Yousef Bakeer – Ubada Ibn Alsamit and His Legacy
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salat wa salam ala Ashleigh Philhealth will say the NBA even
more saline. Cena Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Sallim to
Sleeman Kathira
Yara bene la Kato Kelowna ye they cannot be in our eye they can
merci Allahu mulata JAL few Colombina Hilda, Linda Dina and
Manu Robina in NACA Allah coalition in Kadir Allahumma.
Gilfillan, adenuga Wareham nya Rob Bahamas NYC la MFI Lana's in
Obinna, it's rough and FE M Rena, with a bit akademin on Sonal
Coleman Catherine and my bad.
One of the ways to instill someone is faith. One of these ways to
increase someone is faith. Someone is a man in Allah subhanaw taala
is to remember and learn about the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Sahaba the companions of our
beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam
and inshallah in today's short, hotter, I'm going to be talking
about the story of one of the companions of our beloved prophet
muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with the name of Obed Edna
Sumit Obed innocent.
And about them. The Summit has a unique story. Because he was from
El Medina, he's Ansari.
Obeida learned about Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam, even though
he didn't get to see him, because he was in Medina, and the Prophet
was in Mecca in the early age of Islam.
But about in the summer, it was a very intelligent man. He's very
smart. So when he learned about the message of Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu sallam, it made a lot of sense, then you actually loved
the message love this man, even though he didn't even see him yet.
And he decided to migrate from El Medina to Makkah. The hedgerow was
from Mecca to Medina. But he actually did not wait for Prophet
to arrive to Medina to to take the shahada, he decided to even travel
to Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam secretly to accept La ilaha
illAllah Muhammad Rasool Allah to accept the result.
And our badness summit was was a black man.
In some narrations, the said that he was very black shoddy to solid
very black, very handsome, very strong, physically, very strong
and mentally very strong as well. Right. So by them the Psalms is
some narration say that you will not be able to grab your two hands
in his four arms Subhanallah This is how big he was. So by them the
summit not just like I said, not just physically strong but
mentally very strong. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam trusted
him with get away. Right? He actually gave him this honor to
write down the words of Allah subhanaw taala as Allah subhanaw
taala revealing it to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
anyway, his wife, you know, haram, Vinton Han has a unique story as
well. But I want to focus actually one incident that showed the great
character and the charisma and this this great personality that
this hobby had. That was towards the end of his life, by the way,
he died in Philistine and Palestine as a calling as a judge.
This is how intelligent he was. So at the time of Muhammad, Al
Khattab Radi Allahu Anhu. And this is the main incident that I wanted
to highlight in today's speech in sha Allah, Allah, Allah.
You know, Omar Abdullah hardtops in an army to Egypt, under the
leadership of amber glass, to the Allahu anha.
And so when Ambrym the US needed reinforcement to his army like an
extension to his army.
Omar Khattab sent him over them the summit because he's well known
by being that great warrior get that great soldier physically and
also he's very intelligent so he can actually add a lot of value to
the Muslim army at that time. So all by them the summit finally got
to Egypt. Now, they wanted to ash actually negotiate with the ruler
of Egypt at that time. His name is Alma caucus, so he wanted to ombre
glass wanted to negotiate before
or they start the war with the Romans, just to see if there is
any way we can actually prevent ourselves from getting into this
war. So he trusted who, under the US, or by them the summit. So he
sent a lot of the summit in a delegation. Now part of the summit
is going to negotiate with the ruler of Egypt, the king of Egypt,
Elmo caucus. So I just want you to imagine this scene. The Muslim
armies right here. The Romans are right there in the front. And then
Obi Debnath Summit is leading a small group of leaders 10 people,
and they're going towards the army of the Romans to negotiate with Al
Now, Elmo Kalka is was surprised, right? Because he's seeing a black
man, leading a delegation in position of leadership that did
not make any sense to him, right? Like what's going on here? I never
seen something like that. So
Alma caucus, got closer to the delegation. And then they he was
looking at round about the summit, he did not want to acknowledge
that he's even here, you know, so he started speaking to his
companions and told them,
you know, a Burdwan, he had an s what were called the Mali IRA,
Julio kilimani, like, just put this black man away, and bring
someone else to talk to me. Right. So if of course he's disrespecting
or badam, the summit, he's a racist King, right? He is
definitely trying to put him down. He's being condescending.
So either the summit was, you know, was surprised by by by his
reaction, of course. But look at what the Sahaba told animal
carcass, they told him. No, no, no, we don't we don't do that.
Here. We were taught from Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam
that we're all equals. He is the emir, he is the leader. And it
doesn't matter what color he has. What matters in our faith
tradition, is the taqwa is his faith is his character. So he's
the one who's going to be talking to you. So they were very firm,
with a macaques. Now Macaca is again one time, he wanted to
disrespect him, just like he should be the lowest if you how
come you guys are putting in as the highest view.
And then one more time, the Sahaba were looking at more caucus in his
eyes and said, you know, he's the most wise the most knowledgeable,
and that's why he's, he's in this position. And if you want to get
anything done in this negotiation, it has to go through him. There is
no way you know, else, you have to talk to him.
Then finally, Alamo caucus felt like there is no way out. So
finally, he decided to approach
Abaddon Assam now by them. The summit is a very intelligent man,
he knew how to deal with this situations. So when Alma Koch has
started to speak them, he's actually he was very more racist,
right? He actually told him a very, you know, racist insult, he
told him.
Come closer to me.
Speak to me, gently,
because your blackness scares me. And if you speak loudly, you will
scare me even more.
So I just want to I want you to put yourself in our bad shoes
right now. He's been treated this way. He's being insulted this way.
He's actually now in position of leadership. He's actually
presented the Muslims at that time, right? And our bad does
answer was very inspirational, very inspirational, very strong.
He actually looked him in the eyes and said, Well, if you are scared
of my blackness, I got 1000 Black men behind me that can actually
scare you even more.
Right? So he looked him and he actually was very firm. And then
he started speaking about this concept of equality in Islam and
why they're there, by the way, you can look up the the entire speech,
but towards the end of of his speech, Alma Koch has actually
said he was he was shocked by his speech, because of either Mossad
have this unique speech when he speaks, everybody has to listen.
And so he told he looked at his his, you know, his assistants, and
said Hal, similar to MIT, like LME had a cut
Laqad hip to one era we're in. We're in Nicola who are here.
We're in de Monterrey, Milan villa. He said, Have you ever
Have a speech like that before? Like he's talking to his
assistants like, Have you ever heard something like that before?
He's actually scary. He's looked scary, but his speech is even more
And then a macaque has gotten to a meeting with his assistants and
decided not to resume and not to go forward with this work. And
they actually gave up the word before they even started
obey them the summit was
a he actually died in Philistine as according May Allah subhanaw
taala bless his soul and may Allah subhanaw taala make us among those
who follow his legacy does that Kamala Hayden was Salam Alaikum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh