Yousef Bakeer – The Prophets Prayer For Steadfastness

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam is considered the most important statement in Islam, as it represents a time when the Prophet recites a passage and uses the phrase "byam le" to express faith in Islam's deeds. The "med strict" category is considered a potential opportunity for people to change their heart status to align with Allah, as it is associated with "immoral" conditions. The speaker discusses the danger of becoming a member of the Islamist movement and recites a song about being in the Hellfire of the people of the Hellfire, emphasizing the potential for God to change the heart status of individuals involved in the movement.
AI: Transcript ©
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The early he was savvy he was selling to Sleeman Kathira ama

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that today's

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is one of the most beautiful guys. And that is because the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to frequently recite this,

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the most frequent dua that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam

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used to recite in his life is this dua that we're about to talk about

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in sha Allah Tala. One time as a hobby came to almost selama

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Rhodiola Juana

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and he asked her, What is the most frequent dua that the Prophet

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salallahu Alaihe Salam used to recite? And before we say the DUA

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just think about the question, what a beautiful question. This

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hobby himself is a so concerned about what the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam does for a bad be he loved the Prophet sallallahu

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Sallam so much that he wants to imitate the Prophet sallallahu

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Sallam the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So yes, they

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want to know, they want to know what the prophets used to say

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privately. What the prophets Allah Selim used to say in his house,

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because they want to be a second version of the Prophet sallallahu

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herself. So this hobby asked, almost no matter the Allah this

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hadith reported by NSF, the Malik Radi Allahu Allah.

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And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he used to say this to Allahumma

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yam or colourable Kulu Feb bit Calbee Allah Denecke Oh ALLAH the

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Turner of the hearts, make and keep my heart firm on your deen.

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What a beautiful dark.

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Just thinking about this Doha on my way to the masjid And

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subhanAllah there are actually three categories of people that

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are very relevant to this god. The first and second categories of

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people we ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us from them. And the

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third category of people we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us

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among them. So for the first category of people, those who are

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on the path, Allah Surah they were actually you know, on the first

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line in the masjid, they were very consistent with their prayers.

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They used to go for ombre, they used to be on the deen, they used

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to have faith in Allah subhanaw taala wherever they go, they used

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to be actually spiritually high in Ramadan, everything that you can

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possibly think about. And then all of a sudden, there is a shift

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happens in their lives, and then you stop seeing them in the masjid

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anymore. Wallahi on top of my head, I can think of several

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people that they used to be very involved in the community, very

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involved as Islamic workers, even Islamic workers, when it comes to

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the youth calm and they run events with me, they work with me. And

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then all of a sudden they vanish, they disappear. And then when they

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ask about them, call us. They are in no, no, they have no interest

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in the faith and the religion anymore. Allah subhanaw taala

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protects us from from this type of people you're Robert Allen.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu Sallam actually give a hadith

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about this category, a category of people. And he said in a radula

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Laya Malou Byam le le Jana, like a man or a woman, a person who would

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actually do the deeds of the agenda. Until he is so close to

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Jana, he's basically an arm within distance from the Jana is there.

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And then yeah, mellow Byam and and not fair enough. And then Allah

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changes his affairs, and he will end up being in hellfire. May

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Allah subhanaw taala protect the cerebral Alameen sometimes, a

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trauma happens to somebody. And when we're not when a big trauma

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happens, people react differently. Some people as In another Hadith

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the Prophet SAW Selim described a situation when he was seeing a

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woman and his and her grave, crying and weeping. And the

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Prophet sallallahu sallam was trying to calm her down. And she

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told the prophet Dhaka and me just leave me alone now. And the

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Prophet sallallahu Sallam told her in nama sub Rue facade mill ruler,

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like patience is when actually a calamity strikes. This is when you

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show faith to Allah subhanaw taala so there's some people do this.

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And some people will have trauma happens, their their heart

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changes, the actual hearts lose their faith. So that's the first

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category of people that we ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us

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from that, you know, path era Bulama

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the second categories of people

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And in my opinion, the most dangerous category of people, the

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most dangerous ones

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are the ones that Allah subhanaw taala describes in the Quran,

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Allah said Rabbana Allah to zero Kulu bene, Ya Allah, don't

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slightly slowly but surely shift our hearts. It doesn't happen

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overnight, just like the first category of people. It happens

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over time. It takes time, and you're not even realizing that

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you're changing. You're not even realizing that your heart is

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changing. It doesn't happen instantly. It happens over the

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course of a time. And this is dangerous, because you just don't

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know where are you heading to. You don't know the direction. And all

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of a sudden, you become a different person. You become

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somebody who you don't wish to be.

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And and so here in this diet, the Prophet salallahu Salam is asking

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us to seek aid and assistance from Allah subhanaw taala, to keep our

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heart firm on his faith. So this is so crucial Subhan Allah, the

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third category of people is the most beautiful category of people.

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And that is basically, I look at that at this as something

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positive, as something beautiful. Why? Because think about it, if

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Allah does not change the status of your heart, it means if you're

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away from Allah, you don't have a chance.

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You actually have no chance, if you're away from Allah, and your

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heart is the same, it will never change to the better, you have no

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chance. And so here's an opportunity, if we if we and we

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are always always going to ask Allah subhanaw taala to get to get

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us closer to him. How so by changing the status of our hearts.

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So I actually look at this as something very positive, as an

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opportunity that we seek from Allah subhanaw taala to change the

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status of our heart to the better to get closer to him. Subhanahu wa

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Taala so again, Allahumma yam cannibal Kulu Feb bit Calbee Allah

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de Nick Subhan Allah and for the third category of people the

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Prophet SAW Selim also spoke about them and he said, maybe a man who

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is doing the deeds of the Hellfire of the people of the Hellfire all

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of his life.

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And then, towards the end of his life, Allah changes the status of

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his heart. So now he becomes among those who will be entering Janna

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an opportunity me and you have always Alhamdulillah Allah is

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keeping our faith and that's why we're here to handle a lot of

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blockchain and we ask Allah to actually give assisted fastness

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until we meet him subhanaw taala on the day of judgment so again

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let's let's recite this beautiful dark together in sha Allah Allah,

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Allah Houma yeah mocha liberal collude,

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set bit called Biala de Nick.

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Allah Houma Yeah, call liberal Kulu

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sub bit called the Allah de Nick.

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Allah Houma

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call liberal Kulu sub bit Calbee Allah Denecke

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Rob bene as rev Allah you now sobre

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was a bit academic.

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One sunnah al ko mill Cathrine

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Rob benna Tina duniya Hasina?

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Well, Phil Herati has

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worked in either but now

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in Lila we're in LA here on your own

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Allahumma journey.

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Fie musi Betty was looking to hire a minha

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rock band at a couple Mina

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in NACA and the semi or Lolly

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Robina wa jal Nam Muslimeen laka.

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What means to react Tina

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omoton Muslim atta Lek.

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Well, Adina mana see Kana

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were to Bala in

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in NACA entered the web Rahim.

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Probe burner. Watch I'll fina

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man yet Lu Allah inna

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tikka, while you were alumina al Kitab al hikma

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Why use a kina in NACA, Antalya Aziz will Hakeem

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Hey, Rob bigil had Bella the Amina

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what zoek na minha Emirati where Allah Who?

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Men M and M in whom? Billa.

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Were BillyOh mill acid.

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Allah whom Houma is Dena illustrata In Musa Hakim

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sorority Lavina

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Anantha Allah him

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are you really boo boo Allah him?

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While a ball Lin

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Amin, amin, Abdullah Al Amin, Soleimani Kamara

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