along with Sora where is this now mostly

00:19:50 --> 00:19:54

mean? 00 beta I mean, what other additions to the machine so panna

00:19:54 --> 00:19:58

cotta because as young as the phone was Salam o Allah mousseline

00:19:59 --> 00:19:59

well hamdulillah

00:20:00 --> 00:20:03

mirabile Alameen wa apne masala shortly after the Salah insha

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Allah Stacy

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