Yousef Bakeer – Cultivating Patience A Path To Inner Peace And Mental Strength
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Hu many
Muhammadan Abu
Asmaa, WA says, In the Quran, yeah, you. Haladina, Amanu, it
Taku la itaku, lahat, katu, Kati, he wala, Tamu, tuna, illawah unto
Muslim moon. He says, oh, believers, have taqwa in Allah,
Azza wa jal, which means that we should be conscious of him. We
should be aware of him, and we should protect ourselves from his
punishment and his wrath, and we should never allow ourselves to
die, except in a state of submission to our Lord Sid of la
ilaha, illAllah, muhammadun rasulallah. I begin my khutbah by
asking Allah azza wa jal, first and foremost, to send blessings
and prayers upon our Habib, our Rasul, our NABI, Allah salimah,
Barak ala Nabi ina wa Habib I Muhammad in WA, Allah Ali wa
sahbihi wa Sallim, Talim, kathyurah, Ahmad, My Dear Brothers
and Sisters in Islam as salaam alaikum, warahmatullahi, taala,
there is this quality
of a believer
that Allah frequently mentions in the holy book of Quran frequently
speaks About this quality, and he actually
says that this quality many messengers and prophets,
especially Ulam, those who went through difficult time giving
dawah to their people, like Prophet NUHA salaam, or Prophet
Ibrahim, alaihi salam, Allah, has described them with this quality
of a believer that I'm About to actually reveal inshallah to Allah
into this hut, but
beautiful characteristic of the of the of the believers, as Allah
subhanahu wa says, Yeah, you haladina Amanu is spiru, wasabi,
ru water. Obviously,
we're talking about this concept of patience of SABR
as Subhanallah, one of the most profound definitions of patience
that I found, that I thought that this is really interesting to
actually, you know, address with this beautiful community is that
patience or suburb?
It means this, this internal coping mechanism that gives us the
ability to regulate our emotions and control our emotions. What do
I mean by this? Well, one of the really strength that we have as a
human beings, this is how Allah has designed us, this is how Allah
has built us, has made us, is that we have strength. Everyone here
has this internal strength, and that is called SABR. And SABR
comes when difficult times strike.
It comes when difficult times strike, and also it comes when
you're about to make a very important decision in your life.
SABR will come in place, and I'll explain why,
and I will start with the second point, how SABR plays a factor on
the decision making of all the human beings Well, as we make a
crucial decision in our lives, sometimes we make These decisions
according to our emotional state, and when emotions are high, what
is down? Logic is down. So I've seen it. It's a recurring theme,
big decisions in our lives. I want to get to marry I want to marry
this person. Now, my mind is telling me something and my heart
is telling me something else. My emotions are attached to that
person, but then my logic is just telling me, No, this is not the
right decision.
Many of us, we make this mistake. We make a decision, a permanent
decision based on temporary feeling. I feel something now I
feel attached to that person, even though I know that there are
serious issues in this relationship, and yet I make that
decision. Why? Because I let emotions control me.
Now, SABR comes in place because SABR regulates your emotions. It.
Else you know, hold on now, your your situation with that person.
I'm just giving marriage as an example, but you can actually
apply this to all life aspects you know about to, you know, to get
into a certain career, and we're about to actually study a certain
you want to get your measure in certain you know area, or you want
to make a decision of having children, many, many aspects in
life. You can apply this to everything again. SABR comes in
place and tells you make the right decision. You see red flags. You
see big issues in making that decision now consider what's good
for you, even though it's painful, but that's temporary, because SABR
is the tool that actually gets you to build this. This, this coping
mechanism, that internal coping mechanism, that you can actually
be able to get over that phase.
Let me. Let me actually rephrase this again, because this is
important. This is important sometimes just see that this, this
is a relationship that will fail. Why? Because there is no
compatibility and but the two persons are just attached,
emotionally attached, to each other. Do you want to make that
decision? They want to marry?
I think she's an amazing person, but, and yet, I see a lot of
serious issues, but I think it will work out.
And I want that white dress. I just want that day. I want to get
married. I think he's cool. I think he's a good person. And yet,
I see that there is a huge issue in his financial situation, or I
see a huge issue in his relationship with Allah, but it's
okay. I think it will work out. We will work it out after marriage.
Right now. What are we doing here? We're letting emotions control us,
control our decision
and why? Because we're afraid that once we let this go, we will
until, you know, make the right decision and endure SABR, because
it will give you the ability to get over this period of time. You
see it now. So that's number one. SABR does what it gives you, this
internal coping mechanism. You actually make you jealous, you
make you make you strong and go through it, make the tough
decisions, so long as it is the right decisions, you don't let
your emotions play you and control you. That's number one. Number
when going through difficult times, when go through difficult
times, many things happened to our psychology, to just to internally,
things happen. One of these things is that we think that that's it.
It's over.
It's very difficult situation. I don't think I will get out of this
I think it will take too long for me to get out of it. But then
Allah, subhana, Allah tells you what, yeah, you are. Ladeena.
Amanu ista Ainu, the Sabri was salah,
by the way, patience. I just don't like the word patience because
it's not giving justice to the word SABR. SABR means consistent
patience. It's not like you're just having patience a little bit
now I'm just being patient a little bit, but then I will lose
that patience. No, SABR. SABR is consistent patience. And that's a
that's a very unique quality when things go tough, when things go
rough, we say, well, as a believer, yes, the ayin besabri
was salah. I will endure patience. I will know that this is temporary
feeling I have now, and eventually, Allah, Subhanahu wa
will show me a way out. That's the thoughts of a believer and
SubhanAllah. The old Arabs used to associate
SABR with sabbar. The fruit of sabar. What's the fruit of sabar?
Is the prickly pear.
Why? Because the prickly pier grows where in the desert
and this and this planet, or this, this plant or this fruit can stay
years without water, but knows how to actually survive. And if you
look at it from the outside, it has all of this, you know, all of
these thorns, and it's ugly from the outside. Why? Because a lot of
a lot of things going on in these years of not getting this water
and sustenance right. But what is inside is this sweet fruit
that's patience. Sabbath is
from the word SABR means, what means consist.
Patience consistent SABR. I will be patient. I will protect myself
with with with SABR, from all of these ill thoughts and negative
thoughts that that's overwhelming me. I will be firm on the deen of
Allah I know Allah ma sabirin in Allah, ma Sabir, ma sabiri, ai
sahbat Sabri in the companion, in the companionship in the company
of the one who has SABR, Allah is with you. Allah is with you
in the lahat. Ma Sabir, amazing quality. And you can actually, you
can actually see the impact of this on especially our youth.
Anyone who lacks this quality, why there is this huge rate of divorce
in the first five years, or why there is this huge turnover rate
when fresh graduates coming into jobs in the very first five years.
Why? Why are we too quick to quit? Why?
Why is it? What are we lacking? Obviously, there are legitimate
reasons, of course, not dismissing this, but I'm talking here about
the vast majority of the issues.
What is the reason? What's making me quick to quit.
You'll go back to the same concept that we're talking about, this
concept of SABR, of patience. I will end inshallah to Allah with
beautiful poem of Imam Shafi, about patience, about SABR.
He says
that I am at afal Mata Shaykh. I Da I am a Taal matasha Just is
telling us, don't worry about
the Qadr of Allah, Subhanahu wa don't worry about things that you
have no control over. Eventually you only have control over your
means. And then he says, wat nephadal. And when things go
wrong, and you know that it's beyond your capacity, be
satisfied. Have riba be satisfied. Go through it.
Be tough and go through it.
Know that Allah masa Beren, one more time,
will take nefs and also acknowledge this difficult time
that you're going through. What is happening is that some of our
internal mechanism, we actually deny what's happening in our
lives. I myself
as a father of an autistic child. At the beginning, it's tempting
not to process everything and to deny just you know the fact that
you have this challenge in your life, ma'am Shafi tells you no,
no, no, no. Have SABR and understand that this is the Qatar
of Allah, Subhanahu wa it. And then he says, wala a tajiza, Lina,
azilat al la Ali La atajiza, ali nazila talali, going through
difficult time you will eventually have to, you know, face this
moment, this moment that's bringing you down, this moment
that you feel like you're in the dark, these triggers that happen
to anyone who's trying to heal from a trauma, from from from
difficult time that he went through. Let ajiza Ali, nazila
Tala Ali, when you just feel this, when you go through this difficult
time, remember in Allah, Hamas sabirin, Allah is with you. Allah
is next to you. Allah is supporting you.
Family. Hawai'i, duniya, bakau, wakun, rajulan, ALA, Wali,
geladan, washi, matuka, a Sama, Hatu wa wafau, beautiful,
beautiful words of Imam shafa, he said, It's just when we're going
through this difficult time, just remind yourself, always,
constantly remind yourself that you have this tool. This is
strength that Allah subhanaw taala has given you, and also show Wafaa
and Samaha. Sometimes, when we go through difficult time, it has an
impact on us and how we demonstrate these, these, these
emotions that's happening inside us to the outside. So sometimes we
come up as tough or as rough people, or you actually just, you
know, be disrespectful, sometimes, just a lot going on. And so, like
I have a lot of frustration. Imam, as Shepherd, is telling us, no no
no no, just calm down and show Samaha.
When things get tough, remember you are. You are a person, a
believer of Allah, with somebody that you have you show goodness to
the people around you. And I will end with this wallahim. It will
always talk about support system Allah. Subhanaw taala has
mentioned it in the Quran. He said, he said, was bir NAF.
Second. Maladina Rabbah, he said, Yes, don't forget, while going
through this difficult time
and you're trying to maintain that suburb that we spoke about, be
mindful of the importance of being around people who can actually
help you get over this difficult time. Endure the these you know,
difficult situations. Endure it with Sabbath. Sabbath gives you
that to him, Allah, subhana, taala, make us among us. Sabarina,
rabbal, Alameen, because Allah himself said in NAMA, you Wafaa,
sabiru na ashlahom BelAir, he said only one category of people who
will go to Jannah on the day of judgment without hisab, Allah
would not going to Allah is not going to ask us about our deeds.
You go without hisab, without questions. You go to Jannah. Why?
Because you endorsed this beautiful quality of a believer.
SABR, SABR, SABR May Allah, subhanaw, Taala and
Abu Asmaa, rahman, rahim, salatu, salam, ALA, rasulallah, kefir,
Ahmad band, My Dear Brothers and
Sisters in Islam,
with all what's going on in the world, it requires also supper.
Supper means what you don't burn out. Sometimes it looks like it's
overwhelming. It looks like the Ummah is struggling. It looks like
everything is going wrong, and as an ummah now, that's a quality
that we need to build. As an ummah, we need to build the
quality of SABR, because it's not about this current moment. It's
not about our present. The ummah of Allah azza wa jal needs to look
forward. This is not it's not over yet. The ummah of Prophet
Muhammad, sallAllahu, Sallam needs to build this ability of ability
to survive, ability to grow through difficult times. And may
Allah, subhanaw taala and this blessed moment of yawmah, we ask
Allah azza wa jal to bring nothing but relief to our brothers and
sisters in Philistine, ya rab al Alameen, Ya Allah, Ya Kareem, ya
Rahman. We ya Rahim. We ask you to bring nothing but relief to our
brothers and sisters in Philistine, Ya Allah Ya Rahman, we
are Rahim. We ask you, and we beg you to heal the hearts of those
who lost their family members. Ya rab al Alameen Ya Allah, we ask
you to heal the hearts of the fathers who lost their kids. Ya
rab al Alameen Ya Allah. We ask you to liberate maje al ahlameen
Ya Allah. We ask you in this blessed moment of yawmah, we ask
you to grant us the ability to pray in Majd Al Aqsa. Ya rabal
alameen Ya Allah, we ask you to make us among those who will be
able to pray in majel Abu Alameen Allah, whom masalah and abiy now
Habibi na Muhammad in WA Allah Ali he was Abu Asmaa, kafira wa dawana
an Alhamdulillah. He Rabbi la Alameen Abu