Yousef Bakeer – Dua From Surah Fatiha & Mufti Muntasir Zaman
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wa salatu salam, O Allah say you didn't say you do not Muhammad wa
ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam to Sleeman Kathira
aeroburner alikat or kill now we can have in our lack of Mercy
today hamdulillah is you guys see we have a very special guest my
beloved chef move team on parcels a man and often does not really
need an introduction to hear from this community man.
just highly recommend everybody to check his papers on the opinion
Institute about Hadith and he's focused on Hadith mashallah very
beneficial papers. He's also a column teacher and Masha Allah has
his his Islamic Studies degree from South Africa mashallah keep
township or it was from Cape Town Johannesburg, mashallah, fun fact
about Mufti Mutasa. He loves soccer, but he doesn't believe
he's good at it. I don't know why. So I played with him and
Wednesday's mashallah along with the column, column crowd, move the
command move. The command is very tough for soccer. You know, I
didn't believe that first. Then I first played against him. It was a
it was a big deal. So So without a Honda Hey, we're really excited to
have you shaves like a look if we're coming.
We're starting to tell Tyler
continue to work to discuss Surah Al Fatiha we started with a
Quranic class. We spoke about 11 Quranic guys there are about 50
doors in the Quran, we covered about 11 And that's the 12 two of
the Quran. And this time,
this dial is mentioned in the first chapter of the Quran Surah
when Allah subhanaw taala says it did not set out and was talking
guide us to the straight path.
Just an introduction about sort of the Fatiha why so in fact has very
out of the entire Quran is because this is how Allah subhanaw taala
introduces himself to us.
Allah subhanaw taala here so the Fatiha is introducing himself
talking about his names, describing himself he starts off
sort of the fact haven't seen Alhamdulillah Allah Allah mean all
praises do to me and I am the owner of this world. Al hamdu
Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Rahman Rahim I want you to know that I am
the Most Merciful the Most compassion
Maliki on with Dean again talking about his authority and then
follow it with describing his infinite infinite mercy Subhan
Allah Maliki only the year cannot be the year can Stein now since I
am the owner of the world, and I am the most merciful and I am the
most compassionate you get to now rely on me yeah cannot go to you
get to worship Me first. And then next day. Now you're going to rely
on me. It did us a lot of stuff.
After this right after this last panel data says guide us to the
street path here where when multiple puzzle gets in the
conversation to you know educate us about this this iron Charlotta
so article
Smilla smuggle handrails lead with silver miners he didn't be able to
saline Mobarak
first and foremost, Allah reward everyone for this gracious welcome
and invitation.
I want to begin with an analogy.
you hear a knock on your door.
You open the door, you see someone you haven't met in a very long
before talking about anything of substance,
he begins to say, you know, you're just such an amazing person.
He begins to say you know, you're such a generous person. And then
the conversations filled with pleasantries and flattery. At some
point, you're going to realize this person has an ulterior
motive. He's not coming to you to say, Oh, here's a nice gift. I've
been just praising you so I can give you something. He's gonna
praise you. Oh, your house looks really nice. That car you have
parked out looks very nice. I heard you got to raise in your
job. You know, he begins to pleasantries, but ultimately
there's an ulterior motive. He wants to get at a particular
objective. And what would that objective be? He would come to you
and say, you know
Oh, I'm going through very tough times. Do you mind helping the
brother out? Do you mind, you know, giving me a loan? I wouldn't
mind some assistance. That's kind of how the conversation usually
Sorry, no problem, no problem. So, this friend of yours, you kind of
realized quickly that he's not really a friend, he's more of a
freeloader. But once he cuts to the chase, you'll say oh, do you
mind you know, I just need some money, I need some help. And as
much as we would load such an individual, in our connection with
Allah subhanho wa taala, this is highly praiseworthy. And if
anything bears testimony to this, it is Surah two Fatiha because
when we summarize Surah till Fatiha it is immediately our first
point of entry and conversing with Allah in our salah. It says door
knocking the door we opened the door and we're like, you know,
you're such an amazing person by the way. Alhamdulillah Hello, Bill
Alameen Rahman Al Rahim Malik Kiyomi Dean, not only are you the
best in this life you're the best in the afterlife as well.
And to put the cherry on the top yeah can I boudoir er can stay in
you know when your friend is like, man I can't go to anybody besides
you. You know those friends we had in the past are all fakes they
left us it just mean you you know
we're best friends or buddies. Allah subhanaw taala repeats the
very same and very similar tone II Yeah, can I Buddha? Yeah can
sustain. There is no one we worship apart from you. And
honestly, yeah, Allah, there's no one I can seek help apart from
Now, having set the stage, having set the tone, what is at the heart
of this entire surah? What is that ulterior motive? What is it that
we seek? Allah introduces it with the following words is Dino set
off well, Mr. Team, if you really think about sola till Fatiha
Honestly speaking, this verse is the most essential verse in the
Sunnah not only because it is at the center of the surah because
everything before it is a lead up to this and everything after it is
a clarification of the DUA II I can I will do what I can to stay
in and saying, Yeah, Allah, I'm about to ask for something. Now
what is that is Dino cell autonomous the team, you make this
application which we're going to get to, and every verse after that
is further clarification of what it is that I need.
So when we think about sudo Fatiha,
no one would blame you to think that is Dino Serato. Monster team,
in essence, is the crux of disorder. Now, what is Denilson
autonomous team? A quick translation will help. And as we
know English can't do justice to the fluency and beauty of Arabic.
But a rough translation would be a dino Serato. Mr. Team, Allah guide
us to the straight path. And the reason I say that's a rough
is the MUFA Citroen and commentators they dissect every
single word and its derivatives to a point that you will be amazed at
the subtleties of every word rather every halacha
how so? Let's begin with the first word is dena. He Daya guidance is
something we somewhat take for granted. What is guidance in
A simple way of understanding guidance is to guide someone. You
come to the masjid and someone is saying okay, where where is the
main masala you'll say Okay, you go straight ticker, right? You'll
go and you'll see the masala that's guiding someone. In Arabic.
There are multiple verbs that can be used to denote guidance. One
verb is Delia du loup dal,
which means to direct someone but he Daya means to direct someone
with a subtle difference. And what is that difference? As the author
of a diff Cyril COVID or raazi explains the subtle difference is
he Daya is at della bitta la tufin It is not only to guide and direct
someone it is to direct someone with gel gentleness and
understanding and compassion. So we're not saying yeah Allah guide
us. We're saying Yo Allah with your gentleness with your mercy or
clemency, your understanding, show us the path.
Idina guide us.
The second subtlety in this dua is a D
Do not sell or stuck him. In English, we translate this as
Allah guide us, then to the straight path. But if you look at
the original Arabic, it's quite fascinating.
The conjunction or the house, or the thriller Illa means to. So to
give a common example in conventional Arabic, if I would
say to you, I went to the store, I would say the habit to eat less
soup. They have to I went Isla, which is the thriller, it's a
conjunction to a soup to the marketplace.
And if you're following a very similar analogy here, you would
say, is Dena De La Salle autonomous took him guide us to
the straight path, but instead, a more accurate translation would be
guide us the straight path. Now, why that difference?
Why is it that ILA is missing here to the straight path is missing
And the explanation for that is urgency and immediacy.
And to give a very simple example, if somebody is suffering from a
stroke in the masjid, you immediately call 911 You're not
gonna start the conversation by saying hey, how you doing? How's
the weather over there? What do you have for breakfast? Oh, by the
way, you don't you don't dilly dally you don't delay you get
straight to the point. There's an emergency we need an ambulance
here right away. He did not set off well, Mr. Team is telling us
Ya Allah guide us to straight path. I have no time to dilly
dally, I have no time for any further explanation. Yet Allah
what I need no delaying is your guidance, the straight path, do
not start off with the team.
Now a cell autonomous team translates as the straight path. l
Mr. Kim,
we may have heard of this term before is the comma.
Have you heard of the term is still comma steadfastness. It's
very similar. They are from a very similar family. It's the karma.
Yes, the team is the karma. Mooster team is derived from that.
So when you're saying acetyl l Mr. Team, we translated as the
straight path. But as the commentators and well first you
don't explain, there's a dual meaning embedded in this. The
first is most of the team, which means a straight line. And as we
know, the shortest distance from A to B is a straight line. But
another nuance here is we want guidance to the straight path, but
a path that entails consistency and steadfastness. We don't want
direction to a path that I'll get onto that path. And after some
time, my energy will wither away, I will become weak. And eventually
I'll leave that path of Sarah Palin was talking, I can go on and
on and on about the subtle details in this one dua that we can
appreciate when we look deeper into the linguistic origins.
But we don't want to go and waste too much time. But to get to the
meat and potatoes to get into the essence of this dua.
We ask Allah for hedaya
and we ask Allah not for any ordinary he or any ordinary
guidance, we ask for guidance to the straight path.
And a number of questions arise here.
What is the straight path? What is the path of steadfastness? What is
he Daya?
You know, one of the beautiful qualities of the Quran is
that it doesn't follow a linear narrative. Go to a bookstore
today, pick up a novel. It will start off by Prelude chapter one
chapter two conclusion. It's very linear. The Quran on the other
hand doesn't follow that logic. It's Surah Fatiha Surah Al
Baqarah, you will read about the Muna fuel cone you'll read about
Musa Ali salaam you read about Adam Ali salaam, and then there's
going to be a transition there's going to be a tangent, then Allah
will talk again about Musa alayhis salam. And for some modern
readers, this can be confounding it can be very complex. But the
reason for this is that Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to
appreciate the Quran as one unit, not as separable parts, not as I
read surah to refer to her independently from the rest of the
Quran. And I somehow will get the full picture is just one pixel
part of a broader picture.
And Dino Sonata Mr. Kim is a perfect example to explain this.
says Idina guide us. The question is, where is that guidance? And
what is that guidance? Subhanallah what's the surah right after Surah
Surat Al Baqarah and how the Surah Al Baqarah begin Alif Lam Meem
Valley Kalki tabula rasa Buffy who that who the little Mata kin. So
the question that immediately arises is what is this he Daya Who
is this he Daya for how can I benefit from it? Allah is saying
Be patient, you're going to see it right in the next few lines, who
then will move 13 This entire Quran is the guidance that you
seek. So I want guidance, it's in the form of the Quran.
But if I want to get it I want to see a path what is that path? We
say we want the straight path, a suboptimal stuck in what is that?
Allah says? Sinatra, Mr. Kim Alladhina, Ananda Allium those
people upon whom you have showed your blessings.
Who are they? This Allah mentioned it in that same Surah know.
If you look at Surah Fatiha, Allah says Allah Lena Anam Tawny him,
those people upon whom You have bestowed Your favors, and that is
a claim bestowed Your fleet favors, but who are they?
You don't get that answer and so to Fatiha, you get that answer
later on.
In the six Jews, Allah subhanho wa taala. He talks about those people
who have received Allah's favors, and he answers that question, and
he says, Minister dippin was shahada was Salah Hain Mina
Narrabeen was a deity in which shahada was Saudi hain, the path
of the Gambia, the path of the righteous the martyrs, the path of
the truthful. So again, we see here again, how the Quran is an
inseparable unit connected each verse to another, connected each
sunnah to another.
I'm going to say one last thing. And while I'm going to conclude I
know it's getting late. I don't want to take much of everyone's
time. And that is this dua of Dino Serato. Mr. Team, guide us the
straight path. And again, after this explanation, you can already
see the holes in that translation, guide us to the straight path
doesn't do justice to a dino soul autonomous team, what we spent the
last 20 minutes trying to describe and we're still not done with.
But the last thing I want to conclude with is we ask Allah for
But the question that followed in a Razzie raises is
when do you generally make this dua?
It's not like I'm walking around and just reciting Surah Fatiha
because I enjoy it. If you do that, that's great. Mashallah. But
for the most of us, we recited in our prayers. So imagine
it's a busy Saturday night, you have 101 Random invitations, but
you decide to put all of that to decide. You make more do you get
into your car, you drive to the masjid, you come you stand in the
first Soph. You pray your sunnah and you do everything. And you
start your Salah. And then you start with sudo to refer to her.
You've done all of this for the last half an hour. And then you
say is Dino Serato. Mr. Team? Yeah, Allah guide us to the
straight path.
Isn't that somewhat of a counterintuitive sentence? Isn't
that a bit contradictory? That you've done everything? Ostensibly
that a person on the straight path will do? You left your worldly
commitments you made? Well do you came to the masjid you're praying
Salah in the masjid perhaps in congregation? Every sign is saying
you are on the path. And now you're saying Yet Allah guide me
to the path.
But aren't you already on the path? And not to bore you with the
details? There's 10 different ways that they explain this. But the
one most, at least in my opinion, the best explanation is as a
Muslim, we are constantly in a state of caution. We never get
complacent and feel that I am on the straight path. I will never
leave the straight path because assaulted Mr. Team is the
consistent straight path. Something that has steadfastness
so I'm gonna be on that path that I will never deter from it, you
know? So autonomous team. It's very similar to another verse. As
I mentioned, the Quran is connected like one unit. In
another verse, Allah says, Yeah, au Hola, Dena. amanu aminu or you
who believe believe
the scholars they call this the acetyl Housel doing something that
you already
Have but the idea is to be steadfast. There's much more that
can be said inshallah I'll pass over the mic to Chef Yusuf to
enlighten us with more inshallah
me keeping it means I'm going to continue talking or my done oh
please not
think even though Mike is tired
Zach got lucky I really enjoyed this. Move to Monticello. May
Allah subhanaw taala put it in your skill and make us among those
who listen to the speech so they follow the best of me. No, but I
mean, I don't think we can do justice to sort of the 525
minutes. I think we definitely need more. So we'd love it. That
means that we'd love to see you again shall it come and educate us
about you know Jim's from Surah Fatiha I would love to do that in
sha Allah Tala. With that being said, you know, typically chef
movimiento sir, we have a question towards the end. These are two,
you know, Blackseed honey, and we ask, you know, a question and
whoever gets the right answer gets the honey. And this other honey
is, is just a crown from very CTU Shala. And this one is for whoever
gets the right answer of a question that you will ask. This
time, I usually ask this, there's they're tired of mischief. So now
Shala you're the one who's gonna think of question, but you know,
make it easy on them we shall Allah a question for the brothers
about the same guy inshallah. And then also that, in fact, the hand
general, a question that they were educated about, or something that
I'm supposed to assume that they know, either or educated community
there are mashallah, Mashallah.
Yeah, either or you will pick a controller. I'll make it easy for
them. Yes, please.
So toast, but I think the question very simple is, this is very
simple. Yes. I'll ask it anyway, related to Mr. Team,
given that
okay, I'm not gonna make it too simple, you know, make it a bit
difficult, a bit difficult. Okay. I want somebody to solve this for
In the Quran,
related to hidayah. Allah says, In Nicoletta de menthe, abrupt
that O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Indeed, you do not have
the power or authority to guide whomsoever you will. Rather Allah
guides whomsoever he was. So on the one hand, you have a verse
saying, We have no capacity to guide people. We are not had D. We
don't give guidance, Allah gives guidance. But then we turn to the
Hadith. And in one particular Hadith, Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam addresses one of the Sahaba and he makes a beautiful dua as
that Sahabi is going to a new community. And he says, Allah Who
Medina who had the Enma Hadiya, Yet Allah make this person,
someone who gives the Daya. So the question for a apparently very
expensive cup of honey, black seed, honey tea something is how
do we make sense of this? On the one hand, were in no, you know, in
no unequivocal terms. We're taught that he Daya is in the hands of
Allah subhanho wa taala. But on the other hand, the Prophet SAW
Selim is making dua that this person be someone who does and
gives he Daya Oh, mashallah so what happens when there's multiple
people who raised their hands I'm in trouble
could we have like a hierarchy like a semi finals and then
another no doesn't work like that. Okay, I can ask you a question
that's not fair. All right. Yes
that's that's very good. Very close, close enough to take half
of the cup. Inshallah I'll ask the other brother to answer so that I
can give him the other half inshallah.
Yes, very close, very close. So I think we can divide the cup in
half. Inshallah, just a quick summary of the answer.
Okay, make it into 3333 three, okay. Yes.
Subhan Allah
Yeah, so basically, he Daya has a lexical meaning and it has a
technical meaning. So he Daya on one level means Adela either
Latrobe and the second meaning is an E Asad il Muttalib.
So he Daya in one sense can mean to direct someone to something as
the example you gave take someone to the water, but he saw an eel
Mark lube making that objective realize materialized coming to
existence that solely in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala so I'm
not sure how you're going to divide it I'll leave that to the
community inshallah.
I think the last part of this for our beautiful youth and that is
every time we memorize a DA we studied the should memorize it so
that the last time who guys remembers that if last time who
wants to say it?
Who still remember?
Oh, that's true. They don't have profit units is that um, that's
true. What was the dot profit unitize
Oh, the adults are very excited.
La ilaha illa Anta Subhanak a new container volume and that's true.
So inshallah as we usually do, we can go over that 12 As we Nila.
We're gonna repeat it together. So Bismillah R Rahman Rahim. We're
going to start by this dua of today. It did not Serato Mr. Kane,
can you say after me insha Allah Tala. Then of Surat Al Mustafa
where the Nguni is the harbor Mohammed ibn
for one hola naka de la la
Santa the fifth volume at
a La ilaha illa Anta
in the consuming of volume in
Tina duniya Hasina?
Well Phil Herati has
worked in other but now
Rob be in the Lima and delta
Eli em in hiring for clear
rugby jolly mochi masala
will mean the reality
rubbish rally Saturday
well yes certainly Emery
what Hello locker that and melissani
you have tahu Kohli
welcome Rob be at the hill knee mode. Hello sir.
The energy is very low brothers and sisters. We need to get more
energy these are the daughters of of the Quran. One more time we'll
call Rob be at the kill me mode Hello.
What Regeni Maharaja says
watch our li
Mila don't care soltana Nazira
Well, Levina coluna
Robina have Lennar mean as well Gina.
Whether Rihanna Tina
Kurata Yun
wa Jalna Lily Muhtar Kena Imam
Rob biller attorney further
well and the Hyrule worthy theme
for interval
for call has to be hola hola. Illa Illa who?
Allah hit our CELT we're horrible outershell Alvine
but be in the Lima and delta
Illa yam in hiring for clear
but benna attina Dunya hacer una
Well Phil harati has an
Joaquina other than Now
does that come low? Hi Ron Zack Allahu Allah subhanaw taala reword
the immensity and accept from from you in sha Allah to Allah and make
us again among those who follow who will listen to the speech so
they follow the best of inshallah next Saturday, the program
definitely will be shorter in sha Allah to Allah with a new Quranic
dua does icon located on Santa Monica to Allahu Akbar.