Yousef Bakeer – Special Khatirah Leave A Legacy

Yousef Bakeer
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AI: Summary ©

A person (Speaker 1) describes a person named Shaykh who was a celebrity and was unknown to the public. They then visit Shaykh's old house in Cairo and tell him about a place called Ras Al-Bar, where they meet a guy named Ras Al-Bar. They discuss the signs of Islam and how it relates to the creation of a powerful universe. They ask permission for permission to visit the old house and visit the family.

AI: Summary ©

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			Ten years ago, I got the honor to
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			study under one of the giants of Fiqh
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			Shafi'i in Egypt.
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			His name is Shaykh Osama Abdul Azim.
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			And subhanAllah, Shaykh Osama died at the age
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			of 92-93.
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			And he was just a hidden gem, a
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			hidden gem.
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			But as the old Arabs used to say,
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			رُبَّ مَشْهُورٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ مَغْمُورٍ فِي السَّمَاءِ وَرُبَّ
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			مَغْمُورٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ مَشْهُورٍ فِي السَّمَاءِ That maybe
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			somebody here, and this earth is very famous,
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			gives this very motivational talks, and everybody knows
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			of him or her, is a celebrity or
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			she's a celebrity.
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			But he's absolutely or she's absolutely unknown to
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			And maybe somebody who's an average man, not
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			too many people know of him or her,
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			but he's absolutely or she's absolutely known to
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			Allah عز و جل.
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			Ask Allah to make it known to him,
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			يا رب العالمين.
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			So subhanAllah, me along with one of my
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			peers in Azhar University at that time, we
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			wanted to visit the Shaykh.
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			And so we came couple years ago, and
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			we visited Shaykh Osama in his old house
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			in a very old town in Cairo, it's
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			called Imam Al-Shafi'i.
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			That's the name of the town.
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			And he is one of the giants of
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			Imam Al-Shafi'i, subhanAllah.
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			So we came to him and we told
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			him, Shaykh, we want to spend some time
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			with you.
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			Why don't you teach us something?
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			Then he told us something very interesting.
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			He said, I want you to take me
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			to a place that's called Ras Al-Bar.
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			Ras Al-Bar is a very interesting place
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			in Egypt, and I'll tell you why.
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			And I told him, Shaykh, why do you
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			want to go to Ras Al-Bar?
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			That's just a random place to go to.
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			And he said, because I want to eat
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			Me and my classmate, we figured that there
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			is something behind it.
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			It's obviously not about fish.
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			We know that there is something coming up.
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			But then alhamdulillah, we tagged along, and we
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			went to this place that's called Ras Al
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			And just to give you a little information
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			about this place, this is a unique place
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			because the Nile River meets the Mediterranean Sea
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			in this focal point, in this city that's
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			called Ras Al-Bar.
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			Nile River and the Mediterranean Sea, they actually
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			meet in this point.
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			So he got us in a boat, and
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			we went through the Nile River, and then
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			we were almost going to meet the Mediterranean
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			Sea, and he asked us to put our
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			hands in the water and to take a
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			sip from the Nile River.
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			And we did this.
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			And the water was pure, was not salty.
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			And then, a little bit of a distance,
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			we arrived to the Mediterranean Sea.
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			And he asked us to put our hands
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			and take a sip from the Mediterranean Sea.
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			And when we tasted it, it was very
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			Then he said, Allah says in the Qur
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			'an, مَرَجَ الْبَحْرَيْنِ يَلْتَقِيَانَ بَيْنَهُمَا بَرْزَخٌ لَا يَبْغِيَانَ
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			Allah said in the Qur'an, that the
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			two waters will meet, but they will never
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			Meaning, they will never mix.
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			And that's one of the signs of Allah
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			عز و جل in this universe.
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			That He has created two waters.
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			And logically speaking, the two waters should mix.
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			That's just how nature is.
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			But Allah has created them in a very
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			unique manner, that they don't transgress.
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			They don't mix.
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			And then He said, فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُغَذِّبَانَ
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			Now, showing you one of the signs of
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			the universe.
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			How dare you disbelieve in Allah, or you
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			deny Allah's existence.
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			This is for me, it was a great
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			Because I can talk about yaqeen and certainty,
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			and scientific proofs, and all of this.
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			But when you experience something like this, when
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			the Qur'an that was revealed 1400 years
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			ago, obviously, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
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			did not have access, and he did not
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			have Google Maps to just see where is
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			this place, and what's happening in Ras Al
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			Did not have that access.
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			Even himself didn't even go there.
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			And yet, the speech of the Qur'an,
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			the divine speech came to prove that there
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			are some signs in this universe, that me
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			and you eventually at some point will actually
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			And when we do experience these signs, then
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			we say, فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُغَذِّبَانَ How dare
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			you deny Allah's existence then.
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			And subhanallah, yes.
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			قُلْ سِيرُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ Allah subhanahu wa ta
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			'ala says this in the Qur'an, Go
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			and explore.
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			Go out there and observe Allah's greatness through
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			His creation.
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			The creation leads to the Creator.
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			The creation leads to the Creator.
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			And yes, wallahi, we saw this, and we
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			experienced this, and we know for a fact,
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			that this is a universe that needed a
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			Because it cannot just come from nowhere.
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			This giant universe has to have a power
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			that's much more powerful than itself, than the
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			universe itself.
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			And that is Allah azza wa jal.
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			We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
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			make us among those who will reflect on
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			His signs.
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			يا رب العالمين جزاكم الله خيراً And jazakum
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			Allah khair for having me.
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			It's an honor, and really a great honor
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			to meet you and to see you and
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			to see your children.
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			May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala preserve you
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			and preserve your children.
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			يا رب العالمين And make this community a
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			blessed community.
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			A community that says لا إله إلا الله
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			محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم We
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			ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to make
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			our children firm.
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			لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله صلى
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			الله عليه وسلم بارك الله فيكم والسلام عليكم
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			ورحمة الله وبركاته