Yousef Bakeer – A Powerful Dua From Surah Baqarah
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The Brothers and Sisters in Islamjia discuss the importance of praying with masks and the presence of the presence of the Q marks in their teachings. They also talk about past events and how to pray with masks. The transcript describes the importance of praying with a mask and the presence of the Q marks in their teachings.
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The Brothers and Sisters in Islam Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa
sha Allah Masha Allah. So we're still discussing the Quranic dice.
There are so many gems, so many so many beauty in the Quranic dies.
And more importantly, the Quranic dies that has that Allah has
recited over
the days of the prophets, the prophetic dies, specially the
prophetic diocese. panela there is an art for the dyers that the
Prophet alayhi wa sallam decided, say today it is not a prophetic
it is not a prophetic dua but it's a Quranic God but before I start
discussing this beautiful powerful dua I want you guys to remind me
how many lies we took so 477 Okay, what was the first one? Yes
yes, that was that was the first lie but that's not a prophetic dot
and there is one yes. You come here.
You already came to me yesterday. He told me after I want to recite
that. So I'm excited. I want to know what he got suela What's your
name first. I did not.
Stay for the DUA yesterday. Okay. So what do you want to say today?
You have to you want to say today
he changed his mind last minute. That's fine. Okay, so is that
all right, it happens that's fine. sinsemilla so the first door after
Bismillah toccata. Allah was
Robin Neelima and delta li M and hiring for kill that ye of Prophet
Musa alayhis salam the second dua what was the second our brothers
and sisters? We have to memorize the 10 the first 10 of them in sha
Allah and then we're gonna pause for Ramadan and then after Ramadan
we're gonna resume be Nila yes
rubbish Ali makishima celerity Amin Zulu Yeti Robin our Taco Bell
da da da of Prophet Ibrahim Ali Salam what was the third Da Da Fu?
Musa alayhis salam what was the DUA
rubbish rally suddenly were suddenly Emery wild orchids and
Melissa Annie you have call her call you Allah you guys are doing
great have very short memory Masha Allah what was the next one? The
fifth da Smilla what was the fifth da yes
who still remember the Arabic version of it? But good try.
Rugby at killing the mozzarella said we're creating democra just
amazing. Why was that? Because the last one then? Yes.
Oh, no. Last Saturday, guys. You remember everything that was just
last Saturday? Yes.
Has to be Hola Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. hito killed. That's
right. And we forgot one of the drives which is Rob Bella tourney
farther. Now we're almost going to hit the 10th Insha Allah Allah
Allah, Allah subhanaw taala benefit us from all of these
beautiful diocese. I mean, now
in today's video, I want to do something
different. I want to talk about three things. Number one, I want
to talk about the virtue or fuddle had a dial. And the second thing I
want to give you a general reflections about some words of
this. And the third thing I want to talk to you about the reward of
this, if you were to say this right, what's going to happen, so
three things number one, the virtue of this. Some reflections
general reflections about this da and the third thing inshallah
Tyler will be the reward of this. As for the virtue of this while
Subhanallah this is part of the last two areas of Surah Al
Baqarah. Right. And Surah Al Baqarah has high status in the
Quran, especially those two aids to the point that the entire Quran
was revealed to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
through Jabril Ali salaam to the earth, except these two eyes. The
scholars now authentic narration said that these two eyes Prophet
Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam went all the way up to the sky in
Israel Mirage and
Allah subhanaw taala has revealed these two specific eyes that you
see, or do you see just part of it? The last two years of Surah
Baqarah Allah subhanaw taala has revealed to him under the under
his throne. And he said this is Ming coluzzii Laroche from the
treasure from the treasure of the Throne of Allah, Allah subhana wa
Tada. This is how huge status these two ayat has. When it comes
to Al Quran and the Quranic dice. That's number one. Bear with me, I
want you to pay attention. Number two, I said I'm going to talk. I'm
not going to talk about the virtue and then what was the second one?
General reflections, right? General reflections. Subhanallah
is reflecting on these ideas. And these words in the past few days,
and I'll tell you something that I came up with.
Allah here is said in Surah Baqarah The last area he said, Rob
bene, well Tamela Lena is run karma Hamilton who Allah Lavina
mon Commelina
Rebecca Wella to her Milner mela Takata Lana Bay. And then he said,
or for Anna if Lana and Hannah Antolin
now I want you to pay attention. Allah here covers three sentence
tenses past la Tamela Lena Aslan, camera Hamilton Allah Latina
present led to her male name Allah Takata Lana be future or for Anna
L for Lana and Hannah. Now the question What is unique about
think about any problem or issue or a struggle you have in your
life. It has to do with with what are the things from the past that
you recall, things that you regret doing in the past and you cannot
go over get over? Or memories that you don't want to remember? Or
things that you feel guilty of from the past and it's affecting
your presence.
And Allah here is saying, say that the latter Milla Lena Asante,
Mohammed Tala Dinniman Kalina don't overburden me with things
that had to do with the past because it's affecting me. And in
the present, he said to her Mila Mela, talk Catalina be, don't
overwhelm me with so many tasks that I cannot handle.
Think about your present, things are going tough, things are going
hard, and I am struggling and I cannot deal with it.
This is for it. For the presence led to her Melanie mela Takata,
Lana Bay, oh Allah Don't burden me with more than my capacity with
more than things that I cannot handle, or Allah helped me.
And then also on Evelina and Hannah, think about the future.
What gives us an anxiety and fear is the future think about the
future how the future will look like? How my kids will look like.
Thinking about my job thinking about things that have to do with
the future, it gives you and me this anxiety and fear.
So here Allah saying, no, no, Dori, say, or for Annie bar the
mean forgive me. And the scholars Allah Matt said there is
difference between laugh Well, Mark Farah.
I laugh that things that have to do with Allah. So Allah forgive me
with everything that has committed against your wealth, or against
your your obedience, forgive me.
And then you say, If Li Imam Al Tabari said, Alma Farah has to do
with bein eco banal, a bad Oh ALLAH cover my shortcomings when
it comes to the people around me and the people. So forgive me,
what I've done with between me and you and the me and the people. And
then he said that honey and remain Have mercy on me for my remaining
time in this life, and in the next. And then he said something
beautiful, he said, and camo, Lana
Milena al Mohler, who's someone that's very close to you. Someone
that who will take care of you. So Allah here is asking us to say,
and tomorrow, Lana, oh Allah take care of me because I didn't know
the future. I can't predict the future. I have no idea what's
going to happen in the future. I have no control over the future.
So oh Allah take care of me. And subhanAllah this is exactly what
happened in the Battle of Gods when the Prophet sallallahu sallam
was standing with Omar Mahatama and the Sahaba and Abu Sufian, who
shouting from the other side is like you
Oh he's he was screaming and he was happy that he won the battle
and he said, Lana La Rosa while I was there like when we got there
the gray idol of Rosa and no I was there for you. And then the
Prophet took that online and said you're not going to respond to
him. Now I'm gonna say that I don't know what to say. The
prophets told him tell him Allah Houma Lana wala am Allah Allah can
tell him, Allah is our mela and no Mala for you.
Thinking about the future what's going to happen after this? Allahu
moulana Well I'm Allah Allah come.
So this these are these are powerful powerful words three
words again three sentence lead Tamela Lena Islam comma cameltoe
Allah Latina michelina past lead to her Milna mela taka tallinna Be
present or for an ill Felina era Hannah Antolin
these are golden words that we should use we should really
internalize and we should really use in our daily basis when we
feel this and when it comes to our mind these these evil thoughts in
sha Allah Tala. Now that the words of this dua
and check this out
the scholars and the automat said whoever recites these two
beautiful is the last two eyes of sorts of Bukhara
so allah sallallahu sallam said Katha care who what is that mean
Cafe Tahoe it's enough for him and then the oil and I said the
interpretation of this the say either Katha who means that he
will it's enough for him to get the reward of praying to hazard
the rest of the night. So before you sleep, you see this and the
angel angels are counting the reward of Tahajjud prayer for you.
And then the second interpretation was Cafe Tahoe means that you will
be protected and defended from the Shaitan
Do you guys still remember that why we said one of the drivers and
said the reward of it is the angel will tell
Kofi Coffea
what was this
Bismillah Hirakata Allah check this out. You go to you go to you
go to your your go to sleep before you sleep. You recite this to the
eyes, the NGOs who will say cafeteria who you will be
protected from the shaytaan all the way to the morning. You woke
up in the morning, you open your door and you get out of your house
and you say Bismillah AR Kelco Allah and then the angel again
will say Kavita, it means that you will be protected until you come
back it means that your the entire day. You're protected from the
Again, Kavita here repeated, it was repeated twice in two
different guys.
The first I was Bismillah hit our culture Allah Allah wa ala how La
La Quwata illa biLlah you leave the house, you recite this dua,
the angel will say you will be protected.
And then you come back home before you sleep before you go to bed.
You say I'm Anna rasuluh be my own Zilla lay him Robbie Well mommy
noon, the last two hours of of Surah Al Baqarah. And then, as
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam said Cafetiere who those two eyes
will defend you until you wake up in sha Allah Allah Allah. May
Allah subhanaw taala make us among those who internalize the Quranic
Dias Amin Amin herbal Allah mean, I did not forget the question
because I, you you're all looking at the gifts so I realized this,
it was almost going to end the hotter there will be a big
mistake. Yes.
Now I will show so the question is,
if you sold an armored that's for everyone. Shala if you sold an
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said that he received three things
during an extra El Mirage.
The first thing was
that last two eyes of Surah Al Baqarah these two eyes
What was the second thing? And what was the third thing?
Five Salah That's right. The third thing is the question
that deserves this gift in sha Allah Who knows? What was the
third thing?
What do you guys think? Yes.
We said it's five times a day that's right yes
Salah yes was revealed that's
no so profit was was promised? Yes
Masha Allah wrong answer
no. Yes last one.
How to how to pray with mask?
The mask is like no, no wait, no, you guys are funny
the three things that Allah subhanaw taala revealed to Prophet
Mohammed Salah Salem during the Al Asad El Mirage and that is an
authentic, authentic narration by sunnah and Ahmed.
First he was promised the five daily prayers. Second, he was, it
was revealed to him the last two is of Surah Al Baqarah. Mean
connubial, Arash and the third thing was whoever does not commit
a major sin will enter paradise.
Whoever does not commit a major sin will enter pair this is akin
to Long Island BarakAllahu li Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa
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