Yousef Bakeer – Dua that guarantees you will be guided, protected and defended
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Allah Hiral Anam Sedna, Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam
to Sleeman Kathira la masala Soleimani mo barik ala Nabi and
our Habibi now Mohammed infil Pauline, also Leo Salim one mo
Barik. Ala Nabina Wahhabi Bina Mohammed II feel sad or suddenly
yourself anymore and I'm what barik ala Nabina Wahhabi Vina
Mohammed in film Allah, Allah Allah yummy Deen. In today's
short, Hatha Inshallah,
we're going to be talking about one of the most beautiful dias.
These guys is very short, very short, simple words simple.
But the real word is huge, tremendous reward.
So, Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in a hadith reported by
nsmt Malik Radi Allahu Anhu. He's said,
if you say this dua
if you say this, in a daily basis,
you will be protected.
You will be guided and you will be defended.
Kavita, wha hoo. DITA will kita three things. Kavita,
Kavita you will be defended.
Mu kita you will be protected. What
can feed our will kita Wahoo data and you will be guided three
things. So as Paula think about this. So Allah is saying if you
say this,
you will be guided first. And this guide this is not just guiding to
Islam. There are so many different forms of guidance.
Imagine Allah is guiding you is giving you guidance, showing you
the right path, guiding you to make the right choices in life
guiding you to raise your children the proper way
or to treat your spouse the right way. guide you to bring blessings
in your house. Beautiful word. Beautiful word who DITA then he
said you will be defended.
Imagine Allah is by your side.
In a hadith Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said lower stem out in OMA
and your guru cabbie Shane Laniado Ruka inlab che in Calcutta Allah
Holic while I will stem at OMA Allah and Yong Zhao, cabbie Shane
Lenny and sow okay Elizabeth che in Kolkata, hula hula, if the
entire Ummah gathered together, to benefit you with something and
that goes against Allah's Will, that will that will never happen.
And if the entire Ummah is coming to harm you,
and Allah is defending you, then you will never be harmed.
Surah sola Salah Salem here saying if you say this da, you will be
defended. And then he said the third thing, you will be
protected. As we're going on our day, there's so many things could
go wrong. So many things could go wrong.
Someone might give you an evil eye, some of my hurt you. You know
you are going on your day and you need and that's for you and for
myself. We all need Allah's protection.
And so pursue Allah again is saying, if you say this dua, these
three things will happen to you. Now the question, who knows this?
What do you think? What is this dua?
I'll give you a hint. You say this dua,
you suppose to say this die every time you leave your house.
Halawa Bismillah. In the Name of Allah, just imagine this, you
know, feel the words. Every time we're getting out of your house.
You're saying I'm getting out of my house with the name of Allah.
And Mr. Naito Allah, Allah was with me, I feel it Bismillah and
then power Cal to Allah Allah. I put my ultimate trust in Allah
subhanho wa taala. Allah is my Joaquin.
Allah is my Joaquin. He is the one who is planning for me he is the
best planner.
As you're making your plans, and you are getting out of your house,
say Allah is the best planner that will kill to Allah Allah.
Talk kill to Allah, Allah. And then you say, Well, how Allah wala
Quwata illa biLlah there is no power, no strength you
except with Allah subhanaw taala by the power of Allah, by the
strength of Allah, we are powerless when it comes to the
power of Allah subhanaw taala you feel that you feel it you feel
every single single word while you're getting out of your house
with your children. Teach them that every time we leave our house
Bismillah our culto Allah Allah wala Howler wala Quwata illa
biLlah in this Hadith also Lhasa Sam saying, If shaitan wants to
hurt you, the other shaitan will come to him and tell him there is
no way he said that ah. And he got the promise of he did who ditto
Tito Kavita. You can do anything with him. That's an authentic
hadith by the way. Reported by NSE Malik Radi Allahu Allah subhanaw
taala make us among those who are consistent with with these Dias,
Amin, amin Allah Allah, me and Zack come along.
So smart man right