Yousef Bakeer – The Prophet’s Dua At Taif
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Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam you're selling to Sleeman Kathira
and my dad,
one of the most beautiful dies of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam was in a life.
And to give you a little background about this, the Prophet
sallallahu wasallam was going through a very difficult time of
his life. That year we call it arm will host the year of sadness. And
this year Rasulullah sallallahu sallam was going through a lot of
hardships, multiple events happened, multiple life events
happened throughout this year. He lost some family members. His
Sahaba that was status was not at the best. They were struggling as
a minority of Quraysh. In Mecca, his Sahaba were tortured, he was
mocked. He was actually you know, he got tortured as well. It was
rough time. It was very rough time. So his own people, his own
family, actually are the ones who put him through that painful
journey in Mecca in this year.
So Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam figured that he can
actually seek help and seek assistance outside of his own town
outside of Mecca. So he decided to go to a thought, which is a town
or a city that's very close to Mk.
Now Prophet sallallahu Sallam had high hope, is carrying the message
of Allah subhanaw taala. And he had high hope that the people of
thought if eventually accept his message, eventually accepts his
Dawa and give him that support and help that he seek.
But what happened is the total opposite people of Fatah if we're
more aggressive, were more cruel towards the prophets of Allah
Allah isn't. So imagine just you running a business and you're just
opening up a business, you're hoping in your first day for for
your business to arise for you know, people to be excited about
your own product, and you're opening that business and your
first day people are totally diminishing, all of the effort
that you have put, people are, you know, not very satisfied with your
message. People are putting you down about your own product that
you have been working so hard to achieve.
Prophet was carrying something more precious than just business.
He was carrying that the seller of Allah subhanaw taala.
So not only that, they rejected his message but he actually sent
even the children the slaves to chase out the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam to throw him with stones and to humiliate the prophets,
Allah, Allah Allah who was the Prophet sallallahu Sallam at some
point, he felt helpless and hopeless with these people. He sat
down under a tree. And then he made a very powerful, beautiful
dua. He just turned his face to Allah subhanho wa Taala and he
started speaking to Allah subhanaw taala and he said, very beautiful
words, powerful, beautiful words that we all need to memorize in
sha Allah Tala. Maybe today, I will just explain the very few
first words of that dua, he said. Allah Houma. Inni Asch qu e Lekha.
Botha Kuwaiti
what kill like a healty. Well, when he alumnus and terrible
Mustafa Athene Isla min tacky loony Illa Caribbean Jetta
hegemony am Illa Isla Eden Malacca who Emery ylim yaku laka as other
Buddha Allah yeah fella who barely lacking Rama taka wasa Aquila
Ya Allah. He said yeah, Allah I am very powerless, helpless. I
complain to you, Ya Allah, Ash, Gu la cabeza, Kuwaiti, I complain to
you, your Allah, the lack of my power, the lack of my Cova
I need your help, I need your assistance. And then he said,
buffer Kuwaiti working letter Haloti. I got no more strategies.
I've tried everything. It's not working.
Couldn't let a healer at will when he alumnus and the feeling that
people have I am insignificant in the eyes of those people. It hurts
because they're not seeing any value in me. They're not
acknowledging me. So he said he started out with three things.
Kill letter. Tell letter Kuwaiti, escuela for Kuwaiti the lack of my
own power and power less and you are powerful. And then Basa
olam in Yashka Laker Botha, who were T were killed, let the heal
it. I have no more strategies. Well, when you're Elena's how I am
insignificant in the eyes of those people. Now to give just quick
reflections about these three things,
three things that we can unpack from this beautiful, number one,
if you truly
running out of options, turn your face towards Allah. Ask Allah for
help. He is all hearing. And he's all saying he's the one who is
always going to listen to you regardless how much you're talking
to him, how much complaints or how many complaints you have towards
him. He's gonna listen to you.
Eventually, people you know will get tired. You have many
complaints, you speak to somebody who you trust, or you think, you
know, that person loves you. And you start complaining, they will
listen to you one day. And then eventually, as humans we have
limited capacity will turn off.
Allah subhanaw taala would actually listen to you regardless
how many days you want to talk to him, just open your heart and talk
to Allah subhanaw taala. So that's the first first thing. Second
thing he said, you know, how any Arlen Ness Allah, it's beautiful.
Because some of us we constantly seek validation from others. Some
of us we're constantly seeking recognition from others. Some of
us will only feel good about ourselves when we hear good
feedback about you know about ourselves from others Rasulullah
sallallahu sallam, he is shifting this, he's telling us Listen, the
only one who you should please is not the people is Allah subhanaw
taala because you're when you're constantly seeking validation from
others, it will actually lead you to feelings of low self worth, and
anxiety and depression, always thinking about what people think
of you. It's very tiring. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam was
telling Allah, Allah, Allah, I am a noble person, I'm a prophet. I
am aristocratic from Quraysh. And they're humiliating me. But you
know what, you are the only source you are the only one who I should
seek pleasure from. And if you're pleased with me, I am good.
Regardless of what people think of me, because I'm carrying the most
precious message, which is your message. And what matters at this
point is the pleasure of you Allah.
Will the salah Salah Salem was showing the human side of him here
Subhanallah it's really a learning moment. When we shift our thoughts
from constantly seeking validation from others, and you're only
seeking validation from Allah subhanaw taala will actually be in
a state of getting the pleasure of people as the Prophet sallallahu
sallam said, so you're the Allahu Allahu Akbar Ali calmness, you
only seeking pleasure from people, Allah is the One who has control
over people's hearts. So if Allah is pleased with you, he will
actually make people pleased with you with you as well.
That's the beauty of this dial. So again, few words, I want us to
remember at least this the beginning of the art because of
Allah, it's beautiful. And we should all always, always, always
putting this in the back of our head, once we go through, through
hardships or difficulties. Again Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam
said, Allah who met in the ash code like Ya Allah, I complain to
you Basa pulwarty, the lack of my power, the lack of my coworker I
school, like above a Kuwaiti were killed, let her heal it. I have
put everything all the strategies, all the plans, and it's not
working out. I want you to help buffer who what you were
collected. Haloti Botha Quwata Killa healty well when you're
alumnus how, how am I insignificant in the eyes of Allah
in the eyes of the people and I want to be recognized by you your
Allah I'm seeking only your pleasure. Yeah, Allah. Allah
subhanaw taala make us some of those who internalize this
beautiful powerful diet of cola cola head stuff Hola. Hola. Hola,
como como la hit on the cinema they come along to La Habra Castle