Yousef Bakeer – Mecca And Medina Lessons In Tranquility Worship And Perseverance

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The importance of sakinah in bringing knowledge and energy to homes and masjoids is discussed, along with the importance of bringing the spirit of the Prophet to daily life. The speaker discusses the concept ofitions and struggles in Islam, including the belief that the Prophet has the power to stop people from walking and not just leave Mecca to Al, and the importance of avoiding falsehood and preserving the lives of loved ones. Additionally, the importance of avoiding suffering and preserving the lives of loved ones is emphasized.
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By Allah, if it's not from Allah, we
would never be guided.
And we would never be able to pray,
and we would never be able to give
And Ya Allah, descend tranquility and serene to
this city.
That's the dua of the Prophet ﷺ.
So this is the highest level of sakinah
that you can reach in your entire life.
When you walk into the masjid of the
Prophet ﷺ, and in it is al-Rawdah
al-Sharifah, the place where the Prophet ﷺ
used to pray to Allah عز و جل.
And this place is the highest level of
You will never taste something like this anywhere
Yes, Madinah al-Sakinah.
But then the question, and what was in
the back of my head as I'm experiencing
this, I said to myself, how can we
actually bring this spirit, this beauty, this sakinah
to our homes, and to our communities, and
to our masjids?
Because Madinah is known by two things, like
I said, sakinah, and number two is knowledge.
Madinah al-Munawwara is the place for knowledge.
It attracts knowledge seekers.
It had many of the great giant scholars
throughout the history.
Started by the first teacher, the Prophet ﷺ
himself ﷺ.
And then the sahaba who dedicated their times,
Abdullah ibn Abbas as a great mufassir, Abdullah
ibn Mas'ud as a great mufassir, and
others who dedicated their times, and that was
their place of spreading knowledge.
Wallahi, as I was just looking at the
walls of the masjid of Madinah, I can
imagine if these walls were to talk, they
will tell us a lot of stories about
how many Qur'an has been, you know,
hearing in a daily basis, how many khatmas,
how many discussions, how many classes, how many
interpretations of the Qur'an these walls heard.
So it is the place of knowledge.
Imam al-Madinah, who was Imam Malik ﷺ,
so even after the sahaba, this knowledge journey
continued in the place of the Prophet ﷺ
in Madinah.
One of the imams of Madinah is Imam
Malik, the one who founded Fiqh al-Maliki.
Imam Malik, they used to say, Imam Malik
la yufta wa malik fil Madinah.
So no one should dare to give fatwa
if Imam Malik is there.
They go to Imam Malik.
Because Imam Malik has all of his knowledge.
Imam Malik never taught anywhere else but in
He used to say, I'm here close to
the Prophet ﷺ.
I will not go anywhere else.
I will dedicate my entire life.
He used to not ride a camel or
a horse out of respect to the Prophet
Imam Malik has written his great book, al
-Muwatta' in Madinah.
And then many scholars, we don't have time
to go through the history and go through
giants of scholars of hadith, of tafsir, of
But then in my mind was, how do
we bring this spirit to our communities, to
our masajid, to our families?
How can I bring Madinah atmosphere in my
Is there a way to do this?
I'll be very honest, you will not reach
that high level of sakinah and knowledge for
But you actually can bring some of this
energy in your home.
I want us to ask ourselves, what was
the last time we prayed in our homes?
Because prayer brings this sakinah.
How many, how many, when was the last
time we had that very private prayer in
the last, in the depth of the night,
in our homes?
And we were asking Allah and we were
just opening our hearts to Allah subhanahu wa
Sometimes we really concern, we complain that we
don't find that peace in our homes.
But then the Prophet ﷺ said it.
He said, do not make your home as
a graveyard.
And the sahaba said, what do you mean
by this?
He said, when you are home, pray in
your home.
Put Qur'an in your home.
That brings sakinah.
That brings tranquility and peace in your home.
And then alhamdulillah here in Dallas, we're blessed.
Have many institutes around.
I believe the scholars in here in Dallas
and all over the world are an extension
legacy of the Prophet ﷺ.
Yes, if we're not able to live in
Al-Madinah, but we can bring some of
this spirit, some of this spirit of Al
Yes, we can.
Alhamdulillah, we're blessed.
Look around you, 30 miles, 50 miles from
You will find a lot of institutions that
teaches the Islamic knowledge.
So yes, there is an opportunity for me
and you.
So as we are exiting Al-Madinah, we
went in a 4 or 5 hours, you
know, drive to Mecca Al-Mukarramah.
And subhanallah, it was very peaceful.
Alhamdulillah, we had a lot of excitement and
peace as we are driving to Mecca Al
-Mukarramah with the shabab, with the youth.
We started saying some dhikr, some nasheed.
And then reflecting on the Prophet ﷺ's journey.
Prophet's journey.
4 or 5 hours driving.
And I looked at our group and said,
subhanallah, the Prophet ﷺ did not drive from
Mecca to Al-Madinah.
The Prophet ﷺ had to walk.
Had to walk.
And not just hiking from Mecca to Al
This is not just a normal hiking.
It is a painful journey.
Feeling threatened.
Feeling that you may not be able to
make it.
Feeling that the worries about his ummah ﷺ.
He wasn't concerned about himself.
But he was concerned about the entire ummah
as he is leaving Mecca to Al-Madinah.
And a real struggle.
Going from a mountain to another.
Trying to hide here and there.
And then we reflected on this concept of
What hijrah means?
The root of the word hijrah is hajara.
And hajara means to forsake, to leave, to
We reflected on this.
We all are in a place where we
really need to quit certain things around us.
Certain bad habits around us.
Certain behavior.
Certain people.
We all are at that level that we
need to make that decision of removing these
sins and quitting these sins.
Just like the Prophet ﷺ has left Mecca
to go to Al-Madinah.
The concept of hijrah.
Reflected a lot on that.
And then we finally arrived to Mecca Al
Mecca is a different city.
And obviously you are in Mecca.
But you will find the difference.
Because Mecca, once you walk in, you will
feel that your faith is getting tested right
Everyone is engaged in their ibadahs.
And as you're walking, you are tested.
You may get stepped on.
You may get pushed a little bit.
You may get in a place where you
just can lose your temper.
So every single step is a test for
your faith.
As you're doing the tawaf.
Every single step.
No arguments.
It's a test.
And think about it.
Mecca was a rough place for the Prophet
This is the place where the Prophet ﷺ
was tortured.
And his sahaba were tortured.
And eventually the dawah of Islam reached Mecca.
And converted all of these thousands and thousands
of people.
In the last final hajj, the Prophet ﷺ
had about 100,000 people in front of
So it was a unique place.
I summarize Mecca as the place of jalal.
Greatness of Allah.
Greatness of ibadah.
Because yes, it takes a lot for you
to perform this ibadah with ihsan.
In Mecca Al-Mukarramah.
And then you go to As-Sa'i.
Another concept.
Just the time of the khutbah was not
allowing me to go all the way.
But I can talk hours and hours about
this beautiful visit.
As you go and you go seven times.
Where Hajar ﷺ was walking and running.
And she was desperate to find the water
even though there were no signs of water.
This concept of Sa'i, this concept of
This concept of struggle.
Yes, it is a struggle.
We face this struggle in a different way.
Maybe you don't look like other people in
your workplace.
Or maybe it takes an effort for you
to pray while you're in your job.
Or it takes an effort for you to
go all the way to attend khutbah here
while you have a lot of other commitments.
Maybe it takes a lot of effort for
you and sacrifice to say the truth.
To speak freely.
To actually show your identity.
Different types of sacrifice.
Different types of sacrifice that we have.
And as you go through the Sa'i,
you will have to reflect on this.
This is the foundation of Islam.
This is where Islam was founded.
It was founded in Makkah and it was
founded in Madinah.
So you go back basically to your roots.
And you will find this connection.
May Allah ﷻ allow me and you to
visit Makkah al-Mukarramah al-Madinah al-Munawarah.
I say this and ask Allah ﷻ to
forgive me and you.
In the
name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most
And peace and blessings be upon the Messenger
of Allah and upon his family and companions.
And peace be upon many.
O Allah, forgive us our sins and our
transgressions in our affairs.
And strengthen our feet and help us against
the disbelieving people.
O Allah, show us the truth as the
truth and grant us to follow it.
Show us the falsehood as the falsehood and
grant us to avoid it.
O Allah, we ask you to grant us
the ability to visit Makkah al-Mukarramah.
Grant us the ability to visit Madinah al
-Munawarah, the city of our beloved Prophet Muhammad
O Allah, we ask you to bring the
spirit and the atmosphere of Madinah in our
homes, in our masjids, in our communities.
And O Allah, we ask you in this
blessed moment of Friday to alleviate the suffering
of our brothers and sisters in Palestine.
O Allah, alleviate their suffering.
O Allah, we ask you to preserve our
brothers and sisters in Syria.
O Allah, preserve them.
O Allah, bring them back to their homes
safe and sound.
O Allah, bring our brothers and sisters in
Syria safe and sound to their homes.