Yassir Fazaga – Jumuah Khutba 10-01-2025
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The importance of Islam is emphasized, as it is the fruit of a loss of time and misperceptions. The speaker discusses the use of time as a tool for accomplishment and the importance of saving it. The speaker also talks about a woman who lost a loved one and struggled with a shoulder injury and was punished by people who took over the US Embassy. The speaker encourages people to make friends and achieve their dreams.
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As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu Allah
is the greatest, Allah is the greatest Allah
is the greatest, Allah is the greatest I
bear witness that there is no god but
Allah I
bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of
Allah I bear witness that Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah Come to prayer Come
to prayer Come to success Come
to success Allah is the greatest, Allah
is the greatest There is no god but
Allah I
bear witness
that there is no god but Allah I
bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of
Allah In the name
of Allah, the compassionate, the most merciful All
praise is due to Allah We bear witness
that no one is worthy of worship but
Allah We bear witness that Muhammad is indeed
his final Messenger The best of speech is
the Book of Allah The best of guidance
is the guidance of Muhammad May Allah make
us among those who listen to the best
of speech, the Book of Allah, and follow
its commandments And may Allah make us among
those who come to know the best of
ways, the way of Muhammad And make us
among his followers Allahumma ameen, Allahumma ameen, Allahumma
ameen Allahumma Ya Rabbi, we ask you to
protect us and protect our loved ones, O
Lord of the worlds Allahumma make us grateful
to you, to you we remember, to you
we repent, by your mercy, O Most Merciful
As for the beloved ones of the Messenger
of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him
Time is passing And time is passing very
fast It is 2025 2000, Y2K, was
25 years ago And people who remember these
days, they say, I can remember it as
if it was yesterday It's Friday, you don't
know how the weekend is over and then
the week is over And before you know
it, the month is over, and before you
know it, the whole year is over And
unfortunately, before we know it, our entire lives
are over The Prophet, peace and blessings be
upon him, tells us The hour does not
rise until time approaches The year becomes like
the month And the month becomes like the
week And the week becomes like the day
And the day becomes like the hour And
the hour becomes like the darkness from the
fire A
day would seem to be a moment, and
that moment is like the flickering of a
flame Time is passing by, and it is
passing by very quickly And many studies are
conducted Why is it that the older we
get, time seems to be passing by very
quickly And young people, young children, they don't
perceive time very well So when you tell
your child to wait, just give me an
hour Oh, give me five minutes, five minutes,
five minutes Because they perceive five minutes to
be a long time Yet the older we
get, time tends to pass by very fast
On those of us who are blessed with
children And may Allah continue to bless all
of us, O Lord of the worlds You
see it in your own kids My kids
were babies yesterday Then all of a sudden
they're going to school, and every parent will
tell you If you think time is passing
by fast, wait till your children start going
to school You won't even notice it And
before you know it, they're already in high
school And before you know it, they are
already in college This idea of not appreciating
how time passes by That's why in the
Quran, we see Allah making references to different
times of the day And then there is
this surah that we all memorize Where Allah
says, Allah swears by the passing of time
Indeed, man is in a state of loss
And then the Quran makes an exception for
four kinds of people Everybody is at loss,
Allah tells us Except for those who believe
And they act righteous deeds And they counsel
each other in mutual adherence to the truth
And they counsel each other in mutual commitment
to perseverance and patience May Allah make us
amongst them, O Lord of the worlds May
Allah make us amongst them, O Lord of
the worlds Al-Fakhr al-Razi, a very
popular Muslim mufassir, exegete, explaining the Quran He
said, one time I was in Ray, the
city that he was in And he said,
I was passing by And there was a
merchant, and he was calling attention to his
product And he was begging people, he said,
I can hear him, but I cannot see
him And the man was begging people, and
he is screaming O people, buy from me,
for we are in a state of loss
He said, people, I beg you to please
buy from me, purchase my product I am
selling time I said, I became intrigued What
do you mean you are selling time?
And he said, the closer I get, the
man's appeal, the sense of urgency just kept
getting louder and louder O people, I ask
you for Allah, buy from me, for we
are in a state of loss People, I
beg you in the name of Allah, please
purchase what I am selling I am selling
time I said, I became very, very intrigued
I wanted to see what the man sells
And I got close to him It turned
out that the man was selling ice And
every moment that passes by And people have
not bought his ice, the ice was melting
away So he is begging people, he said,
please buy it Because if you don't right
now, I am going to be in a
total loss Right there and then, Imam Al
-Razi said He said that it was right
there and then, at that very moment, he
said I understood when Allah said, by the
passage of time, indeed, man is at loss
And that is why as believers, we are
invited to make use of our time We
are invited to make use of our time
in the Quran We are invited in the
Hadith of the Prophet We are invited And
in this, what is it that we want
time for?
What do we want to do with time?
As somebody cleverly observed, said that It seems
like most of the inventions that we have
made are time-saving devices Think about it
Almost these fast planes, these programmable coffee makers
Whatever it is, he said that everything that
we are making Seems to be a time
-saving device But then he said, we have
a very important question to ask What is
the time that we saved?
Where is it?
He said, you know what?
It turned out that we really did not
save time We only rushed ourselves So we
really did not save time He said the
only thing that we accomplished Is that we
just rushed ourselves What is it that we
want to do with time?
Ibn al-Jawzi said that he would make
a dua He would beg and ask of
Allah and he would say Allahumma inni as
'aluka umran areeda And that is to say,
Allahumma inni as'aluka umran taweela Ibn al
-Jawzi said, Allahumma inni as'aluka umran areeda
Ibn al-Jawzi would beg Allah and he
would say The tendency is that people ask
Allah for a long life A life that
is full in length Ibn al-Jawzi would
say, oh Allah, I ask you for a
life That is full of depth Not length
He said, Allah, I ask that my life
be full of depth Not just long, I
want it to be meaningful Some people have
lived very short But they have left an
incredible impact Examples Imam al-Nawawi Everybody knows
the 40 Nawawi Hadith Everybody knows Riyad al
-Saliheen The meadows or the gardens of the
righteous Everybody knows Sharh Sahih Muslim The explanation
of Sahih Muslim And many other books Al
-Adhkar, the book of remembrance People used to
say, buy Al-Adhkar People said that the
book was so valuable That they would counsel
one another and say Get that book, even
if it means selling your own house Buy
that book Imam al-Nawawi, all this accomplishment
Died at the age of 42 People left
an impact What happened?
Their life was not full of length Their
life was full of depth Also in the
Hadith Hadith Anas A man came to the
Prophet He said, O Messenger of Allah Who
is the best of people?
The man came to the Prophet of Allah
And said, Prophet of Allah Who is the
best of people?
The Prophet of Allah said The one whose
life is long And his deeds are good
They said, O Messenger of Allah Who is
the worst of people?
He said, the one whose life is long
And his deeds are bad O Allah, we
ask You for forgiveness and well-being This
man comes to the Prophet of Allah And
asks the Prophet of Allah Who is the
best of people?
So the Prophet of Allah said The best
are those who lived long And they were
righteous in their deeds Prophet of Allah Who
are the worst of people?
He said, they are those who lived long
But their deeds were wicked See there is
some appreciation in this Hadith Appreciation in the
Hadith Is this notion of You live long
The Prophet of Allah said But here is
what is incredible You were consistently good Consistently
good Even though you lived so long But
even in this length of time You were
consistently good That is a beautiful legacy That
is a beautiful legacy to have That you
were consistently good Throughout your life You were
consistently good May Allah grant us such a
legacy What do you mean?
See the idea of being good Is appreciated
Most of the time Most people are mostly
good He said, no The Prophet of Allah
said They are those who lived long And
their deeds were consistently good That consistency That
is a legacy That is a legacy to
leave behind Then he said What about those
who are the worst of people?
He said, they are those who lived long
But despite the length of their lives They
were consistently wicked May Allah save us May
Allah save us from such a life Where
one is consistently good And the other one
is consistently wicked Man Was in the presence
of Wahab ibn Munabbi And he was behaving
In a way That Wahab ibn Munabbi asked
And he said He said, brother How old
are you?
And the man looking young and healthy He
was proud of his achievement So with a
big smile on his face He said He
said, I am 60 years old Wahab ibn
Munabbi looked at him and he said He
said By Allah You are about to arrive
The man was taken back and he said
What do I do if that is the
He said, be good In what remains Of
your years Allah will overlook What you have
done in the past This is an invitation
As we see time passing by so quickly
The point is not to be startled by
this But the point is To think it
and say What just happened?
What do I need to do?
It was also beautifully said By Ibn Zuhayr
Al-Hafid This poet Died in 570 597
Hijri He one time Speak about himself and
he said He looked at the mirror And
he was startled by what he saw He
said I looked at the mirror when it
was shining My eyes were blinded by what
I saw I saw a man I did
not know I knew a boy before him
I said, where was this place?
When did he leave this place?
She ignored me and did not answer That
was before this And this came now Be
careful, this does not remain If you do
not see that the plant withers after it
grows The weeds used to say, my brother
Now the weeds say, my father He said,
I looked into the mirror After it has
been cleaned And he said, I was startled
And my eyes were bewildered by what I
saw I saw an old man that I
did not recognize And before this old man
there was a youth in that mirror I
asked the mirror and I said Where is
the one that was residing here?
What happened to him?
When was he deported away from this place?
Recognizing my foolishness The mirror said back to
me Even though the mirror did not utter
a word This was before But now this
is the new you Said, don't worry about
what has happened This will not remain Do
you not see how greenery vegetates?
And then it will eventually die And then
regretting and just looking back He said, youngsters
would look at me And they would call
me brother They said, the same youngsters look
at me today And they call me uncle
What happened?
Time passed by And he said that, I
am at a loss I cannot recognize Who
is this person that I am looking at
in the mirror Because many times this time
passes by And we don't know where it
went What do we want to do with
that time?
We want to improve relationships And the most
important of relationships is Our relationship with our
creator With Allah May Allah help us to
do so Because if this relationship is good
All other relationships are good So we want
to invest in this Making a genuine comeback
to Allah Regardless of your age Don't wait
until you get old Thinking that this is
when I am going to repent Remember what
the Prophet said Those who are best amongst
us Are those who lived long And they
were consistently good We want to invest in
relationships Or we want to invest in relationships
With our loved ones Especially with our families
You know, they say that the average father
Spends about 17 minutes a day with their
family The average mother Spends about 34 minutes
a day with their family We may all
be living under the same roof But it
feels like we are living separate lives Even
though we have this time together But we
are not really together It reminds me of
the father Who asked his teenage son, 17
years old He asked him to do something
And the son refused And he was very
rude in the way that he refused So
he looked at him and he said Son,
do you know what I have done to
For the past 17 years I did not
take a single day off Because I wanted
to take care of you And it is
said that the son looked at him and
he said For the past 17 years You
were not around See, time is to be
used So that we can build relationships Strengthen
relationships May Allah help us to do so
I say this and ask Allah to forgive
me and you So forgive him, he is
the Forgiving, the Merciful Praise
be to Allah and that is enough Peace
and blessings be upon His chosen Messenger And
upon those who are left behind This last
week We lost a beloved brother in our
community Brother Issam Abu Khurayba Abu Ahmed passed
May Allah bless his soul And you can
just sense the beauty in what happens When
people spend their lives so well And you
look into the number of people that they
have touched According to some they say This
was one of the biggest funerals That we
have seen in Memphis And see, usually what
happens is You know, you look into people
and say Wait a minute, was this person
a teacher?
And he had a lot of students That
was not the case Maybe he was a
businessman and he just knew a lot of
people No, that was not the case Or
maybe he was some kind of an imam
That was known to be a religious figure
That was not the case But a lot
of people showed up It's not that people
showed up People showed up lovingly And the
more you hear People had nothing but good
to say Just reminds me of what the
Prophet said You lived long and you were
consistently good Ask people When did you meet
Brother Issam Abu Khurayba?
You know he came to Memphis back in
1979 People say 1979 We met him at
the masjid 2025, he passed away And the
last place that he visited before going home
Was the masjid Where did people know him
From the masjid Where did people know him
for the last day of his life?
Man, he was at the masjid as well
See, when you're consistently good like this You
leave a legacy You know, I was told
of a story Brother said His brother told
me, he said You know, when my brother
passed away People started calling me Is this
really true?
Is this what happened?
He said, this man called me And he
said, you don't know me He said But
I met Issam in 1979 I said, okay,
what happened?
See, the man was of an Iranian background
He said, I met Issam in 1979 And
we were going to school together And we
were at the dorms He said, and then
the hostage crisis took place Back in 1979
People took over the U.S. Embassy And
he said This is happening in Iran now
He said, but I am Iranian here I
am a student And people know that I
am from Iran And he said, in my
dormitory People started knocking on my door And
bullying me And I came out And there
was a group of them Waiting to beat
me up Because they were very upset As
to what was happening He said, your brother
Issam came And he stood in front of
them And he defended me He said, despite
the fact That we really did not have
A strong relationship And he said, if you
want to do Anything to this guy You
have to go through me For people to
actually Remember this For over 40 years And
say, I remember The man that stood up
for me And that is one Of many,
many stories Many stories But what happens Is
that a person that was Exuberant, flashy Or
anything like that See, sometimes people Live a
lot And with a lot of depth But
they do so Quietly What did they do?
They said, they left Traces in the hearts
So what did they do?
He said, they left an imprint But the
imprint were not Steps that you would see
On the floor, on the ground He said,
man, the imprint That they left Were on
people's hearts These types of stories These were
moments These were moments But they were very,
very Meaningful moments وَالْعَصْرِ إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ
By the passage of time Man is indeed
at a loss Except for those who believe
May Allah make us amongst them Except for
those who act righteously May Allah make us
amongst them Those who are consistently committed to
truth May Allah make us amongst them Those
who patiently persevere In the face of adversity
May Allah make us amongst them May Allah
bless our brother Issam Abu Khurayba May Allah
grant him the highest place In paradise May
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Welcome him in
paradise May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Take
care of his family after him May Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala Be the guardian over
them May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Enable
us to live a life That is full
of depth and length May Allah grant us
good lives May Allah grant us delightful lives
May Allah grant us an honourable death O
Lord of the worlds O Allah make us
reach Ramadan O Allah make us reach Ramadan
And grant us good deeds and good words
O Allah have mercy on our dead And
heal our sick And release our captives And
heal our afflicted And end the good deeds
Our Lord grant us good in this world
And good in the hereafter And save us
from the torment of the fire O servants
of Allah Allah commands justice, goodness, and to
be kind to one another And forbids immorality,
evil, and transgression He admonishes you so that
you may remember So remember Allah, He will
remember you And be grateful for His blessings,
they increase you And the remembrance of Allah
is greater And Allah knows what you do
And establish prayer InshaAllah
for those willing InshaAllah we will be praying
Because of this And
those who do not bear witness to the
surah And when they pass by the error
They pass by with dignity And those who
when they are reminded Of the verses of
their Lord They do not fall upon them
Deaf and blind And those who say Our
Lord grant us from our wives And our
progeny Pleasure of eyes And make us for
the righteous Leaders Those are the ones Who
reward the room For their patience And receive
therein Greetings and peace Staying therein A good
place to stay Say what my Lord gives
you If not for your supplication You have
denied So it will be an obligation Allah
is the greatest Allah
listens to those who praise Him In
the name of Allah All praise is due
to Allah, Lord of the worlds The Beneficent,
the Merciful Master of the Day of Judgment
It is You we worship and You we
ask for help Guide us to the straight
path The path of those on whom You
have bestowed favor Not of those who have
incurred Your wrath Nor of those who have
gone astray In the name of Allah, the
Beneficent, the Merciful By the Hour, man is
certainly in loss Except those who believe and
do righteous deeds And adhere to the truth
And adhere to patience Allah is the greatest
Allah listens to those who praise Him Peace
be upon you Peace
be upon you and the mercy of Allah
Peace be upon you and the mercy of
Allah There is no
god but Allah Allah is the greatest I
bear witness that there is no god but
Allah I bear witness that Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah Come to prayer, come to
success The prayer has been performed The prayer
has been performed Allah is the greatest There
is no god but Allah InshaAllah if you
are leaving early or leaving afterwards Please be
careful on your way out Especially leaving a
good distance between you and the car in
front of you Be safe May Allah keep
us all safe Allah is the greatest Allah
is the greatest Allah
listens to those who praise Him Allah
listens to those who praise Him Allah
listens to those who praise Him Allah
listens to those who praise Him Allah is
the greatest