Yousef Bakeer – Don’t Be Sad Indeed Allah Is With Us

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The journey of Prophet sall immightaens'
is a sad and sad journey, but the journey is not sad. The journey is a sad journey, and individual actions can have a different impact. Control and feelings are important in one's actions, and emotional support and acknowledgment of one's actions can help avoid negative consequences. The journey is real and real issues for their community, and individuals can seek help for their mental health.
AI: Transcript ©
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camelina in the human Yadier Hila Fela medulla, woman mute lil fella

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had yella why shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa who Lashley Keller

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what ash had to anna muhammadan Abu do who are Sulu Allah subhanaw

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taala says in the Quran Yeah.

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telco more it duckula Haha cartoon called he moved to

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Walla to move to LA to Muslim.

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He says all believers have taqwa and ALLAH SubhanA wa taala, which

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means that we should be conscious of Allah of our Lord, we should be

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aware of him, and we should protect ourselves from his

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punishment and his wrath. And we should not let ourselves go

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without being in a state of la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I begin my hook by by asking Allah

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subhanaw taala first and foremost, to send blessings and prayers upon

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our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina Wahhabi bynner Muhammad

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wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salim to Sleeman Kathira My Dear

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Brothers and Sisters in Islam As salam o aleikum wa rahmatullah wa

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I ask Allah subhanaw taala in this blessed day of Ashura to bring

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nothing but goodness prosperities and blessings and serene and

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tranquility, to ourselves and to our homes and to our communities.

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I mean, yadda blah Alameen. My dear brothers and sisters,

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this month is the month of Muharram

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which is the first month in the lunar calendar, the month that

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reminds us by the migration of our beloved prophet muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam went in a journey with Abu Bakr

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Siddiq migrating from Makkah, all the way to El Medina. And just to

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give you a little background, about this migration, this hijra,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, along with his companions,

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were going through series of difficulties, hardships, they were

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actually getting tortured. The Dawa was suffering badly. The

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Prophet sallallahu Sallam himself was tortured, was humiliated, the

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prophets of Allah Allah Islam himself was losing some family

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members, you name it, you know, going through, you know, that

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painful journey of even seeking help from within his people. They

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refused. He went outside of Maccha seeking help outside, he got

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rejected, you name it. Series painful journey that the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went through at the beginning stage of

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Dawa along with his Sahaba.

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Now, Allah subhanaw taala said, describing part of the journey of

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the migration, he said in Latin Zulu who forgot NESARA hula is a

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Raja who Lavina Cafaro Xerneas. Nene is Umatilla is your kulula

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sahibi. He led Zen in Allah hermana. Allah is talking about

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the Hijra here. Now he was saying that Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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along with the muslimeen were forced to leave Mecca. And then it

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happened in a situation where the Prophet sallallahu sallam was in

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the company of Abu Bakr svic. And then Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allah

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Allah who was going through a phase of sadness. And the Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam looked at, looked at Abu Bakr and told Abu

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let us and in Allah hermana

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don't be sad, because indeed, Allah is with us.

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That's what Allah He beautiful statements. And if we think about

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it, if we dig a little bit deeper in this statement, if you want to

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look at it from the angle of the, if the angle of Abu Bakr Siddiq or

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the ALLAH and he was going through phase of sadness, along with

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Sahaba they're all in a very bad situation. And Wallahi we can

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relate to this. Either we're going through you know, some, you know,

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phase of depression phase of an anxiety, by the way.

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depression and anxiety is something that at some point,

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every human being will experience. This is just nature of the human

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being. Allah has created us, and he knew that human humans will at

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some point experience

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sadness, at some point will experience an anxiety or some

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point will experience depression. It's, it's a fact. If the Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam went through it, you know, sadness, and that's

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showing in the spirit of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, when

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he lost family members and whatnot, then the rest of the

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creation of Allah subhanaw taala, the rest of the human beings will

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experience at some point, these kinds of feelings. And so when Abu

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Bakr Siddiq or the Allah and who was experiencing sadness, and it

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was very, and I'm very picky with the words I use, because I cannot

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really say that Abu Bakr Siddiq was in a state of depression,

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because I have to be very careful with my terminology. But for sure,

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he was sad. And that's because that's showing in the ayah, Allah

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subhanaw taala said that the Prophet told him, don't be sad,

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let us and it means that he was sad. And by the way, this is

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beautiful, because the prophets came with human characteristics,

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the feel what what we feel, and Allah was able to send angels as

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prophets. But if he were to send angels, then we cannot really

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relate to those profits. Because those profits now are humans, they

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experience all of what we experience, so we can relate to

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them, we can learn from them, we can actually navigate how they

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used to navigate these kinds of feelings. So let's see how

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aboubaker is dealt with. With this with his sadness. Again, we're

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going to look at it from two different angles. Abu Bakr is

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angle and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is angle Abu Bakr Siddiq

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of the Allah and who did something very needed very crucial when

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somebody goes through any of those, you know, ill feelings.

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Number one, first and foremost, he decided not to stay alone.

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Abu Bakr severe, was in a desperate state waiting for the

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Prophet sallallahu Sallam to migrate to travel so he can be in

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his company. In the Sierra, we learned that he was sitting

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waiting for the Prophet, he wanted to hear the good news that the

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prophets Allah Sam will decide to take Abu Bakr with him. He was he

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wanted the companionship of the Prophet salaallah alayhi salam

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because he knows for a fact that being alone is not going to help,

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you know to help him and he needs the guidance and the companionship

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of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So

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number one, first and foremost when we go through any kind of

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feelings that's actually affecting our daily activities. Number one,

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first and foremost, never stay alone. Seek people around you seek

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support system, talk to somebody who you like or who you love, talk

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to a family member, talk to a therapist seek help.

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So the Prophet sallallahu sallam was with Abu Bakr Siddiq, Abu Bakr

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said, You know what, I'm gonna go with the Prophet sallallahu

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sallam, and I will express my emotions to the prophets, Allah

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Allahu Allah yourself. How did the Prophet know that he said, at some

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point, Abu Bakr Siddiq showed something that made the Prophet

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Salah Salem realizes that Abu Bakr is going through you know, phase

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phase of sadness.

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number two, we learned from Abu Bakr so vehicle, the Allah.

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experts talk about this many times, they say there are three

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things that we really need to think deeply about their emotions

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slash feelings, and their actions. And their our thoughts. Everyone

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has these three things. All of us here in this room, we actually

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have these three things. I'll say it again, emotions slash feelings,

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actions and thoughts.

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Now, experts say you and me have no control over our feelings. We

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don't decide how how we feel.

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But they say we decide how we think.

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And then eventually, we decide we determine our own actions. I'll

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say it again. This is very crucial. Experts will say when you

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wake up in the morning, the first thing when you actually wake up

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and you're feeling a little depressed, feeling a little, you

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know, sort of, you know, the motivation. You don't want to do

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anything you just want to stay in the bed.

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Experts say you actually cannot change this temporary feeling that

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what you feel you cannot change it, but there is a solution. They

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say you can control your own thoughts. So maybe you can

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actually force yourself to say Alhamdulillah

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A lady here any bad man, a man attorney, what you lay in the

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shoe, yeah, Allah, I thank you, I acknowledge your blessings upon

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me. And I know for a fact that I will be restricted to you, your

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Allah, Ya Allah and refreshing my faith, and acknowledging all the

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blessings that you have bestowed upon me.

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You start your day with this.

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Now you're actually controlling your thoughts. Now you're thinking

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positively about Allah, you're thinking, thinking positively

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about your day, you're thinking positively about your affairs,

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you're just acknowledging everything, all the blessings that

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Allah has bestowed upon me, the fact that I wake up, my wife is

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next to me, you know, next to me, or my spouse, and my husband is

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next to me, or my kids aren't hamdulillah safe and sound

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Alhamdulillah I have food on a you know, on the table. Alhamdulillah

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I have health and Hamdulillah I can actually walk Alhamdulillah I

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can get out of my house and take my kids to school Alhamdulillah

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able to function all of this, you're actually thinking about all

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of that. The first thing that you think in the morning thinking

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positively about Allah subhanaw taala that's what thoughts

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and then you get up and you and now it will have an impact on your

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actions. You also get to control your actions you get up and you go

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to select the treasurer and you pray selected fish fetcher, and

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then you start off your day.

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None other scenario, you sit down demotivated, you don't want to

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think positively. You pull up your phone, you go from an app to an

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app, you go, you know, have this unit, watch these short clips, and

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then you stay for one hour, two hours, just demotivated, you don't

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want to do anything. Now, you're actually give up giving up one of

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your rights, one of your ability, the ability to control your

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thoughts, and therefore will have an impact on your actions. Here's

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the beautiful part. Once you control these two things, guess

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what? That will have an impact on your feelings now

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that you don't get to control. Remember, we said at the

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beginning, I don't get to control my feelings. Yes. But now you got

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to control your thoughts. You got to control your actions, therefore

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it will have a direct impact on your feelings.

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My dear brothers and sisters, the second part for the sake of the

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time, because that's a subject that needs multiple hookups in sha

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Allah Allah, but just for the sake of the time, if we look now from

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the angle of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, during

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casual, you remember, angle of Abu Bakr angle of the Prophet

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sallallahu sallam, how did the prophets deal with somebody who's

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going through difficult time? We have to experience this at some

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point. Some some family members going through difficult time

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ourselves or other people around us, our beloved ones, it's going

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to happen. How do we deal with this? Number one, first and

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foremost, Prophet sallallahu Sallam did something amazing. And

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that's he acknowledged what Abu Bakr Siddiq is going through.

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He did not say,

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Come on, man up, you know, all of your Sahaba if your companions you

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know, we're going through this, we're going through this together.

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He did not underestimate the feelings of Abu Bakr, Slavic Radi

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Allahu Allah.

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He actually acknowledged it.

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And how did he acknowledge it by saying, Let us and I feel you, I

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understand what you're going through. I'm giving you this

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emotional support that you need now.

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And one, one another beautiful thing that the Prophet sallahu wa

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salam said, after letters, and what did he say, in Allaha manner?

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First, he's saying we're, we're going through this together, we're

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here for you, man and not Mac. If it's smack then that's your

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business. Sometimes we're very dismissive. Somebody is coming to

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us with a with a real issue. And what we get to do very dismissive

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is like, okay, man, you know,

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best of luck. What I'm going to do, I can't do anything. Right,

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very dismissive. But the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, I feel you

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were here together. Allah mana Allah is with me and with you.

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Subhanallah and then the prophets, Allah Salam did not accuse

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Abu Bakr Siddiq by having low faith the Lord, Amen. That's very

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important. Sometimes as parents, we make this mistake, man. We talk

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to our kids. And we see that our kids sometimes are going through a

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difficult time and we look at them say, well, because you're not

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I mean, is there anything wrong with saying to your child that he

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should pray? Absolutely not. Is it appropriate in this context

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at all,

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Only not it's not appropriate in this context. Why because you're

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associating two things now you're associating his what he's going

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through whatever whatever he's going through to the prayer to the

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a you're accusing him by have low faith even though all the prophets

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went through a difficult time painful journeys Prophet Musa

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prophets use a few names. So if it's about faith, then this then

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MBA should never felt anything like that. Any sadness, anything

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like that, but that's not the case. Number two, your what you're

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doing now is that you're building resentment around salah. Because

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you always think about salah negatively just because you

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associated his depression or his anxiety to the prayer

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and He will grow up hearing, you know, hearing the word Salah why

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because you're always he's always constantly thinking about it in a

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negative manner. So don't associate associate these two

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things. My dear brothers and sisters, the last message in sha

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Allah Tala

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is that there is some level of depression and an anxiety that

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actually can cripple you that can actually make you not able to

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Now able to actually go on your day, and do your normal daily

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activities. At this point, my dear brothers and sisters, you

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definitely, definitely need to seek help.

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You definitely need to seek help.

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I'm not sure if it's something very common for a chef to actually

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ask people to go on to seek help medical help, but Allah he this is

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our reality. I'm dealing with youth on a daily basis. And I'm

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telling you, depression and anxiety are real.

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These are real issues that we actually face in our community.

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And oh, my sounds difficult to process. I know my sounds harsh,

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but Wallahi This is our reality. The fact that depression and and

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anxiety are invisible does not mean that they don't exist, no

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they do exist. And it is an issue. So please, just the Prophet

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salallahu Salam did check on Abu Bakr Siddiq Radi Allahu Anhu

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please let's make sure that we check on our spouses our children

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and we make sure that we provide to them any help needed in the

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light Allah Cody had our stuff for Allah honey welcome.

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim o salat wa salam ala Rasulillah sallAllahu

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Sallam Allah McPhee Lana the new bene way Serafina Fe M Brina. With

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a bit of damage on Sunako McCaffrey and along Marina

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konasana Tobiah were in a battle about the numbers looking at

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stiniva Robinair haeberlin I mean as well as you know what the

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reaction authoritarian or Jiang Tokina Imam what Alchemist salah.

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