Yousef Bakeer – A Dua when anxiety or sadness strikes
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The conversation covers a range of topics, including the importance of finding balance and balancing emotions, struggles with loss, and struggles with finding guidance and finding love. Examples include struggles with a woman who lost everything and struggles with finding guidance, a woman who wants to be a meanie, and the use of a stick to protect one's body and show one's emotions to others. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a new video.
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Clearly he was asked me to sell him to Sleeman kathira. One time
amagno Hata scholem and Su blommer hottub. He was asked, How can we
always see you smiling? How come? You're always regardless of the
situation? You're always, you know, hopeful will always see you
happy. You're always excited. What is the reason behind that? What is
the secret? How do you do it?
And then he answered, He said, You know, I always channel my
emotions. So the Sahaba told him, What do you mean by channeling
your emotions, he said, when things go tough. When things go,
you know, hard on me, I'm going through hardship, I'm going
through a really hard time.
I know for a fact that this is going to last, this is not going
to last, this phase will come to an end. So I don't let sadness
take over. And the same thing would have when it comes to
happiness, when everything is going well in my life, you know,
healthy family, good time with my spouse, with my children, having
my job, everything is going great. I also channeled my emotions,
because I know it's a phase and it will come to an end. So I always
find that balance, balanced of my emotions, and this is how I always
keep that hope. Subhanallah This is a summary of the life of
Prophet Musa alayhis salam. If you look at Prophet Moses life, it's
always like this going up all the way up, and then going downhill
and then back up again. It's like a roller coaster. It's like going
up and down, up and down. At first, he was at the Palace of
frown, he was treated like a king. Right? Sleeping like a king waking
up as a as a king eating as a king. He is from that royal family
streets just like them. So is that was amazing time for Prophet Musa
alayhis salam. So that was up. And then all of a sudden, when he
reached that peak, things got really tough. He was he was, you
know, accused by murder. He was, he was forced to escape his people
his land. All of a sudden he was jobless. He was homeless.
Everything that you can possibly think of no money, no sustenance,
no family, no spouse, no job, and getting lost and his family, you
know, he's distant from his family. People are going behind
him. He's wanted right now. This is the worst that can that anybody
can get. And then in that moment,
you know, hope hit Prophet Musa alayhis, salam, he was offered
now, a job, not only just a normal job, but it was a years job secure
job. And in fact, he was offered even 10 years if he wishes. And
now he started to build a family. He got married, and listen to the
father of you know, his father in law. He's doing what he told him.
You know, like coming scared and scaping from the people of Egypt
and the soldiers that they're looking for him. All of a sudden,
he he was offered this hope and security and safe. The father and
love Prophet, Musa SLM told him, latter half. Don't be scared, now
you're good. Now that phase come to an end. Now it's a new
beginning. So Prophet Musa alayhis, salam, God, that hope
back back again, Hamdulillah. But after a little bit, life, from all
the way up, goes down again. Now he's lost in the desert.
Not only him, it's actually get even worse, because Prophet Musa
At first he was alone, as a single man, you can handle it, no matter
what, you know, going through hardships. At the end of the day,
it's it's only you. But now there is more pressure, you know, on top
of it. And that is what that's his family now. So him and his family
and the desert in the middle of nowhere. And he's just there
trying to find that guidance. And he didn't know how now it's the
worst situation that can somebody can be at,
and then life from all the way down, back up again. But this time
was the peak that he would never think of in his life. Something
crazy happened to Prophet Musa alayhis salam that he was not
expecting whatsoever. He just saw that fire from very far. And it
was like, in the US tonight. I was like, I see a fire
Her that might be you know, a light at the end of the tunnel.
Like that might be a little hope right there. I don't know how but
let me just go and see what's going on Lolly attic men have been
hovering. Yeah, it's like maybe they're good news there. I'm not
sure I'm just gonna go and see what's gonna happen. Now he went
Prophet Musa alayhis salam reached to the fire.
And over there there was an incident historical moment for
Prophet Musa alayhis salam historical moment. something great
happened to Prophet Musa he just heard this voice yeah Musa
acapella took off. Yeah Musa just come closer, don't worry.
And then Musa sang was shocked land in the middle of nowhere in
the desert. There's absolutely no human being supposed to be there
any no create creation should be around there. And all of a sudden
he heard that voice. This voice was very firm, and he cannot doubt
it like it is a voice. And then after this, Allah subhanho wa
Taala spoke to Prophet Musa alayhis salam. He told Musa
alayhis salam in the UN Allah La ilaha illa NFR Boustany is like, I
am your lords, I am your Creator. In the UN Allah Allah is
introducing himself to Prophet Musa alayhis salam in the ANA
Allahu La ilaha illa Anna there is no God worthy of worship except
me. Far Bodine, that's the first command Prophet Musa is just
trying to process this what's going on? No, this is this is your
Lord, and I am giving you the first command. First he told him,
Atlanta like in NACA, been worded muqarnas itoa Take off your shoes.
Now you are in a sacred place sacred daily. Take off your shoes
and listen to what I'm about to tell you. In the Annaleigh first
command, I am your Lord Falguni second command worship me welcome
Salah telepathically and if you want to remember me if you want to
find me if you want to have this connection with me then pray to Me
in this in the Salah. You will find me Alchemist solitary victory
in Osaka add to it and he gave him a couple of commands. And then he
told him see the tone has changed a little bit. While Mathilde can
be a mini carrier Musa it's like at first one of the scholars said
reflected on the ego beautiful reflection about this he said at
first he told ya Musa so like when somebody calls you by your first
name at first you feel like this is this is serious matter. He's
it's a tonne of feminist strictness, Musa Mohammed Ahmed is
like, Okay, what's gonna what's gonna happen afterwards right? You
feel this, that serious matter right there. But Allah has changed
that tone with Prophet Musa alayhis salam to give him that
tranquility, that peace in his heart. So he told him, what am I
till can be a meanie KR Musa? Like, what are you holding in your
right hand Musa it's like that's a whole different tone when you
actually call somebody by his name at the end of the phrase, it makes
a big difference. Just give you that, you know, idea of intimacy a
little bit like peaceful so gonna take me I mean aka Musa what what
do you have in your right hand Musa Musa Ali Sam got so excited
and now he started to feel that's not this not a dream anymore. This
actually real I'm actually talking to Allah subhanho wa Taala so he
told him color here saya that's that's actually my stick. It's
like, but that's a short answer. When you love somebody, you want
that conversation to stay longer. So you don't have the ASA at what
what Allah and I use it to actually you know, be able to walk
and helps me walking and he just wanted to you know, make the
conversation a little longer. I tobacco Allah were a who shall be
Hallahan me i Oh, I also use it to protect my shapes and forms sheets
sustain lean, and so I use it for that purpose as well. Where li hum
Addabbo okra, he said, like, I also use it for multiple purposes.
You know, like Subhanallah just want the conversation to be as
long as possible. What do you if you have my auntie Bokhara then
Allah told him alcohol Yeah, Musa. It's like now I want to I want to
teach you something. Okay, hi yah Musa. Just throw it.
Musa alayhis salam
Car like he definitely listened to Allah's command through the stick
for either he or her yet on Tessa, now, this stick became a huge,
huge snake. Call the hood ha ha ha just take it, don't worry. And
don't be afraid. Just take it. How a lotta craftsanity Are you do
hasira Tallulah it will become a stick back. Now that's the, you
know the climax of happiness that Prophet Musa can ever think of
getting to know Allah subhanaw taala getting to talk to Allah
subhanaw taala so he was at the peak, now life will go back down.
What happened after this? Now, on reality on the ground, he has the
hardest mission ever. He needs now to go and to face frown. It's
like, Hold on What's going on here? I don't know how to even
speak like I struggle with my speech a little bit. And I don't
want to go too far on now. It's, it's a nightmare.
And then Allah subhanaw taala told him listen, I'm going to teach you
something. I'm going to teach you something in life. I want you to
understand this, this up and down. latter half, latter half, both of
you. Don't worry you and your brother and take your brother, do
your means do your effort. Do your pursuit. Right. Take your brother
with you. Let him talk because he has a better way of talking. Yes,
speeches is more firm. Let him handle this. Go with him. And
don't worry.
Now prophet, Musa alayhis salam faced that challenge. And now life
back up again. He was able to defeat for our own a moment of
victory. Now I'll Intisar Alhamdulillah so excited. So many
people believe the Prophet Musa alayhis salam became Muslims,
everything is amazing. Now the last theme of Prophet Musa alayhis
salam look at this, because things were supposed to scare Prophet
Musa alayhis salam, his old mindset. But Allah has changed
that mentality of Prophet Musa alayhis salam. Now the last thing
what happens is supposed to go down by didn't go down. When he
was right in front of the Red Sea, right in front of the sea.
And the soldiers that frown
on his back. He has very few people with him, not equipped
whatsoever, and there's a huge army on his back. Well equipped.
Pharaoh is leading the army by himself. Facing Musa chasing Musa
Musa and his people the seas in front of them, the armies in their
is terrifying.
Now the people of Musa told him in nella mudra Kuhn
that was supposed to be a down moment. You know what, the goddess
they are going to kill us. Every and you know, each and every
single one of us will be murdered today. They were telling Prophet
Musa alayhis salam they were given Prophet Musa al Islam this
message. But Prophet Musa learned by them, Hollis, Allah has showed
him how to channel his emotions, how to channel his emotions. Now
he said Kela that would never happen. That's not going to
happen. In Maya Rob bisa Dean, Allah is going to be with me.
Allah will show me a way out. I have certainty. I have your cream,
that Allah subhana wa Taala will take care of me. I know it's
supposed to be a down moment for me and for the believers. But you
know what? I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know for a
fact that Allah will take care of me. Allahu Mahna Mahna Elena, for
Allah is with you who is going to be against you? Why you're afraid?
Why you're sad. This phase will come to an end.
Always be hopeful that Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to show
you a meet a way out just like what he did with Prophet Musa
alayhis salam, I ask Allah subhanaw taala to always instill
this Tawakkol and this hope in our hearts arable Alameen desert
Kamala Highland was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh