Yousef Bakeer – Dua When Facing Hardships

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The Islamist Subhanallah was forced to migrate to cities close to El 11:30, causing a loss in his life. He spoke about how he was faced with hardship and how he was reminded of his reward. The idea of "Am evil" in Islam is a consequence of the time spent during a surgery, which is a reward for those who don't comply with the creation of evil. The speaker also discusses the idea of "Am evil" in Islam, and how it is a consequence of the time spent during the surgery.
AI: Transcript ©
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toward this dua to one of the greatest Sahaba with the name of

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Abu Salam. And Abu Salam thought this dua to his wife, Omar selama,

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Radi Allahu Allah. So I'm gonna give you a little background about

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the life of Omar Salah model the Allah Allah. She was among very

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few Sahaba who migrated twice, one time to Abyssinia and the other

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time to El Medina. But as she's leaving Mecca to migrate to and

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Medina along with her with her family, Abu Salim out of the

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Allahu Anhu and selama. The tribe of Abu selama caught wind of this.

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So the actually prohibited Abu selama and Omar selama and selamat

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to migrate together, they forced Abu selama to migrate to Medina,

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and the send almost selama and selama back to Makkah. So that

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that was the first hardship that OMO selama went through. Now she

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was forced to be separated from her home crew from her own

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husband, that she loved so much. Abu Salim was such a great man

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with a very good character, and almost selama it was just

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heartbroken. She was heartbroken was heartbreaking for almost

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cinema to process the idea that she will be separated from her own

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But the difficult time did not stop right there.

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The clay or the tribe of Abu selama decided to take her own

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son, because they said that it belongs to Abu selama it means

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that it belongs to us. So we will take that son away from from his

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And imagine just you know, being separated from first from your own

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husband, but now from even your own son. What a tests what an app

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to let you know, when you are tested with your own, you know,

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wealth, your own property. Obviously, it's a big test. And

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when you're tested with your own health, it's also a big test. But

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the test of your own children and your own spouses, this is

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unmatched test. It's just a very hard time for almost selama to to,

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to, you know, to try to go through but all of a sudden one of the

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Allah onhand obviously she was heartbroken. She actually used to

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go to the spot where the took away her son every single day for

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almost a year. And she cries over there. She prays to Allah for

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Allah to bring her back her own son.

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And then eventually after one year, the tribe of Abu selama you

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know, they used to observe her every single day comes that spot

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cry to Allah for you know, for her own son. So Allah has sent some of

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the Mercy on their hearts. So they accepted the fact that they will

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give her her son back

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when that happened, finally, who said Mr. Radi Allahu anha was able

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to migrate with her own son to see Abu Salah Mara the Allahu Anhu in

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El Medina.

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But the problems her problems, her difficulties, did not stop there.

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Subhanallah when she just got a little bit of hope,

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again, that the calamity strikes one more time, where she sees now

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her own husband on his deathbed because he received he received

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this you know dangerous womb during one of the battles

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and now she said to Abu Salah Maria Abu Salam let's make a

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If one of us passes, let's make a promise that we will not remarry

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And I will sell him a look at her and said you know, I want you to

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remarry if I pass away I want you to re marry someone better than me

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Inshallah, Allah will give you a better husband.

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And, and then he taught her this beautiful dua that we're going to

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be learning together in sha Allah Tala. It says a young Muslim, say

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Allah Houma journey female see Betty, Ya Allah reward me for the

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calamity that I'm going through. And then what lift me higher a

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minute and replace that calamity was something better or repeated

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or against beautiful, very powerful guy.

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up Allahumma giorni femal see Betty, yeah, Allah reward me for

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the calamity that I went through

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while loop near Hydra minha and give me something even better

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replace it with something greater.

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Now, if you look at this Subhanallah when Abu Salah passes

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away, and almost selama start to make that God, Ya Allah, reward me

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for my calamities, all of the hardships that I went through and

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replace it with something better Wallahi looking at this, there's

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so many reminders and listen that we can unpack from this dua at

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that moment of almost Salah model the Alana. Number one. She was she

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flipped the script. She went from this, this psychology of the

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provision to a psychology of abundance. What does that exactly

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mean? She did not look at herself and say, You know what, I'm a

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failure. You know what, I'm a loser. You know what, it's my

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fault. You know what I made wrong? decisions in my life that brought

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me to that point. She did not blame herself. She did not point

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you know the finger to herself. She does not turn the mirror

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towards herself and she'd start to blame her own self.

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In fact, she thought positively about it. She said, Yeah, Allah,

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all what I want from you right now is a reward. I deserve a reward.

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Yeah, Allah give me a reward and replace it with something better.

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You see here were her psychologists, at this point is

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thinking about every word. And in fact, she is you know, in a moment

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of calamity. Such a beautiful, beautiful thing to reflect on

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Subhanallah brothers and sisters.

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In our deen, we have an amazing concept that when somebody goes

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through hardships, in our deen the prophets of Allah, Allah, Selim

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promised that there is a reward for whoever for whoever is going

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through difficult time. And if this reward is not here, because

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you may think, well, I lost somebody who is very dear to me.

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How is it possible to actually replace that there is no way I can

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replace that. Or even think about something in your life that you

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really think that there is no replacement here in this dunya for

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that loss or for that calamity. But well, it's beautiful. What is

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beautiful about our deen is that even if you are not rewarded in

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this life, you will be rewarded in the accurate.

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I mean,

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there are some people really go through a difficult time

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processing this. You know, recently, I was visiting a one of

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my family members who was diagnosed with cancer. And I was

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at the surgery room, looking at him, you know, going through that

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I was picturing this after after, you know, the surgical handler was

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very successful. And they were able to remove that, you know,

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cancer from the Oregon and Alhamdulillah is going he's doing

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amazing now Hamdulillah, blah, blah Mima Allah give him full chi

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But I was reflecting on this. And I was, you know, thinking,

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let's say that the time I spent during that surgery is a video of

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20 minutes.

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If I were to look at the first 10 minutes of that video, I will see

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somebody who's getting opened, drop, you know, blood is dropping

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everywhere, that the skin is getting opened, the flesh is

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getting opened, it's very painful.

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If I pause the video and the first 10 minutes, I will think that this

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is an absolute evil.

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But if I resumed the video,

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and they finished the video of 20 minutes, and I see that

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Alhamdulillah the surgery is very successful. And Al Hamdulillah he

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started you know, now healing all of his, you know, flush and all of

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his skin is starting to heal. Now he's gonna be in much better you

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no shame, I will look at it in a different lens. I will actually

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never think that the first 10 minutes is an absolute evil. It's

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actually not an evil at all. Because if that didn't happen, he

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would not reach to the moment of he'll.

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Now, this example brings us to think broader than this, the whole

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idea of the existence of evil

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and I want you to pay to pay attention with

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Now, in Islam, there is an amazing aspect, that if you will not be

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rewarded in this life, you will be rewarded in the hereafter.

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the non Muslims look at this and they really have hard time

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processing the idea of the creation of the of the existence

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of evil because they say, you know, now, why this is happening,

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and what is the reward of that somebody was is going through, you

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know, difficult time.

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And there is no way he can get compensated in this life because

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they don't believe in the hereafter. They have hard time

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processing. So they so they will say it's unfair, it's not added,

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well, in Islam, we believe that if you are not going to be rewarded

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in this life, if you're not going to be rewarded in this life, there

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is an eternal rewards and the day of judgment. So if you look at it

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through the lens of dunya, we, the lens of dunya it's absolutely

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evil. There is no way

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you don't deserve you know, that hard time that you're going

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through, and you're gonna pass away and there is no day of

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judgment. What is the what is the what is the add in here? Where's

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the justice? So if you look at it from the dunya, we perspective

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from the dunya we lens, you will have hard time processing this,

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I'll tell you that.

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But Subhanallah in our deen Allah said it's in the Quran, Allah Vina

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Eva Tomasi been called, in Allah, Allah, he were in LA, here's your

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own. When a calamity strikes, they say, We belong to Allah, and we

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shall, you know, return to him back. What does that mean? You

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reminding yourself that there is going to be a reward in the day of

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judgment and that what matters the most?

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You refreshen your faith by saying even though I don't get their word

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here, there is a still, you know, definitely a chance to get that

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word on the day of judgment. And then the Day of Judgment, you will

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look back and say Alhamdulillah that I had this calamity. Now I

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will get the reward, the eternal the eternal rewards. Allah said

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after this in the law, you're in the LA here's your own. Hula Iike

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Allah him, Salah were to murabahah him what Rama will ecohome remoter

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doing three things will happen to the people that they have belief

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during the time of a calamity. Three things first, the will be

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blessed, Allah him salah, toma, Robin, these blessings will they

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will be showered with these blessings. And again, I will

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remind myself and you if it's not here in the dunya, it will be in

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the Asha. And then Allah subhanaw taala says,

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Allah him Salah tomorrow be him whare that the will also Allah

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subhanaw taala will shower them with mercy. And then he said, and

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they will be guided, I mean, if you have this mindset, it means

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that Allah has guided you, it means that Allah has put you in

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the right thought process. And therefore you will be able to

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process that My dear brothers and sisters, that I have almost Salama

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bring so much hive, she,

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you know,

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she was just thinking that, well, I'm not going to be in this black

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hole, I still see light at the end of the tunnel.

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I still want the word of Allah subhanaw taala I don't want to

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look at it as something that's the end of the journey. Because if

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that happens, it will prevent you from finding another alternatives

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or another solutions of your own problem. Sometimes a calamity

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strikes, and there is actually a room for you to work on. Sometimes

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you need to figure things out. And if you go with the perspective,

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that's all it's all done. I'm a failure. I'm a loser. It will

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prevent you from finding solutions and alternatives.

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Think about it. Think about hard time that you went through and

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think about it now. And think about what you know what

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possibilities that you had at that time, but you did not think about

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it because you were so into that calamity to the point that it

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refrains you from looking at the bigger picture.

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So again, I do it that gives me and you hope I do it. That gives

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me and you patience. I do i that can give me and you faith in Allah

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subhanho wa Taala faith in the color of Allah subhanaw taala May

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Allah subhanaw taala make me, me and you among those who

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Learn the deep meaning of this guy. Again I'll say this and I I

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pray that we all can utilize this weapon This is very powerful but

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Salah Salem again said Allah who met your knee theme we'll see but

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yeah Allah reward me for my own for the calamity that that strikes

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me work lift me higher Amelia and replace it with something better.

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Akula Cody had our stuff with Allah you welcome

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sulla Rahman Rahim o salat wa salam ala Rasulillah Salam, Salam

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o Allah ma fildena de nobuna where Islam Santa Fe M Rena, with a bit

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akademin on sadhana al Tommy Catherine la marina la casa con

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was Lokomotiva while in El Bethel about an hour's walk next to nab a

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lot been a Hubble and I mean as well as in our jewelry yet in our

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Kurata ion or Jan della machina Imam. Welcome salah.

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