Yousef Bakeer – Reflecting on Surah Mu’minoon

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The Surah of the Quran is a scary journey that requires testing faith and understanding variables to achieve the level of Eman. The importance of the surah in shaping people's perception and the potential for forgiveness and mercy is emphasized in the Darrow Conference, a reminder of the need to help people through hardships and struggles. Islam's teachings and forgiveness and mercy are also discussed, with a focus on the importance of forgiveness and mercy for individuals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim o salat wa salam ala Rasulillah. While he was

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happy, he was still in the Sleeman, cafiero Ahmedabad.

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So along the next few minutes, we're going to be spending some

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time on some reflections of Surah that, in my opinion, is one of the

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most powerful sources in the Quran. That's called turut almak

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minimoon Surah of the believers, Allah subhanaw taala has named

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that believers because of the reasons that I'm going to mention

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insha Allah to Allah. So today, we're just gonna go very quick an

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overview about the surah and and and my goal in sha Allah Tala is

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after this talk, that me and you go back to the surah in the Quran

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and the most half. And check it out. If you know Allah, if you

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recite it with a translation that changes, the translation is enough

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for you to really get hit with the powerful meaning of of this

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beautiful surah. So Allah subhanaw taala starts off the entire Surah

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by saying F la minimoon the believers, indeed will be

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But this is a conclusion. So Allah starts of the surah with a

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conclusion. And then Allah is going to mention how can me and

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you get a high Eman that allow us to achieve that level of success.

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So right after this ayah Allah subhanaw taala started listing the

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qualities of the believers, he mentioned, you know, couple of

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qualities that I want you to check out in sha Allah, Allah when you

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go home. And then after chicken, these qualities, so bear with me,

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he starts out by saying the conclusion believers are

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successful. And here is some of the things that you need to know

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about who the believer is, these are the qualities and right after

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this, he gave us a solution he gave us that the mean that the

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what's called the method to follow. So we can achieve that

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level of Eman. You want to achieve that level of Eman. Here is the

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list of things that we need to do. He said, first, you need to know

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who Allah subhanaw taala is, by the way, sortimo muralism akin

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Surah it was revealed in Mecca. And most of the sources that were

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revealed in Mecca, speaks about Allah, the creation of Allah, the

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beauty of the creation of Allah, the beauty of the universe, the

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beauty of, you know, the creation of mankind, speaks about the

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unseen world speaks about the Day of Judgment speaks about the

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angels, it's all about a man. All of these sources are focused on

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email, the McKenzie was the Macedonian tourists are focused

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more into the rulings and rulings a fasting rule itself, you know,

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has rulings of Salah all of that. So my cancers are so powerful, so

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powerful. So Allah has sort of the Moon Moon,

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again starts off the surah by saying what the conclusion

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believers are successful. And here are the qualities and then he

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spoke about the creation of mankind lie I did this exercise

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with my students one time it was mind boggling. I told them go and

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look for your ultrasound pictures.

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Go and look for your own ultrasound pictures and bring it

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up to me tomorrow. And we got these ultrasound pictures. And we

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match it with the steps that Allah subhanaw taala has mentioned here

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in certain moments and and how Allah created the baby in the

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womb. And how are the steps the development of the steps and

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Subhanallah you can match these pictures, just the baby want to

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start like a little dot and then it grows and just match it with

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the surah Wallah. It's mind boggling. We need to do this today

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in sha Allah Tala when you go home, if you have if you still

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have the pictures of the ultrasound of your children, bring

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your child open up so little mommy noon, and show him and tell him

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Allah has is mentioning here. The steps on how you developed in the

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womb of your mother.

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What else certainty attain you need, you know to prove the Quran

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right? Subhanallah Subhanallah and then after this, Allah subhanaw

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taala speaks about something even greater. Is there anything greater

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than the creation of human being? Yes, the creation of God of the

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universe of the sky of the earth of the entire universe recently,

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you know, we've got to see this beautiful pictures of the

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universe. Hala magnificent

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picture of the universe that should remind us by Allah subhanaw

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taala. how huge the universe is, just remind you by who Allah

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subhanaw taala is. So here's what the moon, after Allah speaks about

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the creation of mankind spoke about the creation of the universe

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after this, spoke about two of the prophets, to have the prophets,

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prophets know Hello Salam also speaks about how he was resilient

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950 years given Dawa his his, his major motivation was this idea and

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this aspect of faith. Remember this surah was revealed to the

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Sahaba for Salah, Salah Salem only when they were very weak, scared,

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you know, the DA was just in the baby steps. And they were they

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needed that support that help to help them go through that

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difficult time. So Allah is reminding them actually a reminder

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for definitely for us as well. That Prophet knew, you know,

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sacrificed way more than you. That's that's the message of Allah

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subhanaw taala. And then he mentioned the story of Prophet

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Musa alayhis salam, it's all in one Surah Surah three movie noon,

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brothers and sisters, we need to check it out today in Shallowater,

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Prophet Musa alayhis, Salam and the fitna that he went through,

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and the difficulty the hardships facing Pharaoh and whatnot. It's a

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journey of pain, journey of difficulties. And in an IRA bisa

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de and he mentioned that like Allah is with me, I'm just I have

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this tranquility because I know for a fact that my Eman will help

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me go over all of these hardships and difficulties. And after this

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towards the end of the surah beautiful surah. Again, Wallahi

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highly recommend this for all of us just that translation is

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sufficient inshallah for all of us towards the end of the surah Allah

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subhanaw taala

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speak strongly about one of the scenes that's going to occur on

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the day of judgments. And I'll tell you that you know, it's a

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little scary. The last last page is a little scary, because Allah

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subhanaw taala speaks about one of the scenes that's going to happen.

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He starts off from an Fabula Xenu for like a movie Haroon, those who

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have heavy weight on their good deeds, they're going to be

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successful. Omaha Faulkner was you know, for like Latina hospital and

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for some fija Hannah Mahalia Dune, and those who don't have enough

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good deeds and their skill, they will be permanently in hellfire.

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And then he started describing how they will be, you know, how's

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their status and the day and the hellfire? He said telfa who would

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you have woman? Tell her who who now? We're Humphrey Hi Kelly. Who?

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That the fire will slap their faces. Well, homecare will home

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for you How can the home can hold such a heavy word that their faces

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will be affected by the Hellfire to the point that they will look

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And I'm taking it to Clara Lake Consequently, I had to cut the

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bone we reminded you by the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala and you

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have denied all of the signs of Allah subhanaw taala you've seen

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it. The Prophet Sierra was brought to you and you denied it. The

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beauty of Islam was brought brought to you and you mark the

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prophets, you mark the disbelievers today, you are going

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to be permanently in hellfire. And then he said Paul would have been

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Allah but Allah and Aisha Cortona Hakuna comando Lena Oh Allah we

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weren't able to accept the truth and we were misguided

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Robin Krishna Mina Oh ALLAH beautiful as here I mean strong is

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very strong guys. Robin Krishna Mina Oh ALLAH just give us another

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chance another opportunity for in for in Navali moon and if we go

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back and we've turned back to our status our behavior of previous

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behavior then in Navali moon then we will we will be among those who

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committed and just students to themselves. Call set Ophelia wala

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to Kalamoon told them like you know what, just stay permanently

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hellfire and led to Kalamoon don't even pray anymore. This is not the

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time for prayer. You got plenty of time on the on the on the dunya to

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pray and to ask Allah subhanaw taala for forgiveness, and you did

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not now you don't you don't get to talk led to call him now who can

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afford your community bediako loan there are a small group of people

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that maybe the thought that they're a minority

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now can affect your community bediako loan Rebecca, Amanda

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farfield. And our handle antihero I mean, they asked for forgiveness

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and mercy. And today I'm going to give them that mercy and

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So again, overview about the surah starts off by the moment are

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successful and then you

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After this the quality of the believers and then mainly all

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McCain sewers, creation of Allah subhanaw taala Creation of the

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Universe creation of human beings. And then while the ultimate Pm is

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some scenes of the day of judgment for me and you to soften our

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hearts and to accept the truth, and to know that we're here in a

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temporary life that we need to do our best for us to go to Allah

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subhanaw taala on the Day of Judgment with the highest level of

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Amen. So may Allah subhanaw taala. Grant us this high level of Eman

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Amin, Amin aerobill alameen Jessa, Kamala and on Santa Monica Monica

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