Yousef Bakeer – A Powerful Dua From Surah Baqarah

Yousef Bakeer
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AI: Summary ©

The Brothers and Sisters in Islamjia discuss the importance of praying with masks and the presence of the presence of the Q marks in their teachings. They also talk about past events and how to pray with masks. The transcript describes the importance of praying with a mask and the presence of the Q marks in their teachings.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:01 --> 00:00:05
			The Brothers and Sisters in Islam
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa
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00:00:07 --> 00:00:13
			sha Allah Masha Allah. So we're
still discussing the Quranic dice.
00:00:13 --> 00:00:20
			There are so many gems, so many so
many beauty in the Quranic dies.
00:00:20 --> 00:00:25
			And more importantly, the Quranic
dies that has that Allah has
00:00:25 --> 00:00:27
			recited over
00:00:28 --> 00:00:32
			the days of the prophets, the
prophetic dies, specially the
00:00:32 --> 00:00:37
			prophetic diocese. panela there is
an art for the dyers that the
00:00:37 --> 00:00:43
			Prophet alayhi wa sallam decided,
say today it is not a prophetic
00:00:43 --> 00:00:43
00:00:44 --> 00:00:49
			it is not a prophetic dua but it's
a Quranic God but before I start
00:00:49 --> 00:00:54
			discussing this beautiful powerful
dua I want you guys to remind me
00:00:54 --> 00:01:02
			how many lies we took so 477 Okay,
what was the first one? Yes
00:01:05 --> 00:01:09
			yes, that was that was the first
lie but that's not a prophetic dot
00:01:09 --> 00:01:12
			and there is one yes. You come
00:01:13 --> 00:01:17
			You already came to me yesterday.
He told me after I want to recite
00:01:17 --> 00:01:21
			that. So I'm excited. I want to
know what he got suela What's your
00:01:21 --> 00:01:22
			name first. I did not.
00:01:25 --> 00:01:30
			Stay for the DUA yesterday. Okay.
So what do you want to say today?
00:01:36 --> 00:01:38
			You have to you want to say today
00:01:40 --> 00:01:44
			he changed his mind last minute.
That's fine. Okay, so is that
00:01:45 --> 00:01:50
			all right, it happens that's fine.
sinsemilla so the first door after
00:01:50 --> 00:01:51
			Bismillah toccata. Allah was
00:01:53 --> 00:01:53
00:01:55 --> 00:01:59
			Robin Neelima and delta li M and
hiring for kill that ye of Prophet
00:01:59 --> 00:02:03
			Musa alayhis salam the second dua
what was the second our brothers
00:02:03 --> 00:02:06
			and sisters? We have to memorize
the 10 the first 10 of them in sha
00:02:06 --> 00:02:10
			Allah and then we're gonna pause
for Ramadan and then after Ramadan
00:02:10 --> 00:02:11
			we're gonna resume be Nila yes
00:02:15 --> 00:02:18
			rubbish Ali makishima celerity
Amin Zulu Yeti Robin our Taco Bell
00:02:18 --> 00:02:25
			da da da of Prophet Ibrahim Ali
Salam what was the third Da Da Fu?
00:02:25 --> 00:02:26
00:02:29 --> 00:02:31
			Musa alayhis salam what was the
00:02:32 --> 00:02:36
			rubbish rally suddenly were
suddenly Emery wild orchids and
00:02:36 --> 00:02:39
			Melissa Annie you have call her
call you Allah you guys are doing
00:02:39 --> 00:02:42
			great have very short memory Masha
Allah what was the next one? The
00:02:42 --> 00:02:48
			fifth da Smilla what was the fifth
da yes
00:03:00 --> 00:03:04
			who still remember the Arabic
version of it? But good try.
00:03:06 --> 00:03:09
			Rugby at killing the mozzarella
said we're creating democra just
00:03:09 --> 00:03:14
			amazing. Why was that? Because the
last one then? Yes.
00:03:17 --> 00:03:21
			Oh, no. Last Saturday, guys. You
remember everything that was just
00:03:21 --> 00:03:22
			last Saturday? Yes.
00:03:26 --> 00:03:30
			Has to be Hola Hola. Hola. Hola.
Hola. Hola. hito killed. That's
00:03:30 --> 00:03:33
			right. And we forgot one of the
drives which is Rob Bella tourney
00:03:33 --> 00:03:37
			farther. Now we're almost going to
hit the 10th Insha Allah Allah
00:03:37 --> 00:03:41
			Allah, Allah subhanaw taala
benefit us from all of these
00:03:41 --> 00:03:43
			beautiful diocese. I mean, now
00:03:45 --> 00:03:47
			in today's video, I want to do
00:03:49 --> 00:03:52
			different. I want to talk about
three things. Number one, I want
00:03:52 --> 00:03:57
			to talk about the virtue or fuddle
had a dial. And the second thing I
00:03:57 --> 00:04:02
			want to give you a general
reflections about some words of
00:04:02 --> 00:04:06
			this. And the third thing I want
to talk to you about the reward of
00:04:06 --> 00:04:09
			this, if you were to say this
right, what's going to happen, so
00:04:09 --> 00:04:13
			three things number one, the
virtue of this. Some reflections
00:04:13 --> 00:04:16
			general reflections about this da
and the third thing inshallah
00:04:16 --> 00:04:20
			Tyler will be the reward of this.
As for the virtue of this while
00:04:22 --> 00:04:27
			Subhanallah this is part of the
last two areas of Surah Al
00:04:27 --> 00:04:32
			Baqarah. Right. And Surah Al
Baqarah has high status in the
00:04:32 --> 00:04:39
			Quran, especially those two aids
to the point that the entire Quran
00:04:39 --> 00:04:43
			was revealed to Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
00:04:43 --> 00:04:49
			through Jabril Ali salaam to the
earth, except these two eyes. The
00:04:49 --> 00:04:54
			scholars now authentic narration
said that these two eyes Prophet
00:04:54 --> 00:04:58
			Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam went
all the way up to the sky in
00:04:58 --> 00:04:59
			Israel Mirage and
00:05:00 --> 00:05:04
			Allah subhanaw taala has revealed
these two specific eyes that you
00:05:04 --> 00:05:09
			see, or do you see just part of
it? The last two years of Surah
00:05:09 --> 00:05:13
			Baqarah Allah subhanaw taala has
revealed to him under the under
00:05:13 --> 00:05:17
			his throne. And he said this is
Ming coluzzii Laroche from the
00:05:17 --> 00:05:22
			treasure from the treasure of the
Throne of Allah, Allah subhana wa
00:05:22 --> 00:05:29
			Tada. This is how huge status
these two ayat has. When it comes
00:05:29 --> 00:05:33
			to Al Quran and the Quranic dice.
That's number one. Bear with me, I
00:05:33 --> 00:05:38
			want you to pay attention. Number
two, I said I'm going to talk. I'm
00:05:38 --> 00:05:41
			not going to talk about the virtue
and then what was the second one?
00:05:42 --> 00:05:45
			General reflections, right?
General reflections. Subhanallah
00:05:45 --> 00:05:50
			is reflecting on these ideas. And
these words in the past few days,
00:05:50 --> 00:05:52
			and I'll tell you something that I
came up with.
00:05:54 --> 00:06:01
			Allah here is said in Surah
Baqarah The last area he said, Rob
00:06:01 --> 00:06:06
			bene, well Tamela Lena is run
karma Hamilton who Allah Lavina
00:06:06 --> 00:06:07
			mon Commelina
00:06:08 --> 00:06:13
			Rebecca Wella to her Milner mela
Takata Lana Bay. And then he said,
00:06:13 --> 00:06:16
			or for Anna if Lana and Hannah
00:06:17 --> 00:06:21
			now I want you to pay attention.
Allah here covers three sentence
00:06:21 --> 00:06:27
			tenses past la Tamela Lena Aslan,
camera Hamilton Allah Latina
00:06:27 --> 00:06:27
00:06:29 --> 00:06:35
			present led to her male name Allah
Takata Lana be future or for Anna
00:06:35 --> 00:06:39
			L for Lana and Hannah. Now the
question What is unique about
00:06:39 --> 00:06:39
00:06:40 --> 00:06:46
			think about any problem or issue
or a struggle you have in your
00:06:46 --> 00:06:52
			life. It has to do with with what
are the things from the past that
00:06:52 --> 00:06:57
			you recall, things that you regret
doing in the past and you cannot
00:06:57 --> 00:07:02
			go over get over? Or memories that
you don't want to remember? Or
00:07:02 --> 00:07:07
			things that you feel guilty of
from the past and it's affecting
00:07:07 --> 00:07:07
			your presence.
00:07:09 --> 00:07:14
			And Allah here is saying, say that
the latter Milla Lena Asante,
00:07:14 --> 00:07:18
			Mohammed Tala Dinniman Kalina
don't overburden me with things
00:07:18 --> 00:07:23
			that had to do with the past
because it's affecting me. And in
00:07:23 --> 00:07:27
			the present, he said to her Mila
Mela, talk Catalina be, don't
00:07:27 --> 00:07:31
			overwhelm me with so many tasks
that I cannot handle.
00:07:32 --> 00:07:36
			Think about your present, things
are going tough, things are going
00:07:36 --> 00:07:40
			hard, and I am struggling and I
cannot deal with it.
00:07:41 --> 00:07:46
			This is for it. For the presence
led to her Melanie mela Takata,
00:07:46 --> 00:07:54
			Lana Bay, oh Allah Don't burden me
with more than my capacity with
00:07:54 --> 00:07:57
			more than things that I cannot
handle, or Allah helped me.
00:07:59 --> 00:08:03
			And then also on Evelina and
Hannah, think about the future.
00:08:04 --> 00:08:08
			What gives us an anxiety and fear
is the future think about the
00:08:08 --> 00:08:12
			future how the future will look
like? How my kids will look like.
00:08:14 --> 00:08:18
			Thinking about my job thinking
about things that have to do with
00:08:18 --> 00:08:23
			the future, it gives you and me
this anxiety and fear.
00:08:24 --> 00:08:31
			So here Allah saying, no, no,
Dori, say, or for Annie bar the
00:08:31 --> 00:08:34
			mean forgive me. And the scholars
Allah Matt said there is
00:08:34 --> 00:08:36
			difference between laugh Well,
Mark Farah.
00:08:37 --> 00:08:43
			I laugh that things that have to
do with Allah. So Allah forgive me
00:08:43 --> 00:08:47
			with everything that has committed
against your wealth, or against
00:08:47 --> 00:08:49
			your your obedience, forgive me.
00:08:50 --> 00:08:57
			And then you say, If Li Imam Al
Tabari said, Alma Farah has to do
00:08:57 --> 00:09:01
			with bein eco banal, a bad Oh
ALLAH cover my shortcomings when
00:09:01 --> 00:09:06
			it comes to the people around me
and the people. So forgive me,
00:09:06 --> 00:09:11
			what I've done with between me and
you and the me and the people. And
00:09:11 --> 00:09:15
			then he said that honey and remain
Have mercy on me for my remaining
00:09:15 --> 00:09:19
			time in this life, and in the
next. And then he said something
00:09:19 --> 00:09:22
			beautiful, he said, and camo, Lana
00:09:23 --> 00:09:28
			Milena al Mohler, who's someone
that's very close to you. Someone
00:09:28 --> 00:09:33
			that who will take care of you. So
Allah here is asking us to say,
00:09:33 --> 00:09:36
			and tomorrow, Lana, oh Allah take
care of me because I didn't know
00:09:36 --> 00:09:41
			the future. I can't predict the
future. I have no idea what's
00:09:41 --> 00:09:44
			going to happen in the future. I
have no control over the future.
00:09:45 --> 00:09:48
			So oh Allah take care of me. And
subhanAllah this is exactly what
00:09:48 --> 00:09:52
			happened in the Battle of Gods
when the Prophet sallallahu sallam
00:09:52 --> 00:09:57
			was standing with Omar Mahatama
and the Sahaba and Abu Sufian, who
00:09:57 --> 00:09:59
			shouting from the other side is
like you
00:10:00 --> 00:10:03
			Oh he's he was screaming and he
was happy that he won the battle
00:10:03 --> 00:10:08
			and he said, Lana La Rosa while I
was there like when we got there
00:10:08 --> 00:10:12
			the gray idol of Rosa and no I was
there for you. And then the
00:10:12 --> 00:10:16
			Prophet took that online and said
you're not going to respond to
00:10:16 --> 00:10:19
			him. Now I'm gonna say that I
don't know what to say. The
00:10:19 --> 00:10:24
			prophets told him tell him Allah
Houma Lana wala am Allah Allah can
00:10:25 --> 00:10:30
			tell him, Allah is our mela and no
Mala for you.
00:10:31 --> 00:10:35
			Thinking about the future what's
going to happen after this? Allahu
00:10:35 --> 00:10:37
			moulana Well I'm Allah Allah come.
00:10:39 --> 00:10:44
			So this these are these are
powerful powerful words three
00:10:44 --> 00:10:47
			words again three sentence lead
Tamela Lena Islam comma cameltoe
00:10:47 --> 00:10:52
			Allah Latina michelina past lead
to her Milna mela taka tallinna Be
00:10:52 --> 00:10:57
			present or for an ill Felina era
Hannah Antolin
00:10:59 --> 00:11:04
			these are golden words that we
should use we should really
00:11:04 --> 00:11:08
			internalize and we should really
use in our daily basis when we
00:11:08 --> 00:11:12
			feel this and when it comes to our
mind these these evil thoughts in
00:11:12 --> 00:11:16
			sha Allah Tala. Now that the words
of this dua
00:11:19 --> 00:11:20
			and check this out
00:11:22 --> 00:11:27
			the scholars and the automat said
whoever recites these two
00:11:27 --> 00:11:31
			beautiful is the last two eyes of
sorts of Bukhara
00:11:33 --> 00:11:38
			so allah sallallahu sallam said
Katha care who what is that mean
00:11:38 --> 00:11:44
			Cafe Tahoe it's enough for him and
then the oil and I said the
00:11:44 --> 00:11:49
			interpretation of this the say
either Katha who means that he
00:11:49 --> 00:11:54
			will it's enough for him to get
the reward of praying to hazard
00:11:54 --> 00:11:59
			the rest of the night. So before
you sleep, you see this and the
00:11:59 --> 00:12:03
			angel angels are counting the
reward of Tahajjud prayer for you.
00:12:04 --> 00:12:11
			And then the second interpretation
was Cafe Tahoe means that you will
00:12:11 --> 00:12:14
			be protected and defended from the
00:12:16 --> 00:12:20
			Do you guys still remember that
why we said one of the drivers and
00:12:20 --> 00:12:24
			said the reward of it is the angel
will tell
00:12:25 --> 00:12:26
			Kofi Coffea
00:12:27 --> 00:12:28
			what was this
00:12:30 --> 00:12:35
			Bismillah Hirakata Allah check
this out. You go to you go to you
00:12:35 --> 00:12:41
			go to your your go to sleep before
you sleep. You recite this to the
00:12:41 --> 00:12:44
			eyes, the NGOs who will say
cafeteria who you will be
00:12:44 --> 00:12:47
			protected from the shaytaan all
the way to the morning. You woke
00:12:47 --> 00:12:51
			up in the morning, you open your
door and you get out of your house
00:12:51 --> 00:12:55
			and you say Bismillah AR Kelco
Allah and then the angel again
00:12:55 --> 00:12:59
			will say Kavita, it means that you
will be protected until you come
00:12:59 --> 00:13:03
			back it means that your the entire
day. You're protected from the
00:13:03 --> 00:13:03
00:13:05 --> 00:13:10
			Again, Kavita here repeated, it
was repeated twice in two
00:13:10 --> 00:13:11
			different guys.
00:13:12 --> 00:13:16
			The first I was Bismillah hit our
culture Allah Allah wa ala how La
00:13:16 --> 00:13:20
			La Quwata illa biLlah you leave
the house, you recite this dua,
00:13:21 --> 00:13:23
			the angel will say you will be
00:13:25 --> 00:13:30
			And then you come back home before
you sleep before you go to bed.
00:13:30 --> 00:13:34
			You say I'm Anna rasuluh be my own
Zilla lay him Robbie Well mommy
00:13:34 --> 00:13:38
			noon, the last two hours of of
Surah Al Baqarah. And then, as
00:13:38 --> 00:13:43
			Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam
said Cafetiere who those two eyes
00:13:43 --> 00:13:47
			will defend you until you wake up
in sha Allah Allah Allah. May
00:13:47 --> 00:13:50
			Allah subhanaw taala make us among
those who internalize the Quranic
00:13:50 --> 00:13:55
			Dias Amin Amin herbal Allah mean,
I did not forget the question
00:13:55 --> 00:14:00
			because I, you you're all looking
at the gifts so I realized this,
00:14:00 --> 00:14:03
			it was almost going to end the
hotter there will be a big
00:14:03 --> 00:14:04
			mistake. Yes.
00:14:08 --> 00:14:13
			Now I will show so the question
00:14:14 --> 00:14:19
			if you sold an armored that's for
everyone. Shala if you sold an
00:14:19 --> 00:14:19
00:14:21 --> 00:14:24
			Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said
that he received three things
00:14:25 --> 00:14:27
			during an extra El Mirage.
00:14:29 --> 00:14:30
			The first thing was
00:14:31 --> 00:14:36
			that last two eyes of Surah Al
Baqarah these two eyes
00:14:37 --> 00:14:39
			What was the second thing? And
what was the third thing?
00:14:42 --> 00:14:45
			Five Salah That's right. The third
thing is the question
00:14:47 --> 00:14:51
			that deserves this gift in sha
Allah Who knows? What was the
00:14:51 --> 00:14:52
			third thing?
00:14:53 --> 00:14:54
00:14:55 --> 00:14:56
			What do you guys think? Yes.
00:14:59 --> 00:14:59
00:15:00 --> 00:15:03
			We said it's five times a day
that's right yes
00:15:05 --> 00:15:06
00:15:10 --> 00:15:12
			Salah yes was revealed that's
00:15:13 --> 00:15:19
			no so profit was was promised? Yes
00:15:21 --> 00:15:22
00:15:23 --> 00:15:25
			Masha Allah wrong answer
00:15:27 --> 00:15:29
			no. Yes last one.
00:15:31 --> 00:15:33
			How to how to pray with mask?
00:15:34 --> 00:15:39
			The mask is like no, no wait, no,
you guys are funny
00:15:42 --> 00:15:47
			the three things that Allah
subhanaw taala revealed to Prophet
00:15:47 --> 00:15:51
			Mohammed Salah Salem during the Al
Asad El Mirage and that is an
00:15:51 --> 00:15:55
			authentic, authentic narration by
sunnah and Ahmed.
00:15:57 --> 00:16:02
			First he was promised the five
daily prayers. Second, he was, it
00:16:02 --> 00:16:06
			was revealed to him the last two
is of Surah Al Baqarah. Mean
00:16:06 --> 00:16:11
			connubial, Arash and the third
thing was whoever does not commit
00:16:11 --> 00:16:13
			a major sin will enter paradise.
00:16:14 --> 00:16:19
			Whoever does not commit a major
sin will enter pair this is akin
00:16:19 --> 00:16:22
			to Long Island BarakAllahu li
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa
00:16:22 --> 00:16:22
00:16:25 --> 00:16:26
			No guests today, unfortunately,
I'm sorry.