Yousef Bakeer – Dua From Surah Baqarah

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of acceptance and acceptance in the ADM system, with a focus on the history of Prophetiter achieved and the significance of acceptance in the system. They also touch on the differences between "any" and "anyfully", highlighting the importance of humility towards Allah and humility towards others. The speakers stress the importance of acceptance and humility in achieving success in life, citing examples of successes and failures, relationships, and struggles.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Salam, Allahu

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alayhi wa sallam Alhamdulillah we are resuming the weekly do us and

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we made it after maghrib so it's convenient for everyone in sha

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Allah to Allah. Today is going to be the 13th day of Quran and we

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said there are about $50 in the Quran. This is the 13th in sha

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Allah Tala. And as you see in the screen, this is the dua of Prophet

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Ibrahim Ali Salam. Right? How many of you as we spoke about the

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that's coming from Prophet Ibrahim, this is the second one

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does anybody remember the first draft of Prophet Ibrahim that we

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discussed here?

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Anybody? It was too long, but it was it was actually about two

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months ago, but those who have very short memory can remind me in

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sha Allah Allah, but behind him okay, masala to me is the reality

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of when our Taco Bell da This is a Dr. Prophet Ibrahim, but I didn't

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discuss it here. I did. Yeah, so there is another one Masha Allah,

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brother Tarik reminded me by one of their daughters, so they're

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actually to the eyes of Prophet Ibrahim. Now, who remembers the

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second profitable game that we actually studied here as well?

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Does anyone remember?

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Okay, I will I will actually give you this as a homework go and

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check out the eyes. It's out there. It's in the playlist on

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YouTube. And inshallah Allah you give me the answer next time. Now

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this is a beautiful day I have Prophet Ibrahim Ali Salam, as you

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see in the screen, Prophet Ibrahim Ali Salam said Robina Taco Bell,

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Mina Inaka. Enter Samuel Ali, not only Prophet Ibrahim said that

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it's actually Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet is married Allah Hema as

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And Allah starts with by saying, Roberta Kabul, here is the first

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question. That is a little hard, but that's why I have the honey

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with me today, right? Today we're actually changing the structure.

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The question is not going to be at the end of the session. The

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question is right now

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in Adobe language,

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the word tackable

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means what?

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To accept mashallah, that's the right answer, but this is not my

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question. My question is the Cabal means to accept what about a cabal

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that means what

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tech bubble means what?

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By the way, sisters can participate last time the gift was

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actually given to a sister. So please, please sir participate as

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well inshallah takes to accept as well right.

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Now acceptable is to accept. So eqbal means to accept the couple

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means to accept what is the difference then? This

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is how come?

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It's older. Okay. That's part of the answer. Yes, brother.

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Oh, that's a very, very good answer. I never expected that

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somebody from the audience mashallah one of our youth

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answered the right question. The right question, he gave me the

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right answer Subhanallah

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and that's that's deep right Akbar what a carbon eqbal means to

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accept. But it means really, that you should accept it. Because I

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deserve it. There is no equivalent in English language. By the way,

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there are no difference in English language in English language is to

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accept but an Arabic language because this is a very rich

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language. There is this there is difference between it but what a

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couple to accept, excuse me to accept and I deserve to be

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accepted. A couple.

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The couple is different. It's kind of to Lee's except not because I

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deserve it. But out of decency out of your generosity, please accept

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it to Kabul. And something that I don't really, you know, have the

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rights for you to accept it, but it's out of generosity. I beg you

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to accept it.

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Here's the thing, Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam, this is a quality

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that we all have to have. Subhanallah he said Robin at a

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couple minutes. When did he say this? He said this after building

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the cab of Allah subhanaw taala Allah has given him this heavy

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task to build the house of Allah subhanaw taala to build the house

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of Allah subhanaw taala after he finished building the house of

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Panatela he said Robina tackable Mina, I know I am imperfect. And

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what I've done is not really perfect for you to accept it, but

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please accept it.

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This is a unique quality that we all have to have. She has just

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spoke about the different types of hearts after Ramadan. He said if

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you guys still remember, he said the first type of heart is a sound

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hearts. The second type of heart is a sick heart. The third type of

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heart is the dead heart.

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The first heart after Ramadan, which is the sound heart if you

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really want to know if your heart is sound or not. There are

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characteristics of the sound heart one of these characteristics is

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this idea of coming from a humble position where you ask Allah Oh

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Allah, I know. I'm not better than anybody else. I know my brother's

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not perfect. By asking you I'm begging you to accept my brothers

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throughout Ramadan. You're coming from this, you know position of

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humbleness, power after Salah what is the first thing we say after

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salah? A stop for Allah? Why does it make sense? I say stop for

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Allah and I'm just I just prayed. Why should I say stuff for Allah

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and I was just a literally just prayed I was in a state of

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worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. Yes.

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To forgive my mistakes that I didn't pray. That's absolutely

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right. And what does that mean? It means that you're trying, you're

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coming from a humble attitude. You have this humble attitude. You're

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asking Allah Oh Allah I prayed. But it does not mean that I'm

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perfect. I'm still have a lot of shortcomings, a lot of flaws and

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please accept it. One more example. After Hush, hush, when

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you know, this spirit of feeling, you know that I all my sins are

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wiped out, all my sins are gone. And this is just performed hash.

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You might think that, you know, now I'm good. You know, now I'm

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good. I have I have I'm not carrying any sins. Now. I'm

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perfect. Allah here also is remind me and you that you should have

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this sort of humbleness even after performing such a an act of

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worship like Hush. So in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala says

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Allah said, say that I thought two men out of fat Firth Kula and the

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mashallah haram with crew who can come when consuming cobbly

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iluminado lean after you perform ourselves? If karula Remember

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Allah make vicar to Allah subhanaw taala because you were not guided

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before Hajj but listen what he says after this when consuming

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cobbly laminate Bollin some I feel dome in Haifa Ness after you

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finish all the process and health and tawassul father was stuff your

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make us the far after has yes after has. Why? Because you're

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coming again. You should always have this quality of humbleness

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towards Allah subhanaw taala. Prophet Ibrahim did it after

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building the company Central Bank, Kabul Mina, I am imperfect or

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Allah accepted from me. And He Allah described it is heavy

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emphasis in the Quran about this Allah in different occasions of

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the Quran Allah subhanaw taala described the quality of money in

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what Kulu Modula what was the lemons? Who can get the actually

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come here or young men get your honey because you got the right

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answer Mashallah.

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And this is the second question the second question what was it

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that means what Kulu whom was Sheila? What was it that means?

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Yes, Brother

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Yes, yes, my heart. Give

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the Rambo and dark Masha Allah

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Allahu Akbar. He gets the second beautiful Blackseed honey

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Mashallah. So a Kulu Modula and their hearts are shaking out of

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fear that Allah wouldn't accept their ideas. Allah is talking to

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Momineen Allah, it's not talking to the disbelievers still going

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about more meaning after the performed hash and cm and all of

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these great acts, they're still not sure if Allah subhanaw taala

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would accept it or not. And it's still who we should be instead of

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hope. hopeful is that Allah would accept it. So here Subhanallah

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Prophet Ibrahim one more time he said Robina the Kabul Mina in

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Mecca and Samir al Ali, Oh Allah, except from us. You are indeed the

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All Hearing the old knowing

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you are mentioning some of Allah subhanaw taala as names as Semia

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you are the one who hears everything who you are the one who

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actually heard my bad is that I just performed so you're aware of

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everything single thing, you're not aware of my imperfection. And

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therefore I'm asking you to accept it for me. I'll Alim you're not

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just aware you have deep knowledge about all of them.

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I shortcomings all of my floss so please accept it from me. This is

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the dua of Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam. So now in sha Allah, Allah

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will go over the dough as that we addressed so far 13 to us in sha

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Allah Allah, so let's go Bismillah so say after me inshallah Bernetta

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Kabul Mina

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in NACA Anta semi Allah Lim

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Dino Surat Al Mustafa Kim

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whether Nguni

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Ivana harbor Mojave Bella

00:10:33 --> 00:10:35

for one Allah Nakamura la

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se Sanada vumat

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Hola ilaha illa Anta

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so the Hanoch in the consuming of volume in

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that's it I have profit tunes. But bene attina duniya Hassan

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was in Filati Hassan

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Joaquina other than now.

00:11:05 --> 00:11:09

Rob be in Neelima and Zalta em in hiring for clear.

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Rugby journey.

00:11:16 --> 00:11:18

Mookie masala

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will mean the reality.

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Rubbish rally Saudi

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YSC really angry

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that Emily Cerny

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00:11:35 --> 00:11:36

we'll call Robbie

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at the filming mood holosophic will ask Regeni Mook Roger said

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what John Lee Miller don't care. Sultan and la sera?

00:11:53 --> 00:11:55

Well, Lavina yaku Luna

00:11:56 --> 00:12:01

bene, habla Lana, mean as well. Gina?

00:12:02 --> 00:12:06

Whether Rihanna Tina Kurata Yan

00:12:07 --> 00:12:10

what Jalna little Muhtar Kena. Eman

00:12:12 --> 00:12:15

rugby lead attorney for the

00:12:16 --> 00:12:18

what and the how you rule were revealed

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for interval low

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for call has to be hola La ilaha illa who

00:12:30 --> 00:12:35

la hit our CELT were horrible Arshi la vie.

00:12:36 --> 00:12:45

Rob be in the Lima and delta Elijah means Hierin sokkia.

00:12:47 --> 00:12:50

Shallow stop here is that Kamala Highlands panic Aloma behind the

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shadow Leila hyndland stuff Hirokawa Tubu like Santa Monica

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