Yousef Bakeer – Lessons From Surah Fussilat

Yousef Bakeer
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AI: Summary ©

The speakers discuss various topics related to Islam, including the return of Islam to Sharla, the importance of not giving up on one's beliefs, the three things that Islam wants to see, and the importance of being a Muslim and not being afraid. They also touch on the difficulties of selling a car to a Muslim seller and the importance of bringing in their own experiences and words to change others' lives. The segment emphasizes the need for men to deliver the words of Islam to others and offers advice on being a successful Muslim.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:00 --> 00:00:04
			hamdulillah Madhu, who want to
stay in who want to start from
00:00:04 --> 00:00:08
			when I will be later on? I mean
surely and fusina or sejati
00:00:08 --> 00:00:13
			Marlena ena whom and Yachty Hilah
who Philomel villa for Menuett.
00:00:13 --> 00:00:17
			Lil fella heard yella, ye shadow
Allah ilaha illallah wa the hula
00:00:17 --> 00:00:21
			Cherie Kala, a shadow under
Mohammed and Abu rasool
00:00:22 --> 00:00:26
			Allah subhanaw taala says in the
Quran, yeah.
00:00:28 --> 00:00:37
			Are you Levine man otaku more. It
Terkel law has gotten caught in
00:00:37 --> 00:00:38
00:00:40 --> 00:00:43
			Walla termo tune
00:00:44 --> 00:00:46
			and to Muslim
00:00:48 --> 00:00:53
			he says all believers have taqwa
and ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala which
00:00:53 --> 00:00:57
			means that we should be conscious
of him, we should be aware of him,
00:00:58 --> 00:01:01
			and we should protect ourselves
from his punishment and his wrath.
00:01:02 --> 00:01:06
			And we should not allow ourselves
to die except in a state of
00:01:06 --> 00:01:10
			submission to a state of la ilaha
illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah
00:01:10 --> 00:01:16
			sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I
begin my hotbar by asking Allah
00:01:16 --> 00:01:19
			Allah subhana wa Taala first and
foremost, to send blessings and
00:01:19 --> 00:01:22
			prayers upon our beloved prophet
muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
00:01:22 --> 00:01:27
			sallam Allahumma salli wa sallim
wa barik ala Nabi in our Habib
00:01:27 --> 00:01:31
			anna Muhammad in while early he
was happy he will sell them to
00:01:31 --> 00:01:33
			steam and cathedra Am I bad?
00:01:35 --> 00:01:39
			Allah Subhana Allah says in surah
00:01:40 --> 00:01:44
			in the Latina CalU Rob Boon Allah
through muster calm
00:01:46 --> 00:01:47
			that an SLO Allah human will Mala
00:01:49 --> 00:01:53
			Allah the half Hafele wallet
doesn't know what app Shirou
00:01:53 --> 00:01:58
			Bilgin let him let him continue to
I don't know I will Yeah. Oh come
00:01:58 --> 00:02:03
			Phil Hayato dunya Ashira wala
confy her Malatesta he and Phu
00:02:03 --> 00:02:08
			Kham wala configure method down.
No zoulah mineral afforded Raheem
00:02:08 --> 00:02:15
			woman acid or colon, maman di il
Allah He were Anila Saudi had a
00:02:15 --> 00:02:17
			call it in the Nieminen Mussolini.
00:02:19 --> 00:02:24
			Allah he this is always give me
goosebumps just thinking about the
00:02:24 --> 00:02:30
			idea that the angels is certain
people that has certain
00:02:30 --> 00:02:37
			characteristics that Allah
promises. And this is he said, If
00:02:37 --> 00:02:44
			you meet these requirements, then
that an SLO Allahu Allah aka
00:02:44 --> 00:02:49
			number one first and foremost, the
angels will be descending to them
00:02:49 --> 00:02:52
			that NSL he didn't even say Tenzin
in Mala
00:02:53 --> 00:02:58
			Mala meaning that constantly going
down the angels will go down to
00:02:58 --> 00:03:01
			them will meet them that
unnecessarily will allow him will
00:03:01 --> 00:03:06
			Malika and then the melodica will
have a conversation with these
00:03:06 --> 00:03:11
			people as their departure from
this dunya the melodica will say,
00:03:11 --> 00:03:19
			let Hafele wala Tarzana what a
pure three things The angels will
00:03:19 --> 00:03:23
			say, Let The Hafele today there is
no fear
00:03:24 --> 00:03:28
			because leaving this dunya and
meeting Allah subhanaw taala
00:03:30 --> 00:03:33
			and the idea of presenting your
deeds and my deeds to Allah
00:03:33 --> 00:03:36
			subhanaw taala is something that
is very heavy,
00:03:37 --> 00:03:38
			something terrifying.
00:03:39 --> 00:03:46
			And so the answers will come and
will give comfort to those people
00:03:46 --> 00:03:48
			who are meeting these requirements
that I'm going to be talking
00:03:48 --> 00:03:52
			about. The angels will come and
give you comfort and will tell you
00:03:52 --> 00:03:58
			there is no fear. Let the half
don't Don't be afraid. No worries,
00:03:58 --> 00:03:59
			your good.
00:04:00 --> 00:04:06
			wallet has no and also there is no
sadness. There is absolutely
00:04:06 --> 00:04:10
			nothing you should be worried
about today. There is absolutely
00:04:10 --> 00:04:14
			nothing you should be sad for
today. What I've shared Shiro Bill
00:04:14 --> 00:04:17
			Jana alecky continue to add
00:04:18 --> 00:04:23
			and we're bringing you the answers
are talking. We're bringing you
00:04:23 --> 00:04:28
			the good news today. You are the
word agenda. Your final
00:04:28 --> 00:04:34
			destination is agenda. app should
or Bill Chana, let you continue to
00:04:34 --> 00:04:38
			add the Allah subhanaw taala has
promised you know to you in your
00:04:38 --> 00:04:39
00:04:40 --> 00:04:46
			not only this, Allah subhanaw
taala says after this nano Alia
00:04:46 --> 00:04:52
			Phil hieratic dunya often after
meeting those requirements, having
00:04:52 --> 00:04:57
			those characteristics that I'm
about to say. Allah says he will
00:04:57 --> 00:04:59
			be usually now
00:05:00 --> 00:05:01
			Would ya confit dunya was in
00:05:02 --> 00:05:08
			usually in this dunya and usually
in the after. So why will he
00:05:08 --> 00:05:12
			means? You know, when somebody
gets married, we always hear the
00:05:12 --> 00:05:18
			word bully, who is the basically
the father of the bride. Right?
00:05:18 --> 00:05:23
			And why the father is there is
because he wants to make sure that
00:05:23 --> 00:05:28
			all the rights of his daughter is
preserved. He's the one who's
00:05:28 --> 00:05:32
			going to defend her. If anything
goes wrong. He's the only he's
00:05:32 --> 00:05:35
			he's the one who protects her.
00:05:36 --> 00:05:39
			Allah here and Allah * matter
methyl Allah for Allah belongs the
00:05:39 --> 00:05:43
			best of examples. Allah here
saying that I will be the one who
00:05:43 --> 00:05:44
			protects you.
00:05:46 --> 00:05:49
			In this dunya and in the Accra,
you should not be worried about
00:05:49 --> 00:05:51
			anything. I'll take care of you.
00:05:53 --> 00:05:55
			Now I will Yeah, I will hieratic
dunya often
00:05:57 --> 00:06:01
			that's a massive word, just
thinking about all of this. Now we
00:06:01 --> 00:06:02
			want to know,
00:06:03 --> 00:06:07
			who are these people, because
every single one in this room
00:06:07 --> 00:06:12
			wants to be among those people,
who will be angels go down to them
00:06:12 --> 00:06:15
			and give them comfort as the
departure from this dunya. And
00:06:15 --> 00:06:19
			even in the in this dunya, you
will be protected, you will be
00:06:19 --> 00:06:22
			defended by Allah subhanaw taala
every single one of us want to be
00:06:22 --> 00:06:27
			among those people. So what are
these requirements? Allah starts
00:06:27 --> 00:06:32
			out by saying, first and foremost,
there are three things. And these
00:06:32 --> 00:06:36
			three things we really want to,
you know, internalize it today,
00:06:36 --> 00:06:39
			before we live in Sharla. Three
00:06:40 --> 00:06:45
			Number one, he said in the Levina
call, what a boon Allah.
00:06:46 --> 00:06:47
			What does that mean?
00:06:48 --> 00:06:49
			The Scholars say,
00:06:50 --> 00:06:54
			those who say Allah is my Lord.
That's the translation of the of
00:06:54 --> 00:07:00
			the phrase. The Scholars say it
means that you're always thinking
00:07:00 --> 00:07:03
			and conscious about Allah subhanaw
taala. When you wake up in the
00:07:03 --> 00:07:07
			morning, experts say, the first
thing that you think about in the
00:07:07 --> 00:07:09
			morning, we'll have an impact on
you, the rest of the day will
00:07:09 --> 00:07:13
			shape the way you think the rest
of the day. Imagine when you wake
00:07:13 --> 00:07:16
			up, the first thing you think
about is Who is Allah subhanaw
00:07:16 --> 00:07:20
			taala meaning that you're actually
consciously you're conscious of
00:07:20 --> 00:07:24
			Allah subhanaw taala at all times,
since you wake up, and you're
00:07:24 --> 00:07:28
			watching Allah subhanaw taala in
your actions throughout the day,
00:07:28 --> 00:07:32
			and just before you go to sleep,
you're always remembering Allah
00:07:32 --> 00:07:36
			and you're making dua, and you're
actually reminding yourself by
00:07:36 --> 00:07:39
			Allah subhanaw taala before you
sleep, so that's the first part.
00:07:39 --> 00:07:44
			But he said that is an actually an
addition to this, a Levina call
00:07:44 --> 00:07:50
			Robin Allah, meaning Well, meaning
you're not shying away from your
00:07:50 --> 00:07:54
			faith in public. You are seeing
Allah's mercy, Lord, I'm Muslim.
00:07:55 --> 00:08:01
			I'm not shy, to show my own
identity and my own faith outside.
00:08:01 --> 00:08:04
			I will go and if I'm in a mall,
and I want to make Hulu, I will go
00:08:04 --> 00:08:08
			and make Hulu, I will put my feet
in the sink and wash my feet.
00:08:09 --> 00:08:15
			I'm not shying away from my own
faith. I'm not, you know, I'm not
00:08:15 --> 00:08:19
			putting myself down. Just because
I'm telling the world that a
00:08:19 --> 00:08:24
			Muslim, a Lavina call Rob goon
Allah, you're out there in your
00:08:24 --> 00:08:29
			workplace, and you're not afraid
of wearing a coffee. You're out
00:08:29 --> 00:08:32
			there in your workplace. And
you're actually you know,
00:08:32 --> 00:08:35
			pronouncing your name Muhammad,
you're not afraid of saying
00:08:35 --> 00:08:39
			Muhammad. I wouldn't even name
myself more I would say Muhammad,
00:08:39 --> 00:08:43
			Allah Vina call Robin Allah,
you're proud of your own faith and
00:08:43 --> 00:08:45
			your your own identity.
00:08:46 --> 00:08:51
			In the Latina call Robin Allah,
that's number one, a Latina call
00:08:51 --> 00:08:55
			Robin Allah, you know, this idea
was revealed to the people of
00:08:55 --> 00:09:00
			Makkah. And at that time was so
hard to actually, you know,
00:09:00 --> 00:09:05
			pronounce your your are saying out
loud, that you're Muslim. There is
00:09:05 --> 00:09:11
			a heavy price tag on saying you're
Muslim at that time. And yet the
00:09:11 --> 00:09:14
			Sahaba went through these
sacrifices and the actually
00:09:14 --> 00:09:17
			publicly announced that they're
Muslims after the three years of,
00:09:17 --> 00:09:21
			of the of the secret data, they
went out there and said, you know,
00:09:21 --> 00:09:26
			what, I will, I will take it I
will take if there is some society
00:09:26 --> 00:09:29
			consequences or society, you know,
regardless of the society
00:09:29 --> 00:09:33
			pressures, I will still go out
there and say I'm muslim.
00:09:34 --> 00:09:40
			So that's number one. If we're
able to not be shy, and showing
00:09:40 --> 00:09:44
			our identity and Allah has always
we're striving to always be
00:09:44 --> 00:09:47
			mindful of Allah. Then you
actually got the first
00:09:47 --> 00:09:52
			characteristics of the people that
they will actually be comfortable
00:09:52 --> 00:09:56
			as they're leaving this dunya and
meeting Allah number two.
00:09:57 --> 00:10:00
			So Mr. Karma that's very simple.
00:10:01 --> 00:10:05
			stir karma in Arabic language it
means in English language, it
00:10:05 --> 00:10:10
			means steadfastness. And Abdullah
has made it very simple. He said,
00:10:10 --> 00:10:16
			If you want to be able to preserve
your obligations, Salah LCM has
00:10:17 --> 00:10:21
			all of your obligatory acts that
Allah subhanaw taala has asked you
00:10:21 --> 00:10:26
			to do. So that's, that's very
simple so far. You're mindful of
00:10:26 --> 00:10:31
			Allah, you're not shying away from
going out there and showing your
00:10:31 --> 00:10:35
			identity. And then number three,
you're just doing what Allah
00:10:35 --> 00:10:38
			subhanaw taala has obligated you
to do
00:10:39 --> 00:10:42
			in terms of a Baghdad number
00:10:44 --> 00:10:47
			this is very important.
00:10:48 --> 00:10:55
			And that is an additional task,
every single Muslim has to fulfill
00:10:56 --> 00:11:01
			in the last hotbar of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He
00:11:01 --> 00:11:07
			said few words. He said Allah fell
you by a little harder mean
00:11:07 --> 00:11:07
00:11:09 --> 00:11:10
			He said now you know my Deen
00:11:12 --> 00:11:18
			now it becomes an obligatory upon
you to go and to deliver that Deen
00:11:18 --> 00:11:25
			to others to deliver the words of
Islam to others to do your Dawa
00:11:26 --> 00:11:30
			just heard the our beautiful
brother is talking about this
00:11:30 --> 00:11:35
			project, beautiful projects that
are training for children Wallahi
00:11:35 --> 00:11:39
			that one inspired me to even talk
about the subject in this hotbar
00:11:40 --> 00:11:43
			it was beautiful hearing that
there is actually this beautiful
00:11:43 --> 00:11:47
			initiative. We're actually
training our children at very
00:11:47 --> 00:11:52
			young age, to carry that
responsibility of la ilaha
00:11:52 --> 00:11:55
			illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah
sallallahu sallam. So again, the
00:11:55 --> 00:12:02
			prophet in the last hash, he said
now, it becomes obligatory upon
00:12:02 --> 00:12:07
			you to deliver the words of Islam
to others in this ayah that I
00:12:07 --> 00:12:11
			mentioned at the beginning of, of
the hotbar Allah subhanaw taala
00:12:11 --> 00:12:17
			says woman s and colon, men men
die il Allah, wa Milla salah,
00:12:17 --> 00:12:24
			there is absolutely nothing more
rewarding. There is absolutely
00:12:24 --> 00:12:30
			nothing more than words and then
die ill Allah conveying the words
00:12:30 --> 00:12:35
			of Allah subhanho wa Taala to
others, leading the world knew
00:12:36 --> 00:12:40
			what Islam is, who the Prophet
sallallahu wasallam is.
00:12:41 --> 00:12:45
			And I Wallahi I acknowledge and
understand that every single one
00:12:45 --> 00:12:50
			here in this room has different
capacity. Not everybody is able
00:12:50 --> 00:12:55
			to, you know, give inspirational
talks, or be in a debate, not
00:12:55 --> 00:12:58
			everybody has this capacity.
That's why these beautiful
00:12:58 --> 00:13:02
			initiatives will come to place,
then at least what we did not do
00:13:02 --> 00:13:08
			to ourselves and the indication
that we lacked, at least we
00:13:08 --> 00:13:13
			actually ask our children to go
and to pursue this, to pursue that
00:13:13 --> 00:13:18
			knowledge that can actually shape
them to grow up as Muslims we are
00:13:18 --> 00:13:22
			confident Muslims, that the
actually can speak about their own
00:13:22 --> 00:13:28
			faith, their own religion, and can
defend anyone who's trying to hurt
00:13:28 --> 00:13:31
			the words of Allah Allah, Allah
Allah Muhammad Rasul allah
00:13:31 --> 00:13:34
			sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Wallahi It's crucial.
00:13:36 --> 00:13:39
			Now for ourselves, for everybody
who's sitting in this room, you
00:13:39 --> 00:13:43
			may say, like, yes, given dollar,
but I can't give dollar. I don't
00:13:43 --> 00:13:45
			have enough knowledge to give
00:13:46 --> 00:13:49
			Subhanallah you know, couple of
days ago,
00:13:51 --> 00:13:56
			I have a friend of mine who wanted
to sell his car.
00:13:57 --> 00:14:00
			So he put his car on Facebook
00:14:01 --> 00:14:07
			And, you know, he uploaded the
pictures of his car. And his car
00:14:07 --> 00:14:13
			was $80,000. So he put the price
tag on his vehicle. And then he
00:14:13 --> 00:14:22
			got a buyer. He met the buyer. It
was it was 515. So he didn't make
00:14:22 --> 00:14:26
			it. The buyer came check the
inspected the car, everything is
00:14:26 --> 00:14:29
			looking good. And the buyer was
serious. And he told him I want to
00:14:29 --> 00:14:33
			buy this car from the buyers now
Muslim, the seller is Muslim.
00:14:34 --> 00:14:38
			So the buyer told him, I want to
buy this car from you, but it's
00:14:38 --> 00:14:44
			now you know it past five and the
bank is closed. So we cannot make
00:14:44 --> 00:14:48
			this transaction now. It means
that we have to come tomorrow. So
00:14:48 --> 00:14:52
			the Muslim seller told him that's
fine. You know, we'll meet
00:14:52 --> 00:14:52
00:14:53 --> 00:14:58
			And I will you know, finish all
the process tomorrow. Then the
00:14:58 --> 00:14:59
			buyer got a little warm.
00:15:00 --> 00:15:05
			Read that maybe the seller will
get a better, you know, a better a
00:15:05 --> 00:15:10
			better rate on the car, a better
offer, and he will lose the car.
00:15:11 --> 00:15:15
			So the buyer told him, I really
want you to keep the car for me
00:15:15 --> 00:15:16
			until tomorrow.
00:15:18 --> 00:15:21
			And the seller told him, I'm going
to keep it for you. And you have
00:15:21 --> 00:15:22
			my word.
00:15:23 --> 00:15:24
			And then they left.
00:15:26 --> 00:15:32
			The buyer wanted to actually make
sure that he's serious about it.
00:15:32 --> 00:15:37
			So he logged in from different
account. And he contacted the
00:15:37 --> 00:15:42
			brother. And he told him, I want
to buy your car from you. And he
00:15:42 --> 00:15:45
			said, No, but I actually sold it.
He said, No, no, I'll give you
00:15:45 --> 00:15:48
			$20,000.02 Extra $1,000.
00:15:49 --> 00:15:51
			And I want to buy it now.
00:15:52 --> 00:15:54
			And the brother told him, I'm
sorry, I sold it.
00:15:56 --> 00:16:00
			The next day, the buyer came to
the seller, the Muslim said I told
00:16:00 --> 00:16:06
			him, by the way, I No offense, but
I'm the one who contacted you
00:16:06 --> 00:16:12
			yesterday, and I asked you to even
sell this car for two more $1,000
00:16:12 --> 00:16:15
			Sell it to me for extra $2,000.
And you rejected the offer.
00:16:17 --> 00:16:19
			And he told him yes, because I
give you my word.
00:16:20 --> 00:16:26
			And he told him this beautiful. He
told him by the way, these are the
00:16:26 --> 00:16:29
			teachings, the teachings of our
00:16:30 --> 00:16:33
			sallallahu wasallam. By the way,
we're talking in a world now that
00:16:33 --> 00:16:38
			don't have these values. When it
comes to business, nobody really
00:16:38 --> 00:16:40
			acts in that manner.
00:16:42 --> 00:16:46
			It's so hard to find people that
they still keeping their words, if
00:16:46 --> 00:16:51
			I give you my word, I will fulfill
my promise. So bizarre to find
00:16:51 --> 00:16:55
			this nowadays. That's why even
incorporate the call it work
00:16:55 --> 00:16:57
			ethics, basically Islamic values.
00:16:59 --> 00:17:04
			So the man told him listen, I give
you my word. And these are the
00:17:04 --> 00:17:08
			teachings of our Prophet the man
was it was, it was mind boggling
00:17:08 --> 00:17:14
			to that man to the buyer. You told
him I've never seen somebody does
00:17:14 --> 00:17:19
			this in America. It's so strange.
And the fact that you have done
00:17:19 --> 00:17:23
			this because of the teachings of
your prophet, I'm so curious now
00:17:23 --> 00:17:27
			to know who this guy is. Who's
Who's the Who's your prophet is.
00:17:29 --> 00:17:32
			This brother now is very serious
in sha Allah, Allah to take the
00:17:32 --> 00:17:34
			shahada and Valley Ranch messed up
in the light.
00:17:37 --> 00:17:39
			Just thinking about this,
00:17:40 --> 00:17:46
			the way you carry yourself, the
way that you deliver Islam to
00:17:46 --> 00:17:51
			others, does not require you to
always have tremendous knowledge
00:17:51 --> 00:17:51
			of Islam.
00:17:52 --> 00:17:55
			May Allah subhanaw taala make me
and you among those who will be
00:17:55 --> 00:17:58
			ambassadors of Islam your blood I
mean, a cold call you had our
00:17:58 --> 00:17:58
00:18:13 --> 00:18:17
			Smilla Rahmanir Rahim o salat wa
salam ala Rasulillah. While
00:18:17 --> 00:18:20
			earlier he was something he was
selling for slim and cathedra. And
00:18:20 --> 00:18:25
			my bad. Islam grew drastically
since the passing of our beloved
00:18:25 --> 00:18:28
			prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam and until now,
00:18:29 --> 00:18:33
			at the last hotbar of the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam, there were
00:18:33 --> 00:18:37
			about 100,000 people attending
this whole 100 1000s Hardly
00:18:37 --> 00:18:38
			attended this.
00:18:39 --> 00:18:43
			Until today, we have almost 2
billion Muslims around around the
00:18:43 --> 00:18:48
			globe. Islam is the fastest
growing religion. And these are
00:18:48 --> 00:18:50
			statistics these are numbers.
00:18:51 --> 00:18:58
			And I always, you know, educate
and teach our students that don't
00:18:58 --> 00:19:02
			think you're doing a favor to
Islam by giving Dawa Islam by
00:19:02 --> 00:19:06
			itself is so strong. The message
of Islam is strong enough to
00:19:06 --> 00:19:12
			attract, attract you know anyone
who has alcohol and his heart is
00:19:12 --> 00:19:17
			at right place. Islam in itself is
strong by itself the words of
00:19:17 --> 00:19:23
			Allah subhanaw taala is strong by
itself. We're just honored to
00:19:23 --> 00:19:27
			carry these words and and to
deliver it to others or just
00:19:27 --> 00:19:31
			honored to carry Leila long
hombre, Salah, Salah Salem in your
00:19:31 --> 00:19:35
			heart and go out there and act
accordingly. We're just honored.
00:19:36 --> 00:19:40
			You're not doing and I'm not doing
any fever to Islam. Well Allah
00:19:40 --> 00:19:43
			Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah
has blessed us with carrying this
00:19:43 --> 00:19:48
			precious words of his. Allah has
blessed us with the faith that we
00:19:48 --> 00:19:52
			carry in our heart. So we say
Alhamdulillah Allah, Allah mean
00:19:52 --> 00:19:56
			for this? My dear brothers and
sisters, like I said, everybody
00:19:56 --> 00:19:59
			has a capacity if your only
00:20:00 --> 00:20:04
			is to prevent people from your
harm as a Muslim, to prevent your
00:20:04 --> 00:20:07
			neighbors from your harm as a
Muslim, then Wallahi that's the
00:20:07 --> 00:20:11
			best dollar Wallahi that's the
best dollar. If your only, you
00:20:11 --> 00:20:17
			know, way that you can contribute
to your religion is to be a man
00:20:17 --> 00:20:23
			with honor, a man who's truthful,
a man who is still sticking on
00:20:23 --> 00:20:26
			Islamic principles and values when
it comes to business or comes to
00:20:26 --> 00:20:31
			relationships. While law he that
is the best form of Dawa.
00:20:33 --> 00:20:37
			If at least that's the bare
minimum, that you're holding on
00:20:37 --> 00:20:41
			your deen through your human
interaction with others. That's
00:20:41 --> 00:20:44
			the best form of doubt. And then
if you want to take a step
00:20:44 --> 00:20:47
			further, or you want to do your
children to take a step further,
00:20:47 --> 00:20:51
			then educate them about Islam
about the existence of Allah
00:20:51 --> 00:20:55
			subhanaw taala about how to defend
themselves from atheism, et
00:20:55 --> 00:21:01
			cetera. This is also a duty upon
every single Muslim and Muslim and
00:21:01 --> 00:21:05
			in sha Allah Allah, Allah subhanaw
taala strengthen the faith of his
00:21:05 --> 00:21:08
			in our hearts and our our children
hearts, Yara, Brian Amin, Aloha
00:21:08 --> 00:21:12
			mafia, Donna mu Burnham, Wesnoth,
NFE and Marina with a bit akhdam
00:21:12 --> 00:21:16
			and also del Carmen care Catherine
along Marina Chaka Khan was
00:21:17 --> 00:21:20
			wearing a bottle of water and was
diagnosed in Alba Robina habla Nam
00:21:20 --> 00:21:23
			and as well as you know how to
react in a Kurata iron, which are
00:21:23 --> 00:21:27
			anonimo Tokina mmm Welcome to
Salah in South Africa in Italian
00:21:27 --> 00:21:29
			what meaning the Kitab and Motek