Yousef Bakeer – Advice on the PreMarital Process

Yousef Bakeer
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The speaker advises the customer to make permanent decisions based on emotions and maintain healthy boundaries. They also suggest maintaining healthy boundaries and avoiding discomfort in certain situations. The customer is warned that they will become attached to a certain person and will experience certain flaws in their relationship.

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			sound like I'm Sheikh, how are
you? Salaam are Abdullah, what?
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			What is one thing you advise for
us to look for when we're looking
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			for marriage, if I were to give
one, only one advice, I would say,
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			don't make permanent decisions
based on temporary feelings, okay,
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			don't get too attached to the
point that you are stuck, either
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			you're going to make a decision
permanent decision to get into a
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			long relationship
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			because of the attachment you have
towards that person, or you will
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			go and you will put a lot of
effort to this attach yourself
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			emotionally from this person. And
that comes with a lot with a lot
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			of pain. So you're kind of in a
position where if you would not to
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			attach yourself emotionally, if
you maintain healthy boundaries in
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			pre, you know, marriage period,
then at this point, you will more
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			likely to make the right decision.
Why? Because no emotions involved
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			at all. Because when emotions are
high, logic is down. So you want
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			to make sure that you make the
most logical decision, because
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			this is something great, a great
deal that you're getting yourself
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			into marriage. It's a lifetime
commitment. So we want to make
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			sure that you're making the right
decision inshallah. So how do you
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			advise leaving emotions out of it?
By maintaining healthy boundaries,
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			you'll make sure that you ask the
right questions, you involve
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			yourself in an appropriate setting
where you don't leave a room for
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			the shaitan to get in and for
emotions to get in. Because like I
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			said, when emotions intervene,
they're more likely chances to not
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			make the right decision. So that's
why Subhanallah it's it's actually
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			asked by our Lord, while I'm with
them, meaning what meaning you
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			don't make friendship outside of
marriage, because we will make
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			friendship outside of marriage,
emotions will get attached. And
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			therefore, you will be at some
point you will be blind of making
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			the right decision. Why? Because
you're so attached. And we see
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			this all the time people are stuck
after marriage, just because they
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			made the wrong decision before
marriage, and why they made the
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			wrong decision is because they
were fully attached to that
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			person. Okay, and then. So what's
your stance on private messaging
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			on social media? Sorry, hyper
private messaging on social media,
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			again, it goes back to the
appropriate communication that you
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			need to have before marriage,
anything that you have, with a
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			person who you want to marry, that
you're shy from public making it
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			public, then know that there is
something wrong going on? Know
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			that, you know, there is more than
what you should
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			have at that at that point. So for
instance, if you're having
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			conversations that you will be shy
to post it online, or to,
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			you know, conversations that you
will be shy showing it to your
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			siblings or your parents. Why
because it's just uncomfortable
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			sharing this kind of intimate
conversation know that this is not
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			healthy for you. Why because now,
you are not maintaining these
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			boundaries that we talked about.
And as a result, these private
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			conversations will get you
emotionally attached to that
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			person. And therefore, even though
you see flaws in this person,
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			either you will compromise these
flaws. Or you will convince
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			yourself that eventually you will
change that person after marriage
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			and this is the biggest lie.
Nobody changes after marriage. So
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			just know that if you were to
commit to a person with these
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			certain flaws, know that you will
actually act to you will actually
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			you will, you will experience
these flaws after marriage.
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			Sometimes when you're fully
attached to some body before
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			marriage, you will be delusional.
You're not seeing the reality as
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			it is. And after marriage. The
reality will punch you in the face