Yousef Bakeer – Reflections From The Sacred Journey

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The speakers discuss the significance of the Prophet's use of the term "sall commercial" in their daily lives, as it brings "feel peace and knowledge" to their homes. They also emphasize the need for people to take care of their bodies and attend to their spiritual health, as well as the importance of praying and showing gratitude for their health. American Muslim aid is also discussed, along with protecting one's bodies and showing gratitude for God.
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As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest
Allah is the Greatest, Allah
is the Greatest I bear
witness that there is none worthy of worship
except Allah I
bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of
Allah I bear witness
that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah Come
to Prayer Come to
success Come
to success Allah
is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest There
is none worthy of worship except Allah I
bear witness that there is none worthy of
worship except
Allah I bear witness that Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah Allah says in the Qur
'an He
says all believers have taqwa in Allah which
means that we should be conscious of him
We should be aware of him And we
should protect ourselves from his punishment and his
wrath And we should never allow ourselves to
die except in a state of submission A
state of la ilaha illallah, Muhammadur Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam I begin my khutbah by
asking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala first and
foremost To send blessings and prayers upon our
Rasul, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allahumma
salli wa sallim wa an'im wa barik
Ala nabiyyina wa habibina Muhammadin Wa ala alihi
wa sahbihi wa sallim tasliman kathira Amma ba'd
my dear brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu
alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala says in the Qur'an Indeed
Allah and his Messenger, Allah and his angels
Yusalluna ala nabiyy Allah and his angels send
blessings and prayers upon our Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam I was honored and blessed to
visit the city of our Habib, our Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam We were on a
journey with a group of youth and we
just came back from a very emotional trip
When we first landed in Medina And when
we first saw that green minaret Which means
that this is the place that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to live That's
the house of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam And the grave of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam The Masjid al-Nawawi is
a huge masjid And most of it is
an extension of the house of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam So whenever you see
this green minaret Know that this is the
place This is the place that contains the
Rawdah Sharifah The place where the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam used to pray Let me
tell you about Medina Medina is different than
Mecca When you first enter Medina Scholars say
Al-Medina, Medina tul Jamal Wa Mecca, Medina
tul Jalal There is a difference between Mecca
and Medina The way you feel in Medina
is very different than the way you feel
in Mecca So when we first enter the
Masjid of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
You will find this Sakinah, this tranquility That
you never find this somewhere else A serene
feeling that you will not get anywhere else
in the world And why do we wonder?
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself made
a dua For Allah to descend Sakinah upon
this place In the battle of Al-Khandaq,
the battle of Ditch The Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, as they were digging They used
to sing Nasheed together, the Prophet and the
Sahaba They used to say The
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say
By Allah, if it's not from Allah, we
would never be guided And we would never
pray, we would never give Sadaqah Ya Allah,
descend Sakinah over this place, Al-Madinah al
-Munawarah So yes, I summarize Al-Madinah into
two big things Number one, Madinah al-Hub
It's just, it's loving, it's a loving city
You just go and you will feel that
your heart is at rest You will feel
this sense of contentment That you would never
feel somewhere else And then number two is
Madinah al-Ilm Al-Madinah al-Munawarah Has
a massive history of knowledge Massive history of
knowledge The first teacher was the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam himself And then after the
Prophet, many Sahaba Abdullah ibn Abbas, one of
the big Mufassireen Abdullah ibn Mas'ud And
others, among the Sahaba who taught In this
place, in the city of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam And then Al-Tabi'oon
We remember Imam Malik radiallahu anhu Imam Ahl
al-Madinah The founder of Maliki Madhab Who
used to say لا يفتى ومالك في المدينة
Nobody dares to give a fatwa while Malik
is in Madinah And Imam Malik loved the
Prophet so much To the point that he
said I would never get out of this
city, ever Out of the love of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam He used to
walk around and never rode a horse or
a camel Out of the respect to the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam And throughout history,
many scholars Wallahi, if the walls of the
Masjid al-Madinah were to speak They will
just share with us massive amount of Qur
'an That has been recited there Knowledge, debates
that have been there And as I'm looking
at this I reflected on something very crucial
for us as Muslim community I said to
myself, why are we not bringing the spirit
The spirit of Al-Madinah to our homes
and to our communities And to our Masjids
The atmosphere of Al-Madinah Why are we
not bringing it to our homes?
What is so special about Al-Madinah is
this concept of Sakina And the question would
be Are we able to bring this sense
of Sakina to our homes?
And the answer is yes To be very
frank with you We would never be able
to get to that level of Sakina Because
this is just in Al-Madinah Nowhere else
You cannot match this But the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam himself said Do not make
your homes as graveyards And when the Sahaba
asked the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam What
do you mean by this?
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Do
not quit praying and making dhikr in your
homes Because it will return into a graveyard
So pray in your homes Because praying in
your homes bring this sense of Sakina And
when it comes to knowledge We're blessed being
here in Dallas Because we have a lot
of institutions around us For knowledge seekers You
have a lot of opportunities here And so
yes Us and our children We need to
get them into that path We need to
bring that atmosphere That spirit of Al-Madinah
to our communities To our children If Allah
blesses me and you for going to Al
-Madinah That's highly rewarding But then we live
here Then how can we bring that spirit
To ourselves and our children Subhanallah after this
we head to Mecca And Mecca is a
whole different city Whole different feeling Madinah al
-Jalal You will see there the greatness of
Islam You will see that every single step
you make in Mecca Is a test Your
faith is getting tested Because you will get
stepped on You will get pushed And you
will just struggle And yes the Prophet ﷺ
himself struggled in Mecca Prophet ﷺ found comfort
and relief in Madinah And the people of
Madinah welcomed him And the Prophet ﷺ found
Sakina in Madinah But he struggled at Mecca
And subhanallah you see that Because faith is
not just about love and Sakina Faith is
also about effort that you put And we
all here put that effort We all sacrifice
at some point But the question is what
level of sacrifice that we make Maybe showing
your identity is a sacrifice here Maybe in
your workplace you look different than anybody else
And that's in itself a sacrifice But that
is the ultimate level The highest level of
sacrifice Because the Prophet ﷺ has left his
family And his home As he was leaving
Mecca His heart was broken The Prophet ﷺ
said Wallahi He said by Allah You are
the dearest place to my heart Oh Mecca
You are the dearest place to my heart
And if it's not that your people Pushed
me away from you I would never leave
it I would never leave you Mecca It's
a sacrifice The concept of hijrah The root
of the word hijrah is hajara Which means
to forsake, to leave, to quit To sacrifice
To quit a bad habit Or to quit
a place It takes a sacrifice So yes
Mecca is a whole different experience that you
will have You will go And then you
will go to As-Sa'i Same concept
You will go seven times And you will
feel that your body is getting You know
A little tired And you have to push
through it Just like our mother Hajar ﷺ
Has put forth this effort This Sa'i
Sa'i It means pursuit, effort You cannot
be You cannot be a full believer If
you don't put some effort for your faith
It's just It is It is like this
Your prayer itself Is some effort That you're
gonna put And the question will be How
much of an effort You're willing to put
forth for your religion For your faith Because
Hajar ﷺ Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the Sahaba
Founded our religion Upon that sacrifice and efforts
They have put the efforts This is the
foundation of Islam But then it's up to
me and you How can we carry that
religion And how much of an effort of
juhd We need to put So we can
actually maintain this faith For ourselves and for
our children It's a beautiful journey That I
ask Allah ﷻ to allow me and you
To visit the house of Allah Al-Ka
'aba And visit the masjid of the Prophet
ﷺ Al-Madinah Ya Rabbal Alameen And my
dear brothers and sisters As we are here
together I want us to be mindful That
subhanallah People around this world Is actually suffering
And we're blessed Wallahi we're blessed The Prophet
ﷺ He said If you wake up in
the morning And you have these three blessings
As if you own the entire world He
said مَنْ أَصْبَحَ مِنْكُمْ مُعَافًا فِي جَسَدِ You
wake up in the morning And you're feeling
healthy You don't need somebody To walk you
to the bathroom Or you don't need an
oxygen machine To breathe in and out smoothly
Or you don't need to go Three times
every week Because you have a kidney issue
And you need to get some care for
it And then he said أَمِنًا فِي سَرْبِ
Secure in our properties Secure in your own
property You're not feeling threatened You're sleeping in
the night And you're not afraid of any
danger That can threaten you Or your children
Or your spouses عِندَهُ قُوتُ يَوْمَ He said
the third blessing Is that you have a
meal for a day We're not talking about
investments We're not talking about long term plan
And your long term financial plan No, no,
no, we're talking about one meal You're not
concerned about What you're going to eat today
He said if you have these three blessings
As if you own the entire world And
so subhanAllah Even reflecting on the dua That
the Prophet ﷺ said As he was digging
the ditch For the battle of al-Khandaq
He said وَلَا تَصَدَّقْنَا وَلَا صَلَّيْنَا Like if
it's not from you ya Allah I would
never be able to pray and give sadaqah
And so today subhanAllah As I'm walking into
the masjid Into this khutbah Initially I wanted
to talk about My experience from Mecca and
Medina And alhamdulillah I was able to highlight
some Obviously the khutbah time is very straining
But inshaAllah if Allah wills for me And
you again to meet We'll share more of
my thoughts On my journey to Mecca and
Medina But then I learned about American Muslim
aid Sorry, American Egyptian aid And the brothers
here Just walking me through The struggle and
the pain That some people have In their
daily basis Having dialysis And kidney, different kidney
issues And how their How the struggle is
real And they just explained to me That
the pain of Even if you can afford
it It's about $150 To actually wash kidneys
3 times a week So they were explaining
to me Even despite the financial Burden on
people Because not everybody can afford This $150
a month Despite that It's just very painful
To go 3 times And every time you
need 4 hours For the process of Cleaning
your kidney 4 hours Every time you go
3 times a week The rest of your
life Subhanallah I can't even imagine this I
can't imagine this Huge burden And so we
ask Allah To bless us with health And
to continue to bless us With health To
continue To shower us with His blessings The
blessings that we know And the blessings that
we don't even know Ya Allah we ask
you We're so grateful for all the blessings
That you have showered us with Ya Allah
we're so grateful For all the blessings That
you have showered us with Ya Allah we're
so grateful For all the blessings that we
know And the blessings that we don't even
know Ya Allah we're so grateful For the
health as a blessing Ya Allah we're so
grateful For the health as a blessing Ya
Allah we ask you To protect us And
to protect our children From any ill diseases
Ya Allah we ask you To protect ourselves
And our children From all types of diseases
Ya Allah continue to bless us With the
health And Ya Allah we ask you To
make us among those Who will show gratitude
Through sadaqat Allahumma salli wa sallim wa ani'm
wa barik ala nabiyyina wa habibina wa muhammadina
wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasliman
katheera Say a few du'as insha Allah
As we're wrapping this khutbah up Bismillah
ar-Rahman ar-Rahim Wassalatu wassalamu ala rasool
Allah Sallallahu alayhi wasallam Right after the khutbah
insha Allah Ta'ala Highly encourage you insha
Allah Not to leave Until you leave something
Because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says If
you were to be grateful to Allah Allah
will increase These blessings for you Imam Ibn
al-Qayyim Rahmatullahi alayhi I'll say this and
I'll wrap this khutbah up By the will
of Allah ta'ala He said there is
difference between Alhamd wa shukr We all can
be hamid here Which means what?
Which means that we say alhamdulillah He said
it comes from the qalb wa lisan We
feel it, we'll feel thankful to Allah And
we say alhamdulillah He said that's alhamd But
al shukr Requires more than that Imam al
-Qayyim said Al shukr ya'ti min al qalb
Wa al lisan wa al jawarih He said
To be shakir now is a bit more
It requires more effort from you Because it
comes from the heart Yes like alhamd And
it comes from the tongue Yes like alhamd
But now also should be demonstrated Through your
actions Which means that you give For Allah
azza wa jal To show that you are
grateful to Allah azza wa jal So yes
my dear brothers and sisters We have an
opportunity here To help those who are in
pain In Egypt Who are going through these
kind of diseases May Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala accept from me and you Ya rabbal
alameen Allahumma salli wa sallim wa anhum wa
barik Ala nabiyyina wa habibina muhammadin Wa ala
alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasliman kathiran Allahumma
ghafil lana dhinubana wa israfana fi amrina Thabbit
aqdamana wa ansurna al qawm al kafireen Allahumma
arina al haqqa haqqan Wa arzuqna ittiba'a
Arina al baatila baatila Wa arzuqna ittinaba Rabbana
hab lana min azwajina wa dhuriyatina Qurra ta
'ayun Wa ja'alna al muttaqina imama Wa
aqim al salat Inna al salata kanat alal
mu'mineen Kitaban mawquta Allahu
Akbar La ilaha illallah Allahu
Akbar Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen
Arrahmanirrahim Maliki yawmiddeen Iyyaka na'budu Wa iyyaka
nasta'een Ihdina al sirata al mustaqeem Sirata
al ladheena an'amta alayhim Ghayri al maghdoobi
alayhim Walad da'a Idha
ja'a nasru Allah Wal fath Warayta an
nasa Yadkhuluna Fi deeni Allah Bismillahirrahmanirrahim
Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen Arrahmanirrahim Maliki yawmiddeen
Iyyaka na'budu Wa iyyaka nasta'een Ihdina
al sirata al mustaqeem Sirata al ladheena an
'amta alayhim Ghayri al maghdoobi alayhim Tabat
yada'a bi lahab Watab Ma'a Aghna
'a An'hu ma'aluhu Wa ma'a
kasab Sayasla Na'ran Thata lahab Wa emra
'atuhu hammalat Al hatab Fi jidha Hablum Min
masad Allahu akbar Sami'a
allahu liman hamidah Salamu
alaykum Wa rahmatullahi Salamu alaykum Wa
rahmatullahi Salamu alaykum Wa rahmatullahi Salamu alaykum Salamu
alaykum Wa rahmatullahi As the Shaykh announced The
brother sitting in the back If you wanna
contribute to the dialysis centers Please stop by
the table over there and we have someone
taking shahadah, Sebastiaan, can you bring him to
the front?
So someone is taking shahadah inshallah.
Is he with you?
Alright so Sebastiaan inshallah is taking shahadah and
the process is very simple and fast, usually
takes like two hours.
You okay with that?
No I'm just kidding.
I'm just warning you after you say shahadah,
after you say the statement, they're going to
hug you.
That's normal, okay?
Okay, bismillah.
I just want to give him another warning,
because after you get your shahadah inshallah you
take it, everybody will say allahu akbar.
This is just out of excitement, don't get
it wrong, okay?
Okay, say after me inshallah.
You ready?
Are you ready?
Do you have your microphone?
So say after me in Arabic first and
then English.
We'll see if you pass the test, the
Arabic test.
So say after me.
I bear witness that there
no god worthy of worship except Allah.
And I bear witness that Muhammad is the
messenger of Allah.
You're taking the shahadah?
You can take it one more time.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless your
journey ya rabbal alameen, and may Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala make your heart firm on
the faith ya rabbal alameen.
We're so happy to have you here.
Please congratulate him inshallah.
I bear witness that there is no god
worthy of worship except Allah.
And I bear witness that Muhammad is the
messenger of Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger
of Allah.
I bear
witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
I bear witness that there is no god
worthy of worship except Allah.
And I bear witness that Muhammad is the
messenger of Allah.
And I bear witness that Muhammad is the
messenger of Allah.